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Protein crystallographers are often confronted with recalcitrant proteins not readily crystallizable, or which crystallize in problematic forms. A variety of techniques have been used to surmount such obstacles: crystallization using carrier proteins or antibody complexes, chemical modification, surface entropy reduction, proteolytic digestion, and additive screening. Here we present a synergistic approach for successful crystallization of proteins that do not form diffraction quality crystals using conventional methods. This approach combines favorable aspects of carrier‐driven crystallization with surface entropy reduction. We have generated a series of maltose binding protein (MBP) fusion constructs containing different surface mutations designed to reduce surface entropy and encourage crystal lattice formation. The MBP advantageously increases protein expression and solubility, and provides a streamlined purification protocol. Using this technique, we have successfully solved the structures of three unrelated proteins that were previously unattainable. This crystallization technique represents a valuable rescue strategy for protein structure solution when conventional methods fail.  相似文献   
Information-theoretical entropy as a measure of sequence variability.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We propose the use of the information-theoretical entrophy, S = -sigman pi log2 pi, as a measure of variability at a given position in a set of aligned sequences. pi stands for the fraction of times the i-th type appears at a position. For protein sequences, the sum has up to 20 terms, for nucleotide sequences, up to 4 terms, and for codon sequences, up to 61 terms. We compare S and Vs, a related measure, in detail with Vk, the traditional measure of immunoglobulin sequence variability, both in the abstract and as applied to the immunoglobulins. We conclude that S has desirable mathematical properties that Vk lacks and has intuitive and statistical meanings that accord well with the notion of variability. We find that Vk and the S-based measures are highly correlated for the immunoglobulins. We show by analysis of sequence data and by means of a mathematical model that this correlation is due to a strong tendency for the frequency of occurrence of amino acid types at a given position to be log-linear. It is not known whether the immunoglobulins are typical or atypical of protein families in this regard, nor is the origin of the observed rank-frequency distribution obvious, although we discuss several possible etiologies.  相似文献   
基于多判据决策的水体营养状态评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了准确地评价水生态系统营养状态和综合决策,通过最大熵原理耦合模糊性与随机性,建立了最大熵模糊评价模型(FAME);利用逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS),以待决策水体样本的实测值为理想解,以评价结果中与实测值相差最大的为负理想解,建立了多判据决策模型(MCDM).经12个湖泊实测数据验证,最大熵模糊评价与随机评价、模糊评价和灰色评价的结果较为一致,但提高了评价水体营养状态问题各层次的分辨力.多判据决策模型可解决多种方法评价结果不相容问题,使评价结果更接近水体实际情况.FAME和MCDM适用于各种水质的综合评价及决策.  相似文献   
Thermally stable proteins are desirable for research and industrial purposes, but redesigning proteins for higher thermal stability can be challenging. A number of different techniques have been used to improve the thermal stability of proteins, but the extents of stability enhancement were sometimes unpredictable and not significant. Here, we systematically tested the effects of multiple stabilization techniques including a bioinformatic method and structure‐guided mutagenesis on a single protein, thereby providing an integrated approach to protein thermal stabilization. Using a mesophilic adenylate kinase (AK) as a model, we identified stabilizing mutations based on various stabilization techniques, and generated a series of AK variants by introducing mutations both individually and collectively. The redesigned proteins displayed a range of increased thermal stabilities, the most stable of which was comparable to a naturally evolved thermophilic homologue with more than a 25° increase in its thermal denaturation midpoint. We also solved crystal structures of three representative variants including the most stable variant, to confirm the structural basis for their increased stabilities. These results provide a unique opportunity for systematically analyzing the effectiveness and additivity of various stabilization mechanisms, and they represent a useful approach for improving protein stability by integrating the reduction of local structural entropy and the optimization of global noncovalent interactions such as hydrophobic contact and ion pairs. Proteins 2014; 82:1947–1959. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Healthy humans display a preference for walking at a stride frequency dependent on the inertial properties of their legs. Walking at preferred stride frequency (PSF) is predicted to maximize local dynamic stability, whereby sensitivity to intrinsic perturbations arising from natural variability inherent in biological motion is minimized. Previous studies testing this prediction have employed different variability measures, but none have directly quantified local dynamic stability by computing maximum finite-time Lyapunov exponent (λMax), which quantifies the rate of divergence of nearby trajectories in state space. Here, ten healthy adults walked 45 m overground while sagittal motion of both knees was recorded via electrogoniometers. An auditory metronome prescribed 7 different frequencies relative to each individual's PSF (PSF; ±5, ±10, ±15 strides/min). Stride frequencies were performed under both freely adopted speed (FS) and controlled speed (CS: set at the speed of PSF trials) conditions. Local dynamic stability was maximal (λMax was minimal) at the PSF, becoming less stable for higher and lower stride frequencies. This occurred under both FS and CS conditions, although controlling speed further reduced local dynamic stability at non-preferred stride frequencies. In contrast, measures of variability revealed effects of stride frequency and speed conditions that were distinct from λMax. In particular, movement regularity computed by approximate entropy (ApEn) increased for slower walking speeds, appearing to depend on speed rather than stride frequency. The cadence freely adopted by humans has the benefit of maximizing local dynamic stability, which can be interpreted as humans tuning to their resonant frequency of walking.  相似文献   
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is often used in the confirmatory test for brain death diagnosis in clinical practice. Because EEG recording and monitoring is relatively safe for the patients in deep coma, it is believed to be valuable for either reducing the risk of brain death diagnosis (while comparing other tests such as the apnea) or preventing mistaken diagnosis. The objective of this paper is to study several statistical methods for quantitative EEG analysis in order to help bedside or ambulatory monitoring or diagnosis. We apply signal processing and quantitative statistical analysis for the EEG recordings of 32 adult patients. For EEG signal processing, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to separate the independent source components, followed by Fourier and time-frequency analysis. For quantitative EEG analysis, we apply several statistical complexity measures to the EEG signals and evaluate the differences between two groups of patients: the subjects in deep coma, and the subjects who were categorized as brain death. We report statistically significant differences of quantitative statistics with real-life EEG recordings in such a clinical study, and we also present interpretation and discussions on the preliminary experimental results.
Zhe ChenEmail:
海南岛位于我国南部, 地处热带北缘, 其独特的岛屿气候环境孕育了丰富的生物资源, 为我国生物多样性热点地区之一。为探究岛内的翼手目物种多样性状况, 本研究组使用雾网、蝙蝠竖琴网等工具, 于2002年至2016年先后对海南岛进行了15次翼手目多样性调查, 并根据其外形与头骨特征及系统发育学方法进行标本鉴定。共获取了1,025号标本, 隶属5科15属31种, 其中2016年12月21日在海南琼中捕获的艾氏管鼻蝠(Murina eleryi)为海南岛蝙蝠分布新记录。结合前人调查及发表结果统计, 岛内共有翼手类8科20属41种。同时基于本调查采集位点和前人调查位置信息(共计363个位点), 结合WorldClim 32种气候数据, 运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)对海南岛翼手目物种的分布进行预测, 结果显示五指山、吊罗山、鹦哥岭、尖峰岭及海口火山口国家地质公园等地为翼手目物种多样性较丰富的区域, 而三亚、澄迈、屯昌、临高、琼海等地翼手目物种多样性较低。本研究结果为海南岛翼手目资源分布及多样性状况提供了基础资料, 也为岛内后续开展翼手目资源保护管理、蝙蝠疾病防控等提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
Growing well-diffracting crystals constitutes a serious bottleneck in structural biology. A recently proposed crystallization methodology for "stubborn crystallizers" is to engineer surface sequence variants designed to form intermolecular contacts that could support a crystal lattice. This approach relies on the concept of surface entropy reduction (SER), i.e., the replacement of clusters of flexible, solvent-exposed residues with residues with lower conformational entropy. This strategy minimizes the loss of conformational entropy upon crystallization and renders crystallization thermodynamically favorable. The method has been successfully used to crystallize more than 15 novel proteins, all stubborn crystallizers. But the choice of suitable sites for mutagenesis is not trivial. Herein, we announce a Web server, the surface entropy reduction prediction server (SERp server), designed to identify mutations that may facilitate crystallization. Suggested mutations are predicted based on an algorithm incorporating a conformational entropy profile, a secondary structure prediction, and sequence conservation. Minor considerations include the nature of flanking residues and gaps between mutation candidates. While designed to be used with default values, the server has many user-controlled parameters allowing for considerable flexibility. Within, we discuss (1) the methodology of the server, (2) how to interpret the results, and (3) factors that must be considered when selecting mutations. We also attempt to benchmark the server by comparing the server's predictions with successful SER structures. In most cases, the structure yielding mutations were easily identified by the SERp server. The server can be accessed at http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Services/SER.  相似文献   
In Neo-Darwinism, variation and natural selection are the two evolutionary mechanisms that propel biological evolution. Variation implies changes in the gene pool of a population, enlarging the genetic variability from which natural selection can choose. But in the absence of natural selection, variation causes dissipation and randomization. Natural selection, in contrast, constrains this variability by decreasing the survival and fertility of the less-adapted organisms. The objective of this study is to propose a highly simplified simulation of variation and natural selection, and to relate the observed evolutionary changes in a population to its information content. The model involves an imaginary population of individuals. A quantifiable character allows the individuals to be categorized into bins. The distribution of bins (a histogram) was assumed to be Gaussian. The content of each bin was calculated after one to twelve cycles, each cycle spanning N generations (N being undefined). In a first study, selection was simulated in the absence of variation. This was modeled by assuming a differential fertility factor F that increased linearly from the lower bins (F<1.00) to the higher bins (F>1.00). The fertility factor was applied as a multiplication factor during each cycle. Several ranges of fertility were investigated. The resulting histograms became skewed to the right. In a second study, variation was simulated in the absence of selection. This was modeled by assuming that during each cycle each bin lost a fixed percentage of its content (variation factor Y) to its two adjacent bins. The resulting histograms became broader and flatter, while retaining their bilateral symmetry. Different values of Y were monitored. In a third study, various values of F and Y were combined. Our model allows the straightforward application of Shannon's equation and the calculation of a Shannon-entropy (SE) values for each histogram. Natural selection was, thus, shown to result in a progressive decrease in SE as a function of F. In other words, natural selection, when acting alone, progressively increased the information content of the population. In contrast, variation resulted in a progressive increase in SE as a function of Y. In other words, variation acting alone progressively decreased the information content of a population. When both factors, F and Y, were applied simultaneously, their relative weight determined the progressive change in SE.  相似文献   
The Brown bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) occupies contiguous areas in Eastern and Northern Europe. In Western Europe, the largest remnant populations occur in Cantabria, Spain and the Apennines, Italy. Under Italian law the bear and its occupied range are protected. The occupied range of the Apennine brown bear includes Majella National Park. However, information on the distribution within Majella NP is extrapolated and inconsistent, thus precluding evidence-based protected area and species management. To address this lack of information, bear presence records (1996–2010) were collated and corrected for observational bias. Multiple Species Distribution Models (SDMs) were created at 800 m resolution to predict year-round and seasonal bear distribution. A hierarchical, stepwise maxent SDM approach was applied using climatic, terrain, vegetation, and anthropogenic predictors of bear distribution. Occupied ranges were identified by point density analysis of bear presence. Our climate-only SDMs predicted bear presence in areas with relatively low snowfall and temperate temperatures. Year-round bear distribution was also accurately predicted by using temperate-montane elevations and mesic, mesotrophic vegetation substrates, irrespective of vegetation. Ski-resorts were negative predictors of year-round bear occurrence. Bears were predicted in autumn and winter by beech forest, in spring by meadows and in summer by a variety of vegetation categories. The regional and our local models predicted bear throughout the south. However, our predicted and occupied range in the north includes the Orta valley and exclude alpine heights, contrary to the regional models. Only our summer bear range is similar to a regional SDM. We demonstrated that multiple maxent SDMs using a modest number of observations and a comprehensive set of environmental variables may generate essential distributional information for protected area and species management where full wildlife and food source censuses are lacking.  相似文献   
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