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The endoplasmic reticulum from maize coleoptiles elongates stearoyl-CoA more effectively than the plasmalemma-enriched fraction. The alkane and very lo  相似文献   
Mycelium of Fusarium oxysporum grown on a glucose-containing medium lacked fructosyl transferase and invertase activities. Synthesis of fructosyl t  相似文献   
Comparative feeding experiments in cupric chloride-treated Pisum sativum pods and seedlings have demonstrated excellent incorporation into the 6a-h  相似文献   
Summary Although hydrophobic forces probably dominate in determining whether or not a protein will insert into a membrane, recent studies in our laboratory suggest that electrostatic forces may influence the final orientation of the inserted protein. A negatively charged hepatic receptor protein was found to respond totrans-positive membrane potentials as though electrophoresing into the bilayer. In the presence of ligand, the protein appeared to cross the membrane and expose binding sites on the opposite side. Similarly, a positively charged portion of the peptide melittin crosses a lipid membrane reversibly in response to atrans-negative potential. These findings, and others by Date and co-workers, have led us to postulate that transmembrane proteins would have hydrophobic transmembrane segments bracketed by positively charged residues on the cytoplasmic side and negatively charged residues on the extra-cytoplasmic side. In the thermodynamic sense, these asymmetrically placed charge clusters would create a compelling preference for correct orientation of the protein, given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells. This prediction is borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins (glycophorin, M13 coat protein, H-2Kb, HLA-A2, HLA-B7, and mouse Ig heavy chain) for which we have sufficient information on both sequence and orientation.In addition to the usual diffusion and pump potentials measurable with electrodes, the microscopic membrane potential reflects surface charge effects. Asymmetries in surface charge arising from either ionic or lipid asymmetries would be expected to enhance the bias for correct protein orientation, at least with respect to plasma membranes. We introduce a generalized form of Stern equation to assess surface charge and binding effects quantitatively. In the kinetic sense, dipole potentials within the membrane would tend to prevent positively charged residues from crossing the membrane to leave the cytoplasm. These considerations are consistent with the observed protein orientations. Finally, the electrostatic and hydrophobic factors noted here are combined in two hypothetical models of translocation, the first involving initial interaction of the presumptive transmembrane segment with the membrane; the second assuming initial interaction of a leader sequence.  相似文献   
A particulate enzymatic preparation, extracted from fenugreek seedlings (Trigonella foenum-graecum) catalyses the transfer of mannose from guanosine diphosphate-[U-14C]mannose and its incorporation into an alkali-soluble polysaccharide. Chemical and enzymatic study of this polysaccharide reveals the presence of only one type of osidic linkage, namely β-(1 → 4)-s-mannopyranosyl. The influence of some factors on this biosynthesis was studied, as well as the MW of the polysaccharide and the existence of an endogenous acceptor.  相似文献   
Moritoshi Iino 《Planta》1982,156(1):21-32
Brief irradiation of intact etiolated seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.) with red light (R; 30 W cm-2, 10 min) reduces the amounts of diffusible and free (solvent-extractable) indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) obtainable from excised coleoptile tips. The effect is transient, the lowest level (30% of the dark control) occurring at about 3 h after irradiation. The free-IAA content of the whole coleoptile and the diffusible-IAA yield from the base of the same organ are similarly reduced, whereas the conjugated-IAA content of the coleoptile is not affected. These results support the view that R inhibits the production of IAA at the coleoptile tip. It is further shown that R inhibits biosynthesis of [3H]IAA from [3H]tryptophan supplied to the coleoptile tip. The shapes of the fluence-response curves obtained for the reduction of the diffusible-IAA yield by R and far-red light (FR) indicate the participation of two photoreactive systems. One has thresholds at 10-3 W s cm2 of R, five orders of magnitude less than the minimum required for the appearance of spectrophotometrically measurable far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in vivo, and 10-1 W s cm-2 of FR; its response is linear to the logarithm of fluence exceeding five orders of magnitude. The other system is seen above 102 W s cm-2 as an increase in the slope of the fluenceresponse curve; its response is FR reversible and related to the Pfr level of total photoreversible phytochrome. Both systems inhibit biosynthesis of IAA from tryptophan. Elongation of the coleoptile is stimulated by R; the stimulation is most apparent in the apical region, and is saturated with a fluence at which bo detectable pfr is formed. Farred light can also saturate this response. Since the endogenous IAA concentration in the coleoptile appears not to be in the inhibitory range, it is concluded that the stimulation of coleoptile elongation is not the result of changes in free-IAA levels.Abbreviations FR far-red light - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - Pfr phytochrome in the far-red-absorbing form - Pr phytochrome in the red-absorbing form - R red light  相似文献   
Acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis in spinach chloroplasts has been investigated by following the incorporation of bicarbonate and acetate into fatty acids under a variety of conditions. Both substrates were readily incorporated into fatty acids in a light-dependent manner by intact photosynthesising chloroplasts, but when the concentrations of these substrates were adjusted to those found in vivo, i.e. 200 M acetate, 10 M bicarbonate, then acetate was found to supply carbon atoms for fatty acids biosynthesis via acetyl CoA at forty times the rate of bicarbonate. It is proposed that extra-chloroplastic free acetate is the pricipal substrate for chloroplasts acetyl CoA biosynthesis in spinach.Abbreviations ACP acyl carrierprotein - CoASH coenzyme A  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Frucht vonPoncirus trifoliata liegen in der Außenschale Drüsenzellkomplexe, die ein monoterpenreiches ätherisches Öl mit geringem Anteil an Sesquiterpenen und O-haltigen Substanzen produzieren. Ähnlich aussehende Exkretzellkomplexe aus den Saftschläuchen enthalten hauptsächlich Sesquiterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (STKW) und O-haltige Komponenten und sehr wenig Monoterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (MTKW). Im Schalenöl konnten nach gaschromatographischer Trennung mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie 19 Komponenten identifiziert werden, im Saftschlauchöl 25.Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen der jüngsten Drüsenzellen beider Drüsenkomplexe lassen erkennen, daß beide Terpenklassen wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich bzw. ausschließlich plastidär entstehen.Exogen angebotenes14CO2 wird zunächst überwiegend in die MTKW eingebaut, erst später nimmt die Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten stark zu. Über den Ferntransportweg angebotenes14C-Leucin führt anfangs zu einer starken Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten, erst später verschiebt sich der Einbau etwas mehr in Richtung MTKW. Als Hauptursache für den differenten Einbau wird das Vorhandensein zweier Typen von Drüsenzellkomplexen mit unterschiedlichen Syntheseleistungen angesehen.Die aus dem14CO2 in der Außenrinde gebildeten Assimilate werden zuerst in das MTKW-reiche Öl der Schalenexkretbehälter eingebaut. Die überwiegend STKW erzeugenden Saftschlauchbehälter werden erst später beliefert. Beim Leucinangebot über die Fruchtstiele scheint es gerade umgekehrt zu verlaufen. Die aufeinanderfolgenden Maxima der Ölproduktion in den beiden Drüsenzellkomplex-Typen und die Änderung des Komponentenspektrums ihres ätherischen Öls im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode tragen ebenfalls zu einem je nach Jahreszeit unterschiedlichen Einbau in die MTKW und STKW bei.
Compartmentation of mono- and sesqui-terpene biosynthesis of the essential oil inPoncirus trifoliata
Summary The fruit ofPoncirus trifoliata shows glandular cell complexes in the exocarp, which produce a volatile oil rich in monoterpenes but poor in sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds. The juice vesicles of the endocarp possess similar cell complexes mainly containing sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds, whereas monoterpenes only occur in small amounts. By the use of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 19 components of the rind oil and 15 compounds of the endocarp oil could be identified.As demonstrated by electron microscopy the terpenes most probably are synthesized predominantly, if not exclusively in plastids. As shown by gasradiochromatography radioactive precursors (14CO2 and14C-leucine) are incorporated into mono- and sesqui-terpenes to a different extent.This is due to two gland types producing essential oils of different composition with regard to their mono- and sesqui-terpene percentage. In fruit development the exocarp glands differentiate earlier than the endocarp glands do. The activity of exogenously applied14CO2 first reaches the peripheral glands and later on appears in the interior glands. Depending upon the growth season, labelled leucine transported by the conducting tissues from lower plant parts leads to a high specific activity of the sesqui-terpenes and oxigenated compounds. It could be argued that in this instance the glands of the pulp are better provided with precursors than the exocarp glands. The successive maxima of essential oil production in both glandular complexes, and the changes in the concentration of individual oil constituents during the ontogeny of the fruit also contribute to different incorporation ratios of radioactive precursors into mono- and sesqui-terpenes.
G. Forkmann  B. Kuhn 《Planta》1979,144(2):189-192
The gene Po in pollen of Petunia hybrida Vilm. controls a discrete step in flavonoid biosynthesis. In recessive genotypes, naringenin-chalcone (4, 2,4,6-tetrahydroxychalcone) is accumulated, whereas, under the influence of the wild-type allele flavonols and anthocyanins are formed. Enzymic investigations on anthers of four genetically defined lines with different pollen colouration revealed a clear correlation between accumulation of naringenin-chalcone and deficiency of chalcone isomerase (EC The results allow the conclusion that chalcone is the first product of the flavanone synthase reaction in anthers of Petunia hybrida and that chalcone isomerase is essential for the formation of flavonols and anthocyanins. These results were similar to those previously obtained with Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees.Abbreviations EGME ethylen glycol monomethyl ether - MeOH methanol - CI chalcone isomerase - HOAc acetic acid - TLC thinlayer chromatography  相似文献   
The synthesis and processing of the major storage proteins in soybean cotyledons was studied both in vivo and in vitro. The and subunits of 7S as well as the 11S proteins are synthesized as higher molecular weight-precursors on membrane-bound polysomes. The initial translation products of the 7S are proteolytically cleaved during translation suggesting the removal of a signal peptide as evidenced by the presence of 2 and 2 peptides immunoreactive with 7S antibody in the in vitro chain completion products of the membrane-bound polysomes. This is followed or accompanied by cotranslational glycosylation, which increases their size equivalent to that of initially-synthesized precursors. In vivo pulse-labelled 7S and products are of slightly higher molecular weights than the immunoprecipitable chain-completion products, indicating further post-translational modifications. A slow post-translational processing during a period of 1.5 to 16 h yields the final 7S and glycoproteins.Acidic and basic subunits of the 11S protein appear to be synthesized from common large molecular weight (60K-59K) precursors. Antibodies to the 11S acidic component recognize both acidic and basic domains in the precursor while those raised against basic subunits appear to be specific for that region only. The processing of the 11S precursor is also very slow and occurs post-translationally. This slow rate of processing, coupled with a temporal difference in the synthesis of 7S and 11S components, suggests a highly coordinated mechanism for synthesis and packaging of these proteins into protein bodies during seed development.  相似文献   
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