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水稻体细胞无性系R_1、R_2代中的雄性育性变异观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过水稻幼穗培养,1991-1992两年间,在5个品种(珍汕97B、红源A、包源A、W6154s,和南广占)中共获得了50株雄性不育变异株,其中R_1代有48株,R_2代有2株。在R1代,共获得5268株再生植株,雄性不育变异的平均频率为0.91%(0.83-1.08%);在R_2代(珍汕97B)发生雄性不育变异的频率为2%。本文报道了多种花粉败育类型之间可以相互转变现象,此外不育和可育之间亦可以相互转变。对离体培养产生的雄性不育变异株用一批现有CMS(Cytoplasmicmalesterile)不育系的典型保持系、恢复系进行测交,结果表明,W6154s产生的雄性育性变异株仍保持核不育的特性;红源A产生的雄性育性变异株有的可能是嵌合体,有的其败育花粉类型虽发生了变化,但其恢保关系并没有改变,有的则可能已转成类似WA型的不育材料;南广占产生的典败变异株,其恢保关系类似WA型,可能属核不育转成CMS的首例发现。  相似文献   
Relationships between soil chemistry and population chemotype structure of Thymus pulegioides have been studied. The analysis of correlations suggest that an increased carbonate content in soil decreases the chemotype diversity of a population (as calculated by use of the Shannon index): the proportion of linalool chemotype plants rises and that of the phenol chemotype plants declines. In addition, the chemotype diversity decreases with increasing frequency of linalool chemotype, and increases with increase of carvacrol chemotype.  相似文献   
Excirolana braziliensis is a dioecious marine isopod that lives in the high intertidal zone of sandy beaches on both sides of Central and South America. It possesses no larval stage and has only limited means of adult dispersal. Indirect estimates of gene flow have indicated that populations from each beach exchange less than one propagule per generation. Multivariate morphometrics have discovered three morphs of this species in Panama, two of them closely related and found on opposite sides of Central America (“C morph” in the Caribbean and “C′ morph” in the eastern Pacific), the third found predominantly in the eastern Pacific (“P morph”). Though the P and C′ morphs are seldom found on the same beach, they have overlapping latitudinal ranges in the eastern Pacific. A related species, Excirolana chamensis, has been described from the Pacific coast of Panama. Each beach contains populations that remain morphologically and genetically stable, but a single drastic change in both isozymes and morphology has been documented. We studied isozymes and multivariate morphology of 10 populations of E. braziliensis and of one population of E. chamensis. Our objective was to assess the degree of genetic and morphological variation, the correlation of divergence on these two levels of integration, the phylogenetic relationships between morphs, and the possible contributions of low vagility, low gene flow, and occasional extinction and recolonization to the genetic structuring of populations. Genetic distance between the P morph, on one hand, and the other two morphotypes of E. braziliensis, on the other, was as high as the distance between E. braziliensis and E. chamensis. Several lines of evidence agree that E. chamensis and the P morph had diverged from other morphs of E. braziliensis before the rise of the Panama Isthmus separated the C and C′ forms, and that the P morph constitutes a different species. A high degree of genetic differentiation also exists between populations of the same morph. On the isozyme level, every population can be differentiated from every other on the basis of at least one diagnostically different locus, regardless of geographical distance or morphological affiliation. Morphological and genetic distances between populations are highly correlated. However, despite the high degree of local variation, evolution of E. braziliensis as a whole has not been particularly rapid; divergence between the C and C′ morphs isolated for 3 million yr by the Isthmus of Panama is not high by the standard of within-morph differentiation or by comparison with other organisms similarly separated. Alleles that are common in one population may be absent from another of the same morph, yet they appear in a different morph in a separate ocean. The high degree of local differentiation, the exclusive occupation of a beach by one genotype with rare arrival of foreign individuals that cannot interbreed freely with the residents, the genetic stability of populations with infrequent complete replacement by another genetic population, and the sharing by morphs of polymorphisms that are not shared by local populations, all suggest a mode of evolution concentrated in rare episodes of extinction and recolonization, possibly coupled with exceptional events of gene flow that help preserve ancestral variability in both oceans.  相似文献   
TwoApium graveolens var.rapaceum (L.) cultivars that differ in their suitability for the survival and growth ofSpodoptera exigua (Hübner) andTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) were used to examine the effect of genetic and seasonal environmental variation in host plant suitability on the efficacy ofBacillus thuringiensis subsp.kurstaki (Berliner). The effects of host plant genotype andB. thuringiensis were generally independent, so thatB. thuringiensis efficacy was greatest on the resistant host plant cultivar. Host plant suitability varied within growing season for both insect species but, while host plant suitability decreased with increasing plant age forT. ni, the response ofS. exigua to plant age was not as clear. Within season variation in host plant suitability affectedB. thuringiensis efficacy and the interaction betweenB. thuringiensis and host plant cultivar forS. exigua but not forT. ni. Soluble protein and Folin-Denis phenolic concentrations of host plant tissue were not correlated with changes in host plant suitability to either insect species.  相似文献   
Sequence variation of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) among populations, species, and genera of the diatom genus Stephanodiscus was investigated. ITS 1 and ITS 2, including the 5.8S gene, were sequenced from geographically distant and nearby populations of S. niagarae Ehrenberg. In addition, repeats from S. hantzschii Grunow and Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing were sequenced to determine the taxonomic range over which the ITS region could be used for diatom systematics. The morphologically distinct S. yellowstonensis Theriot & Stoermer, thought to have evolved from S. niagarae in Yellowstone Lake between 12,000 and 8000 years ago, also was sequenced to assess its relationship to nearby S. niagarae populations. The organization and relative sizes of ITS 1 and ITS 2 in Stephanodiscus species were similar to those reported for other eukaryotes. In general, ITS 2 was slightly larger and more variable than ITS 1. Cladistic analysis of ITS sequences did not resolve relationships of nearby S. niagarae and S. yellowstonensis populations. However, central North American S. niagarae populations were in a clade supported by two nucleotide changes. For Cyclotella, much of the ITS region was not alignable with that for Stephanodiscus species; therefore, generic-level comparison within the Thalassiosiraceae may not be possible. The variation (95–96% similarity) between S. hantzschii and other Stephanodiscus species suggests that interspecific relationships could be assessed with ITS sequences. Although S. yellowstonensis is morphologically distinct from S. niagarae, no autapomorphic nucleotide sites were identified. Two S. niagarae populations (Heart and Lewis Lakes), however, did possess autapomorphic ITS sites.  相似文献   
Resistance to the parthenogenetic root-knot nematodeMeloidogyne incognita is controlled in tomato by the single dominant geneMi, against which virulent pathotypes are able to develop. Isofemale lines (i.e., families) were established from a natural avirulent isolate ofM. incognita in order to study the genetic variability and inheritance of the nematode virulence. From the progeny of individual females, the production of egg masses on the root system of theMi-resistant tomato Piersol was analyzed in artificial selection experiments. A family analysis revealed, after two successive generations, a strongly significant variation between the 63 isofemale lines tested, and the results obtained for the mothers and their daughters were also significantly correlated. These results together clearly demonstrate the existence of a genetic variability and inheritance for this character. In a second experiment, a four-generation selection was performed on 31 other isofemale lines. The results revealed a significant response to selection apparently limited only to the two families able to produce, in first generation, a significant minimal egg-mass number on the resistant cultivar.  相似文献   
A cross between the open-pollinated Brassica oleracea cabbage cultivar Wisconsin Golden Acre and the hybrid broccoli cultivar Packman was used with molecular markers to investigate the genetic control of morphological variation. Twenty-two traits derived from leaf, stem, and flowering measurements were analyzed in 90 F2 individuals that were also classified for genotype by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Seventy-two RFLP loci, which covered the mapped genome at an average of 10 map-unit intervals on all nine linkage groups, were tested individually for associations to phenotypic measurements by single factor ANOVA, and markers with significant associations (P<0.05) were used to develop multilocus models. These data were utilized to describe the location, parental contribution of alleles, magnitude of effect, and the gene action of trait loci. Single marker loci that were significantly associated (P<0.05) with trait measurements accounted for 6.7–42.7% of the phenotypic variation. Multilocus models described as much as 60.1% of the phenotypic variation for a given trait. In some cases, different related traits had common marker-locus associations with similar gene action and genotypic class ranking. The numbers, action, and linkages, of genes controlling traits estimated with marker loci in this population corresponded to estimates based on classical genetic methods from other studies using similar, or similarly-wide, crosses. There was no evidence that genome duplication accounted for a significant portion of multiple genes controlling trait loci over the entire genome, but possible duplications of trait loci were identified for two regions with linked, duplicated marker loci.  相似文献   
An algorithm of automatic classification is proposed and applied to a large collection of perennial ryegrass wild populations from France. This method is based on an ascendant hierarchical clustering using the Euclidian distance from the principal components extracted from the variance-covariance matrix between 28 agronomic traits. A contiguity constraint is imposed: only those pairs of populations which are defined as contiguous are grouped together into a cluster. The definition of contiguity is based on a geostatistical parameter: the range of the variogramme, i.e. the largest distance above which the variance between pairs of population no longer increases. This method yields clusters that are generally more compact than those obtained without constraint. In most cases the contours of these clusters fit well with known ecogeographic regions, namely, for macroclimatic homogeneous conditions. This suggests that selective factors exert a major influence in the genetic differentiation of ryegrass populations for quantitatively inherited adaptive traits. It is proposed that such a method could provide useful genetic and ecogeographic bases for sampling a core collection in widespread wild species such as forage grasses.Institut National de la Recherche Agrononique  相似文献   
A total of 55 populations belonging to the genus Coincya Rouy (Brassicaceae) from the Iberian Peninsula were examined for their leaf wax composition. The total wax content and the relative proportions of the five main lipid fractions, hydrocarbons, esters, ketones, free alcohols and free sterols were determined. It was observed that there was a positive correlation between chemical composition and environmental adaptation, and also with certain morphological characterS. Changes relate to low temperatures or to high relative humidity, and there is a positive correlation between chemical composition and leaf glaucosity.  相似文献   
European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations inhabit rivers from northern Portugal to northern Norway across a wide spectrum of environmental variability. To address whether single physical factors might lead to genetic divergence of isolated populations, we compared the digestive performances total digestibility, relative nitrogen digestibility, passage time, and digestion rate (g dry matter · h–1) — of northern (Scotland) and southern (Asturias, northern Spain) populations at three temperature regimes (5, 12, and 20° C). Total dry matter digestibilities increased directly with temperature but were similar for both populations at each of the three trials. Relative nitrogen digestibility did not differ between populations nor among temperature regimes. In contrast, passage time was significantly longer for low-than for high-latitude fish at both 5 and 20° C. When the percentage of food digested and the passage time were integrated as digestion rates (food digested per unit time), a significant population × temperature interaction consistent with a genotype × environment interaction was detected in addition to the population and temperature effects. This implies that not only is the digestive performance of the high-latitude population higher throughout the range of temperatures examined, but moreover the difference is reinforced at high temperatures, where the digestion rate of high-latitude fish was 1.6 times greater. Taken together, these two results provide preliminary evidence for countergradient variation in digestive rates of salmonids in response to variation in growth opportunity. The data support our previous work on the same two populations showing differences in growth rates, and underlie one of the possible mechnisms leading to more rapid growth of the high-latitude fish when both populations are reared in a common environment.  相似文献   
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