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The evolution of alternative mating strategies in variable environments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary We assessed the influence of phenotypic plasticity in age at maturity on the maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar. We calculated the fitness,r, associated with the parr and the anadromous strategies, using age-specific survival data from the field and strategy-specific fertilization data from the laboratory. The fitness of each strategy depended largely on mate competition (numbers of parr per female, i.e. parr frequency) and on age at maturity. Fitness declined with increasing numbers of parr per female with equilibrium frequencies (at which the fitnesses of each strategy are equal) being within the range observed in the wild. Equilibrium parr frequencies declined with decreasing growth rate and increasing age at maturity. Within populations, the existence of multiple age-specific sets of fitness functions suggests that the fitnesses of alternative strategies are best represented as multidimensional surfaces. The points of intersection of these surfaces, whose boundaries encompass natural variation in age at maturity and mate competition, define an evolutionarily stable continuum (ESC) of strategy frequencies along which the fitnesses associated with each strategy are equal. We propose a simple model that incorporates polygenic thresholds of a largely environmentally-controlled trait (age at maturity) to provide a mechanism by which an ESC can be maintained within a population. An indirect test provides support for the prediction that growth-rate thresholds for parr maturation exist and are maintained by stabilizing selection. Evolutionarily stable continua, maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection on threshold traits, provide a theoretical basis for understanding how alternative life histories can evolve in variable environments.  相似文献   
Adaptive mate choice in species lacking male resource control and/or paternal care might be maintained by selection because preferred males sire genetically superior offspring. For such a process to occur, some male phenotypic trait(s) must both reliably indicate male genetic quality and influence the pattern of mate choice by females. In American toads, Bufo americanus, male body length has been documented to influence female mating patterns: females usually mate with males that are larger than average. However, the relationship between male size and male genetic quality is unknown. We conducted a controlled breeding experiment using 48 sires and 19 dams to determine if larger males sire offspring with superior larval performance characteristics (greater survival to metamorphosis, larger mass at metamorphosis, and earlier metamorphosis). We also aged each sire to test the hypothesis that older males are, on average, genetically superior to younger males. We crossed each female with three sires representing three body size categories (mean and 1 SD ± mean snout-ischium length). Hatchlings (500 from each cross) were reared to metamorphosis in seminatural ponds in the field. Metamorph weight (log transformed) and age at metamorphosis showed significant heritability and were genetically correlated with each other. Hence, sires differed in genetic quality. However, none of the three measures of offspring performance was correlated with sire body size or age. Thus, we obtained no support for the prediction that sire body size or age is related to genetic quality.  相似文献   
Some goals of bioelectronics—interfacing biology and electronics — are the understanding of supramolecular bioprocesses and the construction of supramolecular devices. The principles for the design and fabrication of machineries with functional components of molecular size are inspired by reflecting on biosystems, and it seems important to consider such principles. We first discuss attempts to construct supramolecular machines, and then we consider the bacterial reaction centre as an example where supramolecular engineering helps to elucidate a bioprocess. We then discuss possible mechanisms leading to the emergence of life-like systems in the light of the basic principles used to design supramolecular devices. Finally, we reflect on prospects in molecular engineering inspired by studying the emergence of life-like systems.  相似文献   
湘北烟区烟青虫发生情况研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘见平  汪明达 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):153-155
烟青虫在湘北烟区1年发生5代,第一至四代危害烟草,第五代在其他作物上取食。自然条件下,世代重叠比较明显,幼虫发生与危害最大的是第一代,危害时期是5月下旬至6月下旬,同时,还得出了烟青虫各代的发生期、历期及其发育起点温度和有效积温。  相似文献   
Abstract: Populations of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska declined during 1975–1985 at about 5% per year (Merrick et al. 1987). The cause of this decline is not known. A life table for the northern sea lion was calculated assuming that life spans follow a Weibull distribution. Samples of northern sea lions taken in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska during 1975–1978 and 1985–1986 indicate that the average age of females older than 3 yr increased about 1.55 yr (SD = 0.35 yr) while the population was declining at about 5% per year. Fecundity rates decreased by 10% over the same period, but the decrease was not statistically significant (Calkins and Goodwin 1988). Possible causes of the population decline and the change in age structure were examined by writing the Leslie matrix population equation in terms of changes in juvenile and adult survival rates and fecundity, and examining the short–term behavior of the trajectories of the average age of adult females, total number of females, and total number of pups with respect to those changes in the vital parameters. From the observed rate of declines of adults and the changes in average age of adult females and fecundity, estimates of the changes in adult and juvenile survival were calculated; estimates of the standard deviations of these changes were estimated via a bootstrap procedure. One purpose of this exercise is to aid in setting priorities for research for determining the cause of the decline. An explanation for the observed declines in numbers of adult sea lions consistent with the observed fecundity rates, a rate of decrease of 5% in the number of adults, and the corresponding increase in average age (of females age 3 yr and older) was a 10%–20% decrease in the survival of juveniles (age 0-3 yr) coupled with an insignificant change in adult survival (0.03%, SD = 1%).  相似文献   
Abstract Phenotypic variability of Cardamine flexuosa (Cruciferae) was examined in response to different lengths of exposure to low temperature (5°C) at the juvenile stage, and to two photoperiod regimes (8 and 16 hrs day-lengths) in the subsequent growth period. The results indicated that this species had a facultative chilling or long-day requirement for flowering. The long-day and chilling treatments both caused an earlier onset of stem internode elongation. Longer chilling treatments reduced the number of nodes and increased internode length under both long and short photoperiod regimes. Prolonged chilling treatments followed by long-day photoperiod remarkably induced more numerous basal branches and inflorescences, as a result producing more siliques. Remarkable rosette leaves Were formed at the base of the main stem when partial chilling and the short-day treatment suppressed stem internode elongation. The responses to chilling and long-day treatment closely resembled the synchronized flowering of this species in spring in the field. Delayed flowering under the short-day treatment resembled size- or age-dependent flowering in late summer to autumn in the field populations.  相似文献   
Bruce E. Young 《Oecologia》1993,93(2):256-262
I studied the life cycle of a botfly (Diptera: Muscidae: Philornis carinatus) and examined the effects of botfly ectoparasitism on nestling house wrens (Passeriformes: Troglodytidae: Troglodytes aedon) during three years in Costa Rica. At three study sites, I found that nestlings were relatively unaffected by botflies, in contrast to all other studies of birds infected with philornid botflies. At Monteverde, the main study site, infected chicks grew slightly slower and had slightly shorter tarsi and wing chords than uninfected chicks, but both groups fledged at similar weights. Since weight at fledging is the only growth character associated with post-fledging survivorship, botfly infections likely cost wrens little in terms of fitness. At all sites, fledging success did not differ between infected and uninfected nests. Botfly infections were more prevalent at two lower elevation sites than at the high elevation Monteverde side. Infection prevalence increased during the nesting season at all study sites, which suggests a botfly life cycle in which adult population levels increase during the wren breeding season and then decline during a dormant period when wrens are not nesting. Finally, botflies may attack chicks throughout the period before fledging, but there is no indication they locate nests before hatching. In sum, botfly parasitism on wrens appears to be benign, perhaps because the study sites are at the edge of the botfly's range or because wrens are not a preferred host.  相似文献   
I examine the branch of evolutionary epistemology which tries to account for the character of cognitive mechanisms in animals and humans by extending the biological theory of evolution to the neurophysiological substrates of cognition. Like Plotkin, I construe this branch as a struggling science, and attempt to characterize the sort of theory one might expect to find this truly interdisciplinary endeavor, an endeavor which encompasses not only evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and developmental neuroscience, but also and especially, the computational modeling of artificial life programming; I suggest that extending Schaffner's notion of interlevel theories to include both horizontal and vertical levels of abstraction best fits the theories currently being developed in cognitive science. Finally, I support this claim with examples drawn from computational modeling data using the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple model for the evolution of reaction norms for age and size at maturity that predicts reaction norms with a variety of shapes. Using realistic parameter values the model predicts reaction norms close to those observed in Drosophila. The major assumptions of the model are: 1) that net reproductive rate is maximized, 2) that growth is determinate, and 3) that mortality rates are independent of age and size at maturity. If, additionally, juvenile mortality is uncorrelated with a growth coefficient, k, the model predicts that selection favors maturation later at a smaller size when k is reduced by environmental factors and that decreased juvenile mortality leads to delayed maturity. These two predictions conform with those found by previous models using other measures of fitness. Correlations between k and juvenile mortality can change the shape of the predicted reaction norm. Depending on the precise form of the correlation, the model can predict done- or bowl-shaped reaction norms and can predict delayed or earlier maturity as k decreases. These shapes are qualitatively different from those predicted by previous models that used different fitness measures. Systematic estimates of the parameter values for this and for related models are required to determine the appropriate fitness measure for models of reaction norms.  相似文献   
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