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The current study investigated the short-term physiological implications of plant nitrogen uptake of urea amended with the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) under both greenhouse and field conditions. 15N labelled urea amended with 0.0, 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5% nBTPT (w/w) was surface applied at a rate equivalent to 100 kg N ha–1 to perennial ryegrass in a greenhouse pot experiment. Root, shoot and soil fractions were destructively harvested 0.75, 1.75, 4, 7 and 10 days after fertilizer application. Urease activity was determined in each fraction together with 15N recovery and a range of chemical analyses. The effect of nBTPT amended urea on leaf tip scorch was evaluated together with the effect of the inhibitor applied on its own on plant urease activity.nBTPT-amended urea dramatically reduced shoot urease activity for the first few days after application compared to unamended urea. The higher the nBTPT concentration the longer the time required for shoot activity to return to that in the unamended treatment. At the highest inhibitor concentration of 0.5% shoot urease activity had returned to that of unamended urea by 10 days. Root urease activity was unaffected by nBTPT in the presence of urea but was affected by nBTPT in the absence of urea.Transient leaf tip scorch was observed approximately 7–15 days after nBTPT + urea application and was greatest with high concentrations of nBTPT and high urea-N application rates. New developing leaves showed no visual sign of tip necrosis.Urea hydrolysis of unamended urea was rapid with only 1.3% urea-N remaining in the soil after 1.75 days. N uptake and metabolism by ryegrass was rapid with 15N recovery from unamended urea, in the plant (shoot + root) being 33% after 1.75 days. Most of the 15N in the soil following the urea+0.5% nBTPT application was still as urea after 1.75 days, yet 15N plant recovery at this time was 25% (root+shoot). This together with other evidence, suggests that if urea hydrolysis in soil is delayed by nBTPT then urea can be taken up by ryegrass as the intact molecule, albeit at a significantly slower initial rate of uptake than NH4 +-N. Protein and water soluble carbohydrate content of the plant were not significantly affected by amending urea with nBTPT however, there was a significant effect on the composition of amino acids in the roots and shoots, suggesting a difference in metabolism.Although nBTPT-amended urea affected plant urease activity and caused some leaf-tip scorch the effects were transient and short-lived. The previously reported benefit of nBTPT in reducing NH3 volatilization of urea would appear to far outweigh any of the observed short-term effects, as dry-matter production of ryegrass is increased.  相似文献   
Impact of initial density of cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Aphididae) at infestation on the growth and yield of aphid-susceptible cowpea cultivar ICV-1 and aphid-resistant cultivar ICV-12, was investigated. Plants at the seedling, flowering and podding stages of development were infested with five aphid densities consisting of 0, 2, 5, 10 and. 20 aphids per plant and maintained for 22 days. Extended leaf heights of plants and aphid counts were recorded at 7, 12, 17 and 22 days after infestation. Two crop growth parameters (biomass duration and leaf area duration), and two plant yield parameters (number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod) were recorded. Due to the occurrence of parthenogenesis and changes in population dynamics during infestations, aphid densities were converted into cumulative cowpea aphid-days, to facilitate data analyses and interpretation. ANOVA indicated that there was significant (P=s 0.05) difference in aphid-day accumulations between the two cultivars when infested at the seedling stage. Accumulations on cv. ICV-1 were greater than on cv. ICV-12. However, no such differences between the cultivars were detected when plants were infested at flowering and podding stages. Therefore, the seedling stage was used for comparisons of the impact of cowpea aphid-days on the growth and yield parameters of the two cultivars. At the 95% confidence intervals, ICV-12 plants were consistently taller than ICV-1 plants. Infested ICV-1 seedlings showed stunting and other growth deformities which were not observed on ICV-12 plants. Regression analyses revealed substantial reductions in the growth and yield parameters of ICV-1 relative to ICV-12. Overall, cowpea aphid-days provided a convenient and reliable method for studying the aphid population dynamics and the subsequent impact on plant growth and yield performance.  相似文献   
Abstract The influence of soil moisture content on leaf dynamics and insect herbivory was examined between September 1991 and March 1992 in a river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest in southern central New South Wales. Long-term observations of leaves were made in trees standing either within intermittently flooded waterways or at an average of 37. 5m from the edge of the waterways. The mean soil moisture content was significantly (P≤0.05) greater in the waterways than in the non-flooded areas. Trees in the higher soil moisture regime produced significantly larger basal area increments and increased canopy leaf area. This increase in canopy leaf area was achieved, in part, through a significant increase in leaf longevity and mean leaf size. Although a greater number of leaves was initiated and abscissed per shoot from the non-flooded trees, more leaves were collected from litter traps beneath the denser canopies of the flooded trees. Consumption of foliage by insects on the trees subjected to flooding compared to the non-flooded trees was not significantly different. However, the relative impact of insect herbivory was significantly greater on the non-flooded trees. Leaf chewing was the most common form of damage by insects, particularly Chryso-melidae and Curculionidae. No species was present in outbreak during this study. Leaf survival decreased as the per cent area eaten per leaf increased. In addition, irrespective of the level of herbivory, leaf abscission tended to be higher in E. camaldulensis under moisture deficit. The influence of soil moisture content on the balance between river red gum growth and insect herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence were determined for a full-length version of the tomato cDNA clone, pTOM75, the mRNA for which has previously been shown to accumulate in roots, ripening fruit and senescing leaves. Computer analysis of the predicted protein product, which we have named tomato ripening-associated membrane protein (TRAMP) indicates strong homology to known transmembrane channel proteins from other organisms. Northern analysis showed that this gene was induced by waterstress and that this induction was unaffected in an ABA-deficient genetic back-ground.  相似文献   
Paclobutrazol [(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol], a triazole growth retardant, increased the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) level and resulted in reduced ethylene production, estimated as ethylene release in a closed system or by vacuum-extraction, in the primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Juliska seedlings exposed to light. At the light/dark transition, a definite enhancement of the endogenous ethylene level was observed by vacuum-extraction of primary leaves of treated plants and the ethylene deficiency of retardant-treated leaves ceased. The concentration of ACC after the light/dark transition followed the pattern for ethylene, and the increase in ACC content was paralleled by a decrease in malonyl-ACC.
It is concluded that the internal level of ethylene is not necessarily lower in the primary leaves of paclobutrazol-treated bean plants, but under special environmental conditions in vivo it may reach that of the control.  相似文献   
A growth analysis was made of ultraviolet-B (UV-B)-sensitive (Poinsett) and insensitive (Ashley) cultivars of Cucuumis satives L. grown in growth chambers at 600 μmol m−2 s−1 of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) provided by red- and far-red-deficient metal halide (MH) or blue- and UV-A-deficient high pressure sodium/deluxe f HPS/DX) lamps. Plants were irradiated 6 h daiiy with 0.2 f-UV-B) or 18.2 C+UV-B) kJ m−2 day−1 of biologically effective UV-B for 8 or 15 days from time of seeding. In general, plants given supplemental UV-B for 15 days showed lower leaf area ratio (LARs, and higher specific leaf mass (SLM) mean relative growth rate (MRGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) than that of control plants, but they showed no difference in leaf mass ratio (LMR), Plants grown under HPS/DX lamps vs MH lamps showed higher SLM and NAR. lower LAR and LMR. hut no difference in MRGR. LMR was the only growth parameter affected by cultivar: at 15 days, it was slightly greater in Poinsett than in Ashley. There were no interactive effects of UV-B. PPF source or cultivar on any of the growth parameters determined, indicating that the choice of either HPS/DX or MH lamps should not affect growth response to UV-B radiation. This was true even though leaves of UV-B-irradiated plants grown under HPS/DX lamps have been shown to have greater chlorosis than those grown under MH lamps.  相似文献   
Uptake,accumulation and metabolism of auxins in tobacco leaf protoplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uptake and metabolism of exogenous naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) have been studied in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) mesophyll protoplasts. Both auxins entered protoplasts by diffusion under the action of the transmembrane pH gradient without any detectable participation of an influx carrier. Molecules were accumulated by an anion-trapping mechanism and most of them were metabolized within hours, essentially as glucose-ester and amino-acid conjugates. Protoplasts were equipped with a functional auxin-efflux carrier as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of naphthylphtalamic acid on IAA efflux. Basically, similar mechanisms of NAA and IAA uptake occurred in protoplasts. However, the two auxins differed in their levels of accumulation, due to different membrane-transport characteristics, and the nature of the metabolites produced. This shows the need to estimate the accumulation and the metabolism of auxins when analyzing their effects in a given cell system. The internal auxin concentration could be modulated by changing the transmembrane pH gradient, giving an interesting perspective for discriminating between the effects of intra- and extracellular auxin on physiological processes.Abbreviations BA benzoic acid - Ci/Ce accumulation ratio of auxin - IAAasp N-[3-indolylacetyl]-dl-aspartic acid - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - NAAasp N-[1-naphthylacetyl]-l-aspartic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid The authors thank Dr. M. Caboche (I.N.R.A, Versailles, France) for his generous gifts of some amide derivatives of 1-NAA, Mr. P. Varennes and Dr. B. Das (I.C.S.N., C.N.R.S., Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for recording and interpreting the mass spectra of NAA glucose ester, and Prof. P. Manigault (Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette) for microscopy measurements of protoplast dimensions. This work was supported by funds from the C.N.R.S, I.N.R.A, and E.E.C.  相似文献   
Iron toxicity is suspected to be a major nutritional disorder in rice cropping systems established on flooded organic soils that contain reductible iron. A pot trial was carried out to assess Fe toxicity to rice in flooded Burundi highland swamp soils with a wide range of organic carbon contents. Soil and leaf analyses were performed and total grain weight was determined. Clear Fe toxicity was diagnosed, based on leaf Fe content at panicle differentiation. Leaf Fe contents higher than 250 g g–1 dry matter induced lower Mg (and probably Mn) uptake, and a 50% total grain weight reduction. These features were associated with exchangeable Fe equivalent fractions higher than 86%. Besides, several non-Fe toxic soils exhibited an Mg-Mn imbalance.  相似文献   
The diurnal water budget of developing grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries was evaluated before and after the onset of fruit ripening (veraison). The diameter of individual berries of potted ‘Zinfandel’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines was measured continuously with electronic displacement transducers over 24 h periods under controlled environmental conditions, and leaf water status was determined by the pressure chamber technique. For well-watered vines, daytime contraction was much less during ripening (after veraison) than before ripening. Daytime contraction was reduced by restricting berry or shoot transpiration, with the larger effect being shoot transpiration pre-veraison and berry transpiration post-veraison. The contributions of the pedicel xylem and phloem as well as berry transpiration to the net diurnal water budget of the fruit were estimated by eliminating phloem or phloem and xylem pathways. Berry transpiration was significant and comprised the bulk of water outflow for the berry both before and after veraison. A nearly exclusive role for the xylem in water transport into the berry was evident during pre-veraison development, but the phloem was clearly dominant in the post-veraison water budget. Daytime contraction was very sensitive to plant water status before veraison but was remarkably insensitive to changes in plant water status after veraison. This transition is attributed to an increased phloem inflow and a partial discontinuity in berry xylem during ripening.  相似文献   
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