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Sex allocation theory has proved to be one the most successful theories in evolutionary ecology. However, its role in more applied aspects of ecology has been limited. Here we show how sex allocation theory helps uncover an otherwise hidden cost of neonicotinoid exposure in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Female N. vitripennis allocate the sex of their offspring in line with Local Mate Competition (LMC) theory. Neonicotinoids are an economically important class of insecticides, but their deployment remains controversial, with evidence linking them to the decline of beneficial species. We demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge, that neonicotinoids disrupt the crucial reproductive behaviour of facultative sex allocation at sub-lethal, field-relevant doses in N. vitripennis. The quantitative predictions we can make from LMC theory show that females exposed to neonicotinoids are less able to allocate sex optimally and that this failure imposes a significant fitness cost. Our work highlights that understanding the ecological consequences of neonicotinoid deployment requires not just measures of mortality or even fecundity reduction among non-target species, but also measures that capture broader fitness costs, in this case offspring sex allocation. Our work also highlights new avenues for exploring how females obtain information when allocating sex under LMC.  相似文献   
Gonadal differentiation has a determinative influence on sex development in human embryos. Disorders of sexual development (DSD) have been associated with persistent embryonal differentiation stages. Between 1998 and 2015, 139 female patients with various (DSD) underwent operations at the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perynatology in Moscow, Russia. Clinical investigations included karyotyping, ultrasound imaging, hormonal measurement and investigations of gonadal morphology. The male characteristics in the embryo are imposed by testicular hormones. When these are absent or inactive, the fetus may be arrested at between developmental stages, or stay on indifferent stage and become phenotypically female. A systematic analysis of gonadal morphology in DSD patients and a literature review revealed some controversies and led us to formulate a new hypothesis about sex differentiation. Proliferation of the mesonephric system (tubules and corpuscles) in the gonads stimulates the masculinization of gonads to testis. Sustentacular Sertoli cells of the testes are derived from mesonephric excretory tubules, while interstitial Leydig cells are derived from the original mesenchyme of the mesonephros. According of the new hypothesis, the original mesonephric cells (tubules and corpuscles) potentially persist in the ovarian parenchyma. In female gonads, some mesonephric excretory tubules regress and lose the tubular structure, but form ovarian theca interna and externa, becoming analogous to the sustentacular Sertoli cells in the testis. The ovarian interstitial Leydig cells are derived from intertubal mesenchyme of the mesonephros, similar to what occurs in male gonads (testis). Surprisingly, the leading determinative factor in sexual differentiation of the gonads is the mesonephros, represented by the embryonic urinary system.  相似文献   
Studies of sex allocation offer excellent opportunities for examining the constraints and limits on adaptation. A major topic of debate within this field concerns the extent to which the ability of individuals to adaptively manipulate their offspring sex ratio is determined by constraints such as the method of sex determination. We address this problem by comparing the extent of sex-ratio adjustment across taxa with different methods of sex determination, under the common selective scenario of interactions between relatives. These interactions comprise the following: local resource competition (LRC), local mate competition (LMC), and local resource enhancement (LRE). We found that: (1) species with supposedly constraining methods of sex determination showed consistent sex-ratio adjustment in the predicted direction; (2) vertebrates with chromosomal sex determination (CSD) showed less adjustment then haplodiploid invertebrates; (3) invertebrates with possibly constraining sex-determination mechanisms (CSD and pseudo-arrhenotoky) did not show less adjustment then haplodiploid invertebrates; (4) greater sex-ratio adjustment was seen in response to LRC and LMC than LRE; (5) greater sex-ratio adjustment was seen in response to interactions between relatives (LRC, LMC, and LRE) compared to responses to other environmental factors. Our results also illustrate the problem that sex-determination mechanism and selective pressure are confounded across taxa because vertebrates with CSD are influenced primarily by LRE whereas invertebrates are influenced by LRC and LMC. Overall, our analyses suggest that sex-allocation theory needs to consider simultaneously the influence of variable selection pressures and variable constraints when applying general theory to specific cases.  相似文献   
The first evidence for female‐biased migration in a partially migratory stream‐dwelling salmonid the Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma , a phenomenon well known in sea‐run and lake‐run populations, is presented. Dolly Varden in the Shiisorapuchi River in central Hokkaido, Japan, used both tributaries, of which there are many, and the main stem, but spawned only in tributaries. The size structures of Dolly Varden (≥age 1 + years) in tributaries were unimodal (<100 mm fork length, L F) during non‐spawning seasons but changed to bimodal during spawning seasons (lower mode <110 mm, upper mode >120 mm L F). Mature individuals were observed in both modal groups. From the trapping and census data, the small group appeared to be tributary resident and the large group main stem migrant. Males were common in both resident and migrant components. Most females, however, migrated to the main stem to mature, indicating female‐biased migration.  相似文献   
Steroid concentrations during late pregnancy and early lactation may be affected by both a female's reproductive history and her current condition, and may in turn predict subsequent life-history events, such as offspring survival. This study investigated these relationships in a wild primate population through the use of fecal steroid analysis in repeated sampling of peripartum baboons (Papio cynocephalus). Fecal samples were collected from 32 females in five groups within the Amboseli basin during 8 weeks prior to parturition and 13 weeks postpartum. From December 1999 through February 2002, 176 fecal samples were collected from individuals representing 39 peripartum periods. Fecal concentrations of progestins (fP), estrogen metabolites (fE), glucocorticoids (fGC), and testosterone metabolites (fT) were measured by radioimmunoassay. Steroid concentrations declined from late pregnancy to lactation, and the decline was greatest and most precipitous for fE and fP. Primiparous females had significantly higher mean fE concentrations in each of the last 2 months of pregnancy compared to multiparous females. Among multiparous females, fE and fT were significantly higher during late pregnancy in females carrying a male fetus compared to those carrying a female fetus. During early lactation, high fT in young mothers predicted subsequent infant death during the first year of life. These findings illustrate the potential power of repeated fecal-steroid sampling to elucidate mechanisms of life-history variability in natural populations. They also document significant differences in hormone profiles among subgroups, and highlight that such normative subgroup information is essential for interpreting individual variability in hormone-behavior associations.  相似文献   
A number of investigations in humans and animals suggest that there may be intrinsic sex-associated differences in cardiac function. Using left atrial preparations from male and female rat hearts, we examined differences in myocardial function and response to adrenergic agonists. Contractile parameters were measured in isolated atria by conventional isometric methods in the absence or presence of isoproterenol or phenylephrine. Responsiveness to Ca2+ was measured in detergent-skinned atrial fibers and actomyosin ATPase activity was measured in isolated myofibrils. Tetanic contractions were generated by treating the atrium with ryanodine followed by high frequency stimulation. Developed force was greater and maximal rates of contraction and relaxation were more rapid in the female atrium. The relationship between Ca2+ concentration and force in both intact atria and detergent-skinned atrial fibers in females fell to the left of that for males. At low Ca2+ concentrations, skinned fibers from female atria generated more force and myofibrils from female atria had higher myosin ATPase activity than males. Tetanic contraction in the presence of high extracellular Ca2+ was greater in female atria. Male atrium had larger inotropic responses to isoproterenol and to phenylephrine, but drug-elicited cAMP and inositol phosphate production did not differ between sexes. The results demonstrate sex-related differences in atrial function that can be partially explained by greater myofibrillar Ca2+-sensitivity in females. A potential contribution of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx is suggested by greater tetanic contraction in ryanodine-treated female atrium. The larger response of males to adrenergic stimulation does not appear to be explained by higher production of relevant second messengers. Future studies will investigate the role of sex hormones in these sexually dimorphic responses and may indicate a need for gender-specific therapeutic interventions for myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   
Although sexual selection has been predominantly used to explain the rapid evolution of sexual traits, eggs of oviparous organisms directly face both the challenges of sexual selection as well as natural selection (environmental challenges, survival in niches, etc.). Being the outermost membrane in most insect eggs, the chorion layer is the interface between the embryo and the environment, thereby serving to protect the egg. Adaptive ecological radiations such as divergence in ovipositional substrate usage and host-plant specializations can therefore influence the evolution of eggshell proteins. We can hypothesize that proteins localized on the outer eggshell may be affected to a greater degree by ecological challenges compared with inner eggshell proteins, and therefore, proteins localized in the outer eggshell (chorion membrane) may evolve differently (faster) than proteins localized in the inner egg membrane (vitelline membrane). We compared the evolutionary divergence of vitelline with chorion membrane proteins in species of the melanogaster subgroup and found that chorion proteins as a group are indeed evolving faster than vitelline membrane proteins. At least one vitelline membrane protein (Vm32E), specifically localized on the outer eggshell, is also evolving faster than other vitelline membrane proteins suggesting that all proteins localized on the outer eggshell may be evolving rapidly. We also found evidence that specific codons in chorion proteins cp15 and cp16 are evolving under positive selection. Polymorphism surveys of cp16 revealed inflated levels of divergence relative to polymorphism in specific regions of the gene, indicating that these regions are under strong selection. At the morphological level, we found notable difference in eggshell surface morphologies between specialist (Drosophila sechellia and Drosophila erecta) and generalist species of Drosophila. We do not know if any of the chorion proteins actually interact with spermatozoids, therefore leaving the possibility of rapid evolution through gametic interaction wide open. At this point, however, our results support previous suggestions that divergences in ecology, particularly, ovipositional substrate divergences may be a strong force driving the evolution of eggshell proteins.  相似文献   
The oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed female mice can be fertilized but the resultant embryos die at early cleavage stages. In the present study, we examined chromosome segregation at meiotic divisions in the oocytes of XY female mice, compared to those of XX littermates. The timing and frequency of oocyte maturation in culture were comparable between the oocytes from both types of females. At the first meiotic division, the X- and Y-chromosomes segregated independently and were retained in oocytes at equal frequencies. However, more oocytes retained the correct number of chromosomes than anticipated from random segregation. The oocytes that had reached MII-stage were activated by fertilization or incubation with SrCl(2). As expected, the majority of oocytes from XX females completed the second meiotic division and reached the 2-cell stage in 24 h. By contrast, more than half of oocytes from XY females initially remained at the MII-stage while the rest precociously entered interphase after SrCl(2) activation; very few oocytes were seen at the second anaphase or telophase and they often showed impairment of sister-chromatid separation. Eventually the majority of oocytes entered interphase and formed pronuclei, but very few reached the 2-cell stage. Similar results were obtained after fertilization. We conclude that the XY chromosomal composition in oocyte leads to impairment in the progression of the second meiotic division.  相似文献   
We report on the results of applying the so-called lateral angle method for sex determination on skeletal remains. The lateral angle denotes the angle of the internal auditory canal in relation to the medial surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone. The method involves making a small cast of the proximal part of the internal acoustic canal and determining the angle at which the canal opens up to the surface of the petrous bone. The method has the great advantage of utilizing one of the sturdiest bone elements of the human skeleton, and may thus be especially suited for analyses of very fragmented skeletal remains or cremated bones, where the petrous bone may still be readily recognizable. The method was tested using a forensic sample of 113 petrous bones with known sex. Intra- and interobserver testing was also performed. We found a statistically significant difference in angle size between males and females (mean angle size of males, 39.3 degrees ; mean angle size of females, 48.2 degrees ; P < 0.001). There was no bilateral difference in angle size. In blind trials, 83.2% of petrous bones were assigned to the correct sex. We also tested the lateral angle method against an archaeological skeletal sample. True sex was not known for this sample; instead, sexing had been carried out by assessing pelvic and cranial morphology in independent trials. We found a higher concordance between the lateral angle and "pelvic" sex than for lateral angle and "cranial" sex. Finally, we note that subadult sexing may also be possible with this method.  相似文献   
There is an urgent need for animal models of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to understand the underlying pathology and facilitate development and testing of new treatments. The synaptic growth‐associated protein‐43 (GAP43) has recently been identified as an autism candidate gene of interest. Our previous studies show many brain abnormalities in mice lacking one allele for GAP43 [GAP43 (+/?)] that are consistent with the disordered connectivity theory of ASD. Thus, we hypothesized that GAP43 (+/?) mice would show at least some autistic‐like behaviors. We found that GAP43 (+/?) mice, relative to wild‐type (+/+) littermates, displayed resistance to change, consistent with one of the diagnostic criteria for ASD. GAP43 (+/?) mice also displayed stress‐induced behavioral withdrawal and anxiety, as seen in many autistic individuals. In addition, both GAP43 (+/?) mice and (+/+) littermates showed low social approach and lack of preference for social novelty, consistent with another diagnostic criterion for ASD. This low sociability is likely because of the mixed C57BL/6J 129S3/SvImJ background. We conclude that GAP43 deficiency leads to the development of a subset of autistic‐like behaviors. As these behaviors occur in a mouse that displays disordered connectivity, we propose that future anatomical and functional studies in this mouse may help uncover underlying mechanisms for these specific behaviors. Strain‐specific low sociability may be advantageous in these studies, creating a more autistic‐like environment for study of the GAP43‐mediated deficits of resistance to change and vulnerability to stress.  相似文献   
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