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Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim., a perennial semi-shrub, is widely found in semi-arid areas in northwestern China and can survive severe desiccation of its vegetative organs. In order to study the protective mechanism of desiccation tolerance in R. soongorica, diurnal patterns of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), water use efficiency (WUE) and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Photosystem II (PSII), and sugar content in the source leaf and stem were investigated in 6-year-old plants during progressive soil drought imposed by the cessation of watering. The results showed that R. soongorica was char-acterized by very low leaf water potential, high WUE, photosynthesis and high accumulation of sucrose in the stem and leaf abscission under desiccation. The maximum Pn increased at first and then de-clined during drought, but intrinsic WUE increased remarkably in the morning with increasing drought stress. The maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and the quantum efficiency of noncyclic electric transport of PSII(ΦPSII) decreased significantly under water stress and exhibited an obvious phenomenon of photoinhibition at noon. Drought stressed plants maintained a higher capacity of dis-sipation of the excitation energy (measured as NPQ) with the increasing intensity of stress. Conditions of progressive drought promoted sucrose and starch accumulation in the stems but not in the leaves. However, when leaf water potential was less than –21.3 MPa, the plant leaves died and then abscised. But the stem photosynthesis remained and, afterward the plants entered the dormant state. Upon re-watering, the shoots reactivated and the plants developed new leaves. Therefore, R. soongorica has the ability to reduce water loss through leaf abscission and maintain the vigor of the stem cells to survive desiccation.  相似文献   
Successful growth of a tree is the result of combined effects of biotic and abiotic factors. It is important to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect changes in forest structure and dynamics under environmental fluctuations. In this study, we explored the effects of initial size [diameter at breast height (DBH)], neighborhood competition, and site condition on tree growth, based on a 3‐year monitoring of tree growth rate in a permanent plot (120 × 80 m) of montane Fagus engleriana–Cyclobalanopsis multiervis mixed forest on Mt. Shennongjia, China. We measured DBH increments every 6 months from October 2011 to October 2014 by field‐made dendrometers and calculated the mean annual growth rate over the 3 years for each individual tree. We also measured and calculated twelve soil properties and five topographic variables for 384 grids of 5 × 5 m. We defined two distance‐dependent neighborhood competition indices with and without considerations of phylogenetic relatedness between trees and tested for significant differences in growth rates among functional groups. On average, trees in this mixed montane forest grew 0.07 cm year?1 in DBH. Deciduous, canopy, and early‐successional species grew faster than evergreen, small‐statured, and late‐successional species, respectively. Growth rates increased with initial DBH, but were not significantly related to neighborhood competition and site condition for overall trees. Phylogenetic relatedness between trees did not influence the neighborhood competition. Different factors were found to influence tree growth rates of different functional groups: Initial DBH was the dominant factor for all tree groups; neighborhood competition within 5 m radius decreased growth rates of evergreen trees; and site condition tended to be more related to growth rates of fast‐growing trees (deciduous, canopy, pioneer, and early‐successional species) than the slow‐growing trees (evergreen, understory, and late‐successional species).  相似文献   
The water relations and hydraulic architecture of growing grass tillers (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) are reported. Evaporative flux density, E (mmol s?1 m?2), of individual leaf blades was measured gravimetrically by covering or excision of entire leaf blades. Values of E were similar for mature and elongating leaf blades, averaging 2·4 mmol s?1 m?2. Measured axial hydraulic conductivity, Kh (mmol s?1 mm MPa?1), of excised leaf segments was three times lower than theoretical hydraulic conductivity (Kt) calculated using the Poiseuille equation and measurements of vessel number and diameter. Kt was corrected (Kt*) to account for the discrepancy between Kh and Kt and for immature xylem in the basal expanding region of elongating leaves. From base to tip of mature leaves the pattern of Kt* was bell‐shaped with a maximum near the sheath–blade joint (≈ 19 mmol s?1 mm MPa?1). In elongating leaves, immature xylem in the basal growing region led to a much lower Kt*. As the first metaxylem matured, Kt* increased by 10‐fold. The hydraulic conductances of the whole root system, (mmol s?1 MPa?1) and leaf blades, (mmol s?1 MPa?1) were measured by a vacuum induced water flow technique. and were linearly related to the leaf area downstream. Approximately 65% of the resistance to water flow within the plant resided in the leaf blade. An electric‐analogue computer model was used to calculate the leaf blade area‐specific radial hydraulic conductivity, (mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1), using , Kt* and water flux values. values decreased with leaf age, from 21·2 mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1 in rapidly elongating leaf to 7·2 mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1 in mature leaf. Comparison of and values showed that ≈ 90% of the resistance to water flow within the blades resided in the liquid extra‐vascular path. The same algorithm was then used to compute the xylem and extravascular water potential drop along the liquid water path in the plant under steady state conditions. Predicted and measured water potentials matched well. The hydraulic design of the mature leaf resulted in low and quite constant xylem water potential gradient (≈ 0·3 MPa m?1) throughout the plant. Much of the water potential drop within mature leaves occurred within a tenth of millimetre in the blade, between the xylem vessels and the site of water evaporation within the mesophyll. In elongating leaves, the low Kt* in the basal growth zone dramatically increased the local xylem water potential gradient (≈ 2·0 MPa m?1) there. In the leaf elongation zone the growth‐induced water potential difference was ≈ 0·2 MPa.  相似文献   
季节性雪被下显著的冻融格局差异可能对干旱区山地森林凋落叶分解过程产生重要影响, 但一直未见深入研究。2015年10月至2016年10月, 采用凋落物分解袋法, 研究了天山典型树种雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)凋落叶在季节性雪被覆盖下的3个关键时期(冻融期、深冻期、融冻期)以及生长季(生长季早期和生长季末期)的分解动态和碳、氮、磷释放特征。结果表明: (1)经过一年的分解, 不同雪被厚度下雪岭云杉凋落叶分解率为24.6%-29.2%, 且存在显著性差异。分解系数k值厚雪被覆盖最大, 无雪被覆盖最小。(2)冬季雪被覆盖期雪岭云杉凋落叶分解对当年分解总量的贡献达46.0%- 48.5%, 其中对冻融期凋落叶分解影响较为明显。(3)随着凋落叶的分解, 雪岭云杉凋落叶氮含量总体呈增加趋势; 碳含量和碳氮比大致呈下降趋势, 在深冻期和生长季末期不同雪被处理下碳含量呈显著性差异; 而凋落叶磷含量呈不规则变化趋势, 且在冻融期和融冻期不同雪被厚度下呈显著性差异。(4)整个雪被覆盖季节凋落叶氮元素表现为富集, 碳和磷元素表现为释放; 其中, 在融冻期薄雪被和中雪被处理下碳元素富集率最大, 在冻融期薄雪被、中雪被和厚雪被处理下, 融冻期无雪被和厚雪被下以及生长季早期中雪被和厚雪被下氮元素富集率最大, 而雪被对凋落叶磷释放的影响不显著。  相似文献   
QTL analysis of leaf morphology in tetraploid Gossypium (cotton)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Molecular markers were used to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTLs) determining cotton leaf morphology and other traits, in 180 F2 plants from an interspecific cross between a Gossypium hirsutum genotype carrying four morphological mutants, and a wild-type Gossypium barbadense. The prominent effects of a single region of chromosome 15, presumably the classical ”Okra-leaf” locus, were modified by QTLs on several other chromosomes affecting leaf size and shape. For most traits, each parent contained some alleles with positive effects and others with negative effects, suggesting a large potential for adapting leaf size and shape to the needs of particular production regimes. Twenty one QTLs/loci were found for the morphological traits at LOD≥3.0 and P≤0.001, among which 14 (63.6%) mapped to D-subgenome chromosomes. Forty one more possible QTLs/loci were suggested with 2.0≤LOD<3.0 and 0.001<P≤0.01. Among all of the 62 possible QTLs (found at LOD≥2.0 and P≤0.01) for the 14 morphological traits in this study, 38 (61.3%) mapped to D-subgenome chromosomes. This reinforces the findings of several other studies in suggesting that the D-subgenome of tetraploid cotton has been subject to a relatively greater rate of evolution than the A-subgenome, subsequent to polyploid formation. Received: 26 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   
Morgan HD  Westoby M 《Annals of botany》2005,96(7):1321-1330
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species' 2C-values (mass of DNA in G(1) phase 2n nuclei) vary by at least four orders of magnitude among seed plants. The 2C-value has been shown to be co-ordinated with a number of other species traits, and with environmental variables. A prediction that species 2C-values are negatively related to leaf life span (LL) and leaf mass per area (LMA) is tested. These leaf traits are components of a major dimension of ecological variation among plant species. METHODS: Flow cytometry was used to measure the 2C-values for 41 Australian seed plant species, 40 of which were new to the literature. Where possible, LL and LMA data from the global literature were combined with 2C-values from our data set and online C-value databases. KEY RESULTS: Across all species, weak positive relationships were found between 2C-values and both LL and LMA; however, these did not reflect the relationships within either angiosperms or gymnosperms. Across 59 angiosperm species, there were weak negative relationships between 2C-values and both LL (r2 = 0.13, P = 0.005) and LMA (r2 = 0.15, P = 0.002). These relationships were the result of shifts to longer LL and greater LMA in woody compared with herbaceous growth forms, with no relationships present within growth forms. It was not possible to explain a positive relationship between 2C-values and LMA (r2 = 0.30, P = 0.024) across 17 gymnosperm species. The 2C-value was not related to LL or LMA either across species within orders (except for LMA among Pinales), or as radiation divergences in a model phylogeny. CONCLUSIONS: Gymnosperms appear to vary along a spectrum different from angiosperms. Among angiosperms, weak negative cross-species relationships were associated with growth form differences, and traced to a few divergences deep in the model phylogeny. These results suggest that among angiosperms, nuclear DNA content and leaf strategy are unrelated.  相似文献   
选取自然条件下生长的雌雄银杏植株为实验材料,测定了银杏叶片在衰老过程中部分光合生理指标及叶绿体超微结构的变化。检测结果表明:银杏叶片在衰老过程中净光合速率、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,SOD、CAT、APX活性均先上升后下降,MDA含量则一直呈现上升趋势。叶片衰老过程中叶绿体类囊体膜片层逐渐松散,直至膜结构逐渐解体,叶绿体内油脂颗粒增大增多,最终解体。雌雄银杏植株在各项生理指标上差异不显著。  相似文献   
遮阴对疏叶骆驼刺叶形态和光合参数的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
通过设置自然光与遮阴(60%自然光)两种光环境, 观测了遮阴60天后疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)叶形态、光合生理参数和脯氨酸(Pro)含量的变化。结果表明: 与自然光照下的叶片相比, 遮阴叶的比叶面积显著增大(p < 0.01), 比叶干重、比叶鲜重和叶片厚度明显降低(p < 0.01); 叶绿素(a + b)和类胡萝卜素含量有所增加, 其中叶绿素a含量增加显著(p < 0.01); 光补偿点、光饱和点和暗呼吸速率降低, 表观量子效率提高, 最大净光合速率明显增大, 光能利用效率高于自然光叶; 强光照下遮阴叶的净光合速率明显降低, 易发生光合光抑制现象。上述结果说明: 遮阴处理后, 疏叶骆驼刺在叶形态和光合生理上表现出对遮阴弱光条件的一定程度的驯化适应。另外, 遮阴叶片Pro的大量积累, 说明Pro在疏叶骆驼刺驯化适应弱光环境中起着重要作用。遮蔽环境下疏叶骆驼刺植株死亡率明显偏高, 表明塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘荒漠区的疏叶骆驼刺属于专性阳生植物不耐阴品种。  相似文献   
叶片暗呼吸是森林碳循环的重要组分,深入分析幼、成树的叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性的差异,对生态系统总生产力(GPP)的准确估算具有重要意义.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林主要树种(红松和紫椴)的幼树和成树为研究对象,分别测算不同光照下叶片暗呼吸与无光暗呼吸,比较叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性在幼、成树间的差异,结合幼、成树叶片生理生态参数的对比,对幼、成树叶片暗呼吸及其光抑制性差异的原因进行探讨.结果表明: 两个树种幼树叶片光下暗呼吸的值高于成树,在生长季(6—9月),幼树的值比成树高6.8%~39.6%;两个树种幼树叶片暗呼吸光抑制程度低于成树,幼树叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的值比成树低2.5%~14.1%;红松幼、成树间叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的差异总体高于紫椴幼、成树间叶片暗呼吸光抑制性的差异,差值最高可达18.6%;幼树中较高的光下暗呼吸值和较低的光抑制程度可能与最大净光合速率、比叶面积、气孔导度的变化有关,与叶片氮含量的变化无关.  相似文献   
基因组大小在被子植物物种之间存在着巨大的变异, 但目前对不同生活型被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的关系缺乏统一的认识。本研究基于被子植物245科2,226属11,215个物种的基因组大小数据, 探讨了不同生活型物种种子重量、最大植株高度和叶片氮、磷含量4个功能性状与基因组大小之间的关系。结果表明, 被子植物最大植株高度和种子重量与基因组大小间的关系在草本和木本植物中存在显著差异。草本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小的关系不显著, 但种子重量与其呈极显著的正相关关系。木本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小显著负相关, 但种子重量与其关系不显著。木本植物叶片氮含量与基因组大小呈显著正相关, 但其他生活型植物的叶片氮、磷含量与基因组大小均无显著相关性。本研究表明被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的相关性在不同生活型间存在差异, 这为深入研究植物多种功能性状和植物生活型与基因组大小的权衡关系在植物演化和生态适应中的作用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
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