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Biology of epiphytic Chironomidae (Diptera:Nematocera) in chalk streams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Submerged macrophytes are a conspicuous feature of chalk stream ecosystems, supporting large populations of diatoms and invertebrates, including larvae of the nematocerous family Chironomidae. Close temporal and spatial association is evident between chironomid larvae and diatoms, and diatoms are frequently a major component of the food of midge larvae. Larvae provided with food that is rich in diatoms survive better and grow and develop more quickly than larvae that are supplied with food that is predominantly fine organic detritus. First instar larvae selectively feed on diatoms but it is likely that selection is on the basis of particle size, rather than for diatoms per se. Three species of epiphytic larvae (2 Cricotopus spp. and Eukiefferiella ilkleyensis) transfer to a diet that is predominantly of fresh plant material (Ranunculus calcareus leaves) in the third and fourth instar. The life cycle strategies of many species of Orthocladiinae equip them to exploit temporarily favourable environmental conditions very rapidly and effectively. This fact helps to explain the coexistence of species with similar strategies of resource utilization, as part of the normal epiphytic fauna of chalk streams.  相似文献   
Origin and early evolution of photosynthesis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Photosynthesis was well-established on the earth at least 3.5 thousand million years ago, and it is widely believed that these ancient organisms had similar metabolic capabilities to modern cyanobacteria. This requires that development of two photosystems and the oxygen evolution capability occurred very early in the earth's history, and that a presumed phase of evolution involving non-oxygen evolving photosynthetic organisms took place even earlier. The evolutionary relationships of the reaction center complexes found in all the classes of currently existing organisms have been analyzed using sequence analysis and biophysical measurements. The results indicate that all reaction centers fall into two basic groups, those with pheophytin and a pair of quinones as early acceptors, and those with iron sulfur clusters as early acceptors. No simple linear branching evolutionary scheme can account for the distribution patterns of reaction centers in existing photosynthetic organisms, and lateral transfer of genetic information is considered as a likely possibility. Possible scenarios for the development of primitive reaction centers into the heterodimeric protein structures found in existing reaction centers and for the development of organisms with two linked photosystems are presented.Abbreviation Gyr gigayears  相似文献   
Proton pumping ATPases are found in all groups of present day organisms. The F-ATPases of eubacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts also function as ATP synthases, i.e., they catalyze the final step that transforms the energy available from reduction/oxidation reactions (e.g., in photosynthesis) into ATP, the usual energy currency of modern cells. The primary structure of these ATPases/ATP synthases was found to be much more conserved between different groups of bacteria than other parts of the photosynthetic machinery, e.g., reaction center proteins and redox carrier complexes.These F-ATPases and the vacuolar type ATPase, which is found on many of the endomembranes of eukaryotic cells, were shown to be homologous to each other; i.e., these two groups of ATPases evolved from the same enzyme present in the common ancestor. (The term eubacteria is used here to denote the phylogenetic group containing all bacteria except the archaebacteria.) Sequences obtained for the plasmamembrane ATPase of various archaebacteria revealed that this ATPase is much more similar to the eukaryotic than to the eubacterial counterpart. The eukaryotic cell of higher organisms evolved from a symbiosis between eubacteria (that evolved into mitochondria and chloroplasts) and a host organism. Using the vacuolar type ATPase as a molecular marker for the cytoplasmic component of the eukaryotic cell reveals that this host organism was a close relative of the archaebacteria.A unique feature of the evolution of the ATPases is the presence of a non-catalytic subunit that is paralogous to the catalytic subunit, i.e., the two types of subunits evolved from a common ancestral gene. Since the gene duplication that gave rise to these two types of subunits had already occurred in the last common ancestor of all living organisms, this non-catalytic subunit can be used to root the tree of life by means of an outgroup; that is, the location of the last common ancestor of the major domains of living organisms (archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes) can be located in the tree of life without assuming constant or equal rates of change in the different branches.A correlation between structure and function of ATPases has been established for present day organisms. Implications resulting from this correlation for biochemical pathways, especially photosynthesis, that were operative in the last common ancestor and preceding life forms are discussed.  相似文献   
Glucose oxidase has been immobilized onto a thin platinum strip, by co-crosslinking with bovine serum albumin and glutaraldehyde. The retention of redox characteristics of glucose oxidase has been verified by cyclic voltammetry. The activity of the immobilized enzyme reduces to a quarter of its value when the enzyme is in solution but improves when coimmobilized with 1 urea. The potentiometric response builds up and remains stable after 100 s. It is sensitive to the thickness of the immobilizing matrix, pH and temperature. An improvement in the performance of the electrode has been achieved by coimmobilizing 2 urea and metal ions such as Mg2+ and Mn2+. The presence of Cu has been proved to be detrimental. The electrode has been calibrated in the 0.1–5.0 mM glucose concentration range. It gives a stable response for more than 50 independent assays and can be stored for 60 days without significant loss of function.  相似文献   
Life cycles and annual production of the chironomidCladopelma virescens are studied at two different depths in the sublittoral (5m) and the profundal (12m) zones of the karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain). Two generations were completed by this chironomid in the two sampling stations studied. Production was estimated with two different methods: increment-summation (IS) and size-frequency (SF). In the IS method the smoothed survivorship curves were estimated because of the absence of the smaller instars in the samples. The mean annual production varied from 44 to 70 mg m–2y–1 in the deeper station and from 215 to 270 mg m–2y–1 in the shallower, depending on whether the size-frequency or increment summation method was used. Annual P/B varied between 5.07 and 5.67, and 6.14 and 4.11 respectively. Due to the many assumptions to be made with the IS method, we suggest the SF method in this case, because the values given by the two methods are of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   
The generation time ofP. branickii was studied using larval samples in conjunction with rearing experiments and continuous collection of egg masses across one year. This species produced three generations per year in a central German stream (280 m a.s.l., 50° 40 N). Its generation time was variable and obviously influenced by the photoperiod to which eggs and larvulae were subjected. It is thus concluded that two strains ofP. branickii were present in a single population, one bivoltine and the other trivoltine.  相似文献   
An intracellular parasite occurring inCryptomonas rostratiformis and less numerously also inC. erosa andC. phaseolus. The parasite is described. It grows in the dorsal side of the host near the nucleus from which it is optically indistinguishable in young stages. When mature the parasite fills 1/3 to 1/2 the volume of theCryptomonas cell. It is seen as a colourless blister, which pushes back the plastid of the host. Reproduction occurs by separation of the protoplast into a hundred or moreBodo-like swarmers which perhaps represent the infectious phase. Under certain conditions, however, such as during decline of theCryptomonas population, the parasite transforms into thick-walled spindle-shaped cysts. Like the swarmers these cysts are released by rupture of the cryptomonad cells. The fate of the cysts is not known. TheCryptomonas population is destroyed by the infection in the course of a few days. Literature studies have shown that the parasite has been known for a long time, but considered incorrectly by different authors as part of theCryptomonas, or as a result of phagotrophic uptake of theCryptomonas. The parasite is compared with a somewhat similar parasite inMallomonas, and with certain parasitic dinoflagellates. The similarity with the latter is superficial only as it posesses a eucaryotic nucleus. The parasite shows some similarity with the genusParadinium (Mycetozoa) as well as with certainSporozoa.
Field sampling of an Iowa population of Lymnaea stagnalis appressa Say indicated an annual generation pattern, with survivorship to maturity of i percent or less. Estimates of adult fecundity ranged from about 300 to 800 eggs.Density and food manipulations were performed to determine whether density dependent limitation of growth rates, maturation, or fecundity occurs in this fresh water pulmonate snail. Addition of a high quality food resource, spinach, accelerated growth rates, but did not drastically accelerate maturity, nor increase fecundity. Density increments lowered growth rates, delayed maturity, and lowered fecundity, and the addition of spinach did not counteract high densities. Adult densities are fairly low in the field population, and adults are randomly dispersed, indicating little density dependent regulation of fecundity in this population. However, the low survivorship to maturity, response in growth rates with food addition, and increasing survivorship with age and size indicate that juvenile mortality may play an important role in structuring life history patterns in this population.  相似文献   
The prosobranch Planaxis sulcatus is reported as a new natural host of Lobatostoma manteri at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Planaxis sulcatus and Cerithium moniliferum were experimentally infected with large numbers of eggs. The larvae hatch in the stomach and migrate immediately along the ducts of the digestive gland into the digestive follicles. The larvae feed on the secretion and probably epithelial cells of the follicles. The acetabulum is used for adhesion to the epithelium and contributes to its erosion. In heavily infected snails, the digestive follicles disappear gradually and the larvae live in cavities lined by a flattened epithelium, parts of which show secretory activity. In snails dissected 47–49 and 65–66 days after infection, the cavities are fused, forming several large spaces which communicate with each other; only small parts of the epithelium are still secretory. Concentrations of amoebocytes occur in the walls of the digestive gland and in the wall between digestive gland and stomach of infected Planaxis. Some young worms were found in the stomach of Planaxis. No tissue reactions were seen around the stomach except in the wall between digestive gland and stomach. In Cerithium with 65–67 days old infection, the cavities contain much detritus and disintegrating cells, the epithelium is practically non-secretory and surrounded by loose connective tissue. In larvae with a body length of approximately 0·5–0·6 mm, the acetabulum begins to divide into alveoli and its anterior end grows forward; the anterior alveoli gradually increase in size and new alveoli are formed in the posterior undivided zone. In two specimens of approximately 1·3 mm body length, the whole adhesive disk was divided into half the number of alveoli usually found in adults. Allometric shifts during growth of the worms are analysed.  相似文献   
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