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考虑一类食饵密度具有非单调增长率,捕食者具有功能性反应的捕食者一食饵系统。得到系统在第一象限内正平衡点的区域稳定的条件和极限环存在唯一的条件,完整地讨论了系统(1)的拓扑结构。  相似文献   
黄泥河林区鼠类群落演替的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨春文  陈荣海 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):205-210
本文研究了吉林省黄泥河林区5个次生植被类型的鼠类群落结构和生物量的变化。原始针阔混交林采伐后,大林姬鼠数量减少,棕背(鼠平)数量增加,黑线姬鼠侵入。形成次生阔叶林和人工落叶松林后,鼠类群落仍为原始针阔混交林中的大林姬鼠+棕背(鼠平)群落类型。人工红松林的形成使棕背(鼠平)数最明显减少,成为大林姬鼠群落。森林开垦成农田,相应形成黑线姬鼠+大林姬鼠群落。草甸发展成草甸森林,鼠类群落由东方田鼠+棕背(鼠平)演变成棕背(鼠平)群落。并分析了环境因素对鼠类演替的影响。  相似文献   
Dyslipidemia is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and atherosclerosis. When dyslipidemia coincides with other metabolic disorders such as obesity, hypertension, and glucose intolerance, defined as the metabolic syndrome (MS), individuals present an elevated risk to develop type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as CVD. Because the MS epidemic represents a growing public health problem worldwide, the development of therapies remains a major challenge. Alterations of bile acid pool regulation in T2D have revealed a link between bile acid and metabolic homeostasis. The bile acid receptors farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and TGR5 both regulate lipid, glucose, and energy metabolism, rendering them potential pharmacological targets for MS therapy. This review discusses the mechanisms of metabolic regulation by FXR and TGR5 and the utility relevance of natural and synthetic modulators of FXR and TGR5 activity, including bile acid sequestrants, in the treatment of the MS.  相似文献   
调查和分析了岷江上游大沟流域的 4个坡向 (偏东坡N -E80°、偏西坡N -W 85°、偏南坡S -E10°、偏北坡N-W2 0°)人工油松 (Pinustabuliformis)林下地表苔藓植物的物种多样性、组成和结构特征。在 4个坡向的油松林下共发现 13种苔藓 ,各林下苔藓物种组成数量在 6 - 13种之间 ,并且具有较高的相似性。冰川青藓 (Brachytheci um glacile)、大羽藓 (Thuidiumcymbifolium)、厚角绢藓 (Entodonconcinnus)、密叶美喙藓 (Eurhynchiumsavatieri)、小酸土藓 (Oxysteguscuspidatus)和光萼苔 (Porellapinnata)为这 4个坡向油松林下的共有种 ,其中冰川青藓、大羽藓为优势物种。 4个坡向人工油松幼林下地表苔藓植物出现频率分别为 10 0 % (偏西、偏北油松林 )和 96 .7% (偏东、偏南油松林 ) ,其平均盖度、平均密度、平均厚度分别在 5 .5 0 %± 0 .90 %至 2 5 .6 6 %± 2 .76 %、4 80 .6 7± 133.6 5至 2 72 4 .80± 4 19.72株 /m2 和 4 .73± 0 .31至 6 .83± 0 .73mm之间。无论是苔藓植物层片的多样性指数还是结构参数 ,均以偏东坡向的油松林下为最低 ;而偏西坡向的油松林下除厚度略低于偏南坡向外 ,其他指标均最高。综合研究结果表明 ,坡向是形成苔藓植物物种多样性组成和结构差异的重要环境因素 ,对苔藓植物的生存  相似文献   
The concentration of melanin determines the intensity of colors of the skin and hair of animals. Melanin pigments are tyrosine-based polymers formed in melanocytes within specialized organelles called melanosomes. In order to understand the mechanism of melanin polymerization, lactoferrin, a basic protein with a pI value of 9.0, has been used to produce melanin. Lactoferrin is a monomeric iron-binding protein with a molecular weight of 80 kDa. The crystals of lactoferrin were soaked in a solution containing dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and tyrosinase enzyme. These crystals were used for X-ray intensity data collection. The intensity data were collected to 2.7-A resolution to an overall completeness of 91% with an R(sym) of 0.071. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions: a = 85.0 A, b = 99.8 A, c = 103.4 A. The structure was determined by molecular replacement method, using the model of diferric mare lactoferrin, and refined to an R-factor 0.215 (R(free) = 0.287) for all the data to 2.7-A resolution. The final model comprises 5,281 protein atoms from 689 amino acids, 2Fe(3+), 2CO(2-)(3) ions, 2 indole-5,6-quinone molecules (IQ), and 73 water molecules. Two IQ molecules, one in each lobe, bind to lactoferrin. In the C-lobe, the IQ binds in the iron-binding cleft, whereas in the N-lobe, it is located in the side pocket between two alpha-helices, filled with solvent molecules in the native iron-saturated mare lactoferrin. The IQ molecules interact with protein molecule mainly through glutamic acid in both lobes, without significant perturbation to the protein structure. The orientation of N- and C-lobes in the present structure is similar to that observed in the native iron-saturated protein. However, as a result of the binding of IQ molecules, the orientations of the domains N1, N2 and C1, C2 in the two cases differ slightly.  相似文献   
研究垂直结构(树冠指数、大树比例、小树比例和树高)及密度因素(基面积、乔木密度、灌木密度、灌木盖度和蚬木比例)对桂西南喀斯特山地典型蚬木种群天然更新的影响.结果表明: 群落平均更新密度为1742~3861株·hm-2,密度相对较低.垂直结构和密度因素对蚬木幼龄植株个体数影响不显著,对地径和株高生长有一定影响.在垂直结构变量中,树冠指数与蚬木幼苗株高呈显著负相关,与幼苗地径的相关性不显著;大树比例和树高与幼苗的地径和株高均呈显著负相关,小树比例与幼苗地径和株高呈显著正相关.在密度变量中,乔木密度与幼苗地径、株高呈显著正相关;蚬木比例与幼苗地径呈显著负相关.多元回归分析显示,林分结构因子与蚬木幼龄植株个体数的拟合较差(P>0.05),蚬木幼苗的数量分布在一定程度上受到垂直结构的综合影响;林分结构因子模型对蚬木幼苗地径和株高的拟合较好(P<0.01),幼苗地径生长主要受乔木密度影响,株高生长主要受乔木密度和基面积的共同影响.  相似文献   
Liposomes are well known lipid carriers for drug delivery of bioactive molecules encapsulated inside their membrane. Liposomes as skin drug delivery systems were initially promoted primarily for localized effects with minimal systemic delivery. Subsequently, a novel vesicular system, transferosomes was reported for transdermal delivery with efficiency similar to subcutaneous injection. The multiple bilayered organizations of lipids applied in these vesicles structure are somewhat similar to complex nature of stratum corneal intercellular lipids domains. The incorporation of novel agents into these lipid vesicles results in the loss of entrapped markers but it is similar to fluidization of stratum corneum lipids on treatment with a penetration enhancer. This approach generated the utility of penetration enhancers/fluidizing agents in lipids vesicular systems for skin delivery. For the transdermal and topical applications of liposomes, fluidity of bilayer lipid membrane is rate limiting which governs the permeation. This article critically reviews the relevance of using different types of vesicles as a model for skin in permeation enhancement studies. This study has also been designed to encompass all enhancement measurements and analytical tools for characterization of permeability in liposomal vesicular system.  相似文献   
The effect of Sargassum polycystum crude extract on lipid metabolism was examined against acetaminophen-induced (800 mg/kg body wt., intraperitoneally) hyperlipidemia during toxic hepatitis in experimental rats. The animals intoxicated with acetaminophen showed significant elevation in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and free fatty acid in both serum and liver tissue. The levels of tissue total lipids and serum LDL-cholesterol were also elevated with depleted levels of serum HDL-cholesterol and tissue phospholipid. The acetaminophen-induced animals showed significant alterations in the activities of lipid metabolizing enzymes serum lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) and hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL). The levels of liver tissue fatty acids (saturated, mono and polyunsaturated) such as palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and linolenic acid monitored by gas chromatography were considerably altered in acetaminophen intoxicated animals when compared with control animals. The prior oral administration of Sargassum polycystum (200 mg/kg body wt./day for a period of 15 days) crude extract showed considerable prevention in the severe disturbances of lipid profile and metabolizing enzymes triggered by acetaminophen during hepatic injury. Liver histology also showed convincing supportive evidence regarding their protective nature against fatty changes induced during acetaminophen intoxication. Thus the present study indicates that the protective nature of Sargassum polycystum extract may be due to the presence of active compounds possessing antilipemic property against acetaminophen challenge. (Mol Cell Biochem 276: 89–96, 2005)  相似文献   
Bispecific immunoglobulin‐like antibodies capable of engaging multiple antigens represent a promising new class of therapeutic agents. Engineering of these molecules requires optimization of the molecular properties of one of the domain components. Here, we present a detailed crystallographic and computational characterization of the stabilization patterns in the lymphotoxin‐beta receptor (LTβR) binding Fv domain of an anti‐LTβR/anti‐TNF‐related apoptosis inducing ligand receptor‐2 (TRAIL‐R2) bispecific immunoglobulin‐like antibody. We further describe a new hierarchical structure‐guided approach toward engineering of antibody‐like molecules to enhance their thermal and chemical stability. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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