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We examined forms of solid phosphorus fractions in intertidal marsh sediments along a salinity (0–22%.) gradient in a river-dominated estuary and in a marine-dominated salt marsh with insignificant freshwater input. Freshwater marsh sediments had the highest ratio of organic N:P of between 28:1 and 47:1 mol:mol, compared to 211 to 311 molmol in the saltmarshes, which is consistent with a trend toward P-limitation of primary production in freshwater and N-limitation in salt marshes. However, total P concentration, 24.7±11.1mol P g dw–1 (±1 SD) averaged over the upper meter of sediment, was greatest in the freshwater marsh where bioavailablity of P is apparently limited. In the freshwater marsh the greatest fraction of total P (24–51%.) was associated with humic acids, while the importance of humic-P decreased with increasing salinity to 1–23%. in the salt marshes. Inorganic P contributed considerably less to total sediment P in the freshwater marsh (15–40%.) than in the salt marshes (33–85%.). In reduced sediments at all sites, phosphate bound to aluminum oxides and clays was an important inorganic P pool irrespective of salinity. Inorganic P associated with ferric iron [Fe(III)] phases was most abundant in surface sediments of freshwater and brackish marshes, while Ca-bound P dominated inorganic P pools in the salt marshes. Thus, our results showed that particle-bound P in marsh sediments exhibited changes in chemical association along the salinity gradient of an estuarine system, which is a likely consequence of changes in ionic strength and the availability of iron and calcium.  相似文献   
Liam A. Kelly 《Hydrobiologia》1993,253(1-3):367-372
Aquaculture is an increasingly significant user of freshwater resources in Scotland. In 1989, the total fish biomass produced in Scottish freshwater amounted to 7000 t. 50% of this total was reared in floating cage systems situated in lochs (lakes). Both solid (mainly in the form of uneaten feeds and faecal matter) and dissolved byproducts of the production cycle enter the limnetic environment untreated. Much solid waste material accumulates directly on the sediments beneath the cage systems. This leads to a localised enrichment in nutrient elements of the sedimentary environment. The experiments served to quantify rates of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) release from undercage and control sites, and to relate such releases to the biological availability of the released P. Results indicate significantly higher levels of NH4Cl-extractable P in sediments affected by waste deposition from fish cages. TP and DRP release, and greater growth of Chla are obtained from undercage cores compared with control sites. No link between extractable-P content of sediments, or release rate and Chla production was established.  相似文献   
A sediment core, 55 cm long, from station F81 in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea was analysed for diatoms and ebridians. Chrysophyte stomatocysts found in the core were also counted but not identified. The aim was to trace environmental changes, e.g. eutrophication and salinity variations. There is evidence that eutrophication has been increasing in the Baltic Sea in recent decades.Brackish-marine plankton diatoms dominate the entire core and reflect the local planktonic taxa rather well. The dominant taxon is the polyhalobous Actinocyclus octonarius. The main biostratigraphical change within the core analysed takes place at a depth of about 22 cm, where the abundance of diatoms, and especially of Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira hyberborea var. pelagica and T. baltica start to increase. This may reflect eutrophication which can be estimated to have started c. 200 years ago.  相似文献   
Vera Istvánovics 《Hydrobiologia》1993,253(1-3):193-201
In order to estimate microbial P content and biological P uptake in sediments, the tungstate precipitation method of Orrett & Karl (1987) was used in sediment extracts. This method allows a simple and rapid separation of organic and inorganic 32P radioactivity. Either inorganic 32P (as carrierfree H3 32PO4) or organic 32P (as 32P-labelled algal material) was added to surface sediment suspensions of shallow Lake Balaton. Inorganic 32P was rapidly transformed into organic 32P, and this process was completely inhibited by formaline. P content of living benthic microorganisms was estimated from steady state distribution of the radioactivity. Transformation of algal organic P into inorganic P could also be detected.In extremely P limited Lake Balaton benthic microorganisms were shown to supplement their high P requirements by inorganic P uptake. The velocity of the inorganic into organic P transformation, i.e. the rate of microbial P uptake, was comparable to P uptake in the water column. Microbial P uptake contributed significantly to total P fixation by sediments, particularly at low ( 100 µg P l–1) phosphate additions.  相似文献   
Microbial reductive dechlorination of PCBs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reductive dechlorination is an advantageous process to microorganisms under anaerobic conditions because it is an electron sink, thereby allowing reoxidation of metabolic intermediates. In some organisms this has been demonstrated to support growth. Many chlorinated compounds have now been shown to be reductively dechlorinated under anaerobic conditions, including many of the congeners in commercial PCB mixtures. Anaerobic microbial communities in sediments dechlorinate Aroclor at rates of 3 µg Cl/g sediment × week. PCB dechlorination occurs at 12° C, a temperature relevant for remediation at temperate sites, and at concentrations of 100 to 1000 ppm. The positions dechlorinated are usually meta > para > ortho. The biphenyl rings, and the mono-ortho- and diorthochlorobiphenyls were not degraded after a one year incubation. Hence subsequent aerobic treatment may be necessary to meet regulatory standards. Reductive dechlorination of Arochlors does reduce their dioxin-like toxicity as measured by bioassay and by analysis of the co-planar congeners. The most important limitation to using PCB dechlorination as a remediation technology is the slower than desired dechlorination rates and no means yet discovered to substantially enhance these rates. Long term enrichments using PCBs as the only electron acceptor resulted in an initial enhancement in dechlorination rate. This rate was sustained but did not increase in serial transfers. Bioremediation of soil contaminated with Aroclor 1254 from a transformer spill was dechlorinated by greater than 50% following mixing of the soil with dechlorinating organisms and river sediment. It is now reasonable to field test reductive dechlorination of PCBs in cases where the PCB concentration is in the range where regulatory standards may be directly achieved by dechlorination, where a subsequent aerobic treatment is feasible, where any co-contaminants do not pose an inhibitory problem, and where anaerobic conditions can be established.This paper was presented at the Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste, April, 1992, Bangkok, Thailand. Published by permission of the Pacific Basin Consortium for Hazardous Waste Research, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI  相似文献   
The knowledge of the biodegradation rates is essential to studies of the biogeochemistry and ecology of aquatic systems. It helps us to quantify the production and uptake rates of chemical components and their recycling, and to understand the mechanisms and rates of organic matter accumulation in sediments. Experimental studies of biodegradation processes in six types of mineralized skeletons were performed in shallow-marine waters of Calvi Bay, Corsica and in estuarine waters of Roscoff, Brittany. Three types of mollusk shells, sea urchin skeletal plates, crab cuticle and fish vertebrae were exposed to oxic and anoxic conditions over periods of 15 days to 30 months. After recovery of the substrates, protein assays, bacterial counts and organic carbon analyses were performed.Quantitative protein assays and bacterial counts indicate that biodegradation of mineralized skeletal structures occurs at a slower rate in anoxic conditions than in oxic conditions. Bacterial analysis showed that in anoxic environment, less than 0.5% of the consumed organic matter is converted into bacterial biomass. The aerobic biodegradation rate was positively correlated with the organic content of the skeletons.Anoxic biodegradation of skeletons occurred at much slower rates in estuarine sediments than in shallow marine sediments. Preservation of skeletal structures in estuarine conditions appears to be correlated with the abundance of dissolved organic matter rather than with high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   
In sediment slurry experiments with anoxic marine sediments collected in Cape Lookout Bight, NC, and a site in mid-Chesapeake Bay, the rates of sulfate reduction and ammonium production decrease with increasing dilution of sediment with oxygen-free sea-water. The effect of sediment dilution on the rates of these processes can be described by a simple mathematical relationship, and when these rates are corrected for sediment dilution they yield values which agree well with direct measurements of these processes.In sediment slurry studies of amino acid utilization in Cape Lookout Bight sediments, the fermentative decarboxylation of glutamic acid (to -aminobutyric acid) or aspartic acid (to alanine or -alanine) did not occur when either of these amino acids were added to Cape Lookout Bight slurries. The addition of glutamic acid did however lead to a small (1) transient build-up of -aminoglutaric acid. Measured rates of glutamic acid uptake in these slurries also decreased with increasing sediment dilution.Molybdate inhibition experiments demonstrated that dissolved free amino acids represent 1–3% of the carbon sources/electron donors used for sulfate reduction in Cape Lookout Bight sediments. The direct oxidation of amino acids by sulfate reducing bacteria also accounts for 13–20% of the total ammonium produced. Glutamic acid, alanine, -aminoglutaric acid, aspartic acid and asparagine are the major amino acids oxidized by sulfate reducing bacteria in Cape Lookout Bight sediments.  相似文献   
Two new mesophilic, sporeforming, gram-positive, strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated which utilized betaine in the Stickland reaction. Strain M1 was obtained from pasteurized hypersaline sediments. Cells were motile rods and formed spherical terminal spores. Betaine was used with hydrogen and several amino acids as electron donors. In addition, several carbohydrates served as substrates. Growth required 1.5% NaCl with an optimum at 6.0% NaCl. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 26.9%. This strain is described as a new species, Clostridium halophilum.Strain W6 was isolated from marine sediments. Cells were motile rods and formed ovoid, subterminal spores. Betaine was used with hydrogen and several amino acids as electron donors. Carbohydrates were not fermented. Growth optimum was at 1.0% NaCl. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 26.1%. This strain is described as a new species, Clostridium litorale.Non standard abbreviations DMG N,N-dimethylglycine - TMA trimethylamine - PY peptone-yeast extract - PYG peptone-yeast extract-glucose  相似文献   
The species composition of the phytobenthos in the littoral of Lake Xolotlán (Managua) was determined. Sampling was carried out in November 1987 (end of the rainy season) and in July–August 1988 (rainy season). Sixty-eight taxa were identified;viz. 47 Bacillariophyceae, 13 Cyanophyta and 8 Chlorophyta. The presence of diatom species likeNavicula veneta, Nitzschia amphibia andNitzschia palea indicate eutrophic conditions, high ionic concentration, alkaline conditions and intense organic pollution.  相似文献   
Cooling of lakes through the water surface produces horizontal convective exchange flow between the littoral and the open waters. A mixed-cells-in-series model is developed which, using as input the evolution in time of vertical temperature profiles measured along the littoral slope, provides an estimate of the horizontal exchange flow rates. Application of the model to field data shows that the exchange flow can cause rapid renewal of the littoral waters. Thermally induced water exchange between littoral and pelagic regions transports dissolved constituents, e.g. nutrients, thereby affecting water quality in lacustrine systems.  相似文献   
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