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The biotransformation of pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and of progesterone-7alpha-3H by porcine fetal and maternal adrenal homogenates at 56 and 112 days of pregnancy and of dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H by fetal adrenal homogenates has been investigated in vitro. Both pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and progesterone-7alpha-3H were metabolized extensively by maternal adrenal preparations, the principal radioactive metabolites isolated being cortisol, corticosterone, 11-deoxycortisol, deoxycorticosterone, 11beta-hydroxyprogesterone and androstenedione. In addition, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 20alpha-dihydroprogesterone and cortisone were formed from both substrates and 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and progesterone were formed from pregnenolone. Although essentially the same radioactive metabolites were isolated after incubation of fetal adrenal glands with pregnenolone-7alpha-3H or progesterone-7alpha-3H, a greater proportion of the radioactivity was associated with corticosteroids at 112 days of pregnancy than at 56 days. 11beta-Hydroxyandrostenedione and androstenedione were isolated and identified together with an unknown polar metabolite, after incubation of fetal adrenal tissue with dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H. These results are discussed in relation to feto-placental steroid biosynthesis and metabolism and the role of the fetal adrenal in the initiation of parturition in the pig.  相似文献   
小鼠基因组研究进展李善如1,2王冬平1陈永福2(1.军事医学科学院实验动物中心,北京100071)(2.中国农业大学生物学院,北京100094)TheDevelopmentofMouseGenomeResearchLIShanru1,2WANGDon...  相似文献   
杂交水稻及其“三系”线粒体DNA的AP—PCR指纹图谱   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
为了研究水稻(Oryza sativa L.)细胞质雄性不育(CMS)与线粒体基因组的关系,应用AP-PCR 分析,用7 个任意单引物对6 种水稻品系线粒体DNA 进行了扩增。水稻线粒体DNA 的AP-PCR 产物可分为三种类型:(1)所有供试品系均能扩增的片段,它们代表了线粒体DNA 在进化上的保守性序列。有4 个引物检测到这类片段。(2)2 个以上水稻品系共同出现而在全部供试材料间存在差异的扩增片段,这类片段是检测水稻线粒体DNA多态性的主要来源。(3)一种细胞质类型所特有的扩增片段,从引物R2 和V5 的扩增产物中发现了这类片段,它们可能与CMS有关联。另外,WA型不育系珍汕97A 与其杂种之间在6 个引物的扩增图谱上均存在不同程度的差异,说明两者的线粒体DNA序列结构可能存在某种差别  相似文献   
The male postabdomen and the internal parts of the male genital system of Bibio marci (Bibionomorpha) were examined and reconstructed 3‐dimensionally. Several features differ from the presumptive dipteran groundplan. The bases of the gonopods are fused with each other and with tergite IX. The penis is not tube‐shaped and only sclerotized on the ventral side. The vasa deferentia are S‐shaped, and two pairs of accessory glands are present. In contrast to these characteristics, the arrangement of the internal parts is probably close to the ancestral condition. With its specific shape, the penis is well suited for the transfer of a spermatophore. The dorsal sclerite of the copulatory organ probably represents the medially fused parameres. A cladistic analysis of 27 characters of the postabdomen yielded two most parsimonious trees, with the strict consensus as follows: Nannochoristidae (outgroup) + (Culicidae [Culicomorpha] + ((Nymphomyiidae + (Tipulidae + Trichoceridae)) + (Tabanidae [Brachycera] + (Bibionidae, Anisopodidae, Axymyiidae [Bibionomorpha])))). Potential synapomorphies of Bibionomorpha (including Axymyiidae) and Brachycera are the fusion of sternum IX with the gonocoxites, the fusion of the parameres forming the dorsal sclerite and the presence of an entire series of postabdominal muscles (M4, M20, M23, M26, M27, M31, M35 and M37). The results of the analysis are preliminary as it is based on a single‐character system with a limited taxon sampling. However, the main result – a clade Bibionomorpha + Brachycera – is fully compatible with current hypotheses on dipteran phylogeny.  相似文献   
多胞质玉米胚乳淀粉粒性状的扫描电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李敬玲  贾敬鸾 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):249-253
11种多胞质系玉米胚乳淀粉粒的扫描电镜观察表明:不同的细胞质对细胞核有不同程度的互作,3种甜质胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈球形,排列紧密,存在一定的共性;4种雄性不育胞质玉米的胚乳淀粉粒多呈不规则形,除(T)Mo17外,排列疏松。这11种玉米胚乳淀粉粒的平均直径为9.78μm ̄14.69μm,通过玉米胚乳淀粉粒形态特征的观察,在玉米淀粉性状和玉米籽粒的商品价值关系上进行一定程度探索,为玉米的进一步发展  相似文献   
用两个不抗虫和一个抗虫的核不育系为母本,用抗虫品系为父本,配制3个杂交组合(GA×HB、GA5×R27、GA18×HB),研究分析杂交种的抗虫性、产量性状和纤维品质.结果表明3个杂交组合均高抗棉红铃虫,GA5×R27和GA18×HB以及GA×HB分别抗、中抗棉铃虫;3个组合的产量和纤维品质均优于对照.用核不育系作母本,特别是用抗虫核不育系作母本生产抗虫杂种,比用人工去雄生产杂种种子成本低,且有较好的抗虫性和丰产性,因而在棉花生产上具有更加广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
Based on the breeding synchrony hypothesis, we predicted, intwo congeners that nest in simiilar habitat but differ in nestingsynchrony, that blue-headed vireos (Vireo solitarius) wouldhave fewer extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) thaii red-eyed vireos(V. olivaceus EPFs were rare in blue-headed vireos (1/37 nestlings),but common in red-eyed vireos (11/19 nestlings). We studiedthe behavior of blue-headed vireos to determine what factorscould promote genetic monogamy. We found no evidence that malesmate guarded to prevent extrapair copulations from occurring.Males did not follow fertile mates closely when mates left thenest (14–25% of female departures) and, during the egg-layingperiod, males were often alone on the nest (22.3 mm/h). Femaleblue-headed vireos, but not red-eyed vireos, obtain direct benefitsfrom social mates such as nest building and incubation (49.1%of the total), and they assess male quality long before becomingfertile. Female blue-headed vireos spent more time incubatingwhen their mates had low incubation effort. Furthermore, maleincubation effort was positively correlated with nest survivalduring incubation. We discuss the evolution of genetic monogamyand sex role convergence in blue-headed vireos in relation toasynchronous breeding.  相似文献   
Epigenetic modification can occur at a high frequency in crop plants and might generate phenotypic variation without changes in DNA sequences. DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification that may contribute to environmentally-induced phenotypic variations by regulating gene expression. Rice Photoperiod-Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile (PTGMS) lines can transform from sterility to fertility under lower temperatures and short-day (SD) conditions during anther development. So far, little is known about the DNA methylation variation of PTGMS throughout the genome in rice. In this study, we investigated DNA cytosine methylation alterations in the young panicles of PTGMS line PA64S under two different conditions using methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) method. Compared with the DNA methylation level of PA64S under lower temperatures and SD conditions (fertility), higher methylation was observed in PA64S (sterility). The sequences of 25 differentially amplified fragments were successfully obtained and annotated. Three methylated fragments, which are homologous to D2, NAD7 and psaA, were confirmed by bisulfite sequencing and their expression levels were also evaluated by qPCR. Real time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that five of the six selected methylated genes were downregulated in PA64S (sterility). These results suggested that DNA methylation may be involved in the sterility–fertility transition of PA64S under two different environmental conditions.  相似文献   
本研究以木薯品种新选048为试验材料,观察和测定木薯花分化各时期的形态结构、内源激素及碳氮化合物含量,并开展木薯雌雄花分化的外源激素调控研究,揭示木薯花分化规律,初步探究木薯花分化的生理机制.试验结果表明:木薯从花芽分化开始到完成开花的全过程需要30 d,分化出的花序主要有全雄花序和雌少雄多花序两种类型,木薯性别分化前...  相似文献   
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