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NMDA receptor‐mediated excitotoxicity is thought to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease (HD). The neurotrophin brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is also highly involved in HD and whose effects are modulated by adenosine A2ARs, influences the activity and expression of striatal NMDA receptors. In electrophysiology experiments, we investigated the role of BDNF toward NMDA‐induced effects in HD models, and the possible involvement of A2ARs. In corticostriatal slices from wild‐type mice and age‐matched symptomatic R6/2 mice (a model of HD), NMDA application (75 μM) induced a transient or a permanent (i.e., toxic) reduction of field potential amplitude, respectively. BDNF (10 ng/mL) potentiated NMDA effects in wild‐type, while it protected from NMDA toxicity in R6/2 mice. Both effects of BDNF were prevented by A2AR blockade. The protective effect of BDNF against NMDA‐induced toxicity was reproduced in a cellular model of HD. These findings may have very important implications for the neuroprotective potential of BDNF and A2AR ligands in HD.  相似文献   
In this study, the cDNA sequence encoding interleukin‐1 (Il‐1) receptor‐like protein of orange‐spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides was obtained. The newly identified sequence was named soluble type I Il‐1 receptor (sIl‐1rI) owing to its structural composition, which had two Ig‐like domains, lack of transmembrane region and the Toll/interleukin‐1 receptor (TIR) domain, similar to the brown rat Rattus norvegicus soluble Il‐1rI. In addition, sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis indicated that E. coioides sequence had a closer relationship with Il‐1rI than Il‐1rII. Real‐time PCR revealed that sil‐1rI mRNA expression presented a process of decrease, restoration and increase in Cryptocaryon irritans‐infected E. coioides. The negative correlation between Il‐1β and sil‐1rI mRNA in C. irritans‐infected head‐kidney implied the potential negative regulatory role of sil‐1rI in E. coioides Il‐1 system. The leucocytes incubated with lipopolysaccharide or polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid exhibited different expression profiles of sil‐1rI. Recombinant Il‐1β (rIl‐1β) protein was capable of inducing sil‐1rI mRNA under the concentration of 100 ng ml?1, suggesting that high dosage or excess Il‐1β would stimulate the expression of sil‐1rI to maintain the homoeostasis of E. coioides Il‐1 system. For the first time, the role of teleost Il‐1rI in parasite infection has been identified, and soluble Il‐1r was found in fish.  相似文献   
The phylogeographical patterns and demographic history of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, N = 327; D‐loop, N = 252) and nuclear DNA (IRBP gene, N = 235) haplotypes were studied for the Meriones meridianus complex in northern China, a desert‐dwelling gerbil species complex. The phylogenetic analyses, which were performed on the separate and combined (mitochondrial + nuclear) datasets, revealed two divergent clades (Clade A and Clade B) corresponding to distinct geographical regions. Clade A contained the haplotypes found mostly in individuals from the Tianshan Mountains area. Clade B contained haplotypes from populations located in other deserts in northern China. The divergence times indicated that the history of the M. meridianus complex was influenced by the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains and climate‐induced habitat fluctuations. In the Pleistocene, the expansion of forests and grasslands during interglacial period led to the isolation of the M. meridianus complex, which preferred to inhabit deserts. Hence, long geological isolation and the M. meridianus complex adaptation to local ecological conditions led to its genetic divergence. Clade A had long‐lasting demographic stability, most likely because the populations of this clade remained in a stable desert environment for a long time. However, the extension of other deserts and disappearance of palaeolakes during the last glacial period resulted in demographic expansion of Clade B. Furthermore, our genetic data indicated that two subspecies may exist within the M. meridianus complex. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 362–383.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the fine‐scale population genetic structure of sympatric asterinid sea stars with contrasting modes of larval development (benthic versus pelagic). Parvulastra exigua lacks a dispersive life phase yet is one of the worlds most widely distributed and abundant sea stars, whereas Meridiastra calcar, a sea star with a dispersive larva, has a more limited regional scale distribution. Populations of P. exigua sampled from tide pools on three adjacent headlands showed significant genetic substructure (mitochodrial DNA control region) at fine spatial scales (tide pools < 300 m apart: FST = 0.249, P < 0.01; headlands 5–15 km apart: FST = 0.125, P = 0.04). As expected, M. calcar populations sampled from the same headlands did not exhibit significant genetic structuring (FST = 0.029, P = 0.14). The life‐history traits of P. exigua, a mixed mating system (selfing + outcrossing), pseudocopulation among closely‐related conspecifics, and an entirely benthic life cycle with a philopatric larva, undoubtedly influence its strong genetic structure across fine spatial scales. Localized genetic structure, especially at the very fine‐scale of tide pools, would not be detected in the more typical regional scale approaches adopted by most studies of marine invertebrate populations. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, ●●, ●●–●●.  相似文献   
The colonization patterns of oceanic islands are often interpreted through transmarine dispersal. However, in islands with intense human activities and unclear geological history, this inference may be inappropriate. Cyprus is such an island, whose geotectonic evolution has not been clarified yet to the desired level for biogeographical reconstructions, leaving the questions of ‘how the Cypriote biota arrived’ and ‘does the dispersal have the formative role in patterns of its diversification’ unanswered. Here, we address these issues through a reconstruction of the evolutionary history of six herptiles (Ablepharus budaki, Ophisops elegans, Acanthodactylus schreiberi, Telescopus fallax, Pelophylax cf. bedriagae, and Hyla savignyi) by means of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and 16S rRNA), applying a Bayesian phylogenetic, biogeographical, and chronophylogenetic analyses. The phylogeographical analyses show that the colonization history of those species in Cyprus started in the late Miocene and extended into the Pliocene and Pleistocene, with geodispersal, transmarine dispersal, and human‐mediated dispersal having their share in shaping the diversification of Cypriote herptiles. The revealed patterns could be divided into three biogeographical categories: old colonizers that arrived in Cyprus during the late Miocene or early Pliocene either by a land bridge (geodispersal) which connected Cyprus with the mainland or by transmarine dispersal, younger colonizers that reached the island through transmarine dispersal from the Middle East, and new settlers that arrived through human‐induced (voluntary or not) introductions. This work advances our knowledge of the biogeography of Cyprus and highlights the need to consider both geo‐ and transmarine dispersal when dealing with islands whose associations do not have a straightforward interpretation. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Among freshwater bivalves, the brooding of embryos and larvae within the maternal ctenidia is well known. Exceptions to this generalization are the non‐brooding freshwater and estuarine species of Dreissena and Mytilopsis, respectively. It was reported that the freshwater troglodytic cousin, Congeria kusceri Bole, 1962, of these dreissenids does not brood either. It is herein demonstrated that C. kusceri undergoes one reproductive cycle each year. Sexes are separate, with an early male and later female bias. A small percentage (2.14%) of individuals is hermaphroditic. The gonads mature over summer from May to November. Spawning commences in September, when females release mature oocytes into their ctenidia and inhale sperm from mature males. Here the oocytes are fertilized, and develop within interfilamentary marsupia. Ctenidial tissues glandularize, and may provide a source of maternal nutrition for the embryos. At the late prodissoconch‐1 or prodissoconch‐2 stage (PR2, ~220 μm), larvae are released into the infrabranchial chamber via a birth channel along the outer edge of the ventral marginal food groove of both inner demibranchs. Here, they are brooded further in mantle pouches located beneath the inhalant siphon. Subsequently, after the PR2 stage (nepioconch/dissoconch), they are released from the inhalant siphon and assume an independent life as crawling juveniles. Such juveniles may be found amongst clusters of adults. Not only is C. kusceri unique amongst the Dreissenidae in possessing the capacity to brood internally fertilized ova, but it is also exceptional amongst the Bivalvia in possessing the described methods of brooding and birth. Explanations for both lie in its troglodytic lifestyle, decadal length longevity and habitat: that of byssal attachment to the hard surfaces of underground freshwater rivers, caves, pits, and sinkholes in the Tethyan arc of the Dinaric karst. Internal fertilization of a few large yolky eggs, lecithotrophic larvae, ctenidial brooding, and secondary pallial parental care represent relatively recent, Late Miocene, evolutionary adaptations from a Tethyan lentic ancestor.  相似文献   

Ce travail a pour objectif l’étude de quelques aspects bio-écologiques de la cochenille violette, Parlatoria oleae Colvée 1880, bio-agresseur des cultures de l’Olivier en régions arides. Le suivi du cycle biologique ainsi que la démo-écologie de ce ravageur ont été réalisés grâce à des dénombrements périodiques des populations sur les différents organes de l’arbre (méthodes de Vasseur &; Schvester) de décembre 2010 à décembre 2011 dans la région d’Ain Touta (nord-est algérien). L’espèce y a montré deux générations par an : une génération printanière se développant entre avril et juillet et une génération automnale évoluant entre août et octobre. La ponte débuta en avril et s’échelonna jusqu‘à la fin septembre. L’exposition nord est la plus favorable à cette diaspine qui y trouve des conditions microclimatiques optimales pour son développement. La ponte moyenne est de 8 à 9 ?ufs par femelle. L’analyse statistique de l’effet des conditions climatiques étudiées (températures minimale, maximale et moyenne ; précipitations, gelée et indice d’aridité De Martone) sur les effectifs des différents stades, montre une grande variabilité d’un stade à un autre. L’analyse statistique établie révèle également que les effectifs de l’espèce présentent des variations très hautement significatives selon l’orientation dans l’arbre d’olive colonisé.  相似文献   
This work reviews nearly 90 years of ape keeping and housing at the Giardino Zoologico in Rome, and offers an overview of the scientific research carried out on these primates. It may thus contribute to a better historical knowledge of primate zoo management in Italy. Furthermore, particular attention is paid to morphological aspects in orangutan physical development that should deserve further research.  相似文献   
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