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Thylakoids of Oscillatoria chalybea are able to split water. The Hill reaction of these thylakoids is sensitive to DCMU. Diphenylcarbazide can substitute for water as the electron donor to photosystem II with these fully functioning thylakoids. However, the diphenylcarbazide photooxidation is completely insensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-N-dimethyl urea (DCMU) at high diphenylcarbazide concentrations. In with Tris-treated Oscillatoria thylakoids the water splitting capacity is lost and diphenylcarbazide restores electron transport through photosystem II as occurs with higher plant chloroplasts. However, also these photoreactions are insensitive to DCMU. If diphenylcarbazide acts in Oscillatoria as an electron donor to photosystem II the result suggests that diphenylcarbazide feeds in its electrons behind the DCMU inhibition site. This in turn indicates that in Oscillatoria the site of inhibition of DCMU is on the donor side of photosystem II.Abbreviations Used DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-N-dimethyl urea - DPC diphenylcarbazide - DCPiP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - TMB tetramethyl benzidine - A-2-sulf anthraquinone-2-sulfonate  相似文献   
Robert Locy  Hans Kende 《Planta》1978,143(1):89-99
The involvement of the endomenbrane system of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone cells in the secretion of gibberellin-induced hydrolases has been investigated at the biochemical level. Our results show that at least 40–60% of the -amylase activity in homogenates of aleurone layers occurs in a membrane-bound, latent form. The latent -amylase can be assayed quantitatively following disruption of membranes by treatment with Triton X-100, ethanol, sonication, or osmotic shock and shear. The association of -amylase with the membrane is not an artifact arising from homogenization of the tissue, and acid protease is also enriched in the same subcellular fraction as the -amylase. The membrane fraction with which the -amylase is associated has many properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When membranebound -amylase is prepared in buffers containing 3 mM MgCl2 two fractions from a sucrose step gradient contain most of the -amylase activity. These fractions are enriched in the ER marker enzyme, NADH-dependent cytochrome-c reductase, and show densities characteristic of smooth and rough ER during subsequent purification on continuous gradients. In step gradients prepared with ethylenediaminete-traacetic-acid-treated membranes, -amylase activity is contained primarily in one fraction having the density of smooth ER. Electron microscopy of the purified fractions is consistent with -amylase being associated with smooth and rough ER. However, it has not been ruled out that the enzyme is also associated with plasma membrane, Golgi membranes, or tonoplast. Examination of the isoenzyme patterns of secreted, of total-homogenate and of membrane-associated -amylases, as well as the results from pulsechase experiments using L-[3H]leucine for labeling of -amylase, are all consistent with the hypothesis that membrane-associated -amylase is an intermediate in the secretory process.Abbreviations CNTPE N-carbobenzoxy-L-tyrosine p-nitrophenylester - Cyt oxidase Cytochrome oxidase - ER endoplasmic reticulum - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IDPase inosine diphosphatase - K+-ATPase pH 6.5 K+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - NADH: Cyt c reductase cyanide-insensitive NADH-linked cytochrome-c reductase - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   
Effects of 14 pyrrol-carboxylic acid derivatives and analogues (PY-compounds) on the growth of coliphage MS2 using E. coli E102 (Hfr) as the host were measured by the agar double-layer method. Enlargements of plaque size were observed with 7 PY-compounds but increase in plaque numbers was not induced. These enlargements of plaque size were specific to RNA coliphages MS2, GA and qbeta and not found with DNA coliphages delta AC and T4. Furthermore, the interaction between PY-compound PY-10 and the coliphage MS2 was dependent on the host bacterium (indicator strain). When E102 (Hfr) was used, the enlargement was marked, in the case of substrain W1895 (Hfr) it was less, while in the case of substrain W6 (F+) it was undetectable. The one-step growth of the phage MS2 and the production of intracellular phage MS2 were little affected by the PY-compound PY-10. However, the rate of one-step growth was increased in the early stage after infection. Accordingly, the enlargements of plaque size by the PY-compounds might be correlated with an increase in rate of release of phage particles.  相似文献   
A R Davis  T Bos  M Ueda  D P Nayak  D Dowbenko  R W Compans 《Gene》1983,21(3):273-284
Cloned DNA fragments coding for parts of strain WSN (H1N1) influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) were fused to a bacterial leader DNA derived from the Escherichia coli trp operon. Fusion proteins produced consisted of 190 amino acids of trpLE' protein at the amino terminus, and HA amino acids, either 1-308, 1-396, or 1-548 (complete HA), at the carboxyl terminus. These proteins were expressed at high levels (10-20% of total protein) in E. coli starved for tryptophan. A CNBr fragment (HA1-211) was derived from HA-308. Each of the proteins was purified and used for immunizing mice and rabbits. The antibody produced was shown to bind to (i) the HA fusion proteins, (ii) detergent-treated viral HA, (iii) HA, on intact virions, and (iv) the HA on the surface of cells infected with influenza virus. This shows that the HA fusion proteins expressed in bacteria can elicit antibodies that recognize at least some determinants of the native viral HA, and probably could lead to development of an anti-influenza vaccine.  相似文献   
S Molineaux  J E Clements 《Gene》1983,23(2):137-148
Visna viral DNA, like other retroviral DNA, exists in two circular forms in infected cells. The larger probably contains two copies of the LTR, the smaller, one copy. Recombinant DNA techniques were used to clone unintegrated circular visna viral DNA in the lambda WES . lambda B vector. Circular visna viral DNA was digested with the restriction enzyme SstI, which yields a 9.2-kb viral DNA fragment containing 90% of the viral genome colinear with the restriction map of linear viral DNA. This fragment extends from a site about 900 bp from the left (5') end of the viral DNA molecule, through the 3' region, including U3 and R sequences at its right (3') end. The recombinant clones isolated contain visna viral DNA inserts which range in size from 3.1 kb to 9.2 kb. All the clones contain the 5' region intact, but most had sustained deletions of varying lengths in the 3' terminal region of the cloned fragment.  相似文献   
13C-n.m.r. spectral data for 13C reductively methylated intact homozygous and heterozygous glycophorins A were compared with the 13C-n.m.r. spectral data for the 13C reductively methylated homozygous and heterozygous N-terminal glycopeptides derived from the trypsin digest of glycophorin A. The results indicate that pronounced aggregation of this glycoprotein in solution does not affect the structural differences that we have previously observed for glycophorins AM and AN at and/or near the N-terminal amino acid. Moreover, the data suggest that two structural states exist for glycophorin AM.  相似文献   
肌醇磷脂代谢与V-mos癌基因转化细胞的相关性,迄今为止未见报导。本文用6m2细胞(Moloney鼠类肉瘤病毒(含V-mos)温度敏感突变株(MoMuSVts110)转化的NRK细胞)为模型,探讨了肌醇磷脂代谢与细胞转化的相关性。在33℃ (转化型温度)时,细胞内PIP(磷脂酰肌醇-4-磷酸)含量明显高于39℃(正常型温度),显示出转化型6m2细胞中存在一个提高的PI激酶活性。同时可见DG(二酰甘油)和IP_3(肌醇三磷酸)含量和蛋白激酶C(PKC)活性均明显高于正常型细胞。当细胞由39℃转至33℃10min,PIP、DG、IP_3含量和PKC活性均明显增加,并伴随有PKC活性由胞质向质膜上的转移。实验结果表明肌醇磷脂代谢参与了6m2细胞转化过程。文中对其作用机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Summary We compared the DNA sequence of the yeas 2-μm plasmidcis-actingSTB andtrans-actingREP1 partition loci of laboratory haploid and industrial amphiploid strains. Several industrial strains had a uniqueSTB sequence (type 1) sharing only 70% homology with laboratorySTB (type 2). Type 1 plasmids had a REP1 protein with 6–10% amino acid substitutions when compared to REP1 of type 2 plasmids. All 2-μm variants that shared a similarSTB consensus sequence exhibited a high degree ofREP1 nucleotide and amino acid sequence conservation. These observations suggest molecular coevolution oftrans-acting elements with cognate target DNA structure. Based on DNA sequencing and Southern hybridization analyses, we classified 2-μm variants into two main evolutionary lineages that differ atSTB as well asREP1 loci. The role of molecular coevolution in yeast intra- and interspecies plasmid evolution was discussed.  相似文献   
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