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A novel variant of the 13C/15N 2 half-filter experiment is reported for studying the hydration of an unlabelled ligand bound to a 15N and 13C uniformly labelled biological macromolecule. This doubly tuned filter experiment represents a powerful tool for obtaining resonance assignments, structure determination and hydration properties of a ligand. Its application to the binary complex formed by the inserted-domain (I-domain) of the leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) with a ligand reveals the presence of H2O molecules at the binding interface.  相似文献   
To examine longitudinal and gestational effects of mineral content in human milk, we analyzed human milk from lactating mothers of premature (PRT,n = 24, < 2000g birth weight, < 37 wk gestation) and fullterm (FT,n = 19, > 2500g, 39–41 wk gestation), living in Newfoundland, Canada. Samples were collected once a week for 8 wk with one final sample collected at 3 mo. Milk samples collected in acid-washed containers were wet ashed with concentrated HNO3, and barium, cadmium, calcium, cesium, cobalt, copper, cerium, lanthanum, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, rubidium, tin, strontium, and zinc were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using standard multiple-regression procedures with correlated data analyses to take account of the relationship between successive weeks. Results indicated lower Ca and Pb in PRT milk. Calcium was the only nutritionally significant element to differ between groups. Molybdenum in both PRT and FT milk showed a definite decrease with time, suggesting that the Mo content in milk is homeostatically regulated. However, Ce, La, Ba, and Sn did not display any pattern indicative of biological regulation and potential human requirement.  相似文献   
The pattern of muscles in the actively swimming predatory rotifer Asplanchnopus multiceps is revealed by staining with tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-labelled phalloidin and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The major components of the musculature are: prominent semicircular muscles of the corona; paired lateral, dorsal and ventral retractors in the trunk; a network of six seemingly complete circular muscles and anastomosing longitudinal muscles in the trunk; two short foot retractors, originating from a transverse muscle in the lower third of the trunk. The sphincter of the corona marks the boundary between the head and the trunk. The muscular patterns in rotifers with different lifestyles differ clearly, therefore, the muscular patterns seem to be determined by the mode of locomotion and feeding behaviour.  相似文献   
Plant traits that show little variation across higher taxa are often used as diagnostic traits, but the reason for the stasis of such traits remains unclear. Wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, exhibits tetradynamous stamens (four long and two short, producing a dimorphism in anther height within each flower), as do the vast majority of the more than 3,000 species in the Brassicaceae. Here we examine the hypothesis that selection maintains the stasis of dimorphic anther height by investigating the effects of this trait on pollen removal, seed siring success, and seed set in R. raphanistrum using both experimental and observational methods. Observational selection gradient analysis based on lifetime seed siring success provided evidence for an optimum dimorphism that was greater than zero in one of three years. In both experimentally manipulated and unmanipulated flowers, more pollen was removed in single visits from flowers with less dimorphism. There was no significant effect of anther dimorphism on female fitness (seed set). Therefore, there is some evidence to suggest that selection is maintaining anther dimorphism in wild radish, and that higher male fitness might result from restriction of single-visit pollen removal. We discuss these results in light of pollen presentation theory.  相似文献   
An understanding of transport, flow, diffusivity and mass transfer processes is of central importance in many fields of environmental biotechnology such as biofilm, bioreactor and membrane engineering, soil and groundwater bioremediation, and wastewater treatment. Owing to its remarkable sensitivity to molecular displacements and to its noninvasive and nondestructive character, pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can be a valuable tool for investigating such processes. In conventional NMR microscopy, spatial encoding is achieved by using static magnetic field gradients (B 0 gradients). However, an interesting alternative is to use radio-frequency magnetic field gradients (RF or B 1 gradients). Although the latter are less versatile than the former, RF field gradient microscopy is particularly suitable for dealing with heterogeneous systems such as porous media because of its quasi-immunity to background static magnetic field gradients arising from magnetic susceptibility inhomogeneities, unlike the B 0 gradients microscopy. Here, we present an overview of basic principles and the main features of this technique, which is still relatively unused. Different examples of diffusion imaging illustrate the potentialities of the method in both micro-imaging and the measurement of global or local diffusion coefficients within membranes and at liquid–solid interfaces. These examples suggest that a number of environmental problems could benefit from this technique. Different future prospects of application of B 1 gradient NMR microscopy in environmental biotechnology are considered. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 53–61. Received 09 February 2000/ Accepted in revised form 07 August 2000  相似文献   
Zinc has been postulated as an important nutritional factor involved in growth promotion; however, the cellular mechanisms involved in the effects of zinc on linear growth remain to be elucidated. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of zinc on the proliferation rate of epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes and on the structural characteristics of the proteoglycans synthesized by these cells. For these purposes, hypertrophic and proliferating chondrocytes were isolated from the tibiae of 1- and 5-week-old chickens, respectively. Chondrocytes were cultured under serum-free conditions and primary cultures were used. The results showed that zinc stimulated proliferation by 40-50% above the baseline in the case of proliferating chondrocytes, but it had no effect on hypertrophic chondrocytes. Zinc had neither any effects on mean charge density of proteoglycans synthesized by hypertrophic chondrocytes nor in their hydrodynamic size. In contrast, zinc induced an increase in mean charge density and a decrease of hydrodynamic size of proteoglycans synthesized by proliferating chondrocytes. In both cell types zinc had no effect on the composition and hydrodynamic size of the glycosaminoglycan chains. The increased ability of proliferating chondrocytes cultured in the presence of zinc to synthesize 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) could be explained by the induction of enzymes participating in the sulfation pathway of proteoglycans. Therefore, the increase in mean charge density of proteoglycans observed in this study may be explained by an increase of the degree of sulfation of proteoglycan molecules. We speculate that the effect of zinc on linear growth may be explained at a cellular level by: a) an increase in proliferation rates of proliferating chondrocytes, and b) increased synthesis of highly charged proteoglycan molecules which decreases mineralization.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is 1 degree) to quantify environmental changes in herbivory due to Orthoptera on two perennial grasses and 2 degrees) to assess the processes involved in the control of herbivory. Herbivory varies strongly according to shade, drought and mowing, and is positively related to vapour pressure deficit and temperature. Besides the hypothesis of a trophic control of herbivory, our results are consistent with a microclimatic control of herbivory by Orthoptera. The coexistence of different hypothesis of herbivory control may depend on the studied system and specifically on the type of herbivore involved.  相似文献   
Abstract. Theories of density-dependent natural selection suggest that intraspecific competition will favor juveniles of high competitive ability. Empirical evidence has been provided from laboratory selection experiments, but field studies are lacking due to the logistical difficulties of experimentally manipulating population densities in natural settings. Here, we present data from a decade-long experimental field study of side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana that overcomes these difficulties. We tested the hypothesis that density-dependent natural selection causes egg size to increase from early to late clutches in this and many other species. Using a novel combination of environmental manipulations of hatchling density and phenotypic manipulations of egg size, we demonstrate that the nature of selection on egg size changes dramatically in the absence of older competitors. The strength of selection on egg size among later-clutch hatchlings released in areas without competitors from early clutches became almost doubled in magnitude, compared to that among hatchlings released in the presence of older competitors. These experimental findings demonstrate density-dependent natural selection on egg size; however, they contradict the classical idea that egg size increases during the reproductive season because of competition between early and late hatchlings. The results indicate that competitive age or size asymmetries between early and late hatchlings can override within-cohort asymmetries due to egg size. We suggest that competition could be an important mediator of oscillating selection pressures in this and other systems. Finally, we discuss the utility of "double-level," simultaneous experimental manipulation of both phenotypic traits that are targets of selection (e.g., egg size) as well the environmental agents of selection (e.g., population density).  相似文献   
Localization of iron-reducing activity in paddy soilby profile studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Profiles of iron speciations (porewaterFe(II) and Fe(III), solid-phase Fe(II) andFe(III)) have been studied to localize both ironreduction and oxidation in flooded paddy soil. Sulfateand nitrate were determined to analyze interactions ofredox reactions involved in the iron cycle with thoseof the sulfur and nitrogen cycle. The development ofthe iron(II) and iron(III) profiles was observed inmicroscale over a time period of 11 weeks. After 11weeks the profiles were stable and showed lowestconcentrations of solid-phase iron(II) on the soilsurface with increasing concentrations to a soil depthof 10 mm ( 100 µmol/cm3). Profilesof iron(III) showed a maximum of iron(III) at a depthof 2 to 4 mm ( 100--200 µmol/cm3).Porewater iron(II) concentrations were three orders ofmagnitude lower than extracted iron(II) and indicatedthat most iron(II) was adsorbed to the solid-phase orimmobilized as siderite and vivianite. Diffusive lossof iron from the soil was indicated by iron recovery(0.3 µmol gdw–1) in the flooding water after12 weeks. The organic content of the soil influencedthe concentrations of solid-phase iron(II) in deepersoil layers (> 6 mm); higher Fe(II) concentrationsin soil with limiting amounts of electron donors mayindicate lower consumption of CO2 by methanogenicbacteria and therefore a higher sideriteprecipitation. Soil planted with rice showed similariron(II) profiles of fresh paddy soil cores. However,maximal iron(III) concentrations ( 350µmol/cm3) were present in planted soil at adepth of 1 to 2.5 mm where oxygen is provided by a matof fine roots. Sulfate and nitrate concentrations inthe porewater were highest on the soil surface (10µM NO3 , 40 µM SO4 2–) anddecreased with depth. Similar profiles were detectedfor malate, acetate, lactate, and propionate, theconcentrations decreased gradually from the surface toa depth of 4 mm. Profiles of oxygen showed highestconcentrations at the surface due to photosyntheticproduction and a depletion of oxygen below 3 mm depth.Methane production rates measured from soil layersincubated separately in closed vessels were zero atthe soil surface and increased with depth. In soildepths below 4 mm where iron(III) concentrationsdecreased higher methane production rates werefound.  相似文献   
Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine (OPLL) is recognized as a common disorder among Japanese and throughout Asia. Estimates of its prevalence are in the range of 1. 9%-4.3%. Although its etiology is thought to involve a multiplicity of factors, epidemiological and family studies strongly implicate genetic susceptibility in the pathogenesis of OPLL. In this study we report an identification of a predisposing locus for OPLL, on chromosome 6p, close to the HLA complex. The evidence for this localization is provided by a genetic-linkage study of 91 affected sib pairs from 53 Japanese families. In this sib-pair study, D6S276, a marker lying close to the HLA complex, gives evidence for strongly significant linkage (P = .000006) to the OPLL locus. A candidate gene in the region, that for collagen 11A2, was analyzed for the presence of molecular variants in affected probands. Of 19 distinct variants identified, 4 showed strong statistical associations with OPLL (highest P = .0004). These observations of linkage and association, taken together, show that a genetic locus for OPLL lies close to the HLA region, on chromosome 6p.  相似文献   
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