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We sought to assess effects of fragmentation and quantify the contribution of ecological processes to community assembly by measuring species richness, phylogenetic, and phenotypic diversity of species found in local and regional plant communities. Specifically, our fragmented system is Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Idaho, USA. CRMO is characterized by vegetated islands, kipukas, that are isolated in a matrix of lava. We used floristic surveys of vascular plants in 19 kipukas to create a local species list to compare traditional dispersion metrics, mean pairwise distance, and mean nearest taxon distance (MPD and MNTD), to a regional species list with phenotypic and phylogenetic data. We combined phylogenetic and functional trait data in a novel machine‐learning model selection approach, Community Assembly Model Inference (CAMI), to infer probability associated with different models of community assembly given the data. Finally, we used linear regression to explore whether the geography of kipukas explained estimated support for community assembly models. Using traditional metrics of MPD and MNTD neutral processes received the most support when comparing kipuka species to regional species. Individually no kipukas showed significant support for overdispersion. Rather, five kipukas showed significant support for phylogenetic clustering using MPD and two kipukas using MNTD. Using CAMI, we inferred neutral and filtering models structured the kipuka plant community for our trait of interest. Finally, we found as species richness in kipukas increases, model support for competition decreases and lower elevation kipukas show more support for habitat filtering models. While traditional phylogenetic community approaches suggest neutral assembly dynamics, recently developed approaches utilizing machine learning and model choice revealed joint influences of assembly processes to form the kipuka plant communities. Understanding ecological processes at play in naturally fragmented systems will aid in guiding our understanding of how fragmentation impacts future changes in landscapes.  相似文献   
《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(24):17744
Biotic and abiotic factors interact with dominant plants—the locally most frequent or with the largest coverage—and nondominant plants differently, partially because dominant plants modify the environment where nondominant plants grow. For instance, if dominant plants compete strongly, they will deplete most resources, forcing nondominant plants into a narrower niche space. Conversely, if dominant plants are constrained by the environment, they might not exhaust available resources but instead may ameliorate environmental stressors that usually limit nondominants. Hence, the nature of interactions among nondominant species could be modified by dominant species. Furthermore, these differences could translate into a disparity in the phylogenetic relatedness among dominants compared to the relatedness among nondominants. By estimating phylogenetic dispersion in 78 grasslands across five continents, we found that dominant species were clustered (e.g., co‐dominant grasses), suggesting dominant species are likely organized by environmental filtering, and that nondominant species were either randomly assembled or overdispersed. Traits showed similar trends for those sites (<50%) with sufficient trait data. Furthermore, several lineages scattered in the phylogeny had more nondominant species than expected at random, suggesting that traits common in nondominants are phylogenetically conserved and have evolved multiple times. We also explored environmental drivers of the dominant/nondominant disparity. We found different assembly patterns for dominants and nondominants, consistent with asymmetries in assembly mechanisms. Among the different postulated mechanisms, our results suggest two complementary hypotheses seldom explored: (1) Nondominant species include lineages adapted to thrive in the environment generated by dominant species. (2) Even when dominant species reduce resources to nondominant ones, dominant species could have a stronger positive effect on some nondominants by ameliorating environmental stressors affecting them, than by depleting resources and increasing the environmental stress to those nondominants. These results show that the dominant/nondominant asymmetry has ecological and evolutionary consequences fundamental to understand plant communities.  相似文献   
Introduction of a large quantity of exogenous microorganisms may disrupt a local ecosystem and affect the natural microflora. In this work we investigated the effects of the introduction of a plant growth promoting strain of Burkholderia cepacia into the rhizosphere of maize on both indigenous B. cepacia populations and microbial community structure of total culturable bacteria using the concept of r/K strategy. Moreover we studied the distribution of bacterial populations in the root system at various soil depths. Seed bacterization was used as application method. Root colonization of the introduced strain occurred mainly on roots close to the plant stem, whereas indigenous B. cepacia was recovered at higher amounts from the lower parts of root systems of mature plants. As far as total culturable bacteria are concerned, an almost uniform distribution in the root system of mature plants was observed. The release of the exogenous bacterial strain affected mainly the microbial populations of young growing plants rather than mature plants. Indeed it caused only short-term perturbations in the microbial community of maize rhizosphere. Colonization of maize roots by indigenous B. cepacia was not significantly affected by the presence of the exogenous strain.  相似文献   
【目的】凡纳滨对虾生物絮团养殖系统(biofloc-based culture system, BFS)是一种基于培育和调控微生物群落的新型生态养殖模式。然而,目前对于BFS在不同生境中的微生物群落特征及其构建过程还不清楚。【方法】采用16S rRNA基因测序技术探究BFS在3种不同生境(水体、絮团和对虾肠道)的细菌群落组成;通过溯源分析和中性模型等方法,探究不同生境细菌群落的特征及其构建过程。【结果】3种生境的微生物群落多样性和组成具有显著性差异,絮团和对虾肠道的群落结构和组成最为相似,溯源结果显示对虾肠道有98.76%的细菌类群来自絮团,仅有0.83%的细菌类群来自水体;3种生境共有的细菌主要为鲁杰氏菌(Ruegeria),在水体、絮团和对虾肠道中的丰度分别为1.72%、7.34%和6.00%,水体中特有的扩增子变异序列(amplicon sequence variants, ASV)数量为89个,主要属于海茎状菌(Maricaulis)和欧文威克斯菌(Owenweeksia),絮团中有56个,主要为莱茵海默氏菌(Rheinheimera),而对虾肠道中仅有10个,主要属于玫瑰杆菌(Roseobacter);中性模型结果表明,水体、絮团和对虾肠道细菌群落构建均符合中性模型,表明3种生境中细菌群落构建均受中性过程主导。【结论】在BFS系统中,不同生境的微生物群落具有显著差异,对虾肠道细菌主要来自生物絮团,而3种生境的细菌群落构建过程由中性过程主导。这些结果为调控生物絮团养殖系统中微生物群落提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
濒危植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)为我国特有的蒺藜科单种属落叶小灌木.对四合木林地昆虫群落进行了调查,共得昆虫标本11363号,263种.隶属于67个科(或总科)11个目.同翅目的个体数量和优势度指数最高;膜翅目的物种丰富度和多样性指数最大;双翅目的均匀度最大.数量优势类群(>10%)为木虱和叶蝉类,常见类群(1%~10%)是象甲、小蜂、粒脉蜡蝉、拟步甲、蚂蚁、蝽科、皮蝽、盲蝽、斑翅蝗科昆虫.营养结构中植食性类群在种类和数量上占绝对优势,其中的吸食类昆虫优势度最大;天敌昆虫以寄生性类群为主,多样性最高;捕食性和中性昆虫的种类和数量相对较少,但捕食者的均匀度最高.灌木层与草本层相比,灌木层昆虫群落的物种丰富度和个体数量明显占优;优势种的优势度大.而草本层昆虫群落的多样性和均匀度高.2层整体的相似性低.膜翅目的共有种最多.  相似文献   
We hypothesised that plant species composition and richness would affect soil chemical and microbial community properties, and that these in turn would affect soil microbial resistance and resilience to an experimentally imposed drying disturbance. We performed a container experiment that manipulated the composition and species richness of common pasture plant species (Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, and Plantago lanceolata) by growing them in monoculture, and in all the possible two and three-way combinations, along with an unplanted control soil. Experimental units were harvested at four different times over a 16-month period to determine the effect of plant community development and seasonal changes in temperature and moisture on belowground properties. Results showed that plant species composition influenced soil chemistry, soil microbial community properties and soil microbial resistance and resilience. Soil from planted treatments generally showed reduced soil microbial resistance to drying compared to unplanted control soils. Soils from under T. repens showed a higher resistance and resilience than the soils from under P. lanceolata, and a higher resistance than soils from under L. perenne. We suggest that differences across soils in either resource limitation or soil microbial community structure may be responsible for these results. Plant species richness rarely affected soil microbial community properties or soil microbial resistance and resilience, despite having some significant effects on plant community biomass and soil nitrogen contents in some harvests. The effect that treatments had for most variables differed between harvests, suggesting that results can be altered by the stage of plant community development or by extrinsic environmental factors that varied with harvest timing. These results in combination show that soil microbial resistance and resilience was affected by plant community composition, and the time of measurement, but was largely unrelated to plant species richness.  相似文献   
在青藏高原高寒草甸区设置模拟增温和氮添加处理,研究长期增温与外源氮输入对高寒草甸群落生产及其分配的影响.结果表明:开顶箱增温装置造成小环境暖干化,即显著提高地表空气温度1.6℃,提高表层土壤温度1.4℃,降低土壤含水量4.7%.2012、2013和2014年不施氮处理下增温分别降低地上生物量61.5%、108.8%和77.1%,在高氮(40和80kg N·hm-2·a-1)处理下增温对群落地上生物量无显著影响,这说明增温的影响依赖于氮添加水平,且施氮补偿了增温导致的土壤氮损失.增温导致根冠比增加,2012、2013和2014年不施氮处理下增温分别增加根冠比98.6%、60.7%和97.8%.在不增温处理下,植物群落地上、地下生物量的变化率均表现出低氮(10、20 kg N·hm-2·a-1)促进、高氮抑制的趋势,达到饱和阈值时的氮添加剂量分别为56.0和55.5 kg N·hm-2·a-1;而在增温处理下,地上、地下生物量随施氮量增加呈线性增加趋势.这说明增温改变了高寒草甸生物量分配对外源氮输入的响应模式,增温导致的土壤无机氮含量变化是生物量分配模式改变的主要原因.由氮添加试验估算的高寒草甸氮饱和阈值表明,高寒草甸对氮输入的敏感性高于其他类型草地.  相似文献   
Almost half of lowland tropical forests are at various stages of regeneration following deforestation or fragmentation. Changes in tree communities along successional gradients have predictable bottom‐up effects on consumers. Liana (woody vine) assemblages also change with succession, but their effects on animal succession remain unexplored. Here we used a large‐scale liana removal experiment across a forest successional chronosequence (7–31 years) to determine the importance of lianas to ant community structure. We conducted 1,088 surveys of ants foraging on and living in trees using tree trunk baiting and hand‐collecting techniques at 34 paired forest plots, half of which had all lianas removed. Ant species composition, β‐diversity, and species richness were not affected by liana removal; however, ant species co‐occurrence (the coexistence of two or more species in a single tree) was more frequent in control plots, where lianas were present, versus removal plots. Forest stand age had a larger effect on ant community structure than the presence of lianas. Mean ant species richness in a forest plot increased by ca. 10% with increasing forest age across the 31‐year chronosequence. Ant surveys from forest >20 years old included more canopy specialists and fewer ground‐nesting ant species versus those from forests <20 years old. Consequently, lianas had a minimal effect on arboreal ant communities in this early successional forest, where rapidly changing tree community structure was more important to ant species richness and composition.  相似文献   
引入2*2列联表联结指数法,用固定样带法月连续全天定位调查数据,以森林鸟类广布种山雀科大山雀(Parus major)为目标种,研究了北京西山地区该种与留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟、旅鸟的种间联结关系,结合前人关于营巢行为、取食行为、生态位等方面成果分析了产生联结的原因,首次确立了鸟类群落种间联结的研究方法。结果表明: (1)用固定样带法月连续全天定位调查,引入2*2列联表以日尺度的定性数据检验与测定联结度,与月尺度的联结频率结合起来,分析鸟类群落的种间联结是可行的;鸟类群落的种间联结具有时间与空间尺度的双重属性,鸟类群落的种间联结度不仅是鸟类群落时空结构与格局的表征,同时,反映了鸟类群落的动态性,而且,鸟类群落的种间联结对栖息的植物群落具有依赖性与关联性。 (2)日尺度上,选择χ2统计量、PCC与PC指数相结合进行种间联结检验、测度,能充分反映鸟类群落的种间联结特征,但由于鸟类的居留、繁殖、迁移等季节动态性特征,种间联结度存有不确定性。 (3)月尺度上,鸟类总体种间联结8月份为显著负联结,其余各月为显著正联结;根据PCC联结度的月联结频率,可将鸟类划分为正联结组、正负联结均较弱组、负联结组;大山雀与留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟、旅鸟等不同居留型的联结关系,随着种数的减少,显著联结种对、联结度、联结复杂程度呈递减趋势。大山雀与留鸟的联结:与鸦科鸟类呈明显正联结,与同科鸟类呈正负均等的弱联结并趋于负联结,与体型较大的雉、啄木鸟、乌鸦等鸟类呈负联结。大山雀与夏候鸟的联结:与杜鹃科四声杜鹃呈正联结,与同科的黄腹山雀、鹟科的白眉姬正负联结均较弱,与莺科的黄腰柳莺、鸫科的北红尾鸲等呈负联结。大山雀与冬候鸟的联结:与岩鹨科棕眉山岩鹨的正负联结均较弱,与鸫科的斑鸫、鹀科多种鸟类呈明显的负联结。大山雀与旅鸟的联结:与莺科鸟类由正负联结均较弱到明显的负联结。  相似文献   
The uptake of 15N-labelled alanine, ammonium and nitrate was studied in ectomycorrhizal morphotypes of intact Pinus sylvestris seedlings. PCR-RFLP analysis of the ITS-region of fungal rDNA was used to identify the morphotypes. Seedlings were grown in forest soil collected at an experimental site in southern Sweden. The treatments compared were a control, N fertilisation (600 kg N ha-1 as urea), sulfur application (1200 kg S ha-1) and lime application (6000 kg CaCO3 ha-1). The forest, which had been dominated by Picea abies, was clear-cut two years before the forest soil was sampled. Soil was also collected from an adjacent standing forest. The aim of the present study was to detect changes in the ectomycorrhizal communities in forest soils and relate these changes to the functional parameter of uptake of nitrogen from organic (alanine and protein) and inorganic (ammonium and nitrate) sources.Liming resulted in the detection of a morphotype not found in other samples, and one morphotype was only found in samples from the standing forest (the fungi in these two morphotypes could not be identified). All mycorrhizal root tips showed a higher 15N concentration after exposure to different nitrogen forms than non-mycorrhizal long roots. Uptake of15 N from a labelled solution of alanine or ammonium was higher (about tenfold) than uptake from a 15N-labelled solution of nitrate. Uptake of ammonium and alanine varied between 0.2 and 0.5 mg N g-1 h-1 and between 0.1 and 0.33 mg N g-1 h-1, respectively, among the different morphotypes.In seedlings grown in the control soil and in soil from standing forest, alanine and ammonium were taken up to a similar degree from a supply solution by all morphotypes, whereas ammonium uptake was higher than alanine uptake in seedlings grown in lime-treated soil (about twofold) and, to a lesser extent, in the nitrogen- and sulfur-treated soils. The higher ammonium uptake by morphotypes from the limed soil was confirmed in pure culture studies. In cases where ammonium was used as the N source, an isolate of the S. variegatus morphotype collected in the limed soil produced more biomass compared with isolates of S. variegatus collected in nitrogen- or sulphur-treated soil. One isolate of a silvery white morphotype produced about equal amounts of biomass on alanine and ammonium, whereas all S. variegatus isolated performed better with ammonium as their N source. Based on the results it is hypothesised that liming can induce a shift in the ectomycorrhizal community, favouring individuals that mainly utilise inorganic nitrogen over those that primarily utilise organic nitrogen.  相似文献   
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