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The relationship between biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas putida strain N1R against Pythium ultimum on pea and soybean seeds and the reduction in ethanol evolution by imbibed seeds was investigated under different treatment conditions, including temperature and numbers of seed‐applied cells of the bacterium. Treatment with strain N1R increased emergence at all temperatures, except for soybean at 12 °C and reduced ethanol concentration in the spermosphere of imbibed seeds at several temperatures. The concentration of bacterial cells in the seed treatment suspension also significantly affected biocontrol efficiency and reduced ethanol production, especially in pea seeds. In contrast, the duration (0–7 h) of submergence of seeds in bacterial suspension had little effect on biocontrol activity of N1R, although submergence of soybean seeds reduced their emergence even in the absence of the pathogen or biocontrol agent. Competition for seed‐derived compounds, including ethanol, is suggested to be one possible mechanism of biocontrol of Pythium by strain N1R, which is not known to produce antifungal antibiotics.  相似文献   
At the end of the spring 1987 growing season, the mycoparasite Sporidesmium sclerotivorum was applied at 0, 0.2, 2 or 20 kg ha‐1 to lettuce plants infected with Sclerotinia minor. Disease incidence was monitored in the same plots for five subsequent crops (three fall and two spring crops) without additional application of either pathogen or mycoparasite. Logistic growth curves were fitted to the data to describe disease progression over time for each inoculum level within each of the five crops. Within each crop, increasing the quantity of mycoparasite inoculum resulted in positive horizontal displacement of the curve with respect to time. As quantities of inoculum of S. sclerotivorum increased, inflection points of the disease progress curves increased at a decreasing rate. Thus, additional mycoparasite inoculum resulted in ever‐smaller increases in inflection point, and after a certain threshold level of mycoparasite inoculum (< 0.2 kg ha‐1), increases in inflection point did not result in meaningful increases in harvestable lettuce. Maximum rates of disease increase were not different among the treatments within each crop, but were different between crops. Maximum rates of disease increase averaged 3.4, 3.4, 2.1, 3.6 and 1.5% day‐1 for the fall 1987, spring 1988, fall 1988, spring 1989, and fall 1989, respectively. At all inoculum levels, the fall epidemics began later after planting than the spring epidemics.  相似文献   
A succession of morphs from Bosmina coregoni f. coregoni to B. c. f. thersites, which vary in shell and antennule characters, occurred in an undated 176 cm long sediment core from the Neversdorfer See (N. Germany).  相似文献   
长非编码RNA(long non-coding RNAs, lncRNAs)在肿瘤发生、发展进程中承担重要角色,是近年来的研究热点之一。大量研究表明,浆细胞瘤变异易位基因1(plasmacytoma variant translocation 1, PVT1)可通过多种分子机制参与调控消化系统肿瘤的增殖凋亡、迁移侵袭、细胞自噬、血管生成、多药耐药及肿瘤代谢等过程,从而发挥致癌作用。本文主要就PVT1在消化系统肿瘤中的表达水平变化,及其与临床病理特征和预后的关系,以及PVT1对消化系统肿瘤的致癌作用机制和多药耐药机制等研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
The effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper considers the effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics. Six methods of truncation that we investigate as a function of cutoff criterion of the long-range potentials are (1) a shifted potential; (2) a switching function; (3) simple atom-atom truncation based on distance; (4) simple atom-atom truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps); (5) simple group-group truncation based on distance; and (6) simple group-group truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps). Based on 70 calculations of carboxymyoglobin we show that the method and distance of long range cutoff have a dramatic effect on overall protein behavior. Evaluation of the different methods is based on comparison of a simulation's rms fluctuation about the average coordinates, the rms deviation from the average coordinates of a no cutoff simulation and from the X-ray structure of the protein. The simulations in which long-range forces are truncated by a shifted potential shows large rms deviations for cutoff criteria less than 14 A, and reasonable deviations and fluctuations at this cutoff distance or larger. Simulations using a switching function are investigated by varying the range over which electrostatic interactions are switched off. Results using a short switching function that switches off the potential over a short range of distances are poor for all cutoff distances. A switching function over a 5-9 A range gives reasonable results for a distance-dependent dielectric, but not using a constant dielectric. Both the atom-atom and group-group truncation methods based on distance shows large rms deviation and fluctuation for short cutoff distances, while for cutoff distances of 11 A or greater, reasonable results are achieved. Although comparison of these to distance-based truncation methods show surprisingly larger rms deviations for the group-group truncation, contrary to simulation studies of aqueous ionic solutions. The results of atom-atom or group-group list-based simulations generally appear to be less stable than the distance-based simulations, and require more frequent velocity scaling or stronger coupling to a heat bath.  相似文献   
Rice long repetitive DNA (9–20 kbp) reassociating at Cot 50 M.s was cloned in pBR325. Out of several recombinants (Camr Ampr Tets), only a few were selected randomly for further characterization. The insert size in all these clones was 3–4 kbp. Restriction enzyme analysis showed the absence ofEcoRI andBclI sites, presence of a singlePstI andPvuII site and multiple sites forAluI in 3 clones namely pRLl, pRL7 and pRL10. TheBamHI-PstI fragment of about 0.4 kbp in the pRL7 insert DNA (pRL7-0.4 kbp) was subcloned in M13mpl8 and partially sequenced using Sanger’s dideoxynucleotide chain termination method. Dot matrix comparison of this sequence with rice rDNA sequences revealed low homology with the 25 S rDNA sequence of rice, however, hybridisation did not indicate any homology.  相似文献   
兴安落叶松结实规律与长短枝习性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年5月,大兴安岭林区发生的特大森林火灾,实属世界罕见,火灾面积达1.0×10~6ha 多。大量的火烧迹地亟待更新、无论是人工更新还是人工促进天然更新,其中关键的问题之一是种子的来源,在大兴安岭地区,兴  相似文献   
Nucleic acids from 41 strains of Metarhizium anisopliae, obtained from different parts of the world were extracted and examined by electrophoresis. Strong bands of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) were detected in two isolates from Brazil, V215 and V291, which had, respectively, 13 and 9 distinct bands ranging in size from ca. 0.75 to 3.5 kb. Icosahedral virus‐like particles (VLPs) (ca. 33 nm in diameter) were observed by transmission electron microscopy in extracts of these isolates. The VLPs and dsRNA were both absent from a clone of the isolate V291 which had been subcultured successively on solid medium. Bioassays against the aphid Myzus persicae showed no detectable difference in virulence between the clone of V291 which contained dsRNA and the clone that did not.  相似文献   
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