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Summary Sarcoma 180 monolayers spontaneously shed single cells and small multicellular aggregates into the surrounding medium to produce a dual population of floating and substratum-attached cells. Shedding was a motility-associated event that occurred when cells attempted to migrate over one another. It resulted from a combination of cell shape change and active motility, which increased sensitivity to fluid shear dislodgement by reducing a cell's surface area of adhesive contact and increasing strain tension at its adhesive contact points. Shedding occurred at all phases of the cell cycle. Extracellular matrix but not conditioned medium enhanced the floating subpopulation by slowing the kinetics of rattachment to plastic and cellular substrata. Although sarcoma 180 cells are anchorage independent in the sense that they grow readily in single cell suspension, they nevertheless exhibited anchorage modulation of their cell cycle. Short periods in suspension produced a mild G1 accumulation, whereas longer periods of anchorage deprivation led to a mild G2 accumulation which appeared to result from an interference with cytokinesis. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada, The National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Alberta Heritage Savings and Trust Fund for Applied Cancer Research, and the Alberta Heritage Fund for Medical Research.  相似文献   
Summary Comparisons were made of attachment and viability of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) hepatocytes in short-term (2 days), primary culture on plastic, collagen-coated or extracellular matrix (ECM) coated dishes. Hepatocyte isolation routinely yielded cells with good viability (96%). Cells plated on ECM attached with high efficiency (93%) in contrast to cells cultured on plastic or collagen (∼20%). The cells plated on ECM flattened out and formed monolayers, while the cells on plastic and collagen rounded up and formed multi-cell aggregates in suspension. Viability of cells in all substrates remained high over the 2 day culture period. ECM is the first substrate to support trout-hepatocyte attachment in primary culture. Differentiated liver function was maintained in cells cultured on ECM as evidence by the induction of tyrosine aminotransferase by hydrocortisone (200%). This work was supported in part by research grant R809599010 from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Editor's Statement This paper reports improved methods for culture of trout liver-derived cells that make in vitro investigations of fish metabolism, carcinogenesis and chemical toxicity more feasible than previously applied techniques. Recent interest in fish as models for study and indicators of effects of envionmental and food-related toxins make this work timely, poarticularly since many of the compounds of interest are primarily metabolized by hepatocytes or act on liver as a major target. David W. Barnes  相似文献   
1. Die anscheinend in Vergessenheit geratenen älteren Angaben von HÄRDTL (1927 und spärer) und PRINGSHEIM (1931), nach denen einseitig belastete Blätter Gleichgewichtsbewegungen ausführen können (Isoklinotropismus nach HÄRDTL), wurden an mehreren Arten (Chelidonium majus, Aegopodium podagra ria, Ranunculus repens, Sambucus nigra, Coleus blumei und Hibiscus rosa sinensis) bestätigt,— Die einseitige Belastung erfolgte durch Einstecken von Nadeln in die eine Hälfte der Blattspreite bzw. in eine Blattfieder. 2. Bei Blättern, die in Spreite oder Stiel epinastisch gekrtimmt sind (die überwiegende Mehrzahl) oder auch durch die Belastung abwärts gebogen sind, kommt es dabei zu zwei verschiedenen Reaktionen: a) zu einer sofort eintretenden rein physikalischen reversiblen Reaktion, da die einseitige Last eine Torsion der Spreite bewirkt, die die Spreitenspitze nach der der Last gegenüberliegenden Seite [führt, und b) zu einer spärer eintretenden physiologischen Reaktion durch eine Wachstumskrümmung nach derselben Seite, - Beide Komponenten der Bewegung ftihren zu einer Verringerung oder einem Ausgleich des Ungleichgewichtes. 3. Die physiologische Reaktion war meist nach einem oder einigen Tagen erkennbar, bei Chelidonium mitunter schon nach einigen Stunden, bei Hibiscus gelegentlich erst nach etwa einer Woche. Mitunter blieb die Reaktion auch aus. Bei den gefiederten Blattern erfolgte sie in der Rhachis, ober- und unterhalb der belasteten Fieder, mitunter auch im Blattstiel, bei Coleus im Spreitengrund und im Blattstiel, bei Hibiscus im oberen Gelenkpolster (“Sekundargelenk”) des Blattstiels. Auch ältere Blätter reagierten oft noch überraschend gut. Vielfach führte die physiologische Reaktion zu einer vollständigen Ausbalancierung der einseitig belasteten Blattspreite. Auf nachtragliche Entfernung der eingesteckten Nadeln gingen auch die Krtimmungen in 2–3 Tagen wieder weitgehend zurück. 4. Als Ursache ftir die Gleichgewichtsbewegungen der Blätter kommen zwei verschiedene Mechanismen in Betracht: a) Infolge der durch die einseitige Belastung hervorgerufenen Schräglage der Blattspreite sammelt sich das Auxin auf der tiefer liegenden Flanke von Mittelnerv bzw. Rhachis und Blattstiel an, was zu einem stärkeren Wachstum dieser Seite und einer Gleichgewichtskrümmung führen muß. Nach dieser Auffassung ordnet sich der Isoklinotropismus dem Gravitropismus ein. b) Die nach der Belastung sofort eintretende auf der Torsionsspannung beruhende rein physikalische und zunächst reversible Gleichgewichtsreaktion des Blattes wird nach einigen Stunden oder Tagen teilweise irreversibel. (Für die spannungsfreien Abschnitte der Rhachis eines gefiederten Blattes oberhalb der Belastung kann diese Erklärung natürlich nicht gelten). Vermutlich sind beide Mechanismen, vor allern wohl der erstgenannte, bei den einzelnen Arten in verschiedenem Maße, als Ursache der Gleichgewichtsbewegungen wirksam. 5. Der biologische Sinn der Ausbalancierung eines (größeren) Blattes (PRINGSHELM 1931, HÄRDTL 1927, 1937 a) liegt darin, daß a) ein ausbalanciertes Blatt den geringsten Aufwand an mechanischen Elementen erfordert, und b) Photo- und Gravitropismus nur ein ausbalanciertes Blatt ohne Komplikationen in die angestrebte Lage fuhren konnen.  相似文献   
First-trimester human placental villi were cultured on 3H-leucine-labeled extracellular matrices isolated from the PF HR9 and PYS-2 cell lines. Both cell lines produced an extracellular matrix that contained basement membrane-specific macromolecules, including type IV collagen, laminin and proteoglycan. Both matrices promoted outgrowth of cells from the villi which, according to morphological criteria, were identified as cytotrophoblastic cells. As the cells migrated from the attachment site, they caused a marked focal dissolution of the matrix which was accompanied by a concomitant release of 3H-labeled material into the media. Approximately half of this material chromatographed near the inclusion volume of Sephadex G-50, indicating that the labeled matrix components had been degraded. This phenomenon was dependent on the age of the placenta. Second-trimester placental villi also adhered to the matrix, but no areas of dissolution were formed and no significant amounts of radioactivity were released into the medium. These results suggest that culture of first-trimester human placental villi on extracellular matrices may be useful for the study of some of the early embryonic events leading to human implantation, during which the trophoblastic cells erode the uterine epithelium.  相似文献   
Deposition of type X collagen in the cartilage extracellular matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cultured chick embryo chondrocytes, type X collagen is preferentially deposited in the extracellular matrix, the ratio between type II and type X collagen being about 5 times higher in the culture medium than in the cell layer. When the newly synthesized collagens deposited in slices from the epiphyseal cartilage of 17-day-old embryo tibiae were isolated, type X collagen was always the major species. In agreement with this result the mRNA for type X collagen was the predominant mRNA species purified from the same tissue. When the total collagen (unlabeled) deposited in the epiphyseal cartilage was analyzed, it was observed that type X collagen represented only 1/15 of the type II collagen recovered in the same preparation. The possible explanations for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Most hybrids betweenBufo bufo andB. calamita obtained by nuclear transplantation become arrested at the early gastrula stage. In both parental controls and the hybrid embryos, the presence and distribution of extracellular matrix was analysed with fluorescent wheat germ agglutinin and by immunolabelling with antibodies directed against fibronectin. InB. bufo andB. calamita gastrulae and in the few hybrids that complete gastrulation, the inner surface of the blastocoel roof is covered by a fibronectin-rich fibrillar matrix. In nucleocytoplasmic hybrids whose development was arrested at the gastrula stage, the fibronectin-containing extracellular matrix was either totally absent or poorly developed and disorganized.  相似文献   
Abstract: Human eyes contain an Mr 135K retinol-binding protein that is analogous to interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) in the subretinal space of bovine eyes. It is a glycoprotein, because it binds 125I-concanavalin A, 125I-wheat germ agglutinin and 125I- Lens culinaris hemagglutinin. It does not bind Ricinus communis agglutinin I. After desialation, it binds Ricinus communis agglutinin I, but loses its capacity to bind wheat germ agglutinin. These observations, coupled with the known specificities of these lectins, suggest that at least one of the oligosaccharide chains is a sialated, biantennary complex type containing fucose. Both by direct analysis of dissected ocular tissues and by immunocytochemistry it was shown that human interstitial retinol binding protein is an extracellular protein that is confined predominantly to the subretinal space. Monkey retinas incubated in vitro in medium containing [3H]leucine were shown to synthesize and secrete this protein into the medium, a conclusion that was confirmed by immunoprecipitation with an immunoglobulin fraction prepared from rabbit antibovine IRBP serum. Virtually no other labeled proteins were detectable in the medium. It is concluded that interstitial retinol-binding protein meets many of the requirements for a putative transport protein implicated in the transfer of retinol between the pigment epithelium and retina during the visual cycle, and that the neural retina may play an important role in regulating its amount in the subretinal space.  相似文献   
Summary Embryonic chick sternal chondrocytes were cultured either within three dimensional gels of type I collagen, type II collagen or agar, or as monolayers on plastic dishes coated with air-dried films of these matrix macromolecules. It was observed that cell shape and cell growth varied markedly between the different culture conditions. Flattened monolayers of cells on plastic or films of type I or type II collagen, proliferated more rapidly and reached a higher final cell density per culture than the more rounded cells found in the cultures on agar films or within three-dimensional gels. Biosynthetic studies demonstrated that in addition to the synthesis of type II collagen, all the cultures were producing collagen types IX and X. Chondrocytes cultured on plastic or films of the different matrix macromolecules all showed a similar expression of types IX and X collagen, independent of whether they displayed a flattened or round cell morphology. In contrast, marked variations in the proportions of the minor collagens, particularly type X collagen, were observed when the cells were cultured within three-dimensional gels. The data suggest that direct interaction of the cell surface with matrix constituents displaying a particular spatial array could be an important aspect in the control of type IX and X collagen expression by chondrocytes. The financial support of the Arthritis & Rheumatism Council and the Medical Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
In the use of age structured population models for agricultural applications such as the modeling of crop-pest interactions it is often essential that the model take into account the distribution in maturation rates present in some or all of the populations. The traditional method for incorporating distributed maturation rates into crop and pest models has been the so-called distributed delay method. In this paper we review the application of the distributed delay formalism to the McKendrick equation of an age structured population. We discuss the mathematical properties of the system of ordinary differential equations arising out of the distributed delay formalism. We then discuss an alternative method involving modification of the Leslie matrix.  相似文献   
A new protein has been isolated from CaCl2/urea extracts of demineralized bovine bone matrix. This protein has five to six residues of the vitamin K-dependent amino acid, gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), and we have accordingly designated it matrix Gla protein. Matrix Gla protein is a 15,000 dalton protein whose amino acid composition includes a single disulfide bond. The absence of 4-hydroxyproline in matrix Gla protein demonstrates that it is not a precursor to bone Gla protein, 5,800 dalton protein which has a residue of 4-hydroxyproline at position 9 in its sequence. Matrix Gla protein also does not cross-react with antibodies raised against bone Gla protein.  相似文献   
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