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System-level adjustments to elevated CO2 in model spruce ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and increasing nitrogen deposition are often predicted to increase forest productivity based on currently available data for isolated forest tree seedlings or their leaves. However, it is highly uncertain whether such seedling responses will scale to the stand level. Therefore, we studied the effects of increasing CO2 (280, 420 and 560 μL L-1) and increasing rates of wet N deposition (0, 30 and 90 kg ha-1 y-1) on whole stands of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies). One tree from each of six clones, together with two herbaceous understory species, were established in each of nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems in nutrient poor forest soil and grown in a simulated montane climate for two years. Shoot level light-saturated net photosynthesis measured at growth CO2 concentrations increased with increasing CO2, as well as with increasing N deposition. However, predawn shoot respiration was unaffected by treatments. When measured at a common CO2 concentration of 420 μL L-1 37% down-regulation of photosynthesis was observed in plants grown at 560 μL CO2 L-1. Length growth of shoots and stem diameter were not affected by CO2 or N deposition. Bud burst was delayed, leaf area index (LAI) was lower, needle litter fall increased and soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing CO2. N deposition had no effect on these traits. At the ecosystem level the rate of net CO2 exchange was not significantly different between CO2 and N treatments. Most of the responses to CO2 studied here were nonlinear with the most significant differences between 280 and 420 μL CO2 L-1 and relatively small changes between 420 and 560 μL CO2 L-1. Our results suggest that the lack of above-ground growth responses to elevated CO2 is due to the combined effects of physiological down-regulation of photosynthesis at the leaf level, allometric adjustment at the canopy level (reduced LAI), and increasing strength of below-ground carbon sinks. The non-linearity of treatment effects further suggests that major responses of coniferous forests to atmospheric CO2 enrichment might already be under way and that future responses may be comparatively smaller.  相似文献   
Samples of current-year and 1-year-old foliage were taken from Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees in April 1991, 4 months after a 3–4 year controlled fumigation with O3 and SO2 in the open at Liphook, south-east England. Trees were grown in seven plots, and treated in a factorial design with three levels of SO2 and two levels of O3 (ambient and c. 1.3 × ambient), with an extra ambient air plot. All statistical analyses were made on plot means. Leaf wettability, as measured by the contact angle of water droplets, was significantly affected by needle age and by SO2 treatment (P≤0–05. in older needles, decreasing with increasing SO2 concentration. There was no effect of O3 on wettability, and no effect of any treatment on amounts of surface wax extracted by immersion of needles in chloroform. Electrolyte leakage rates from detached current-year needles were not affected by prior exposure to O3, but decreased significantly (P= 0.034) with increasing exposure to SO2. There was no detectable effect of fumigation on the rate of water loss from detached needles. Similarly, there was no effect of fumigation on the dry weight/fresh weight ratio of needles. The total sulphur content of needles increased significantly (P≤0.0001) with exposure to SO2 and with needle age. Amounts of water-extractable sulphate, however, varied greatly among plots, but with no pattern with respect to fumigation treatment. It is concluded that leaf wettability and electrolyte leakage rates may be good indicators of the persistent effects of SO2 on Norway spruce growing in the open air, and that the observed changes in leaf surface properties in response to SO2 fumigation have implications for the processes, both biotic and abiotic, that occur on leaf surfaces.  相似文献   
Temporal variations in the δ18 oxygen (δ18O) content of water transpired by leaves during a simulated diurnal cycle fluctuated around the δ18O content of the source water. Reconstructed variations in the δ18O values of leaf water differed markedly from those predicted by conventional models. Even when transpiring leaves were maintained under constant conditions for at least 3 h, strict isotopic steady-state conditions of leaf water (equality of the 18O/16O ratios in the input and transpired water) were rarely attained in a variety of plant species (Citrus reticu-lata, Citrus paradisi, Gossypium hirsutum, Helianthus annuns, Musa musaceae and Nicotinia tabacum). Isotopic analysis of water transpired by leaves indicated that leaves approach the isotopic steady state in two stages. The first stage takes 10 to 35 min (with a rate of change of about 3–3%h?1), while in the second stage further approach to the isotopic steady state is asymptotic (with a rate of change of about 0–4% h?1), and under conditions of low transpiration leaves can last for many hours. Substantial spatial isotopic heterogeneity was maintained even when leaves were at or near isotopic steady state. An underlying pattern in this isotopic heterogeneity is often discerned with increasing 18O/16O ratios from base to tip, and from the centre to the edges of the leaves. It is also shown that tissue water along these spatial isotopic gradients, as well as the average leaf water, can have 18O/16O ratios both lower and higher than those predicted by the conventional Craig and Gordon model. We concluded, first, that at any given time during the diurnal cycle of relative humidity the attainment of an isotopic steady state in leaf water cannot be assumed a priori and, secondly, that the isotopic enrichment pattern of leaf water reflects gradual enrichment along the water-flow pathway (e.g. as in a string of pools), rather than a single-step enrichment from source water, as is normally assumed.  相似文献   
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was grown with UV-B (280–320 nm) at levels simulating 25 nr 5% ozone depletion on the date of the summer solstice al 40°N latitude, with UV-A (320–400 nm), or with no supplemental irradiation. In plant growth chambers providing 300 μmol m?2 s?1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). UV-B-grown leaves elongated more slowly than controls but reached the same final length 1 day later. Leal specific fresh weight (mass leaf area?1) was significantly increased by UV-B after the 7th day of growth. IV-B did not significantly affect leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, total chlorophylls, total carotenoids or photosynthetic quantum efficiency. CO2 assimilation was decreased by UV-B only at internal CO2 levels above 250 μl l?1. By the 8th day of growth, UV-B increased flavonoid (saponarin and lutonarin) accumulation in both the lower epidermis and the mesophyll: about 40% of the saponarin and 20% of the lutonarin were in the lower epidermis under all experimental conditions. Glasshouse conditions proved too variable for reproducible determination of growth and photosynthesis but were reliable for determining developmental changes in flavonoid (saponarin and lutonarin) accumulation and provided up to 800 μmol m?2 s?1 PAR. In the glasshouse UV-B-grown leaves had more flavonoids than controls al all stages from 5 to 30 days after planting: ca 509 more saponarin and 100% more lutonarin. Levels of soluble (vacuolar) ferulic acid esters were similar under all conditions on day 5. and on day 20 or later, but were significantly higher in UV-B-grown plants on days 10 and 15. UV-B decreased insoluble (cell-wall-bound) ferulic acid esters on a whole leaf basis but significantly increased this fraction in the lower epidermis. UV-A had no significant effects on growth, photosynthesis or ferulic acid, but it slightly increased flavonoid accumulation. The results are discussed in terms of secondary phenolics as a tissue-specific, developmentally regulated adaptive response to UV-B.  相似文献   
We observed the number of predatory mites (Phytoseiidae:Typhlodromus caudiglans) on the foliage of 20 North American species of grapes (Vitis spp) plus the domesticated EuropeanVitis vinifera, all grown in a common garden. We found relatively few phytophagous mites. The numbers of phytophagous mites were not correlated with the plant characteristics that we measured. We found approximately five times as many predatory mites as phytophagous mites and the numbers of these phytoseiid predators were not affected by the availability of prey. Similarly, numbers of phytoseiids were unaffected by plant gender and, hence, the availability of pollen, another source of food. The numbers of phytoseiids were not clustered according to the taxonomic grouping of the tested plant species. Leaf surface characteristics explained over 25% of the variance in the numbers of phytoseiids. Numbers of phytoseiids were positively associated with the density of vein hairs, the density of bristles in leaf axils, and the presence of leaf domatia. These results suggest that sheltered habitats rather than food availability may limit the numbers of phytoseiid mites on grapevines.  相似文献   
A survey of 112 species of the Caryophyllales showed the presence of flavonols in all eleven families and of C-glycosylflavonoids in nine families, being absent from the Aizoaceae and Cactaceae. 18% of the species contained both classes of compound. C-glycosylflavonoids are reported for the first time in the Amaranthaceae, Basellaceae, Didieraceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Portulacaceae and Molluginaceae. The Caryophyllaceae contained prodominantly C-glycosylflavonoids, suggesting they are the most advanced family in the order.  相似文献   
Photosynthetically fixed 14C was analyzed in various chemical fractions from leaves and stems of cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex. Marsh.) during dormancy induction. Dormancy was induced by 8-h photoperiods and 20/14°C temperature regimes. Within 4 weeks under short days, terminal buds were set and leaf expansion and stem elongation had stopped. 14C2 was fed to a leaf at Leaf Plastochron Index 7 for 30 min. Either after this 30 min feeding period or after a 48-h translocation period the plants were sampled, freeze-dried, extracted and analyzed for14C. 14C-fixation decreased during dormancy induction from 60% to 17% of the 3.7 MBq 14C applied at 0 week and 8 weeks, respectively. Percentage distribution of 14C in chemical fractions of source leaves reflected leaf age and translocation inhibition. In rapidly growing plants, considerable 14C was incorporated into leaf protein while most of the soluble14C-sugars were either metabolized or translocated out of the leaf. After terminal bud set, the percentage of 14C in the protein and residue fractions decreased rapidly and that in the sugar fraction increased. Percent distribution in stems closely reflected changing metabolic pathways of carbon flow as influenced by dormancy induction. For example, the 14C in structural carbohydrates decreased in 5 weeks under short days from 65 to less than 10% of the 14C recovered in the chemical fractions, thus indicating cambium inhibition. At the same time the percentage of 14C in starch and sugar increased indicating storage. Short term (after 30 min) incorporation of 14C into the protein and starch fractions of leaves changed relatively little throughout the 8-week induction period. In contrast the turnover rates of these fractions (14C present after 48 h) increased considerably after active growth of the whole plant stopped.  相似文献   
Changes occurring during aging and senescence of leaves of a submerged aquatic angiosperm ( Potamogeton pectinatus L.) were studied. Total chlorophyll and chlorophylls a and b were maximal in mature, and minimal in old leaves. The chlorophyll a to b ratio was highest in mature leaves. During senescence, the chlorophyll content and the ratio of chlorophyll a to b decreased. The content of DNA, RNA, protein and dry weight, and the activity of alkaline pyrophosphatase decreased while free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase, and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity increased during aging and senescence. Kinetin (0.23 m M ) deferred leaf senescence by delaying the loss of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acids and dry weight, and reducing the rise in free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity; while both 0.69 m M ethrel and 0.075 m M ABA hastened senescence. Kinetin pretreatment for an optimum period (12 h) followed by ethrel or ABA treatment partially erased the senescence-promoting effect of the latter. But treatments in a reverse order markedly reduced the delaying effect of kinetin on senescence.  相似文献   
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