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Morphology of the head and mouthparts in Psocoptera was investigated, and revised interpretations for clypeus and maxilla were proposed. The convex plate in the frontal region of the head capsule is the postclypeus, rather than the frons; the galea is clearly differentiated from the stipes and the origin of the stipito-lacinial muscle is partly shifted from the stipes to the base of the galea; the cardo is completely fused with the stipes without any suture or sulcus. Brief discussions on the evolution of piercing and sucking mouthparts and on the phylogeny of Paraneoptera were provided, based on these revised interpretations.  相似文献   
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating disease of cultivated wheat worldwide. Partial resistance to FHB has been identified in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, sources of effective FHB resistance have not been found in durum wheat (T. turgidum L. var. durum). A major FHB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL), Qfhs.ndsu-3AS, was identified on chromosome 3A of T. dicoccoides, a wild relative of durum wheat. Here, we saturated the genomic region containing the QTL using EST-derived target region amplified polymorphism (TRAP), sequence tagged site (STS), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 45 new molecular marker loci were detected on chromosome 3A and the resulting linkage map consisted of 55 markers spanning a genetic distance of 277.2 cM. Qfhs.ndsu-3AS was positioned within a chromosomal interval of 11.5 cM and is flanked by the TRAP marker loci, Xfcp401 and Xfcp397.2. The average map distance between the marker loci within this QTL region was reduced from 4.9 cM in the previous study to 3.5 cM in the present study. Comparative mapping indicated that Qfhs.ndsu-3AS is not homoeologous to Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, a major FHB QTL derived from the common wheat cultivar Sumai 3. These results facilitate our efforts toward map-based cloning of Qfhs.ndsu-3AS and utilization of this QTL in durum wheat breeding via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   
We carried out an open, randomized, phase III, multicenter clinical trial to compare, in neo-adjuvant setting, the clinical response and toxicity of the combination chemotherapy cisplatin + 5-FU with the same combination plus s.c. recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) in patients with advanced (stage III–IV) head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Regimen A was the classical Al Sarraf treatment: 100 mg/m2 cisplatin i.v. on day 1 plus 1000 mg m−2 day−1 5-FU on days 1–5 as a continuous infusion. Regimen B was the same as regimen A plus 4.5 MIU/day rIL-2 s.c. on days 8–12 and 15–19. Treatment was repeated every 3 weeks for three cycles. A total of 33 patients were enrolled in the study; 30 were evaluable for toxicity and 28 for response. Seventeen patients were assigned to group A and 16 were assigned to group B. Three patients (20%) of group A and 4 (31%) of group B had a complete response, 9 patients (60%) of group A and 6 (46%) of group B had a partial response, with an overall response rate of 12 patients (80%) for group A and 10 patients (77%) for group B. Two patients (13%) of group A and 3 patients (23%) group B had stable disease; 1 patient (7%) of group A had progressive disease. Thus, there was not a statistically significant difference in response rate between the two groups and therefore there was no benefit from the addition of immunotherapy with rIL-2 to the standard chemotherapy. Both regimens were well tolerated. There were 2 toxic deaths (6.7%), 1 from hematological causes in group A and 1 from cardiac causes in group B. Myelosuppression and gastrointestinal toxicity, mainly nausea/vomiting and stomatitis, were the most frequent toxicities. The calculated number of patients for the sample has not yet been reached; however, the projection of our present results suggests that it is highly improbable that a clinically significant difference between the two treatment groups will be observed even if the calculated patient sample size is achieved. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   
Fusarium head blight (FHB), an important disease of barley in many areas of the world, causes losses in grain yield and quality. Deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin residues, produced by the primary pathogen Fusarium graminearum, pose potential health risks. Barley producers may not be able to profitably market FHB-infected barley, even though it has a low DON level. Three types of FHB resistance have been described in wheat: Type I (penetration), Type II (spread), and Type III (mycotoxin degradation). We describe putative measures of these three types of resistance in barley. In wheat, the three resistance mechanisms show quantitative inheritance. Accordingly, to study FHB resistance in barley, we used quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to determine the number, genome location, and effects of QTLs associated with Type-I and -II resistance and the concentration of DON in the grain. We also mapped QTLs for plant height, heading date, and morphological attributes of the inflorescence (seeds per inflorescence, inflorescence density, and lateral floret size). QTL analyses were based on a mapping population of F1-derived doubled-haploid (DH) lines from the cross of the two-rowed genotypes Gobernadora and CMB643, a linkage map constructed with RFLP marker loci, and field evaluations of the three types of FHB resistance performed in China, Mexico, and two environments in North Dakota, USA. Resistance QTLs were detected in six of the seven linkage groups. Alternate favorable alleles were found at the same loci when different inoculation techniques were used to measure Type-I resistance. The largest-effect resistance QTL (for Type-II resistance) was mapped in the centromeric region of chromosome 2. All but two of the resistance QTLs coincided with QTLs determining morphological attributes of the inflorescence and/or plant height. Additional experiments are needed to determine if these coincident QTLs are due to linkage or pleiotropy and to more clearly define the biological basis of the FHB resistance QTLs. Plant architecture should be considered in FHB resistance breeding efforts, particularly those directed at resistance QTL introgression and/or pyramiding. Received: 22 November 1998 / Accepted: 2 June 1999  相似文献   
Due to the peculiar morphology of its preotic head, lampreys have long been treated as an intermediate animal which links amphioxus and gnathostomes. To reevaluate the segmental theory of classical comparative embryology, mesodermal development was observed in embryos of a lamprey, Lampetra japonica, by scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Signs of segmentation are visible in future postotic somites at an early neurula stage, whereas the rostral mesoderm is unsegmented and rostromedially confluent with the prechordal plate. The premandibular and mandibular mesoderm develop from the prechordal plate in a caudal to rostral direction and can be called the preaxial mesoderm as opposed to the caudally developing gastral mesoderm. With the exception of the premandibular mesoderm, the head mesodermal sheet is secondarily regionalized by the otocyst and pharyngeal pouches into the mandibular mesoderm, hyoid mesoderm, and somite 0. The head mesodermal components never develop into cephalic myotomes, but the latter develop only from postotic somites. These results show that the lamprey embryo shows a typical vertebrate phylotype and that the basic mesodermal configuration of vertebrates already existed prior to the split of agnatha-gnathostomata; lamprey does not represent an intermediate state between amphioxus and gnathostomes. Unlike interpretations of theories of head segmentation that the mesodermal segments are primarily equivalent along the axis, there is no evidence in vertebrate embryos for the presence of preotic myotomes. We conclude that mesomere-based theories of head metamerism are inappropriate and that the formulated vertebrate head should possess the distinction between primarily unsegmented head mesoderm which includes preaxial components at least in part and somites in the trunk which are shared in all the known vertebrate embryos as the vertebrate phylotype.  相似文献   
用“内排水法”实地测定了比利时北部近海岸草地沙土的非饱和导水率K(θ)和扩散率D(θ).并求得其经验公式。协方差分析表明,0-30.30-60和60-90cm土层的导水率及扩散率回归方程之间无显著差异,但它们分别与90-120cm土层的方程间差异显著,须用两组不同的公式描述。用以描述的幂函数和指数函数类型间无明显差异。  相似文献   
Forty-eight spring barley genotypes were evaluated for deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration under natural infection across 5 years at Harrington, Prince Edward Island. These genotypes were also evaluated for Fusarium head blight (FHB) severity and DON concentration under field nurseries with artificial inoculation of Fusarium graminearum by the grain spawn method across 2 years at Ottawa, Ontario, and one year at Hangzhou, China. Additionally, these genotypes were also evaluated for FHB severity under greenhouse conditions with artificial inoculation of F. graminearum by conidial suspension spray method across 3 years at Ottawa, Ontario. The objective of the study was to investigate if reactions of barley genotypes to artificial FHB inoculation correlate with reactions to natural FHB infection. DON concentration under natural infection was positively correlated with DON concentration (r = 0.47, P < 0.01) and FHB incidence (r = 0.56, P < 0.01) in the artificially inoculated nursery with grain spawn method. Therefore, the grain spawn method can be used to effectively screen for low DON. FHB severity, generated from greenhouse spray, however, was not correlated with DON concentration (r = 0.12, P > 0.05) under natural infection and it was not correlated with DON concentration (r = −0.23, P > 0.05) and FHB incidence (r = 0.19, P > 0.05) in the artificially inoculated nursery with grain spawn method. FHB severity, DON concentration, and yield were affected by year, genotype, and the genotype × year interaction. The effectiveness of greenhouse spray inoculation for indirect selection for low DON concentration requires further studies. Nine of the 48 genotypes were found to contain low DON under natural infection. Island barley had low DON and also had high yield.  相似文献   
由禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum, Fg)引起的赤霉病是限制小麦生产的主要病害之一。生物防治是一种高效且可持续的防治方法。【目的】从小麦种子内筛选具有抑制禾谷镰刀菌的菌株并对其生防潜力进行评估,为小麦赤霉病生防制剂的开发与利用提供菌种资源及理论支撑。【方法】采用平板对峙、孢子萌发法和无菌上清液抑菌试验筛选小麦种子内对禾谷镰刀菌具有拮抗活性的内生菌株;利用扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope, SEM)和共聚焦扫描电镜(confocal laser scanning microscope, CLSM)观察并分析无菌上清液对Fg的分生孢子形态、膜完整性以及胞内活性氧的影响;通过盆栽试验验证内生菌对小麦赤霉病的生防效果;应用二代Illumina HiSeq测序平台进行全基因组测序。【结果】从小麦种子中分离出一株高效抑制Fg生长的内生菌株JB7,其衰亡期无菌上清液对Fg孢子萌发抑制率高达85.23%。菌株JB7的无菌上清液使Fg孢子表面凹陷,破坏其细胞膜,造成核酸和蛋白质的渗漏,诱导Fg菌丝活性氧的累积,引起Fg菌丝可溶性蛋白和丙二醛含量的显著升高。该菌株具有分泌蛋白酶、纤维素酶、葡聚糖酶和产铁载体的能力。盆栽试验表明菌株JB7能显著降低小麦赤霉病的病情指数(P<0.05)。经全基因组学鉴定为甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus) JB7,该菌株基因组中含有12个抑菌功能的次级代谢产物合成基因簇。【结论】菌株JB7能抑制禾谷镰刀菌的生长,对小麦赤霉病有较强的防效,可作为生物防治小麦赤霉病的候选菌株。  相似文献   
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