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Total, organic and extractable P were measured in the humus and underlying soil to 10 cm depth beneath Sitka spruce (SS) and mixed Sitka spruce and Scots pine (SS+SP) stands planted on upland heath. The humus beneath SS+SP contained significantly (p<0.01) greater amounts of total and organic-P than that in SS and the mixed stands had more effectively retained approximately 87 per cent of previously applied fertilizer-P, totalling 100 kg P ha–1, compared with 70 per cent in SS. Despite the larger amounts of total-P in the mixed plots 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable molybdate reactive phosphorus (MRP) was significantly (p<0.05) greater in SS+SP humus only during March and April. Greater concentrations of MRP were released from the humus and soil during July and August at a mean rate of 58 g P ha–1 day–1. This coincided with drying of the soil during the summer and the rate of release, attributed to death of fine roots and microorganisms, was 4 to 30 times greater than reported values for rates of net mineralization of P from forest soils.  相似文献   
中国人工林面积居世界第一位,而马尾松是中国人工林面积较大的树种之一,广泛分布于中国的亚热带区域。马尾松适应能力强,耐干旱、瘠薄,是南方低山丘陵区群落演替的先锋树种,也是荒山绿化造林的主要树种,马尾松人工林对生态防护、生态治理有着重大的意义。但是,绝大部分马尾松人工林为人工纯林,生态系统比较脆弱,生态服务功能较差。人工林的近自然改造对于增加林地生物多样性,提升人工林的生态服务功能具有重要意义。2005年,对中国林业科学院热带林业试验中心1993年造林的马尾松人工林进行4种不同强度(50%、40%、30%、20%)间伐后,套种大叶栎(Castanopsis fissa)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)、润楠(Machilus pingii)、红锥(C. hystrix)4个乡土阔叶树种,各种套种密度皆为120株/hm2。分别于间伐前(2004年)及2010年对群落生物多样性及人工套种树种生态情况进行调查,结果表明:(1)间伐处理后,自然更新至乔木层的物种种类和数量都有显著的增加,600 m2的样方中,物种数由(2.75±2.56)种增加到(11.17±4.32)种,个体数由(5.75±4.31)株增加到(32.17±19.09)株,群落中乔木亚层的优势种变化不大,主要有南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)、水锦树(Wendlandia uvariifolia),枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、破布木(Cordia dichotoma)、白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus)等。新增加到乔木层的物种大都为之前群落中灌木层的种类,主要有三桠苦(Evodia lepta)、鸭脚木(Schefflera minutistellata)、白花龙(Styrax faberi)、中平树(Macaranga denticulata)、黄毛榕(Ficus esquiroliana)、华南毛柃(Eurya ciliata)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana)、猴耳环(Pithecellobium clypearia)、木姜子(Litsea pungens)、毛黄肉楠(Actinodaphne pilosa)等。(2)间伐处理前,600 m2样方中出现的灌草种类数量为(24.63±4.24)种,间伐处理后,600 m2样方中出现的灌草种类数量为(27.58±3.80)种,不同间伐强度处理后林下灌草的优势种与间伐前大致相同,灌木层优势种为三桠苦,草本层优势种为弓果黍(Cyrtococcum patens)。不同间伐强度处理林分间,灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数均无显著差异,且与间伐前林分也无显著差异。(3)间伐促进了4个乡土树种幼树的生长,随着间伐强度的增加,大叶栎、红锥幼树的高度和胸径显著增长;50%的间伐强度的林分中,阔叶树种幼树的长势要显著好于其他间伐强度,50%的间伐强度最有利于马尾松林下套种的阔叶树种生长。(4)在马尾松林下套种的4个阔叶树种幼树的初期生长有明显差异。总体而言,大叶栎与米老排幼树的早期生长速率要明显高于红锥和润楠。  相似文献   

The Otago Regional Council could perhaps be renamed the Otago Rabbit Council. Some 35% of our budget—$8 million—goes annually towards dealing with rabbits, which certainly meet the definition of a pest (an animal which “disrupts management objectives” and lives at a population density exceeding “what society considers to be an acceptable level”). We can only hope that the day will come when we can, with confidence, say that the problem is being solved and when public and private financial inputs into rabbit control can be set at a far more reasonable level.  相似文献   
Aim To understand how the biophysical environment influences patterns of infection by non‐native blister rust (caused by Cronartium ribicola) and mortality caused by native mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) communities, to determine how these disturbances interact, and to gain insight into how climate change may influence these patterns in the future. Location High‐elevation forests in south‐west Montana, central Idaho, eastern and western Oregon, USA. Methods Stand inventory and dendroecological methods were used to assess stand structure and composition and to reconstruct forest history at sixty 0.1‐ha plots. Patterns of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality in whitebark pine trees were examined using nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA, Mann–Whitney U‐tests, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov two‐sample tests. Stepwise regression was used to build models of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐related mortality rates based on a suite of biophysical site variables. Results Occurrence of blister rust infections was significantly different among the mountain ranges, with a general gradient of decreasing blister rust occurrence from east to west. Evidence of mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality was identified on 83% of all dead whitebark pine trees and was relatively homogenous across the study area. Blister rust infected trees of all ages and sizes uniformly, while mountain pine beetles infested older, larger trees at all sites. Stepwise regressions explained 64% and 58% of the variance in blister rust infection and beetle‐caused mortality, respectively, indicating that these processes are strongly influenced by the biophysical environment. More open stand structures produced by beetle outbreaks may increase the exposure of surviving whitebark pine trees to blister rust infection. Main conclusions Variability in the patterns of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality elucidated the fundamental dynamics of these disturbance agents and suggests that the effects of climate change will be complex in whitebark pine communities and vary across the species’ range. Interactions between blister rust and beetle outbreaks may accelerate declines or facilitate the rise of rust resistance in whitebark pine depending on forest conditions at the time of the outbreak.  相似文献   
Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity was examined in Pinus silvestris L. during successive seasons. The enzyme activities were studied both in seedlings, kept under controlled conditions in a climate chamber, and in needles from a 15-year-old tree in a natural stand. The enzyme activities were analysed in cell-free extracts prepared with Tween 80 as protective agent. The carboxylase activity fluctuated periodically both in the seedlings and in the natural stand. In the seedlings, the weight-related activity in the older needles increased 50–100% (in the cotyledons c. 200%) in the beginning of the “summer”. It decreased as the new shoot developed. The specific activity increased c. 100%. With chlorophyll as base, the activity usually decreased during “summer”. In the developing current needles the carboxylase activity increased when expressed on a weight or on a protein basis. The decrease in weight-related carboxylase activity in the older needles was preceded by, or simultaneous with, loss of total protein. It is suggested that protein, including the carboxylase, is utilized as nitrogen reserve for the new shoot. During hardening by combined photoperiod and thermoperiod, the carboxylase activity decreased when expressed relative to dry weight and protein. Calculated on a chlorophyll basis, the activity was rather constant. In the natural stand the activity in the one- and two-year-old needles increased during spring and summer and decreased during autumn and winter. Even at severe winter stress substantial carboxylase activity remained in the needles. The activity of the enzyme in vivo is discussed with respect to electron transport and net photosynthesis.  相似文献   
代力民  徐振邦  陈华  陈高 《生态学报》2002,22(6):854-858
研究了长白山北坡椴树(Tilia amurensis)枝条的分散进程,实验结果揭示,分解率是与各实验地的植被类型,海拔,生长季月平均大于5℃的积温等密切相关。其枝条分解的保存率(Y)与分解年龄(x)的相关,可用指数模型:Y=e^-kx来拟合,在红松阔叶混交林,红松外叶混交林,岳桦去冷杉林及岳桦林中椴树枝条分解常数K分别为-0.168与-0.127,-0.102和-0.094。枝条原重量50%的分解年龄在上述4个森林中分别是4,5,6和7a。实验还指出,在长白山红松阔叶混交林皆伐迹地的实验条件下适当的蔽荫和浇水对分解有正面影响。而且,枝条的分解率主要是以长白山不同海拔植被类型的温度条件而转移,特别是生长季的积温。  相似文献   
Major declines of whitebark pine forests throughout western North America from the combined effects of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks, fire exclusion policies, and the exotic disease white pine blister rust (WPBR) have spurred many restoration actions. However, projected future warming and drying may further exacerbate the species' decline and possibly compromise long‐term success of today's restoration activities. We evaluated successes of restoration treatments under future climate using a comprehensive landscape simulation experiment. The spatially explicit, ecological process model FireBGCv2 was used to simulate whitebark pine populations on two U.S. Northern Rocky Mountain landscapes over 95 years under two climate, three restoration, and two fire management scenarios. Major findings were that (1) whitebark pine can remain on some high mountain landscapes in a future climate albeit at lower basal areas (50% decrease), (2) restoration efforts, such as thinning and prescribed burning, are vital to ensure future whitebark pine forests, and (3) climate change impacts on whitebark pine vary by local setting. Whitebark pine restoration efforts will mostly be successful in the future but only if future populations are somewhat resistant to WPBR. Results were used to develop general guidelines that address climate change impacts for planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating fine‐scale restoration activities.  相似文献   
Populations of Bachman's Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) have declined range‐wide since the late 1960s. Populations at the periphery of their range have exhibited some of the steepest declines, and these sparrows are now rare or extirpated over much of the northern extent of their historical range. To better understand the spatial ecology of Bachman's Sparrows in this region of decline, we examined microhabitat selection and determined the home range sizes of radio‐tagged male Bachman's Sparrows (= 37) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina in 2014 and 2015. From April to July, we located males 1–2 times daily for 5–6 d per week. We measured vegetation structure in home ranges using 5‐m‐radius plots centered on a subset of 10 randomly selected telemetry locations as well as in available unused locations 50 m and in a random direction from each telemetry location. Mean size of home ranges (7.9 ha) was larger than estimates reported in most previous studies, with differences among studies possibly due, at least in part, to differences in the characteristics of habitats where studies were conducted. The home ranges of Bachman's Sparrows in our study had greater densities of woody and dead vegetation than unused areas. Although generally considered detrimental to the presence of Bachman's Sparrows, the presence of some woody vegetation in frequently burned (i.e., ≤ 3‐yr return interval) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities like those in our study may be important in providing song perches for males and cover from attacking predators. Bachman's Sparrows in our study showed clear selection for several vegetation characteristics linked to frequent fire. Management strategies that approximate historical fire regimes in longleaf pine ecosystems should continue to be promoted as essential tools for the conservation of Bachman's Sparrows.  相似文献   
The Canary Island pine weevil Brachyderes rugatus (Wollaston) consists of four allopatric subspecies that are thought to have arisen from several historic colonization events within the archipelago. We have isolated and optimized seven microsatellite loci from Brachyderes rugatus calvus from Gran Canaria. Six of these loci are polymorphic within B. rugatus (11–22 alleles per locus; heterozygosity between 0.43 and 0.84). There is no evidence for heterozygote deficit within populations or for linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci. These molecular markers are likely to prove useful tools for quantifying the genetic variability of bottlenecked island populations.  相似文献   
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