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周士钧  丛岭  刘莹  张振明 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7312-7321
现阶段植物滞尘作为治理大气颗粒物污染的有效方法已被广泛接受与应用。已有研究表明,降雨等方式对植物叶表面颗粒物的滞留有着显著的影响,可有效地将颗粒物从叶表面去除,使植物再次具有滞留颗粒物的能力。由于自然降雨难以量化,现有研究大多采用模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨强度、降雨历时等可控变量,但较少将降雨高度这一变量纳入研究。且大多以森林生态系统或者城市生态系统中常见的乔、灌、草等植物为主要研究对象,而忽略了处于水陆过渡带的湿地生态系统中植物的特殊性。湿地生态系统不仅可通过植物叶片等结构滞留颗粒物,还可依靠增强空气相对湿度促进颗粒物的吸收和积累,导致湿地植物滞尘规律的特殊性。因此,选择北京地区湿地生态系统内的4种常见植物(香蒲、菖蒲、芦苇和黄花鸢尾)作为研究对象,通过人工模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨高度与降雨强度两个变量,共设置1 m (11 m)、2 m (10 m)两个不同降雨高度,30 mm/h、45 mm/h、60 mm/h三种不同降雨强度,并将颗粒物划分粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)、细颗粒物(3—10 μm)、超细颗粒物(0.4—3 μm)三种粒径范围。通过滤膜法获得单位叶面积颗粒物去除量,探讨人工降雨对湿地植物叶表面颗粒物滞留的影响。主要研究结果如下:(1)颗粒物去除量在粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)粒径范围内最高;(2)所试4种湿地植物中,菖蒲的颗粒物去除量位居前列;(3)只有在一定的范围内,植物叶表面颗粒物去除量才随降雨强度的增加而增加;(4)不同降雨高度下所试湿地植物叶表面颗粒物去除量无明显规律,降雨高度之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
Polylactic acid(PLA)possesses good mechanical and biodegradability properties which make it a suitable material for polymer composites whereas brittleness and high costs limit its utilization in various applications.The reinforcement of natural fibres with biopolymers has been formed to be an efficient technique to develop composites having the ability to be fully biodegradable.This study concerns with the incorporation of various percentages of untreated and alkali-treated Coir Fibres(CF)and pineapple leaf fibres(PALF)in PLA biocomposites and characterizations of flexural,morphological and dynamic mechanical properties.Flexural properties showed that the treated C1P1 hybrid composites(C1P1A)displayed highest flexural strength(35.81 MPa)and modulus(5.28 GPa)among all hybrid biocomposites.Scanning Electron Micros-copy(SEM)revealed a behaviour of fibre-matrix adhesion in untreated treated biocomposites.SEM observation revealed good dispersion of the fillers in PLA.Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed that C1P1A showed highest glass transition temperature(Tg)and storage modulus(E')while untreated C3P7 displayed the least Tg and E'.Overall findings showed that alkali-treated hybrid biocomposites(CF/PALF/PLA)especially C1P1A have improved flexural properties,dynamic and morphological properties over untreated biocomposites.Success of these findings will provide attracting consideration of these hybrid biocomposites for various lightweight uses in a broad selection of industrial applications such as biomedical sectors,automobile,construction,electronics equipment,and hardware tools.  相似文献   
未来气候变化将影响光合环境资源供给,尤其是水分和光能。为深入了解植物对气候变化的适应性,使用LI-6800便携式光合仪,于2021年5—10月份(完全展叶期)测定了北京山区广布灌木黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)叶片的光响应曲线,分析其水分利用效率(WUE=最大净光合速率[Pnmax]/气孔导度[gs])和光能利用效率(LUE)的季节变化特征及影响因子。结果显示:黄栌叶片WUE在5—6月份呈下降趋势,7—10月份比较稳定;LUE在5—7月份呈上升趋势,8—10月份比较稳定。WUE和LUE的生长季平均值分别为98.25μmol/mol和0.06 mol/mol,变异系数分别为22%和17%,两者呈负相关(R2=0.86;P<0.01)。环境因子中,WUE和LUE主要受土壤含水量(SWC)影响,WUE随SWC增加呈线性降低趋势,而LUE随SWC增加呈线性增加趋势。SWC每增加0.1 m3/m3,Pnmax和gs分别线性增加...  相似文献   
浮游植物是湿地生态系统的重要组成成分,其数量及群落结构变化会对湿地生态系统的结构和功能产生重要影响。为了解海珠国家湿地公园浮游植物群落结构及时空动态变化特征,于2017年冬、2018年夏两季分别进行了调查。结果表明:海珠国家湿地公园共检到浮游植物171种,隶属7门64属,其中绿藻门、硅藻门和蓝藻门种类分别占总种类的44%、26%和13%;广州平裂藻(Merismopedia cantonensis)和细小平裂藻(Merismopedia minima)在两季均为优势种,冬季啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa)也较多;浮游植物群落结构、丰度与生物多样性指数具有明显季节变化,冬季硅藻和绿藻占优,分别占藻类总丰度的32%和29%;夏季蓝藻占绝对优势,占68%;夏季浮游植物平均丰度达(25.58±18.47)×106cells·L-1,约为冬季的3倍; Shannon物种多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数冬季分别为4.38和0.77,夏季分别为2.92和0.51;从空间上看,海珠湖浮游植物种类、多样性指数均较低,而丰度较高;塘涌和西江涌硅藻...  相似文献   
水分对番茄不同叶龄叶片光合作用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以番茄品种"金棚1号"为材料,采用盆栽方式,按照蒸腾蒸发量(ET)的50%、75%、100%和125%作为补充灌溉量研究了不同水分下番茄结果期叶片气体交换特性和光响应特征参数随叶龄的变化。结果表明:番茄叶片随着叶龄的增加,净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)逐渐降低,水分利用效率(WUE)呈先上升后下降趋势;叶龄为18 d和29 d的叶片最大净光合速率(Pmax)随灌溉量的增加均先增加后降低,分别在75%ET和100%ET处理达到最大值。叶龄为38 d和47 d的叶片Pmax均以125%ET处理最大。表观量子效率(α)随叶龄的增大也先升高后下降,在叶龄为38 d时最大;番茄叶片的光饱和点(LSP)随叶龄的加大而减小。不同水分处理下不同叶龄叶片的光响应特征参数为:叶片在叶龄为18 d时,Pmax为20.64—26.73μmol.m-.2s-1,α为0.0518—0.0556;叶龄为29 d时,Pmax为11.00—24.24μmol.m-.2s-1,α为0.0522—0.0594;叶龄为38 d时,Pmax为11.77—18.18μmol.m-.2s-1,α为0.0619—0.0693;叶龄为47 d时,Pmax为9.09—18.17μmol.m-.2s-1,α为0.0538—0.0606。随叶龄加大,增加补充灌溉量有利于延缓叶片光合能力的降低。气孔限制是水分影响番茄叶片光合作用的主要因素,气孔限制与非气孔限制因素是番茄叶片Pn随叶龄变化的原因。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to understand the effects of abiotic conditions on seasonal feeding activity of diverse herbivores on the same oak tree species in two different forests. We tracked changes in herbivore feeding activities on an oak tree species (Quercus serrata) in two localities: a low elevation small hillock forest patch (Muan, MN) and a middle elevation mountain forest patch (Mt. Jirisan, JR). A total of five sites were selected in each of two forest localities. Data for leaf expansion, leaf chemical qualities, leaf damage ratio, and numbers of lepidopteran caterpillars were collected during spring (May) and summer (July to August), 2012. Leaf expansion rate was higher at the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest from spring to summer. Nitrogen and carbon content decreased seasonally at both localities. Lepidopteran larval diversity was high in the mid‐mountain forest, and two‐way ANOVA showed that species richness of lepidopteran larvae was significantly affected by the interaction between season and locality. Leaf damage by all herbivores was higher in the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest in spring, but was higher in the mid‐mountain forest in summer. Relative proportion of general herbivores increased from spring to summer in the mid‐mountain forest, but not in the low hillock forest. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination showed that altitude‐ and season‐related variables were significant species and environment interaction factors. Our data indicate that locality and temperature disproportionally affected the feeding activities of diverse herbivores in two different temperate forests.  相似文献   
Gas exchange and abscisic acid content of Digitalis lanata EHRH. have been examined at different levels of plant water stress. Net photosynthesis, transpiration and conductance of attached leaves declined rapidly at first, then more slowly following the withholding of irrigation. The intercellular partial pressure of CO2 decreased slightly. The concentration of 2-cis(S)ABA increased about eight-fold in the leaves of non-irrigated plants as compared with well-watered controls. A close linear correlation was found between the ABA content of the leaves and their conductance on a leaf area basis. In contrast, the plot of net assimilation versus ABA concentration was curvilinear, leading to an increased efficiency of water use during stress. After rewatering, photosynthesis reached control values earlier than transpiration, leaf conductance and ABA content. From these data it is concluded that transpiration through the stomata is directly controlled by the ABA content, whereas net photosynthesis is influenced additionally by other factors.Possible reasons for the responses of photosynthesis and water use efficiency to different stress and ABA levels are discussed.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation - ABA abscisic acid - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - g stomatal conductance - T transpiration - WUE water use efficiency  相似文献   
Castro  Paula  Freitas  Helena 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):171-177
Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald is a dominant species in the Mondego salt marsh on the western coast of Portugal, and it plays a significant role in estuarine productivity. In this work, leaf litter production dynamics and fungal importance for leaf decomposition processes in Spartina maritima were studied. Leaf fall was highly seasonal, being significantly higher during dry months. It ranged from 42 g m-2 in June to less than 6 g m-2 during the winter. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, did not differ significantly between standing-decaying leaves and naturally detached leaves. Fungal biomass increased in wet months, with a maximum of 614 g g-1 of ergosterol in January in standing-decaying leaves, and 1077 g g-1 in December, in naturally detached leaves, decreasing greatly in summer. Seasonal pattern of fungal colonization was similar in leaves placed in litterbags on the marsh-sediment surface. However, ergosterol concentrations associated with standing-decaying and naturally detached leaves were always much higher than in litterbagged leaves, suggesting that fungal activity was more important before leaf fall. Dry mass of litterbagged leaves declined rapidly after 1 month (about 50%), mostly due to leaching of soluble organic compounds. After 13 months, Spartina leaves had lost 88% of their original dry weight. The decomposition rate constant (k) for Spartina maritima leaves was 0.151 month-1.  相似文献   
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