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Aim Do species range shapes follow general patterns? If so, what mechanisms underlie those patterns? We show for 11,582 species from a variety of taxa across the world that most species have similar latitudinal and longitudinal ranges. We then seek to disentangle the roles of climate, extrinsic dispersal limitation (e.g. barriers) and intrinsic dispersal limitation (reflecting a species’ ability to disperse) as constraints of species range shape. We also assess the relationship between range size and shape. Location Global. Methods Range shape patterns were measured as the slope of the regression of latitudinal species ranges against longitudinal ranges for each taxon and continent, and as the coefficient of determination measuring the degree of scattering of species ranges from the 1:1 line (i.e. latitudinal range = longitudinal range). Two major competing hypotheses explaining species distributions (i.e. dispersal or climatic determinism) were explored. To this end, we compared the observed slopes and coefficients of determination with those predicted by a climatic null model that estimates the potential range shapes in the absence of dispersal limitation. The predictions compared were that species distribution shapes are determined purely by (1) intrinsic dispersal limitation, (2) extrinsic dispersal limitations such as topographic barriers, and (3) climate. Results  Using this methodology, we show for a wide variety of taxa across the globe that species generally have very similar latitudinal and longitudinal ranges. However, neither neutral models assuming random but spatially constrained dispersal, nor models assuming climatic control of species distributions describe range shapes adequately. The empirical relationship between the latitudinal and longitudinal ranges of species falls between the predictions of these competing models. Main conclusions We propose that this pattern arises from the combined effect of macroclimate and intrinsic dispersal limitation, the latter being the major determinant among restricted‐range species. Hence, accurately projecting the impact of climate change onto species ranges will require a solid understanding of how climate and dispersal jointly control species ranges.  相似文献   


The number of studies investigating the nestedness and turnover components of beta diversity has increased substantially, but our general understanding of the drivers of turnover and nestedness remains elusive. Here, we examined the effects of species traits, spatial extent, latitude and ecosystem type on the nestedness and turnover components of beta diversity.



Time period


Major taxa studied

From bacteria to mammals.


From the 99 studies that partition total beta diversity into its turnover and nestedness components, we assembled 269 and 259 data points for the pairwise and multiple site beta‐diversity metrics, respectively. Our data covered a broad variation in species dispersal type, body size and trophic position. The data were from freshwater, marine and terrestrial realms, and encompassed geographical areas from the tropics to near polar regions. We used linear modelling as a meta‐regression tool to analyse the data.


Pairwise turnover, multiple site turnover and total beta diversity all decreased significantly with latitude. In contrast, multiple site nestedness showed a positive relationship with latitude. Beta‐diversity components did not generally differ among the realms. The turnover component and total beta diversity increased with spatial extent, whereas nestedness was scale invariant for pairwise metrics. Multiple site beta‐diversity components did not vary with spatial extent. Surprisingly, passively dispersed organisms had lower turnover and total beta diversity than flying organisms. Body size showed a relatively weak relationship with beta diversity but had important interactions with trophic position, thus also affecting beta diversity via interactive effects. Producers had significantly higher average pairwise turnover and total beta diversity than carnivores.

Main conclusions

The present results provide evidence that species turnover, being consistently the larger component of total beta diversity, and nestedness are related to the latitude of the study area and intrinsic organismal features. We showed that two beta‐diversity components had generally opposing patterns with regard to latitude. We highlight that beta‐diversity partition may give additional insights into the underlying causes of spatial variability in biotic communities compared with total beta diversity alone.  相似文献   
Aim The majority of studies concerning positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationships have used broad‐scale and microcosm data to test the occurrence and correlates of the relationship to determine which of the proposed mechanisms give rise to it. It has been argued recently that studying the residual variation about abundance–occupancy relationships is a more logical analysis and may yield faster progress in identifying the relative roles of the mechanisms. However, to date this approach has been largely unsuccessful. Here we test if fundamental species traits such as the status (native and introduced), habitat and trophic group of mammal and bird species may explain any of the residual variation about their respective abundance–occupancy relationships. Location The study used British mammal and bird species. Methods We tested if species traits explained any of the variation about abundance–occupancy relationships using linear regression techniques both treating species as independent data points for analysis and controlling for phylogenetic association. Results None of the species traits could explain any residual variation about the positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationships of British mammals and birds. This applied both when treating species as independent data points and after controlling for phylogenetic association. Conclusions Given the lack of explanatory power of the species traits here and in other studies using this approach it seems that the variation about positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationships is not explicable in a simple fashion. Predicting the likely influence of traits that are independent of phylogeny is also problematic. Therefore, the general utility of this approach and its future role in understanding the mechanisms causing positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationships is doubtful.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of various biological factors such as body mass, trophic level, climate and geography on census area in terrestrial mammals. We also examine the effects of census area on the population density–body mass relationship. The geographic areas covered in this study include most major terrestrial biomes including taïga, desert, savanna, grassland, tropical dry forest, temperate dry forest, tropical rain forest and temperate rain forest. An extensive literature search was conducted and we compiled data on census area and body mass from 377 mammalian populations and 59 communities. Statistical analyses include linear regression, Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance, LOWESS, and multiple regression. Overall, the regression between log census area (A) and log body mass (M) yielded a slope of 0.710, which did not differ significantly from 0.75, but it was significantly different from 1.0. The analyses also showed that the log A–log M relationship is constrained within a well‐defined space in a similar fashion to the home range–body mass relationship. When mammals were separated into trophic groups, regression lines differed significantly in their intercepts, but not in slopes. At the community level, the census area was particularly affected by the population with the largest body mass within the community. Both the number of species and number of taxa encompassed by the community were found to be correlated positively with log A (r = 0.26, P = 0.0464 and r = 0.27, P = 0.0398, respectively). Sampling of mammalian species is not usually random. Not only is census area significantly associated with the technique used to sample a given species, but it is also influenced by biological factors that have been shown previously to influence population density. Striking similarities were found between the census area–body mass relationship and the home range–body mass relationship, suggesting that investigators may sample mammalian populations over areas that actually reflect the use of space of their focal species.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the latitudinal extent of terrestrial breeding birds in Nicaragua. In particular, associations among latitudinal midpoint, body mass, and latitudinal extent are examined; significant differences between natural history characteristics (trophic guild, forest dependence, number of forest types) and latitudinal extent are identified; and a test is undertaken of Rapoport's rule for birds at the edge of their northern or southern range in Nicaragua. Birds in Nicaragua were classified into four categories based on latitudinal extent: birds generally restricted to Central America (20%); birds near the edge of their range within Nicaragua (34%); Neotropical birds (42%); and Pan‐American birds (4%). Latitudinal midpoint had a significant negative correlation with latitudinal extent over different taxonomic scales. Natural history characteristics of trophic guild, forest dependence and number of forest types can account for significant differences in species latitudinal extent. Carnivores had greater latitudinal extents than most other trophic guilds, non‐forest birds had greater latitudinal extents than birds that require patchy forest, and birds that occur in four or more forest types had greater latitudinal extents than birds restricted to one or two forest types. Contrary to Rapoport's rule, birds with a northern affinity or latitudinal midpoint north of Nicaragua had significantly smaller latitudinal extents than birds with a southern affinity or latitudinal midpoint south of Nicaragua. A comparison of natural history characteristics of birds with northern and southern affinities found no difference between trophic guild or forest dependence but a significant difference among the number of forest types used by forest birds. Birds with a southern affinity were restricted to fewer forest types than birds with a northern affinity.  相似文献   
Aim To describe broad‐scale geographical patterns of body size for European and North American amphibian faunas and to explore possible processes underlying these patterns. Specifically, we propose a heat balance hypothesis, as both heat conservation and heat gain determine the heat balance of ectotherms, and test it along with five other hypotheses that have a possible influence on body size gradients: size dependence, migration ability, primary productivity, seasonality and water availability. Location Western Europe and North America north of Mexico. Methods We processed distribution maps for native amphibian species to estimate the mean body size in 110 × 110 km cells and calculated eight environmental predictors to explore the relationship between environmental gradients and the observed patterns. We used least squares regression modelling and model selection approaches based on information theory to evaluate the relative support for each hypothesis. Results We found consistent body size gradients and similar relationships to environmental variables within each amphibian group in Europe and North America. Annual potential evapotranspiration, a measure of environmental energy, was the strongest predictor of mean body size in both regions. However, the contrasting responses to ambient energy in each group resulted in opposite geographical patterns, i.e. anurans increased in size from high‐ to low‐energy areas in both continents and urodeles showed the opposite pattern. Main conclusions Our results support the heat balance hypothesis, suggesting that the thermoregulatory abilities of anurans would allow them to reach larger sizes in colder climates by optimizing the trade‐off between heating and cooling rates, whereas a lack of such strategies among urodele faunas would explain why these organisms tend to be smaller in cooler areas. These findings may also have implications for the role of climate warming on the global decline of amphibians.  相似文献   
Despite two centuries of exploration, our understanding of factors determining the distribution of life on Earth is in many ways still in its infancy. Much of the disagreement about governing processes of variation in species richness may be the result of differences in our perception of species‐richness patterns. Until recently, most studies of large‐scale species‐richness patterns assumed implicitly that patterns and mechanisms were scale invariant. Illustrated with examples and a quantitative analysis of published data on altitudinal gradients of species richness (n = 204), this review discusses how scale effects (extent and grain size) can influence our perception of patterns and processes. For example, a hump‐shaped altitudinal species‐richness pattern is the most typical (c. 50%), with a monotonic decreasing pattern (c. 25%) also frequently reported, but the relative distribution of patterns changes readily with spatial grain and extent. If we are to attribute relative impact to various factors influencing species richness and distribution and to decide at which point along a spatial and temporal continuum they act, we should not ask only how results vary as a function of scale but also search for consistent patterns in these scale effects. The review concludes with suggestions of potential routes for future analytical exploration of species‐richness patterns.  相似文献   
Species richness has classically been thought to increase from the poles towards the Equator, and from high elevations down to sea-level. However, the largest radiation of butterflies in Madagascar, the subtribe Mycalesina (c. 67 spp.) does not exhibit such a monotonic pattern, either for empirical records or for interpolated species ranges. Instead, summation of mycalesine ranges generates a domed curve of species richness values approximately symmetric around mid latitudes within the island, a pattern most smoothly exhibited by the wider ranging and better known species, and a less symmetric curve peaking near mid elevations. Hotspots for the summation of 1183 species ranges and seven out of the ten groups of insects and vertebrates analysed (butterflies, cicindelid and enariine melonthid beeties, ctenuchiine moths, chameleons, frogs, birds, lemurs, tenrecs, and rodents) also occur at both mid latitudes and elevations. The most strongly parabolic pattern is shown by animals (637 spp.) whose ranges are confined to the highly linear rainforest biome. This rainforest species richness curve is resilient in shape even after controlling for particular effects of area and irregular sample effort. In sharp contrast, at least eight different environmental parameters for the rainforest biome tend to increase monotonically towards the northern, more tropical, boundary, a trend evident only in species richness gradients of more narrow-ranging species. The one-dimensional latitudinal species richness curves and hotspots observed in fact best reflect overall the geometric predictions of a null model for ranked range size partitions of the regional species pool. This analytical model is based on the uniform probability distribution, and assumes that species ranges are constrained by the position of biome or island boundaries. The same logarithmic equations applied iteratively to longitude also accurately predict hotspots for more realistic species ranges containing gaps, as shown for two-dimensional species richness patterns for the Madagascan rainforest dataset. Bio-geographic and conservation implications of the bounded range overlap concept are discussed.  相似文献   
Understanding regional variability in species richness is necessary for conservation efforts to succeed in the face of large-scale environmental deterioration. Several analyses of North American vertebrates have shown that climatic energy provides the best explanation of contemporary species richness patterns. The paucity of analyses of insect diversity patterns, however, remains a serious obstacle to a general hypothesis of spatial variation in diversity. We collected species distribution data on a North American beetle genus, Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae) and tested several major diversity hypotheses. These beetles are generally grasshopper egg predators as larvae, and angiosperm herbivores as adults. Epicauta richness is highest in the hot, dry American southwest, and decreases north and east, consistent with the species richness-energy hypothesis. Potential evapotranspiration, which is also the best predictor of richness patterns among North American vertebrates, explains 80.2% of the variability in Epicauta species richness. Net primary productivity and variables measuring climatic heat energy only (such as PET) are not generally comparable, though they are sometimes treated as if they were equivalent. We conclude that the species richness-energy hypothesis currently provides a better overall explanation for Epicauta species richness patterns in North America than other major diversity hypotheses. The observed relationship between climatic energy and regional species richness may provide significant insight into the response of ecological communities to climate change.  相似文献   
Although acknowledged to be common, intraspecific relationships between local abundance and site occupancy have been examined in detail for few species. Here we report such analyses for six widespread species of breeding birds in Britain, using data from the Common Birds Census. These exhibit a range of temporal trends, including different combinations of increase and decrease in abundance and occupancy. Overall, two species have a statistically significant positive abundance–occupancy relationship on farmland but no relationship in woodland (collared dove, tree sparrow), one a significant positive relationship on farmland and in woodland (magpie), two a significant positive relationship on farmland and a negative one in woodland (redstart, song thrush), and one a significant negative abundance–occupancy relationship on farmland but no relationship in woodland (sparrowhawk). The population dynamics associated with these patterns are used to discern their underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   
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