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The effect of sublethal levels of methylparathion (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 mg l–1) on the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus, during their entire life cycle was studied. Rotifers were fed on two species of unicellular algae: Nannochloris oculata and Chlorella pyrenoidosa; both algal concentrations were 5 × 105 cell ml–1.The parameters used to determine the toxicity of this compound were survival, fecundity, net reproductive rate (R)o, generation time (T), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), reproductive value (V x/Vo) and life expectancy at hatching (eo). All the demographic parameters studied were affected by methyl-parathion exposure on rotifers fed on both species of algae, but the toxic effect was larger when animals were fed on Chlorella pyrenoidosa; in this case, animals showed a decreased in fertility and also a delayed first reproduction. Sublethal methylparathion levels produced a reduction in most of the parameters selected, especially after exposure to 7 mg l–1, where the animals died before reproducing.  相似文献   
  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that females of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), could adjust their fecundity schedule according to host availability and that there was a negative correlation between reproduction and survival in these wasps.
  • 2 Newly-emerged females were provided with an unlimited or limited number of hosts in the first trial and with either unlimited, limited or zero hosts in the second trial.
  • 3 When hosts were unlimited, wasps had the highest rate of reproduction in the first day, which decreased dramatically thereafter. When hosts were limited, wasps from the two trials differed in their response. In Trial I, females with limited hosts had lower first-day fecundity than, and the same subsequent-day fecundity as, those with unlimited hosts. However, in Trial II, females with limited host had a lower first-day but a higher subsequent-day fecundity than those with unlimited hosts. This indicates variation in Trichogramma's ability to shift its fecundity schedule in response to host availability.
  • 4 There was a positive (rather than a negative) correlation between reproduction and survival. Wasps that oviposited (in host-unlimited treatment) had greater longevity than those that could not (in host-unavailable treatment).
  • 5 The sex ratio of the progeny produced by wasps in both host-unlimited and limited treatments shifted gradually from a female to a male bias as the wasps aged.
  • 6 We consider the ability of parasitoids to adjust their fecundity schedule as an adaptation to changing host resources and discuss our findings with regard to theories of life history evolution.
Research into repair within the circular economy (CE) typically focuses on technical aspects of design, policy, and markets, and often assumes simplified conditions for the user/owner and the product system to explain the barriers to scaling repair activities. However, factors occurring at pre-use stages of the product's life cycle can significantly influence whether, and to what extent, repair is viable or possible, that is, warranty duration, after-sale service provision, and access to necessities. The passing of time can directly and indirectly affect the ability, difficulty, and thus, the likelihood of repair activities being performed at each stage of the product's life cycle. Drawing from the literature and applying inductive systems-thinking tools, we propose a framework for considering the “System of Repairability.” We delineate how the passing of time (temporal dimensions) affects one's ‘‘ability to repair,’’ as a product progresses through different life cycle phases (i.e., breakdown vs. repair vs. disposal), and the point(s) at which the repair is considered or attempted (i.e., year of usage). By integrating life cycle and temporal (time-based) dimensions into a broad System of Repairability framework, we clarify relevant interconnections, iterations, sequences, and timing of decision points, stakeholders, and necessary conditions to facilitate an outcome of successful repair at the individual level, and thus intervention strategies for scaling repair within CE. We discuss how a policy mix can address the life cycle of products and the repair system more holistically. We conclude with a future outlook on how temporal dimensions can inform policy strategies and future research.  相似文献   
Industrial ecology (IE) methodologies, such as input/output or material flow analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA), are often used for the environmental evaluation of circular economy strategies. Up to now, an approach that utilizes these methods in a systematic, integrated framework for a holistic assessment of a geographic region's sustainable circular economy potential has been lacking. The approach developed in this study (IE4CE approach) combines IE methodologies to determine the environmental impact mitigation potential of circular economy strategies for a defined geographic region. The approach foresees five steps. First, input/output analysis helps identify sectors with high environmental impacts. Second, a refined analysis is conducted using material flow and LCA. In step 3, circular strategies are used for scenario design and evaluated in step 4. In step 5, the assessment results are compiled and compared across sectors. The approach was applied to a case study of Switzerland, analyzing 8 sectors and more than 30 scenarios in depth. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) from waste incineration, biogas and cement production, food waste prevention in households, hospitality and production, and the increased recycling of plastics had the highest mitigation potential. Most of the scenarios do not influence each other. One exception is the CCS scenarios: waste avoidance scenarios decrease the reduction potential of CCS. A combination of scenarios from different sectors, including their impact on the CCS scenario potential, led to an environmental impact mitigation potential of 11.9 Mt CO2-eq for 2050, which equals 14% of Switzerland's current consumption-based impacts.  相似文献   
One of the approaches followed by the circular economy (CE) to achieve sustainability through design is product life extension. Extending the life of products to make them useful for as long as possible is a means to reduce waste production and materials consumption, as well as the related impacts. For designers, conceptualizing products in a way that allows them to be used for longer is a challenge, and assessing how well they extend their lifespan can be helpful when it comes to choosing the best proposal. In this paper, 70 tools and methods related to eco-design and circular economy are studied to determine how many of them consider parameters related to life extension and which can be applied in the early stages of design. The results of the analysis show that most of the existing tools and methods are applicable to developed products, and only a few of them take into account parameters related to extending the useful life. Of the 70 tools and methods, only 14 include some parameter related to life extension and are applicable to concepts. CE toolkit, Eco-design PILOT, CE Designer, Circularity Assessment tool, Circularity Potential Indicator and Circular Design Tools take into consideration eight or more parameters to assess life extension in concepts. This will help designers select the most appropriate and will indicate the need for more complete tools to consider useful life extension in the early stages of design and thus enhance the selection of more sustainable products.  相似文献   
Microhabitat use by marsh-edge fishes in a Louisiana estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis We used a drop sampler to characterize use of the marsh-edge ecotone by small fishes along two transects running inland from the Gulf of Mexico for ca. 25 km in Louisiana's Barataria-Caminada Bay System. Monthly sampling was stratified among upper, middle, and lower reaches and within reaches to characterize fish responses to salinity, depth, distance from shore, substrate, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, turbidity, velocity, and emergent stem density. In 681 quantitative samples, covering 658 m2, collected between October 1987 and October 1989, we collected 57 fish species and 16 864 individuals, primarily larvae and juveniles. The 15 most abundant fishes, comprising 97.7% of all individuals, were concentrated near the marsh edge (i.e., 0 to 1.25 m distance). Some significant differences within species for seasonal variables (e.g., temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration) reflected the ephemeral duration of early life history stages. Other differences reflected ontogenetic microhabitat shifts (e.g., depth and distance from shore). Within ecological groups, characterized as demersal residents, nektonic transients, and demersal transients, spatial and temporal segregation reflected the particular habitat requirements of each species. In a principal component analysis of microhabitat use, the first three components were interpreted as seasonal, depth-and-distance, and salinity axes, respectively. The array of species and size classes in principal component space reflected the complex dimensionality of microhabitat use. The high density of fish larvae and juveniles near the marsh edge confirmed the importance of the marsh-edge ecotone as a nursery for many estuarine-dependent fishes.  相似文献   
Field observations on the biology ofMetriona elatior (Col.: Chrysomelidae) onSolanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae) from Uruguay. Specimens ofMetriona elatior were found feeding on leaves of the silverleaf nightshade,Solanum elaeagnifolium, from the eastern of Uruguay since 1984. According to a field study the young leaves were skeletonized since spring to early autumn by larvae and adults. Oothecae and pupae were found mainly on old leaves. The egg mean volume was of 0.614 mm3. Young plants of the weed were always killed after massive natural infections ofM. elatior. Therefore, this tortoise leaf-beetle may be studied as a potential biocontrol agent on populations ofS. elaeagnifolium.
The population and production ecology of aZizania latifolia stand at a sheltered shore of the Hitachi-Tone River were investigated. Shoot emergence was observed twice a year; the fist was a synchronized shoot emergence in April and the second was from August to October. Aboveground biomass was mostly occupied by leaves and peaked at 1500 g dry weight m−2 in August. The belowground biomass also reached its peak, 750 g dry weight m−2, in August. The secondary shoots were small in spite of their high density. Leaves were produced continuously throughout the season. The leaf life span was as short as 55.6 days for cohorts that emerged from May through to September. Total annual net production ofZ. latifolia could be more than 3400 g dry weight m−2. Shoot clusters of several centimeters were observed in April. The following self-thinning caused a regular distribution of the remaining shoots in August. Most shoots produced in August to October were found near a shoot persisting since April. They showed more concentrated distribution than shoots in April. A large biomass allocation to leaves and the ability to produce many clump shoots during the late growing period may facilitate dominance ofZ. latifolia in relatively sheltered sites.  相似文献   
我国山水林田湖草沙生命共同体及其保护和修复工程的理论研究和实践正逐渐开展,需要系统的学科理论支撑,景观生态学作为地理学和生态学的交叉科学,能够以其宏观空间理论和技术体系满足这一需求。本文将景观生态学作为山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程的支撑学科,首先,明确了山水林田湖草沙生命共同体是镶嵌的异质景观、具有景观的所有特征并遵循景观生态学原理;其次,阐述了景观生态建设理论如何应用于山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程的规划和评价;最后,总结景观生态建设研究的新趋势,提出待解决的理论和实践问题,并论述山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程如何为解决这些问题提供广阔的研究空间。景观生态学和山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程实践相结合,将为实现我国乃至全球生态、经济、社会可持续发展提供极为有效的途径。  相似文献   
Carpospores from Schizymenia pacifica (Kylin) Kylin (Gymnophlaeaceae) from California formed crusts anatomically identical to Haematocelis rubens J. Agardh (Cruoriaceae). Tetraspores of H. rubens from Monterey, California, and Baja California, Mexico, germinated to form basal discs from which arose upright multiaxial blades with a filamentous medulla and cortical gland cells. Pro-carps and spermatangia were present on the same blades; subsequently, cystocarps characteristic of Schizymenia pacifica developed. Re-examination of herbarium specimens suggests that the foliose tetrasporangial phases previously reported as S. pacifica are referable to Halymenia, Dilsea, Cryptonemia, or Turnerella. Schizymenia pacifica (type locality: San Juan Islands, Washington) thus is considered to be the gametophyte in the life history of Haematocelis rubens (type locality: Brest, France), which has also been reported to be the tetrasporophyte of S. dubyi (Chauvin ex Duby) J. Agardh (type locality: Cherbourg, France). Atlantic and Pacific gametophytes and tetrasporophytes are anatomically very similar, suggesting that only one species is involved, but critical studies must be made before a decision on this taxonomic question can be reached. Haematocelis zonalis Dawson et Neushul (type locality: Anacapa Island, California) is considered to be a growth form of the tetrasporangial phase of S. pacifica.  相似文献   
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