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Grasses can be infected by endophytic fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi simultaneously. Here, we investigated the interactions of a native grass, Achnatherum sibiricum, with both endophytic and AM fungi (Glomus mosseae, GM and Glomus etunicatum, GE) at different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) levels. The results showed that endophyte infection significantly suppressed the colonization rates and spore density of GE, but had no effect on those of GM. Endophyte infection increased shoot biomass regardless of the nutrient conditions. The effects of AM fungi on host growth were dependent on mycorrhizal species. There was no significant interaction between endophytic fungi and GE on host growth; however, a significant interaction between endophytic fungi and GE occurred in total phenolic concentrations and P uptake. As for GM, a significant interaction among endophytic fungi, AM fungi and nutrient availability occurred in shoot growth. Under sufficient N and P conditions, endophyte infection alleviated the detrimental effects of GM colonization on host growth.  相似文献   
Seventeen non-lactating dairy-bred suckler cows (LF; Limousin×Holstein-Friesian) and 17 non-lactating beef composite breed suckler cows (ST; Stabiliser) were used to study enteric methane emissions and energy and nitrogen (N) utilization from grass silage diets. Cows were housed in cubicle accommodation for 17 days, and then moved to individual tie-stalls for an 8-day digestibility balance including a 2-day adaption followed by immediate transfer to an indirect, open-circuit, respiration calorimeters for 3 days with gaseous exchange recorded over the last two of these days. Grass silage was offered ad libitum once daily at 0900 h throughout the study. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the genotypes for energy intakes, energy outputs or energy use efficiency, or for methane emission rates (methane emissions per unit of dry matter intake or energy intake), or for N metabolism characteristics (N intake or N output in faeces or urine). Accordingly, the data for both cow genotypes were pooled and used to develop relationships between inputs and outputs. Regression of energy retention against ME intake (r2=0.52; P<0.001) indicated values for net energy requirements for maintenance of 0.386, 0.392 and 0.375 MJ/kg0.75 for LF+ST, LF and ST respectively. Methane energy output was 0.066 of gross energy intake when the intercept was omitted from the linear equation (r2=0.59; P<0.001). There were positive linear relationships between N intake and N outputs in manure, and manure N accounted for 0.923 of the N intake. The present results provide approaches to predict maintenance energy requirement, methane emission and manure N output for suckler cows and further information is required to evaluate their application in a wide range of suckler production systems.  相似文献   
Eragrostis pilosa (Linn.) P Beauv., a C4 grass native to east Africa, was grown at both ambient (350 μmol mol−1 and elevated (700 μmol mol−1) CO2 in either the presence or absence of the obligate, root hemi-parasite Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Biomass of infected grasses was only 50% that of uninfected grasses at both CO2 concentrations, with stems and reproductive tissues of infected plants being most severely affected. By contrast, CO2 concentration had no effect on growth of E. pilosa , although rates of photosynthesis were enhanced by 30–40% at elevated CO2. Infection with S. hermonthica did not affect either rates of photosynthesis or leaf areas of E. pilosa , but did bring about an increase in root:shoot ratio, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and a decline in leaf starch concentration at both ambient and elevated CO2. Striga hermonthica had higher rates of photosynthesis and shoot concentrations of soluble sugars at elevated CO2, but there was no difference in biomass relative to ambient grown plants. Both infection and growth at elevated CO2 resulted in an increase in the Δ13C value of leaf tissue of E. pilosa , with the CO2 effect being greater. The proportion of host-derived carbon in parasite tissue, as determined from δ13C values, was 27% and 39% in ambient and elevated CO2 grown plants, respectively. In conclusion, infection with S. hermonthica limited growth of E. pilosa , and this limitation was not removed or alleviated by growing the association at elevated CO2.  相似文献   
采用兴安盟扎赉特旗2004年~2011年气候生态环境监测站监测的典型草原牧草生长发育及地上生物量等基本资料。典型草原主要牧草种类有贝加尔针茅、野古草、羊草等禾草,伴生中旱生杂草、灌木及半灌木组成,草丛一般高30~50 cm。本文详细分析了当地气候条件对典型草原牧草生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,典型草原牧草的高度、盖度及地上生物量受温度和降水量影响最明显,其中降水量的影响超过温度的影响。降水量多的年份地上生物量明显增加,而干旱年份地上生物量减少,其最大值一般出现在7月份,并滞后于降水量最大值。  相似文献   
Our study examined the influence of elevated ozone levels on the growth and mycorrhizal colonization of two populations of Elymus glaucus L. (blue wildrye). We hypothesized that ozone would reduce carbon availability to the plants, particularly below ground, and would affect mycorrhizal colonization. Because of the wide geographic range of E. glaucus, two populations of plants were selected from areas of contrasting ozone histories to examine intraspecies variation in response to ozone. Two populations of E. glaucus (southern California versus northern California) exposed in a factorial experiment involving ozone, mycorrhizal inoculation with Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith, and plant source population. Ozone had a subtle effect on leaf area and number of tillers but did not affect overall root:shoot ratio in either population. The impact of ozone on above-ground growth characteristics was most pronounced in the southern population that came from a high-ozone environment, while below-ground responses such as reduced arbuscular colonization was most pronounced in the northern population which originated in a low-ozone environment. Further analysis of soil characteristics from the northern population of plants revealed a significant reduction in active soil bacterial biomass and an increase in total fungi per gram dry weight soil, suggesting a possible role for ozone in altering soil processes. Whether or not population differences in response to ozone were due to genetic shifts resulting from prior ozone remains to be determined. However, these subtle but important differences in population response to ozone above- and below-ground have significant implications in any attempt to generalize plant response, even within a species. Future research efforts need to include better characterization of intraspecific variation in response to ozone as well as possible adaptive strategies that may result from chronic ozone exposure.  相似文献   
In the European coastal dunes, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is planted in order to control sand erosion. In the years 1986 to 1991, workers on the Wadden islands in the Netherlands planting marram grass showed lesions of skin and mucous membranes, suggesting a toxic reaction. Fusarium culmorum dominated the mycoflora of those marram grass culms that were used for planting. This plant material had been cut and stored for more than one week in the open. The Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in the suspect marram grass culms. Isolated F. culmorum strains were able to produce DON in vitro in liquid culture as well as in experimentally inoculated wheat heads. Pathogenicity tests, toxin test as well as RAPD analysis showed that the F. culmorum strains were not specialized for marram grass but may form part of the West-European F. culmorum population infecting cereals and grasses. Storage on old sand-dunes with plant debris may have led to the high occurrence of F. culmorum and contamination with DON. Marram grass culms should be obtained from young plantings on dunes on the seaward slopes and cut culms should not be stored.  相似文献   
左照江  张汝民  王勇  温国胜  侯平  高岩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5131-5139
采用GC-MS测定损伤冷蒿VOCs的主要成分,并通过生物测定的方法研究损伤冷蒿VOCs对牧草幼苗根系生长发育的影响。结果表明:损伤冷蒿释放30种VOCs,包含萜烯类、醇类、酯类、醛类和酮类等5类化合物,其中相对含量高于1%的化合物共占VOCs总量的97.37%,桉树脑含量最高(22.43%)。损伤冷蒿释放的VOCs极显著(P0.01)的抑制草木樨、苏丹草、披碱草和冰草幼根的伸长,以及苏丹草侧根与冰草须根的发育,抑制率分别为51.55%、55.34%、37.57%、48.68%、93.04%和25.00%;同时也极显著抑制4种牧草幼根生物量的积累(P0.01)。损伤冷蒿VOCs影响牧草根部中柱组织结构的分化,使草木樨中柱内木质部、韧皮部与形成层不能正常分化;苏丹草、披碱草和冰草的凯氏带发育不完整。由此可见,损伤冷蒿VOCs对牧草根系生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   
以两种常见园林观赏草:白穗狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘White’)和拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigeios)作为试验材料,利用开顶箱(OTCs)模拟法,研究了不同高浓度臭氧(O3,EO):80 nmol/mol(EO-80)、120 nmol/mol(EO-120)和160 nmol/mol(EO-160)下两种观赏草叶片逆境生理特征的变化规律。结果表明:(1)短期(7 d)内随O3浓度增加,白穗狼尾草叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量较对照呈下降趋势,拂子茅较对照无显著变化。(2)在EO-120、EO-160下处理7 d时,两种观赏草叶片的净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(gs)较对照显著下降,且白穗狼尾草下降的幅度均大于拂子茅。(3)不同高浓度O3胁迫下,两种观赏草叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量较对照均有所升高,其中在EO-160下处理21 d时白穗狼尾草和拂子茅叶片MDA含量分别增加30.2%(P<0.05)和13.5%(P>0.05),表明在EO-160浓度胁迫下白穗狼尾草受到的膜脂过氧化伤害大于拂子茅。(4)在EO-120和EO-160下处理21 d时,白穗狼尾草叶片可溶性蛋白含量较对照分别显著下降24.2%和43.1%,而拂子茅较对照分别下降19.0%和22.9%(P<0.05)。(5)与对照组相比,高浓度O3下两种观赏草叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)活性随胁迫时间延长呈下降趋势,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈先升后降。(6)综合以上生理特征比较及主成成分分析表明,佛子茅比白穗狼尾草更耐O3,前者在O3高污染地区可能会有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   
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