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This review is concerned mainly with the adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) of locusts: their molecular conformations, actions and functions and the development of microfiltration assays in vitro. The physiological significance of having multiple hormones with overlapping actions whose efficacy changes during development is discussed in relation to the possibility that these reflect variations in populations of receptors and/or the pharmacokinetics of the peptides. The involvement of second messengers in the transduction mechanism of AKHs is reviewed, and we describe hormone-induced changes of intracellular calcium in single dispersed fat body cells. The structure activity relationships of the three locust AKHs and a number of analogues with variations at the N- and C-termini are discussed. A number of areas are identified where there are gaps in our understanding of these hormones, and some of these will be the focus of our future research.  相似文献   
The body condition, lipid reserves and mortality of 0 and 1 year‐old perch Perca fluviatilis and ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , sampled during the winter in Lake Constance, Germany, were compared. Length‐frequency analyses did not provide evidence for overwinter mortality in either species. The fresh and dry mass of perch as well as their lipid contents decreased during winter, while ruffe were heavier and contained more lipid at the end of the winter. The superior performance of ruffe was mainly attributed to its sensory capabilities, which allowed it to ingest zoobenthos throughout the winter, while the zooplankton feeding of perch was constrained by low light levels. In lakes that undergo a process of re‐oligotrophication, this advantage of ruffe over perch may be even more pronounced, since lower food supply during the growth season and thus lower fish lipid content at the start of winter is probably better tolerated by ruffe than by perch.  相似文献   
Within U.S. waters, blooms of the dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida, have been recorded on an almost regular basis in the Chesapeake Bay and surrounding mid‐Atlantic regions for the last two decades. Despite the apparent significance of such blooms to the environment and human health and the attendant economic consequences, little work has addressed the physiology and biochemistry, particularly that of sterol composition, of P. piscicida. GC‐MS characterization of trimethylsilyl ether derivatives of sterols from free sterol and sterol ester fractions was performed in an effort to determine whether P. piscicida produces unique sterols that may serve as potential biomarkers. This characterization revealed that like most dinoflagellates, the majority of sterols was present as free sterols. Furthermore, the profile of free sterols was found to resemble those of photosynthetic dinoflagellates, with the dominant compound being the previously reported dinoflagellate sterol, dinosterol. A number of other 4α‐methyl‐substituted sterols and steroidal ketones common to other dinoflagellates were also identified. No strong candidate(s) for a unique sterol biomarker was present.  相似文献   
The effect of reduced, natural ambient, and enhanced UV-B radiation (UVBR) on photosynthesis and DNA damage in the Antarctic terrestrial alga Prasiola crispa ssp. antarctica (Kützing) Knebel was investigated in two field experiments. Samples of P. crispa were collected underneath snow cover and exposed outside to reduced and natural UVBR in the austral spring. In a second experiment at the end of the austral summer, samples were exposed to ambient and enhanced UVBR. PSII efficiency, net photosynthetic rate (NP), dark respiration rate (DR), UV-absorbing pigments, and cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) formation were measured during the experiments. In October 1998, a spring midday maximum of 2.0 W·m 2 of UVBR did not significantly affect effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′), and a reduction in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in the late afternoon was transient. Exposure to natural ambient UVBR in October increased CPD values significantly. Midday maxima of UVBR during the experiments in October and January were comparable, but Setlow-DNA-weighted UVBR was more than 50% lower in January than in October. In January, 0.5 W·m 2 additional UVBR during 10 h did not have a negative effect on ΔF/Fm′. The reduction in Fv/Fm was not significant. NP and DR were not affected by supplementation of UVBR. Although photosynthetic activity remained largely unaffected by UVBR treatment, DNA damage was shown to be a sensitive parameter to monitor UVBR effects. Supplementation of additional UVBR did significantly enhance the amounts of CPD in exposed samples and repair took place overnight. It is concluded that PSII and whole-chain photosynthesis of P. crispa is well adapted to ambient and enhanced levels of UVBR but that CPD formation is more sensitive to UVBR than to photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Seminal plasma proteins and macromolecules in the external medium have a major influence on the functionality of sperm plasma membranes. In this investigation we have examined their effects on lipid diffusion in the surface membrane of ram and bull spermatozoa as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Results show that progressive removal of seminal plasma from ram spermatozoa by repeated centrifugation and resuspension in media +/- 4% bovine serum albumin (BSA) or 0.4% polyvinlypyrrolidone (PVP) causes a reduction in lipid diffusion in all regions of the membrane. By contrast, bull sperm membranes respond with an increase in diffusion in all regions. Repeated washing of bull spermatozoa whose membranes were previously immobile (i.e., showed no recovery after FRAP) restored lipid diffusion suggesting an inhibitory effect of seminal plasma proteins. Further analysis by atomic force microscopy revealed a close association between BSA and the plasma membrane. It is concluded that diffusion of lipids in the plasma membrane of ejaculated ram and bull spermatozoa is influenced by seminal plasma proteins and the composition of the suspending medium. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:306-313, 2001.  相似文献   
About 85% of the fatty acids liberated during the manufacture of black tea can be attributed to autolysis of 4 major polar lipid classes in tea leaf tissue, phosphatidylcholine, monogalactosyldiglyceride, digalactosyldiglyceride and phosphatidylethanolamine. Linolenic, linoleic and palmitic acids are the principal fatty acids released from these lipids and they all undergo further degradation. Linolenic acid (60% of fatty acids released) is derived mainly from galactolipids and thus the upper limit of release is dependent on the chloroplast maturity and content of the leaf tissues. Lipid breakdown is complete after 2 hr fermentation and, as there appears to be no accumulation of long chain fatty acid intermediates, it is probable that volatile production has also ceased at this time.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Large colonies of ants are known to have a higher propensity for sexual offspring production, probably owing to their high capacity to exploit food resources.
2. The effects of food supplementation on the propensity for sexual offspring production, and whether it is linked with colony size, were investigated in an environment with poor resources (clear-cut areas).
3. Large colony size was associated with a higher propensity for sexual offspring production in food-supplemented colonies, whereas in non-supplemented control colonies an association with colony size was not found.
4. The results demonstrate that large colonies seem to have a higher capacity to exploit supplemented food. In addition, the production of sexual offspring was apparently limited by food availability in clear-cuts, especially for large colonies.  相似文献   
Abstract  As eucalypt pollens contain low concentrations of lipid, enhancing pollen diets with fatty acids was hypothesised to improve honey bee longevity. Different concentrations of linoleic and oleic acid added to eucalypt pollen were trialled in small cages containing approximately 1400 bees each. Bees fed diets of redgum ( Corymbia calophylla (Lindl.) Hill & Johnson, formerly Eucalyptus calophylla ) pollen had the lowest mortality of 22 diets tested for 6 weeks and had life spans (50%) greater than 42 days. Linoleic acid mixed with a redgum diet in concentrations >6% corresponded to life spans of 24–25 days. Bee longevity appeared to be more sensitive to oleic acid as life spans decreased to 15–21 days when diets had concentrations >2%. The life spans of bees fed soya bean flour were 26 days on low (0.6% lipid) fat, 19 days on defatted and 20 days on full-fat diets. Bees fed lupin flour had a life span of 23 days. Adding redgum pollen to lupin flour caused increased mortality, but addition of pollen to soya bean flour was beneficial. Thus, beekeepers who choose to utilise soya bean or lupin flours as protein substitutes to pollen will have bees with reduced longevity. Bees fed redgum pollen that had been dried, crushed, irradiated and hermetically stored in a cool room for several years had similar longevity to bees fed fresh-collected and frozen redgum pollen.  相似文献   
The digestion, absorption and post absorptive metabolism of a radiolabelled triacylglycerol (TAG; triolein) and a free fatty acid (FFA; oleic acid), delivered by tube feeding, was studied in herring Clupea harengus larvae, using metabolic chambers and video analysis. In general, a large amount of the delivered lipid was evacuated. Most of the evacuation occurred between 2 and 6 h after tube feeding although a group of larvae responded by rapidly evacuating the lipid (>50% before 2 h). The volume of the tube‐fed lipid affected its utilization. A small volume of triolein (9·2 nl, representing c . 6% of gut filling capacity) resulted in a lower proportion of fast evacuating larvae and improved utilization (lower evacuation and higher absorption: body incorporation and catabolism) compared with 50·6 nl ( c . 17% of gut filling capacity). Increases in the volume of tube fed triolein enhanced only marginally label absorption and led to a steep rise in evacuation. At a comparable high volume (50·6 nl), oleic acid, which does not require digestion, was better absorbed and less evacuated than triolein. The video observation of the lipid digestive process revealed a considerable gut contractile activity that appeared effective in processing the tube fed lipid. Also, the gut wall seemed very sensitive to physical pressure. Signs of chemical degradation during lipid digestion were also noted. The metabolic studies, together with video image analysis, suggested that the limiting step for the utilization of high dietary lipid levels may have been the lipid absorption into the enterocytes and transport into the body, rather than lipid digestion. The results support the notion that the rate of lipid digestion and absorption in fishes is slower than that of mammals.  相似文献   
Abstract. The effect of sugar feeding on the survival of adult phorid fly Pseudacteon tricuspis is investigated. Flies fed 25% sucrose in aqueous solution continuously throughout their lifespan have greater longevity (mean ± SE longevity: female = 7.9 ± 0.8 days, male = 8.9 ± 0.9 days) than completely starved (provided no water and no sugar solution) flies, sugar-starved (provided water only) flies, or flies fed sugar solution only on their first day of adult life. Completely starved flies rarely lived beyond one day. Provision of water increases longevity by 2 days, and one full day of sugar feeding further increases longevity by an additional 1–2 days. Flies fed 50% sucrose have similar survivorship as those fed 25% sucrose. The temporal patterns of nutrient accumulation and utilization are also compared in P. tricuspis fed different diets: sugar-starved, sucrose-fed on the first day of adult life only, and sucrose-fed continuously. Adult P. tricuspis emerge with no gut sugars, and only minimal amounts of body sugars and glycogen. Although the levels of body sugars and glycogen decline gradually in sugar-starved flies, a single day of sugar feeding results in the accumulation of maximum amounts of gut sugars, body sugars and glycogen. High levels of these nutrients are maintained in female and male phorid flies fed on sucrose continuously over the observation period, whereas nutrient levels decline in flies fed only on the first day of life, beginning 1 day postfeeding. Female and male P. tricuspis emerge with an estimated 12.3 ± 2.3 and 7.2 ± 1 g of lipid reserves per fly, respectively. These teneral amounts represent the highest lipid levels detected in adult flies, irrespective of their diet, and are maintained over the life times of sucrose-fed female and male flies, but declined steadily in sugar-starved females. These data suggest that adult P. tricuspis are capable of converting dietary sucrose to body sugars and glycogen, but not lipids.  相似文献   
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