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The 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium species (MPP+) is the four-electron oxidation product of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and is widely assumed to be the actual neurotoxic species responsible for the MPTP-induced destruction of dopaminergic neurons. MPTP is oxidized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase-B to a dihydropyridinium intermediate which is oxidized further to MPP+, an effective inhibitor of the oxidation of the Complex I substrates glutamate/malate in isolated mitochondrial preparations. In the present study, the tetraphenylboron anion (TPB) greatly potentiated the inhibitory effects of MPP+ and other selected pyridinium species on glutamate/malate respiration in isolated mouse liver mitochondria. At 10 microM TPB, the potentiation ranged from approximately 50-fold to greater than 1,000-fold for the several pyridinium species tested. In other experiments, TPB greatly enhanced the accumulation of [3H]MPP+ by isolated mitochondrial preparations. This facilitation by TPB of MPP+ accumulation into mitochondria explains, at least in part, the potentiation by TPB of the above-mentioned inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. Moreover, TPB addition increased the amount of lactate formed during the incubation of mouse neostriatal tissue slices with MPTP and other tetrahydropyridines. The administration of TPB also potentiated the dopaminergic neurotoxicity of MPTP in male Swiss-Webster mice. All of these observations, taken together, are consistent with the premise that the inhibitory effect of MPP+ on mitochondrial respiration within dopaminergic neurons is the ultimate mechanism to explain MPTP-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
Summary We have investigated the ion permeability properties of sodium channels purified from eel electroplax and reconstituted into liposomes. Under the influence of a depolarizing diffusion potential, these channels appear capable of occasional spontaneous openings. Fluxes which result from these openings are sodium selective and blocked (from opposite sides of the membrane) by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and moderate concentrations of the lidocaine analogue QX-314. Low concentrations of QX-314 paradoxically enhance this channel-mediated flux. N-bromoacetamide (NBA) and N-bromosuccinimide (NBS), reagents which remove inactivation gating in physiological preparations, transiently stimulate the sodium permeability of inside-out facing channels to high levels. The rise and subsequent fall of permeability appear to result from consecutive covalent modifications of the protein. Titration of the protein with the more reactive NBS can be used to produce stable, chronically active forms of the protein. Low concentrations of QX-314 produce a net facilitation of channel activation by NBA, while higher concentrations produce block of conductance. This suggests that rates of modifications by NBA which lead to the activation of permeability are influenced by conformational changes induced by QX-314 binding.  相似文献   
The long arm of chromosome 4D of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) contains a gene (or genes) which influences the ability of wheat plants to discriminate between Na+ and K+. This discrimination most obviously affects transport from the roots to the shoots, in which less Na+ and more K+ accumulate in those plants which contain the long arm of chromosome 4D. Concentrations of Na+ and K+ in the roots, and Cl concentrations in the roots and shoots, are not significantly affected by this trait, but Na+, K+ and Cl contents of the grain are reduced. The trait operates over a wide range of salinities and appears to be constitutive. At the moment it is not possible to determine accurately the effect of this trait on growth or grain yield because the aneuploid lines which are available are much less vigorous and less fertile than their euploid parents.  相似文献   
Abstract. Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl., a dicotyledonous halophyte native to brackish tidal marshes, was grown on nutrient solution containing 0. 85, 170 or 255 mol m-3 NaCl, and the effects of external salinity on shoot growth and ion content of individual leaves were studied in successive harvests. Growth was stimulated by 85 mol m-3 NaCl and was progressively reduced at the two higher salinities. Growth suppression at high salinity resulted principally from decreased leaf production and area, not from accelerated leaf death. As is characteristic of halophytic dicots. K. virginica accumulated inorganic ions in its leaves, particularly Na+ and K+. However, the Na+ concentration of individual leaves did not increase with time, but remained constant or even declined, seeming to be well-coordinated with changes in water content. A striking feature of the ion composition of salinized plants was the development of a dramatic gradient in sodium content, with Na+ partitioned away from the most actively growing leaves. Salt-treated plants exhibited a strong potassium affinity, with foliar K+ levels higher in salinized plants than unsalinized plants after an initial decrease. These results suggest that selective uptake and transport, foliar compartmentation of Na+ and K+ in opposite directions along the shoot axis, and the regulation of leaf salt loads over time to prevent build-up of toxic concentrations are whole-plant features which enable K. virginica to establish favourable K+-Na+ relations under saline conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract. Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl., a dicot halophyte native to brackish tidal marshes, was grown on nutrient solution containing 0. 85, 170 or 255 mol m 3 NaCl, and the effects of external salinity on root growth, ion and water levels, and lipid content were examined in successive harvests. Root growth paralleled shoot growth trends, with some enhancement observed at 85 mol m 3 NaCl and a reduction noted at the higher salinities. Root Na+ content increased with increasing external NaCl, but remained constant with time for each treatment. K+ content, although lower in salt-grown plants after 14 d salinization, subsequently increased to levels comparable to unsalinized plants. A strong K+ affinity was reflected in the increased K+/Na+ selectivity of salt-grown plants and by their low Na+/K+ ratios. Cl levels rose in salinized plants and values were double or more those for Na+, indicating the possibility of a sodium-excluding mechanism in roots. Root phospholipids and sterols, principal membrane constituents, were maintained or elevated and the free sterol/phospholipids ratio increased in salinized K. virginica plants, suggesting retention of overall membrane structure and decreased permeability. This response, considered in light of root calcium maintenance and high potassium levels, suggests that salinity-induced changes in membrane lipid composition may be important in preventing K+ leakage from cells.  相似文献   
The binding of t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35S]TBPS) to a site on the GABAA receptor complex is ion dependent. This study was conducted to determine the effects of ion species and concentration on the time course, affinity, and number of sites of [35S]TBPS binding. At a concentration of 200 mM ion, the time to equilibrium for [35S]TBPS binding was shortest for I-, followed by Br- less than Cl- less than F-. A similar rank order was observed for the concentration of ion required to produce half-maximal [35S]TBPS binding. Saturation binding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of increasing ion concentration on the KD and Bmax of [35S]TBPS binding. The Bmax was independent of both ion species and concentration. The receptor affinity, however, increased with increasing concentration for each ion. Calculated maximal affinity values were not different between ions; however, the EC50 to produce those values was different among ions and ranked in the same order as that for time course and maximal binding data. Association and dissociation rates for [35S]TBPS binding were greater in I- than in Cl-. These data emphasize the importance of ion selection and incubation times on [35S]TBPS binding.  相似文献   
Five strains of the heterothallic yeastSaccharomycopsis crataegensis have been previously shown to contain DNA and/or RNA plasmidlike molecules (Shepherd et al. 1987). Three DNA plasmids, designated pScrl-1,-2 and -3, were found in strain NRRL Y-5902, while two were identified in each of NRRL strains Y-5903 and Y-5904. DNA plasmids were not identified inS. crataegensis strains Y-5910 or YB-192. FourS. crataegensis strains (Y-5903, Y-5904, Y-5910 and YB-192) were also shown to possess double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules not found in strain Y-5902 (Shepherd et al. 1987). Hybridization studies now demonstrate the DNA plasmids in Y-5903 and Y-5904 to be highly homologous to their respective size counterparts (pScrl-1 and pScrl-2) in Y-5902 and to show some homology to pScrl-3. Restriction endonuclease mapping studies confirm the linear nature of each plasmid and establish identical restriction maps for a 1.4 kilobase (kb) region in pScrl-2 and -3. This 1.4 kb region accounts for the hybridization homology of pScrl-2 and pScrl-3 noted by Shepherd et al. (1987) and for homology of the plasmids of Y-5903 and Y-5904 to pScrl-3 of Y-5902. The pScrl plasmids show no homology to the dsRNA molecules ofS. crataegensis, the 2 M circular DNA ofStaccharomyces cerevisiae, the killer plasmids ofKluyveromyces lactis, or the linear DNA plasmids ofPichia inositovora.In crosses between linear DNA plasmid-containing and dsRNA-containing strains, only progeny containing the pScrl plasmids were recovered. Poor spore viability and a lack of complete tetrad recovery limited the extent of the analysis, but the findings suggest a cytoplasmic mode of inheritance for these linear DNAs.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
Summary This paper describes the microscopic evidence supporting a cesium-induced delay in the fusion of chick embryo myoblast membranes during in vitro myogenic differentiation. We have recently demonstrated that the sharp decrease in the conductivity and permittivity of the membranes of these myogenic cells at the time of fusion is delayed 30 h by the addition of cesium to the culture medium (Santini et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 945:56–64; 1988). We report here that this delay in fusion is substantiated by direct microscopic observation and that cesium also induces ultrastructural changes in the myoblast cells themselves. Possible mechanisms by which cesium may cause both the delay in fusion as well as the ultrastructural changes observed are discussed. This investigation was partially supported by an Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche grant 85.00.304.02 (to P. L. I.).  相似文献   
Abstract: The total Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate induced by depolarization of cerebrocortical nerve terminals with KCl was analyzed into a fast and a slow component. The fast component exhibited a decay time of <1 s and accounted for 0.95 ± 0.10 nmol of glutamate, whereas the slow component, which exhibited a decay time of 52 ± 7 s, accounted for the release of 2.48 ± 0.19 nmol of glutamate. These two components were differentially affected by the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, the divalent cation Sr2+, or the botulinum neurotoxin A. The adenosine A1 receptor agonist N 6-cyclohexyladenosine strongly reduced the fast component without altering the slow component. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid and the facilitatory action of the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist (1 S ,3 R )-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid were observed as a decrease and an increase, respectively, in the two components. It is concluded, first, that the fast and slow components correspond to the release of docked and mobilized vesicles, respectively, and second, that presynaptic modulation more significantly alters the fast component of release.  相似文献   
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