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A new anaerobic thermophilic Gram-positive, nonsporeforming bacterium strain ZE-1 was isolated from a hot spring of Kamchatka (USSR). The cells are rod-shaped, (0.5–0.8 · 2.0–20 m), non-motile. The bacterium can grow between 42 and 75°C; the optimal temperature is 65°C. The growth is possible between pH values 5.0 and 8.5; optimal pH is 7.0. The cultures grow on the media containing peptone, yeast extract, or casein hydrolysate as nitrogen sources in the presence of glucose or some other sugars, mannitol or starch. The main fermentation products of glucose are ethanol, acetate, lactate, H2, CO2; byproducts are propionic, butyric and isovaleric acids. Glucose is metabolized via Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway. Molecular hydrogen does not inhibit growth. The bacterium does not reduce aceton to isopropanol, but is able to form H2S from elemental sulfur. The bacterium contains a soluble hydrogenase. This enzyme catalyzes both evolution and uptake of H2 and is active in the presence of methyl viologen. The DNA-base composition is 34.6 mol%; the genome size 2.08x109 D. The name proposed for the isolated bacterium strain ZE-1 is Thermoanaerobium lactoethylicum spec. nov.  相似文献   
From estuarine mud a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium was isolated (strain asp 66). Asp 66 fermented several substrates including glucose, fructose, malate, fumarate, citrate and aspartate. Fermentation products were acetate, propionate and presumably CO2. Hydrogen was never formed nor utilized. Succinate conversion to propionate was catalyzed by cell suspensions but did not support growth. Asp 66 did not require vitamins and grew well in mineral media with a fermentable substrate. The pH range for growth was from 6.5 to 8.5. Temperature optimum was 27 to 30°C. The strain was able to fix N2 as evidenced by its growth with N2 as sole nitrogen source and its ability to reduce acetylene to ethylene. Cell-free extracts of cultures grown under air without shaking contained cytochrome(s) with absorption peaks at 523 nm and at 553 nm. The G+C content of the DNA was 60.8+-1 mol%. The taxonomic position of strain asp 66 is discussed.  相似文献   
The fermentation of xylose by Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus ATCC 31938 was studied in pH-controlled batch and continuous cultures. In batch culture, a dependency of growth rate, product yield, and product distribution upon xylose concentration was observed. With 27 mM xylose media, an ethanol yield of 1.3 mol ethanol/mol xylose (78% of maximum theoretical yield) was typically obtained. With the same media, xylose-limited growth in continuous culture could be achieved with a volumetric productivity of 0.50 g ethanol/liter h and a yield of 0.42 g ethanol/g xylose (1.37 mol ethanol/mol xylose). With extended operation of the chemostat, variation in xylose uptake and a decline in ethanol yield was seen. Instability with respect to fermentation performance was attributed to a selection for mutant populations with different metabolic characteristics. Ethanol production in these T. ethanolicus systems was compared with xylose-to-ethanol conversions of other organisms. Relative to the other systems, T. ethanolicus offers the advantages of a high ethanol yield at low xylose concentrations in batch culture and of a rapid growth rate. Its disadvantages include a lower ethanol yield at higher xylose concentrations in batch culture and an instability of fermentation characteristics in continuous culture.  相似文献   
The maize inbred line A188 is popularly used for the production of embryogenic cell lines. A188, maintained at the University of Minnesota, was found upon molecular analysis to contain 2 to 4 copies of a DNA sequence very similar in structure to transposable Mu1 elements, which have been implicated in Robertson's Mutator system. These Mu1-like elements are in the same chromosomal locations in sibling plants and in A188 cell cultures derived from them. This suggests that the elements are in an inactive state and do not undergo transposition. However, we have observed that they are not modified at the target sites for certain restriction endonucleases. Possible causes for the apparent lack of transposition of these Mu1-like elements in these A188 lines are discussed. Inasmuch as the elements do not transpose, they must be maintained in this line as homozygous Mendelian elements by self-pollination.Journal paper no. J-12269 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011. Project 2707.  相似文献   
The host suitability of five of the most common weed species occurring in maize (Zea mays L.) fields in South Africa to Pratylenchus zeae was tested. Based on the number of nematodes per root unit, mealie crotalaria (Crotalaria sphaerocarpa) was a good host; goose grass (Eleusine indica), common pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus), and thorn apple (Datura stramonium) were moderate hosts; and khaki weed (Tagetes minuta) was a poor host. Only the root residues of khaki weed suppressed the P. zeae infestation of subsequently grown maize. When goose grass, khaki weed, and mealie crotalaria were grown in association with maize in soil infested with P. zeae, goose grass and khaki weed severely suppressed maize root development; this resulted in a low number of nematodes per maize root system and a high number of nematodes per maize root unit. Mealie crotalaria did not restrict maize root growth and did not affect nematode densities per maize root system or maize root unit. Special attention should be given to the control of mealie crotalaria, which is a good host for P. zeae, and goose grass, which, in addition to its ability to compete with maize, is also a suitable host for P. zeae.  相似文献   
Influence of maize root mucilage on soil aggregate stability   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of root exudates on soil aggregate stability. Root mucilage was collected from two-month old maize plants (Zea mays L.) Mucilage and glucose solutions were added at a rate of 2.45 g C kg−1 dry soil to silty clay and silt loam soils. Amended soils, placed in serum flasks, were incubated for 42 d with a drying-wetting cycle after 21 d. Evolved CO2 was measured periodically as well as the water-stable aggregates and soluble sugar and polysaccharide content of the soil. In mucilage-amended soils CO2 evolution started with a lag phase of 2–3 days, which was not observed in glucose-amended soils. There was then a sharp increase in evolved CO2 up to day 7. During the second incubation period there were only small differences in evolved C between treatments. Incorporation of mucilage in both soils resulted in a spectacular and immediate increase in soil aggregate stability. Thereafter, the percent of water-stable aggregates quickly decreased parallel to microbial degradation. On completion of the incubation, aggregate stability in the silty clay soil was still significantly higher in the presence of mucilage than in the control. This work supports the assumption that freshly released mucilage is able to stick very rapidly to soil particles and may protect the newly formed aggregates against water destruction. On the silty clay, microbial activity contributes to a stabilization of these established organo-mineral bounds.  相似文献   
Phosphorus availability was measured in soils under five cropping systems: alley cropping with Erythrina poeppigiana, alley cropping with Gliricidia sepium, sole cropping with Erythrina poeppigiana mulch applied, sole cropping with Gliricidia sepium mulch applied, sole cropping with no mulch. The following parameters were measured: 1) plant-available soil P assessed by P uptake of maize and bean bioassay plants; 2) phosphate desorbable by anion exchange resin; 3) adsorption of added P into isotopically exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools.In the bioassay, P uptake of beans declined in the order: mulched sole-cropped>unmulched sole-cropped>alley-cropped soils. For maize the relative uptake was: mulched sole-cropped>unmulched sole-cropped = alley-cropped soils. These results suggest trees had not incorporated a significant quantity of P into the system after seven years and, probably, there was a decrease in available soil P due to the sequestration of P in the tree biomass. Potentially resin-desorbable P was higher in alley-cropped and mulched sole-cropped soils than in unmulched sole-cropped soils. The adsorption and desorption of added P into and from exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools did not differ between alley-cropped and unmulched sole-cropped soils.Crop yield and crop N, P and K uptake were all higher in the alley crops than in the unmulched sole crop. The supply of P to the crop under alley cropping seems to be dependent on P cycled and released from the mulch. The P cycle in alley cropping appears to be self-sustaining at least under conditions of moderate P fertiliser input.  相似文献   
A natural lactic fermentation of mixtures of water and whole flour of either maize or high-tannin sorghum was obtained either before or after cooking to a weaning gruel: The preparations had a final pH of about 3.8 (range 3.67 to 4.00) and a ratio of lactic acid to acetic acid of 91 (w/w). The growth of added (about 107 c.f.u./g gruel) Gram-negative intestinal pathogenic bacteria, enterotoxigenicEscherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella flexneri andSalmonella typhimurium, was strongly inhibited in the sour gruels, and the effect could primarily be explained by the low pH caused by the formation of lactic and acetic acids during the fermentation process. Of the added Gram-positive bacteria,Bacillus cereus andStaphylococcus aureus showed similar inhibited growth up to 7h after inoculation in the sour gruels. The strain ofStaphylococcus, however, showed only a continued reduction in growth in the fermented gruel samples, which had a viable lactic bacteria culture indicating the presence of a bacteriocin. This implies that a low pH (< 4.0) alone is not sufficient to sustain the inhibition of the growth ofStaphylococcus aureus. The survival studies were carried out at optimal temperatures for each respective enteropathogen.  相似文献   
Rank transformation of specific activity values of -amylase across four strains of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and four strains of S. zeamais Motschulsky indicates that levels of these predominant enzymes are highest in adults feeding on hulled barley or long-grain brown rice. Intermediate activity levels are found in weevils feeding on yellow corn (maize) and lowest levels are found in wheat-fed weevils. Although extracts prepared from barley contain inhibitory activity against two purified isoamylases from S. oryzae, levels of the naturally-occurring -amylase inhibitors against these two enzymes are about 2.2-fold and 6.1-fold, respectively, more concentrated in wheat. Ingestion of these amylase inhibitors and formation of an inactive enzyme:inhibitor complex with previously secreted amylase may account for the lower activity of amylase in weevils of both species feeding on wheat. Amylase levels across all strains feeding on a given diet are about 2-fold higher in S. oryzae than in S. zeamais. Significant differences in activity levels were also found between strains in both species. Since -amylase is a predominant digestive hydrolase in these species, the degree to which cereal diets affect amylase levels may indicate their suitability as potential hosts.
Résumé La transformation de rang des valeur d'activité spécifique de l'-amylase de 4 souches de S. oryzae et de 4 souches de S. zeamais montre que les niveaux les plus élevés de ces enzymes prédominantes s'observent chez les adultes nourris d'orge mondé ou de riz brun á grains longs. Des niveaux intermédiaires d'activité ont été obtenus chez les insectes élevés sur maïs jaune, et les niveaux les plus faibles chez ceux élevés sur blé. Bien que les extraits préparés à partir d'orge présentent une activité inhibitrice de deux isoamylases purifiées de S. oryzae, les niveaux des inhibiteurs naturels -amylase de ces deux enzymes sont environ respectivement 2,2 et 6,1 fois plus concentrés dans le blé. L'ingestion de ces inhibiteurs d'amylase et la formation d'un complexe enzyme inactive/inhibiteur avec l'amylase secrétée antérieurement, peut rendre compte de la plus faible activité de l'amylase chez les charançons consommant du blé. Le niveau d'amylase de S. oryzae est 2 fois plus élevé que celui de S. zeamais pour toutes les souches élevées sur un régime donné. Des niveaux d'activité significativement différents ont été trouvés suivant les souches pour chacune des deux espèces. Puisque l'amylase est la principale hydrolase digestive de ces espèces, l'intensité de la modification des teneurs en amylase par la consommation de céréales peut indiquer leur adéquation comme hôtes potentiels.
The in vivo amounts of UDPG, UTP, UDP and UMP, metabolites known to influence the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS), were measured throughout 5 hr incubations of scutellum slices in fructose or water, i.e. under conditions of sucrose synthesis or breakdown. Cytosolic concentrations were estimated assuming that these metabolites were confined to the cytosol. Within the estimated in vivo concentration ranges, UDPG, UTP and UDP had little effect on the in vitro SS activity, but glucose (100 mM) inhibited SS in the synthesis direction by 63–70% and in the breakdown direction by 86–93%. Glucose inhibition of SS was considerably less when saturating levels of substrates were used. Sucrose did not inhibit SS. It is concluded that during germination the glucose produced from starch breakdown in the maize endosperm enters the scutellum and inhibits SS, preventing a futile cycle and limiting SS participation in sucrose synthesis.  相似文献   
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