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Microsites are created by abiotic and biotic features of the landscape and may provide essential habitats for the persistence of biota. Forest canopies and understorey plants may moderate wind and solar radiation to create microclimatic conditions that differ considerably from regional climates. Skirt-forming plants, where senescent leaves create hut-like cavities around the stem, create microsites that are sheltered from ambient conditions and extreme weather events, constituting potential refuges for wildlife. We investigate day and night temperatures and humidity for four locations (grass tree cavities, soil, 20 cm above-ground, 1 m above-ground) in a South Australian forest with relatively open canopy of stringybark eucalypts (Eucalyptus baxteri, E. obliqua) and an understorey of skirt-forming grass trees (Xanthorrhoea semiplana) at 5, 10, 20, and 40 m from the forest edge. We also measured the percentage of canopy and understorey covers. Generally, temperature and humidity differed significantly between more sheltered (grass tree cavities, soil) and open-air microsites, with the former being cooler during the day and warmer and more humid during the night. Furthermore, our results suggest that canopy cover tends to decrease, and understorey cover tends to increase, the temperature of microsites. Distance to the edge was not significantly related to temperature for any microsite, suggesting that the edge effect did not extend beyond 10 m from the edge. Overall, grass trees influenced microclimatic conditions by forming a dense understorey and providing cavities that are relatively insulated. The capacity of grass tree cavities to buffer external conditions increased linearly with ambient temperatures, by 0.46°C per degree increase in maximum and 0.25°C per degree decrease in minimum temperatures, potentially offsetting climate warming and enabling persistence of fauna within their thermal limits. These climate moderation properties will make grass trees increasingly important refuges as extreme weather events become more common under anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   


Woody plant encroachment is a widespread phenomenon affecting treeless or sparsely treed habitats. We aimed to determine the extent and timing of tree and shrub encroachment into rock barrens of eastern Ontario over the last century, and to assess implications for their ongoing management.


Queen's University Biological Station in the Frontenac Arch ecoregion.


We quantified the extent of change in woody vegetation in 290 rock barrens using aerial photography from 1925, 1965, and 2008. Composition and structure of woody plant communities in 10 barrens was subsequently quantified in the field using plot-based sampling. Cores or cross-sections were obtained from individuals >1.5 m height and dendrochronological techniques were used to determine their age and identify temporal patterns of any woody encroachment.


Aerial photography indicated that the mean proportion of woody plant cover in barrens increased 22.5% from 1925 to 2008. Dendroecological analysis supported this. Few trees were present prior to 1900 and most established since 1960. Fraxinus americana, Juniperus virginiana, and Juniperus communis were the most common woody species colonizing the barrens. Remnants of large Pinus strobus stumps with extensive charring were found in 90% of the sampled barrens at a mean density of 22.6 stumps ha−1.


Rock barrens on the Frontenac Arch have changed substantially over the past century; gradually being colonized by trees and shrubs and losing their distinctly open character. Active management — including prescribed fire and mechanical thinning — may be necessary if there is a desire to maintain these barrens and the rare species they support as components of the region's biodiversity. However, identification of a reference state for restoration is complicated by the fact that the structure and composition of these habitats were undoubtedly altered by European land clearance in the 19th century, and that some of these areas likely existed as pine woodlands before that.  相似文献   
Soils contain biotic and abiotic legacies of previous conditions that may influence plant community biomass and associated aboveground biodiversity. However, little is known about the relative strengths and interactions of the various belowground legacies on aboveground plant–insect interactions. We used an outdoor mesocosm experiment to investigate the belowground legacy effects of range-expanding versus native plants, extreme drought and their interactions on plants, aphids and pollinators. We show that plant biomass was influenced more strongly by the previous plant community than by the previous summer drought. Plant communities consisted of four congeneric pairs of natives and range expanders, and their responses were not unanimous. Legacy effects affected the abundance of aphids more strongly than pollinators. We conclude that legacies can be contained as soil ‘memories’ that influence aboveground plant community interactions in the next growing season. These soil-borne ‘memories’ can be altered by climate warming-induced plant range shifts and extreme drought.  相似文献   
Terminal phase adult male bluehead wrasse show rapid and frequent changes of body colour from bright green to opalescent. Green body colour is associated with aggressive chases of other fish, opalescent with courting females and spawning and so the body colour gives an indication of the fish's ‘intention’ over the next few seconds. Pectoral fin spots appear during courtship and a hypothesis is suggested for their function.  相似文献   


Shallow soils on acidic bedrock in dry areas of Central Europe support dry grasslands and heathlands that were formerly used as extensive pastures. These habitats are of high conservation value, but their abandonment in the 20th century triggered slow natural succession that poses a threat to specialized plant species. We asked how this vegetation and its plant diversity have changed over the past three decades and whether protected areas have positively affected habitat quality.


Southwestern and central Moravia, Czech Republic.


In 2018–2019, we resurveyed 94 vegetation plots first sampled in 1986–1991 at 47 acidic dry grassland and heathland sites. We compared the number of all vascular plant species, Red List species and alien species per plot using parametric and non-parametric tests, life-form spectra using the chi-square test, species composition using detrended correspondence analysis, and indicator values using a permutation test. We also compared these changes between sites within and outside protected areas.


Vegetation changes over the past three decades have been relatively small. However, we detected a decrease in total species richness, the number of Red List species and the number of characteristic species of dry grasslands. Neophytes were infrequent, while archaeophytes increased slightly. The competitive tall grass Arrhenatherum elatius, annual species and young woody plants increased in abundance or newly established at many sites. Indicator values did not change except for a slight increase in nutrient values. These negative trends occurred both within and outside protected areas but were more pronounced outside.


Formerly grazed acidic dry grasslands and heathlands in Moravia are slowly losing habitat specialists, including threatened plant species, and are increasingly dominated by Arrhenatherum elatius. Conservation management, especially cutting in protected areas, slows down the negative trends of decline in plant diversity and habitat quality but is insufficient to halt these processes completely.  相似文献   
Eco-evolutionary dynamics, or eco-evolution for short, are often thought to involve rapid demography (ecology) and equally rapid heritable phenotypic changes (evolution) leading to novel, emergent system behaviours. We argue that this focus on contemporary dynamics is too narrow: Eco-evolution should be extended, first, beyond pure demography to include all environmental dimensions and, second, to include slow eco-evolution which unfolds over thousands or millions of years. This extension allows us to conceptualise biological systems as occupying a two-dimensional time space along axes that capture the speed of ecology and evolution. Using Hutchinson's analogy: Time is the ‘theatre’ in which ecology and evolution are two interacting ‘players’. Eco-evolutionary systems are therefore dynamic: We identify modulators of ecological and evolutionary rates, like temperature or sensitivity to mutation, which can change the speed of ecology and evolution, and hence impact eco-evolution. Environmental change may synchronise the speed of ecology and evolution via these rate modulators, increasing the occurrence of eco-evolution and emergent system behaviours. This represents substantial challenges for prediction, especially in the context of global change. Our perspective attempts to integrate ecology and evolution across disciplines, from gene-regulatory networks to geomorphology and across timescales, from today to deep time.  相似文献   
Rogers  H. H.  Dahlman  R. C. 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):117-131
Carbon dioxide is rising in the global atmosphere, and this increase can be expected to continue into the foreseeable future. This compound is an essential input to plant life. Crop function is affected across all scales from biochemical to agro-ecosystem. An array of methods (leaf cuvettes, field chambers, free-air release systems) are available for experimental studies of CO2 effects. Carbon dioxide enrichment of the air in which crops grow usually stimulates their growth and yield. Plant structure and physiology are markedly altered. Interactions between CO2 and environmental factors that influence plants are known to occur. Implications for crop growth and yield are enormous. Strategies designed to assure future global food security must include a consideration of crop responses to elevated atmospheric CO2. Future research should include these targets: search for new insights, development of new techniques, construction of better simulation models, investigation of belowground processes, study of interactions, and the elimination of major discrepancies in the scientific knowledge base.  相似文献   
Interaction of a 70-amino acid zinc-binding polypeptide from the regulatory chain of aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) with the catalytic (C) subunit leads to dramatic changes in enzyme activity and affinity for ligand binding at the active sites. The complex between the polypeptide (zinc domain) and wild-type C trimer exhibits hyperbolic kinetics in contrast to the sigmoidal kinetics observed with the intact holoenzyme. Moreover, the Scatchard plot for binding N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA) to the complex is linear with a Kd corresponding to that evaluated for the holoenzyme converted to the relaxed (R) state. Additional evidence that the binding of the zinc domain to the C trimer converts it to the R state was attained with a mutant form of ATCase in which Lys 164 in the catalytic chain is replaced by Glu. As shown previously (Newell, J.O. & Schachman, H.K., 1990, Biophys. Chem. 37, 183-196), this mutant holoenzyme, which exists in the R conformation even in the absence of active site ligands, has a 50-fold greater affinity for PALA than the free C subunit. Adding the zinc domain to the C trimer containing the Lys 164-->Glu substitution leads to a 50-fold enhancement in the affinity for the bisubstrate analog yielding a value of Kd equal to that for the holoenzyme. A different mutant ATCase containing the Gln 231 to Ile replacement was shown (Peterson, C.B., Burman, D.L., & Schachman, H.K., 1992, Biochemistry 31, 8508-8515) to be much less active as a holoenzyme than as the free C trimer. For this mutant holoenzyme, the addition of substrates does not cause its conversion to the R state. However, the addition of the zinc domain to the Gln 231-->Ile C trimer leads to a marked increase in enzyme activity, and PALA binding data indicate that the complex resembles the R state of the holoenzyme. This interaction leading to a more active conformation serves as a model of intergenic complementation in which peptide binding to a protein causes a conformational correction at a site remote from the interacting surfaces resulting in activation of the protein. This linkage was also demonstrated by difference spectroscopy using a chromophore covalently bound at the active site, which served as a spectral probe for a local conformational change. The binding of ligands at the active sites was shown also to lead to a strengthening of the interaction between the zinc domain and the C trimer.  相似文献   
Modeling of protein loops by simulated annealing.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A method is presented to model loops of protein to be used in homology modeling of proteins. This method employs the ESAP program of Higo et al. (Higo, J., Collura, V., & Garnier, J., 1992, Biopolymers 32, 33-43) and is based on a fast Monte Carlo simulation and a simulated annealing algorithm. The method is tested on different loops or peptide segments from immunoglobulin, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, and bovine trypsin. The predicted structure is obtained from the ensemble average of the coordinates of the Monte Carlo simulation at 300 K, which exhibits the lowest internal energy. The starting conformation of the loop prior to modeling is chosen to be completely extended, and a closing harmonic potential is applied to N, CA, C, and O atoms of the terminal residues. A rigid geometry potential of Robson and Platt (1986, J. Mol. Biol. 188, 259-281) with a united atom representation is used. This we demonstrate to yield a loop structure with good hydrogen bonding and torsion angles in the allowed regions of the Ramachandran map. The average accuracy of the modeling evaluated on the eight modeled loops is 1 A root mean square deviation (rmsd) for the backbone atoms and 2.3 A rmsd for all heavy atoms.  相似文献   
In this work, binding interactions of artemisinin (ART) and dihydroartemisinin (DHA) with human serum albumin (HSA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated thoroughly to illustrate the conformational variation of serum albumin. Experimental results indicated that ART and DHA bound strongly with the site I of serum albumins via hydrogen bond (H-bond) and van der Waals force and subsequently statically quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of serum albumins through concentration-dependent manner. The quenching abilities of two drugs on the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA were much higher than the quenching abilities of two drugs on the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. Both ART and DHA, especially DHA, caused the conformational variation of serum albumins and reduced the α-helix structure content of serum albumins. DHA with hydrophilic hydroxyl group bound with HSA more strongly, suggesting the important roles of the chemical polarity and the hydrophilicity during the binding interactions of two drugs with serum albumins. These results reveal the molecular understanding of binding interactions between ART derivatives and serum albumins, providing vital information for the future application of ART derivatives in biological and clinical areas.  相似文献   
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