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The fatty acid composition of polar lipids and triacetylglycerols was determined in different morphophysiological types of symbiotic dinoflagellates isolated from the hydrocoral Millepora intricata and the scleractinian corals Pocillopora damicornis, Seriatopora caliendrum, Seriatopora hystrix, and Stylophora pistillata. The distribution of fatty acids differed fairly markedly among the investigated morphophysiological types of symbiotic dinoflagellates. The differences were found both in polar lipids, which are the structural components of the cell membranes, and storage lipids—triacetylglycerols. It is shown that fatty acids are useful chemotaxonomic markers for symbiotic dinoflagellates. It is assumed that the biochemical differences among the morphophysiological types of symbiotic dinoflagellates can reflect the genetic diversity of these types.  相似文献   
Host control mechanisms are thought to be critical for selecting against cheater mutants in symbiont populations. Here, we provide the first experimental test of a legume host’s ability to constrain the infection and proliferation of a native‐occurring rhizobial cheater. Lotus strigosus hosts were experimentally inoculated with pairs of Bradyrhizobium strains that naturally vary in symbiotic benefit, including a cheater strain that proliferates in the roots of singly infected hosts, yet provides zero growth benefits. Within co‐infected hosts, the cheater exhibited lower infection rates than competing beneficial strains and grew to smaller population sizes within those nodules. In vitro assays revealed that infection‐rate differences among competing strains were not caused by variation in rhizobial growth rate or interstrain toxicity. These results can explain how a rapidly growing cheater symbiont – that exhibits a massive fitness advantage in single infections – can be prevented from sweeping through a beneficial population of symbionts.  相似文献   
When Bacillus sp. K40T was cultured in the presence of L-fucose, 1,2-α-L-fucosidase was found to be produced specifically in the culture fluid. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from a culture containing only L-fucose by chromatography on hydroxylapatite and chromatofocusing. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 200,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The enzyme was optimal at pH 5.5–7.0 and was stable at pH 6.0–9.0. The enzyme hydrolyzed the α(1 → 2)-L-fucosidic linkages in various oligosaccharides and glycoproteins such as lacto-N-fucopentaose (LNF)-I 〈O-α-L-fucose-(1 → 2)-O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 3)-N-acetyl-O-β-D-glucosamine-(1 → 3)-O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 4)-D-glucose〉, porcine gastric mucin, and porcine submaxillary mucin. The enzyme also acted on human erythrocytes, which was confirmed by the hemagglutination test using Ulex anti-H lectin. The enzyme did not hydrolyze α(1 → 3)-, α-(1 → 4)- and α-(1 → 6)-L-fucosidic linkages in LNF-III 〈O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 4)[O-α-L-fucose-(1 → 3)-]-N-acetyl-O-β-D-glucosamine-(1 → 3)-O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 4)-D-glucose〉, LNF-II 〈O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 3)[O-α-L-fucose-(1 → 4)-]-N-acetyl-O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 3)-O-β-D-galactose-(1 → 4)-D-glucose〉 or 6-O-α-L-fucopyranosyl-N-acetylglucosamine.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important factors limiting plant productivity, and N fixation by legume species is an important source of N input into ecosystems. Meanwhile, N resorption from senescent plant tissues conserves nutrients taken up in the current season, which may alleviate ecosystem N limitation. N fixation was assessed by the 15N dilution technique in four types of alpine grasslands along the precipitation and soil nutrient gradients. The N resorption efficiency (NRE) was also measured in these alpine grasslands. The aboveground biomass in the alpine meadow was 4–6 times higher than in the alpine meadow steppe, alpine steppe, and alpine desert steppe. However, the proportion of legume species to community biomass in the alpine steppe and the alpine desert steppe was significantly higher than the proportion in the alpine meadow. N fixation by the legume plants in the alpine meadow was 0.236 g N/m2, which was significantly higher than N fixation in other alpine grasslands (0.041 to 0.089 g N/m2). The NRE in the alpine meadows was lower than in the other three alpine grasslands. Both the aboveground biomass and N fixation of the legume plants showed decreasing trends with the decline of precipitation and soil N gradients from east to west, while the NRE of alpine plants showed increasing trends along the gradients, which indicates that alpine plants enhance the NRE to adapt to the increasing droughts and nutrient‐poor environments. The opposite trends of N fixation and NRE along the precipitation and soil nutrient gradients indicate that alpine plants adapt to precipitation and soil nutrient limitation by promoting NRE (conservative nutrient use by alpine plants) rather than biological N fixation (open sources by legume plants) on the north Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
开发利用木质纤维素材料能显著增加地球上可再生资源的储备量。白蚁分布广泛,常见于热带和亚热带地区,它们借助细菌、古细菌、真菌等肠道微生物和原生动物协同降解食物中的木质纤维素,在生态系统的碳、氮循环中发挥着十分重要的作用。本文概括了近年来白蚁肠道微生物研究的进展,特别是近年来已被证明的肠道微生物在木质纤维素降解方面的作用,以期为后续研究木质纤维素的降解提供参考信息。  相似文献   
目的: 核糖体蛋白(RPs)属于多功能蛋白,能够参与调控细胞生长和响应胁迫条件。RpRPL22是一个从豆科植物刺槐中分离得到的结瘤相关基因,通过序列比对发现其与核糖体大亚基蛋白RPL22高度同源。对其如何通过调控根瘤菌侵染而在共生结瘤过程中发挥重要作用进行了较为深入的探索。方法: 利用实时荧光定量PCR技术(qRT-PCR)分析RpRPL22在接菌后不同时间及不同植物组织的表达变化。利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE)获得目的基因cDNA全长。通过GFP报告基因进行RpRPL22亚细胞定位分析。通过Gateway BP重组技术构建RNA干扰(RNAi)重组载体,借助电转化法将重组载体转至农杆菌K599,利用农杆菌介导植物根部,接菌后观察和测量植株表型。首先从宏观水平统计观察目的基因是否对结瘤过程有影响,其次从分子水平揭示目的基因在共生结瘤过程的重要功能。结果: 不同接菌时期、不同植物组织目的基因qRT-PCR相对表达量结果显示,几乎在所有取样的接菌时间,目的基因RpRPL22在接菌根中的相对表达量都低于未接菌对照根,只有接菌后第25天除外。在成熟的根瘤中,接菌后第25天该基因的表达量也最高。洋葱表皮和毛状根亚细胞定位结果均显示在椰菜花叶病毒(CaMV)的35S启动子控制下,RpRPL22融合绿色荧光蛋白GFP的荧光信号在细胞核和细胞质有明显的表达。RNAi转化植株的表型统计观察结果,比如植株鲜重、植株的有效结瘤数目较对照组均有明显的降低;同时RNAi转化植株在根瘤菌侵染过程形成的侵染线数目和根瘤原基数目较对照均显著降低。根瘤切片实验用于观察根瘤显微超微结构,结果显示RNAi植株根瘤中固氮区的受菌侵染细胞数目与对照相比明显减少。电镜观察根瘤单个受菌侵染细胞中类菌体形态显示,RNAi根瘤中类菌体侵染细胞胞体多呈不规则形状,皱缩变形严重,环类菌体周间隙空间增大,多共生体融合,表现出细胞凋亡的迹象。对照根瘤中的受菌侵染细胞胞体多呈圆形椭圆形,胞质饱满丰富且分布均匀,细胞发育正常,表明RNAi植株根瘤发育过程明显受阻。结论: 核糖体蛋白(RP)能够参与调控豆科植物共生结瘤过程,相关同源基因RpRPL22可能在起始根瘤菌侵染植物和阻止类菌体降解过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   
Rooted cuttings ofCeanothus griseus varhorizontalis were irrigated with 0, 10, 20, 50, 75 or 100ppm nitrogen as NH4NO3 for eight weeks prior to inoculation with infectiveFrankia. After inoculation, half of the plants for each treatment nitrogen level continued to be irrigated with the preconditioning nitrogen level and half were given no more supplemental nitrogen. For plants continuously receiving nitrogen, nodule initiation (nodule number) was inversely correlated with increasing supplemental nitrogen levels, and suppressed above 50 ppm N. Leaf nitrogen above 2% in continuous-N plants correlated with greatly reduced or suppressed nodulation. Plants maintained after inoculation without supplemental nitrogen showed influence of the prior nitrogen treatment on nodulation. Preconditioning at 50 ppm and above greatly reduced the number of nodules formed. The evidence suggests that stored internal nitrogen can regulate nodulation.Plant biomass accumulated maximally when nodulation was suppressed, at 75 and 100 ppm supplemental N applied continuously. Internode elongation during the nodulation period occurred only on nodulated plants, or in the presence of supplemental N (10 ppm and above).  相似文献   
简要综述了目前根瘤菌结癌基因研究的3个热点方向,即结瘤因子、nodlD基因的调控和结瘤基因系统发育分析的新进展。结瘤因子的骨架核心是结瘤基因中的共同性基因nodABC表达的产物,宿主专一性基因则进行骨架结构的修饰,所形成的特异性结瘤因子是根瘤苗宿主范围的主要决定因素。结瘤调控基因nodD的作用方式与其存在的拷贝数目和产物NodD蛋白活性有关,同时NodD的敏感性还影响到根瘤菌的宿主范围。结瘤基因的系统发育揭示出根瘤菌宿主范围与共同性结瘤基因间比其它基荫的相关性更高。结瘤基因与豆科宿主之间存在一定的共进化关系。  相似文献   
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