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The relative importance of contemporary climate and history as controls of geographical diversity patterns is intensely debated. A key example is the controversy over the extent to which temperate tree distributions and diversity patterns reflect postglacial dispersal limitation. Here, we focus on Central and Northern Europe, and show that recent estimates of tree migration rates < 100 m year−1 imply that many species have probably not reached equilibrium with climate in this region. We then demonstrate that geographical accessibility from glacial refuges explains 78% of the geographical variation in the region's tree diversity and is a much stronger diversity predictor than climate. Finally, we show that realistic estimates of migration rates can be derived from the observed tree diversity pattern by assuming it to be purely dispersal driven. In conclusion, the tree diversity pattern in Central and Northern Europe could, to a large extent, be a result of postglacial dispersal limitation.  相似文献   
Aim Scheiner (Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36 , 2005–2008) criticized several issues regarding the typology and analysis of species richness curves that were brought forward by Dengler (Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36 , 728–744). In order to test these two sets of views in greater detail, we used a simulation model of ecological communities to demonstrate the effects of different sampling schemes on the shapes of species richness curves and their extrapolation capability. Methods We simulated five random communities with 100 species on a 64 × 64 grid using random fields. Then we sampled species–area relationships (SARs, contiguous plots) as well as species–sampling relationships (SSRs, non‐contiguous plots) from these communities, both for the full extent and the central quarter of the grid. Finally, we fitted different functions (power, quadratic power, logarithmic, Michaelis–Menten, Lomolino) to the obtained data and assessed their goodness‐of‐fit (Akaike weights) and their extrapolation capability (deviation of the predicted value from the true value). Results We found that power functions gave the best fit for SARs, while for SSRs saturation functions performed better. Curves constructed from data of 322 grid cells gave reasonable extrapolations for 642 grid cells for SARs, irrespective of whether samples were gathered from the full extent or the centre only. By contrast, SSRs worked well for extrapolation only in the latter case. Main conclusions SARs and SSRs have fundamentally different curve shapes. Both sampling strategies can be used for extrapolation of species richness to a target area, but only SARs allow for extrapolation to a larger area than that sampled. These results confirm a fundamental difference between SARs and area‐based SSRs and thus support their typological differentiation.  相似文献   
Aim To test the macroecological principle that a positive relationship exists between local abundance and geographic range size for tree communities in the tropical dry forest. Location Two tropical dry forest (TDF) regions on the Pacific coast of Mexico: one near Chamela, Jalisco; the other near Huatulco, Oaxaca. Methods We recorded species presence and relative abundance of trees and lianas from over 40 locales in each of the study regions using transects across an elevational gradient. We then compared the field data with occurrence data from national and online databases to examine how local patterns of abundance relate to putative geographic range areas and latitudinal breadth. Results We found no significant correlation between abundance and range size. Overall, many more locally abundant species had small ranges than large ones. We found that most species occupy the majority of the TDF range north of Colombia, and those species present in South America occupy the majority of that continent’s TDF range as well. This pattern was independent of local abundance. We also found no relationship between range size and local niche breadth as measured by elevation, or between local abundance and distance to the range centre. Main conclusions The macroecological tenet that posits a positive correlation between local abundance and geographic range size does not appear to hold for TDF trees. The finding that many locally abundant species had narrow ranges also suggests that dry forest endemics may be particularly well adapted to local conditions and make important contributions to community structure. We hypothesize that the absence of abundant species with large ranges is due to opposing environmental constraints that prevent a species from thriving everywhere.  相似文献   
Empirical evidence for an optimal body size in snakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The concept of optimal size has been invoked to explain patterns in body size of terrestrial mammals. However, the generality of this phenomenon has not been tested with similarly complete data from other taxonomic groups. In this study we describe three statistical patterns of body size in snakes, all of which indicate an optimal length of 1.0 m. First, a distribution of largest body lengths of 618 snake species had a single mode at 1.0 m. Second, we found a positive relationship between the size of the largest member of an island snake assemblage and island area and a negative relationship between the size of the smallest member of an island snake assemblage and island area. Best-fit lines through these data cross at a point corresponding to 1.0 m in body length, the presumed optimal size for a one-species island. Third, mainland snake species smaller than 1.0 m become larger on islands whereas those larger than 1.0 m become smaller on islands. The observation that all three analyses converge on a common body size is concordant with patterns observed in mammals and partial analyses of four other disparate animal clades. Because snakes differ so strikingly from mammals (ectotherms, gape-limited predators, elongate body shape) the concordant patterns of these two groups provide strong evidence for the evolution of an optimal body size within independent monophyletic groups. However, snakes differ from other taxonomic groups that have been studied in exhibiting a body size distribution that is not obviously skewed in either direction. We suggest that idiosyncratic features of the natural history of ectotherms allow relatively unconstrained distributions of body size whereas physiological limitations of endotherms constrain distributions of body size to a right skew.  相似文献   
  • 1 Inbreeding and parthenogenesis are especially frequent in colonizing species of plants and animals, and inbreeding in wood‐boring species in the weevil families Scolytinae and Platypodidae is especially common on small islands. In order to study the relationship between colonization success, island attributes and mating system in these beetles, we analysed the relative proportions of inbreeders and outbreeders for 45 Pacific and Old World tropical islands plus two adjacent mainland sites, and scored islands for size, distance from nearest source population, and maximum altitude.
  • 2 The numbers of wood‐borer species decreased with decreasing island size, as expected; the degree of isolation and maximum island altitude had negligible effects on total species numbers.
  • 3 Numbers of outbreeding species decreased more rapidly with island size than did those of inbreeders. Comparing species with similar ecology (e.g. ambrosia beetles) showed that this difference was best explained by differential success in colonization, rather than by differences in resource utilization or sampling biases. This conclusion was further supported by analyses of data from small islands, which suggested that outbreeding species have a higher degree of endemism and that inbreeding species are generally more widespread.
  • 4 Recently established small populations necessarily go through a period of severe inbreeding, which should affect inbreeding species much less than outbreeding ones. In addition, non‐genetic ecological and behavioural (‘Allee’) effects are also expected to reduce the success of outbreeding colonists much more than that of inbreeders: compared with inbreeders, outbreeders are expected to have slower growth rates, have greater difficulties with mate‐location and be vulnerable to random extinction over a longer period.
Data from the British Trust for Ornithology Common Birds Census and two atlases of breeding birds were used to examine the form of the interspecific abundance–range size relationship for the British avifauna. The relationship is positive for both farmland and woodland habitats and over two different periods, with some evidence of curvilinearity, using either proportion of occupied sites or numbers of occupied 10 × 10 km squares as measures of range size, and mean density at occupied sites as a measure of abundance. A log-linear plot gives the highest correlation. The relationship is stronger if based on maximum local densities than if based on average densities, but there is no relationship using minimum local densities. Relationships based on abundances at individual sites are uniformly positive for all sites, although the relationships for many sites also show evidence of curvilinearity, especially when range size is measured as the proportion of occupied sites. Species show significant concordance in their rank abundances across sites. We discuss some implications of these results.  相似文献   
Using a large database on the spatial distribution of European springtails (Collembola) we investigated how range sizes and range distribution across European countries and major islands vary. Irrespective of ecological guild, islands tended to contain more endemic species than mainland countries. Nestedness and species co‐occurrence analysis based on country species lists revealed latitudinal and longitudinal gradients of species occurrences across Europe. Species range sizes were much more coherent and had fewer isolated occurrences than expected from a null model based on random colonization. We did not detect clear postglacial colonization trajectories that shaped the faunal composition across Europe. Our results are consistent with a multiregional postglacial colonization. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 498–506.  相似文献   
Aim We analysed the interdependence of avian frugivore‐ and fruited plant‐species richness at the scale of major river basins across Europe, taking into account several environmental factors along different spatial gradients. Location Continental Europe and the British Isles. Methods We focused on wintering birds and autumn/winter fruiting plants, and used major river basins as geographical units and Structural Equation Modelling as the principal analytical tool. Results The statistical influence of disperser species richness on fleshy‐fruited plant species richness is roughly double that of the reverse. Broad‐scale variation in frugivore richness is more dependent on environmental factors than on fruited plant richness. However, the influence of disperser richness on plant richness is four times higher than the influence of environmental factors. Environmental influences on both birds and plants are greater than purely spatial influences. Main conclusions Our results are interpreted as indicating that biotic dispersal of fruits strongly affects broad‐scale geographical trends of fleshy‐fruited plant species richness, whereas richness of fruited plants moderately affects frugivore richness.  相似文献   
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