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The importance of macrostructure to root growth of ryegrass (L. perenne) seedlings sown on the soil surface was studied in two soils in which the macrostructure had resulted mainly from root growth and macro-faunal activity. Sets of paired soil cores were used, one of each pair undisturbed and the other ground and repacked to the field bulk density. Undisturbed and repacked soils were first compared at equal water potentials in the range −1.9 to −300 kPa. At equal water potential, the undisturbed soil always had the greater strength (penetration resistance), and root growth was always greater in the repacked soil with no macrostructure than it was in the soil with macrostructure intact. At equal high strength (low water potentials) it appeared that root growth was better when soils were structured. When strength was low (high water potentials), root growth was better in the unstructured soil. Soils were then compared during drying cycles over 21 days. The average rate at which roots grew to a depth of 60 mm, and also the final percentage of plants with a root reaching 60 mm depth, was greatest in repacked soils without macrostructure. The species of vegetation growing in the soil before the experiment affected root growth in undisturbed soil; growth was slower where annual grasses and white clover had grown compared with soil which had supported a perennial grass. It appears that relatively few roots locate and grow in the macrostructure. Other roots grow in the matrix, if it is soft enough to be deformed by roots. Roots in the matrix of a structured soil grow more slowly than roots in structureless soil of equal bulk density and water potential. The development of macrostructure in an otherwise structureless soil, of the type studied, is of no advantage to most roots. However, once a macrostructure has developed, the few roots locating suitable macropores are able to grow at low water potential when soil strength is high. The importance of macrostructure to establishing seedlings in the field lies in rapid penetration of at least a few roots to a depth that escapes surface drying during seasonal drought. ei]{gnB E}{fnClothier}  相似文献   
Losses of grasslands have been largely attributed to widespread land-use changes, such as conversion to row-crop agriculture. The remaining tallgrass prairie faces further losses due to biological invasions by non-native plant species, often with resultant ecosystem degradation. Of critical concern for conservation, restoration of native grasslands has been met with little success following eradication of non-native plants. In addition to the direct and indirect effects of non-native invasive plants on beneficial soil microbes, management practices targeting invasive species may also negatively affect subsequent restoration efforts. To assess mechanisms limiting germination and survival of native species and to improve native species establishment, we established six replicate plots of each of the following four treatments: (1) inoculated with freshly collected prairie soil with native seeds; (2) inoculated with steam-pasteurized soil with native seeds; (3) noninoculated with native seeds; or (4) noninoculated/nonseeded control. Inoculation with whole soil did not improve seed germination; however, addition of whole soil significantly improved native species survival, compared to pasteurized soil or noninoculated treatments. Inoculation with whole soil significantly decreased reestablishment of non-native invasive Bothriochloa bladhii (Caucasian bluestem); at the end of the growing season, plots receiving whole soil consisted of approximately 30% B. bladhii cover, compared to approximately 80% in plots receiving no soil inoculum. Our results suggest invasion and eradication efforts negatively affect arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal and spore abundances and soil aggregate stability, and inoculation with locally adapted soil microbial communities can improve metrics of restoration success, including plant species richness and diversity, while decreasing reinvasion by non-native species.  相似文献   
Migration is ubiquitous and can strongly shape food webs and ecosystems. Less familiar, however, is that the majority of life cycle, seasonal and diel migrations in nature are partial migrations: only a fraction of the population migrates while the other individuals remain in their resident ecosystem. Here, we demonstrate different impacts of partial migration rendering it fundamental to our understanding of the significance of migration for food web and ecosystem dynamics. First, partial migration affects the spatiotemporal distribution of individuals and the food web and ecosystem-level processes they drive differently than expected under full migration. Second, whether an individual migrates or not is regularly correlated with morphological, physiological, and/or behavioural traits that shape its food-web and ecosystem-level impacts. Third, food web and ecosystem dynamics can drive the fraction of the population migrating, enabling the potential for feedbacks between the causes and consequences of migration within and across ecosystems. These impacts, individually and in combination, can yield unintuitive effects of migration and drive the dynamics, diversity and functions of ecosystems. By presenting the first full integration of partial migration and trophic (meta-)community and (meta-)ecosystem ecology, we provide a roadmap for studying how migration affects and is affected by ecosystem dynamics in a changing world.  相似文献   
Abstract. To document the relationship between a plant's position in the canopy and its leaf nutrient content, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for 30 species growing in mature evergreen lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Species that grow either in the understory, midstory, or the canopy were selected. Species were further separated into three life forms: self-supporting monocots, self-supporting dicots, and climbers. Mass-based nutrient concentrations were expected to decrease with stature, as has been reported in studies of other forests. In fact, mass-based nitrogen and phosphorus did not vary significantly among the three adult-stature classes, although area-based values differed greatly: canopy plants averaged 60 % more nitrogen and 90 % more phosphorus per unit leaf area than understory plants. Differences in leaf characteristics were evident among the three life forms. Most notably, area-based phosphorus and leaf specific mass were lowest in climbers, intermediate in self-supporting dicots, and highest in self-supporting monocots. These results support the characterization of climbers as investing in inexpensive structures, perhaps in order to gain competitive advantage in light capture by allocating resources to maximize elongation rates.  相似文献   
Field experiments were done at two widely separated sites in England (Tadcaster, North Yorkshire and North Wyke, Devon). In each case an old permanent sward was re-seeded after ploughing or by direct drilling, or was left intact and fertilised. The carbamate pesticide aldicarb was applied to half of each experimental plot. The effects of sward improvement and pesticide on various soil invertebrate groups were assessed. Soil-dwelling macrofauna arthropods were scarce at both sites. Stem-boring dipterous larvae, however, were numerous at both sites. At Tadcaster, Oscinella vastator was the only species present in the original sward, but 0. frit was by far the most prevalent species in re-seeded areas. These can only have arisen from direct oviposition of eggs by adults on or near the emerging seedlings and not by migration of larvae from buried turf or the desiccated old pasture.
Mites and Collembola were abundant. Their numbers were reduced initially by cultivation and pesticide usage, but the effects of these practices were transient and their numbers recovered to previous levels usually within 10 wk.
Earthworms were present at both sites. Deep burrowing species, e.g. Lumbricus terrestris and Allolobophora longa were less affected by the treatments imposed than species such as A. chlorotica and L. rubelius which usually live close to the soil surface. Effects on their numbers were in any case, short-lived.
No improvement method consistently provided the greatest herbage dry matter yield. Pesticide application, however, greatly increased seedling stand and/or herbage yield at both sites and showed the benefits of using crop protectants, especially on direct-drilled re-seeds.  相似文献   
Theoretically, there are three principal ways in which ecosystem processes might respond to reductions in species richness. These theories are reviewed, and then considered in the context of a study of the diversity of soil nematodes and termites in near-primary forest sites at Mbalmayo, Cameroon, and the contribution made by these two taxa to carbon fluxes (CO2 and CH4) from the forest floor. Nematode abundances average 2.04 × 106 m-2, and termites between 2933 and 6957 m-2. The site is the most species-rich yet investigated for both groups anywhere in the world, so that a very large number of species contribute to carbon fluxes. We speculate about how much redundancy might be built into the functioning of both assemblages, and point out the enormous difficulties of resolving such questions, and of producing such detailed species-inventories.  相似文献   
TheAnticarsia gemmatalisnuclear polyhedrosis virus (AgNPV) was released in two soybean plots in September, 1991; the soil in the plots was then sampled periodically through July, 1992, to determine the effects of normal agricultural soil manipulations and precipitation on vertical distribution of the polyhedral occlusion bodies (POBs). The amount of AgNPV increased at all depths down to 37.5–50 cm as long as there was virus-contaminated plant matter, even dead soybean refuse, above the soil surface. Agricultural operations (disking, harrowing, mowing, planting, cultivating) had no effect on the amount or vertical distribution of AgNPV in soil. After the crop refuse was disked into the soil in November, the amount of POBs began decreasing at all depths; these decreases continued over winter and at times appeared to be associated with precipitation. The POBs were no longer detected below 37.5 cm by April, 1992, or below 25 cm by July, 1992. However, in July there were still 274 POBs/g in the top 2.5 cm of soil. Thus, agricultural operations should not hinder contamination of soybean leaves by AgNPV from its soil reservoir.  相似文献   
In 1976, Crump, Hoel, Langley, and Peto described how almost any dose‐response relationship for carcinogens becomes linear at low doses when background cancers are taken into account. This has been used, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA, as partial justification for a regulatory posture that assumes low‐dose linearity, as is illustrated by a discussion of regulation of benzene as a carcinogen. The argument depends critically on the assumption that the pollutant and the background proceed by the same biological mechanism. In this paper we show that the same argument applies to noncancer end points also. We discuss the application to a number of situations: reduction in lung function and consequent increase in death rate due to (particulate) air pollution; reduction in IQ and hence (in extreme cases) mental deficiency due to radiation in utero; reduction of sperm count and hence increase in male infertility due to DBCP exposure. We conclude that, although the biological basis for the health effect response is different, in each case low‐dose linearity might arise from the same mathematical effect discussed by Crump et al. (1976). We then examine other situations and toxic end points where low‐dose linearity might apply by the same argument. We urge that biologists and chemists should concentrate efforts on comparing the biological and pharmacokinetic processes that apply to the pollutant and the background. Finally, we discuss some public policy implications of the possibility that low dose linearity may be the rule rather than the exception for environmental exposures.  相似文献   
In acid volcanic soils, plant roots are thought to be injured by acidity (low pH) and/or solubilized aluminium (Al) ions. An attempt was made to separate the effects of low pH from those of Al on the elongation and viability of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) radicles in water culture. Root elongation was irreversively curtailed by 20 hours treatment at pH 4.0 without Al or 20 mmol m-3 Al at pH 5.0. Viability of surface cells of root tips was detected as a degrading activity of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) by cellular esterases and subsequent accumulation of derived fluorescein within cells. Large numbers of the surface cells lost their viability after four hours exposure at the low pH. In contrast, surface cells maintained both FDA degrading activity and ability to accumulate fluorescein 20 h after initial exposure to the Al solution (20 mmol Al m-3, pH 5.0). These results suggest that there are some significant differences in the mechanisms of phytotoxicity to alfalfa root between the two stress factors.  相似文献   
Plantations of radiata pine (P. radiata D.Don) on soils previously under legume based pastures have a high incidence of stem deformity compared with forest soils. A comparison of soil properties and tree nutrition of 5 to 7 year-old radiata pine on former pastures in the first part of the study showed that stem deformity was strongly correlated with mineralisation of soil N and in particular with nitrification. Other soil properties that have changed as a result of pasture improvement, e.g. pH, available P and Mn, were only partially correlated with stem deformity. In the second part of the study, the role of N availability and other soil properties in the expression of deformity was further investigated in a separate field experiment on soils formerly under native eucalypt forest, tobacco cropping, and improved pasture. Young radiata pine plantings were treated with lime, phosphorus, and nitrogen applied as urea and sodium nitrate. Liming increased soil pH by around 1.5 units, raised exchangeable Ca2+ and decreased available Mn. Soil mineral N content was only marginally affected by liming. Superphosphate increased soil available P and raised levels of P in foliage. Changes in soil pH, availability of P, Mn, and B did not affect growth or stem deformity at any of the sites. In contrast, application of N fertilisers at 200 and 600 kg N ha-1 increased mineral N content and stimulated nitrification, particularly at the forest site. The high rate of N fertiliser increased basal area at the forest site by 45%, but also raised the level of stem deformity from 12% to 56%. At the tobacco and pasture sites, this treatment did not increase growth and did not significantly raise stem deformity above the already high basic level of deformity (63%). Implications of stem deformity in young plantations of radiata pine on potential utilisation later in the rotation are discussed.  相似文献   
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