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The relative importance of changes in leaf expansion rate (LER) and leaf conductance (g1) in the control of crop transpiration depends primarily on their sensitivity to soil water deficits. The aim of this paper was to quantify the responses of LER and g1 to soil water deficits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under conditions of moderate (spring) and high (summer) evaporative demand. Soil water content, g1, and LER were measured in dryland (DRY) and daily-irrigated (WET) crops established on a deep sandy-loam (Typic Xerofluvent) in a Mediterranean environment. There was no difference between g1 of DRY and WET plants (p>0.20) in contrast with a highly significant difference in LER (p<0.001). Even under the harsh conditions of the summer experiment, g1 did not respond to water deficit in a ten-day period in which LER of DRY plants was reduced to approx. 30% of that measured in WET controls. This field study indicates that g1 plays at most a minor role in the control of sunflower transpiration in the pre-anthesis period and confirms the importance of leaf expansion in the regulation of gas exchange of expanding canopies subjected to soil water deficits.  相似文献   
Summary The proliferative growth of thin cell layers ofNicotiana tabacum cultured on a rhizogenic medium was markedly disturbed when polyamine biosynthesis was inhibited. Treatments with polyamine inhibitors led to cell expansion, accompanied by thinning of the cell wall and inhibition of cell division, and frequent cases of nucleolar extrusion, mainly in the parenchymal layer in contact with the medium. Nucleolar extrusion was not correlated with cell expansion. The highest incidence of nucleolar extrusion occurred when the pathways of putrescine biosynthesis were inhibited and when spermidine synthesis, via S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, was blocked. The duration of the growth phase with nuclear amitotic divisions was prolonged in the presence of the inhibitors and root meristem formation delayed. When polyamines were added with the inhibitors, all reactions proceeded as in the controls.Abbreviations CHA cyclohexylamine - DFMA DL--difluoromethyl-arginine - DFMO DL--difluoromethylornithine - LS longitudinal section - MGBG methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) - PA polyamine - Pu putrescine - RLS radial longitudinal section - S.E. standard error - Spd spermidine  相似文献   
Reproductive aging is associated with ovulatory defects. Age-related ovarian fibrosis partially contributes to this phenotype as short-term treatment with anti-fibrotic compounds improves ovulation in reproductively old mice. However, age-dependent changes that are intrinsic to the follicle may also be relevant. In this study, we used a mouse model to demonstrate that reproductive aging is associated with impaired cumulus expansion which is accompanied by altered morphokinetic behavior of cumulus cells as assessed by time-lapse microscopy. The extracellular matrix integrity of expanded cumulus–oocyte complexes is compromised with advanced age as evidenced by increased penetration of fluorescent nanoparticles in a particle exclusion assay and larger open spaces on scanning electron microscopy. Reduced hyaluronan (HA) levels, decreased expression of genes encoding HA-associated proteins (e.g., Ptx3 and Tnfaip6), and increased expression of inflammatory genes and matrix metalloproteinases underlie this loss of matrix integrity. Importantly, HA levels are decreased with age in follicular fluid of women, indicative of conserved reproductive aging mechanisms. These findings provide novel mechanistic insights into how defects in cumulus expansion contribute to age-related infertility and may serve as a target to extend reproductive longevity.  相似文献   
Clinically, it is common for Class III patients with maxillary skeletal deficiency, which may result in a variety of adverse consequences. Protraction headgear and rapid maxillary expansion (PE) is an effective treatment, but its effect on upper airway hydrodynamics has not been reported. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of the flow in the upper airway after PE by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The sample includes fifteen patients (6 males, 9 females, age 11.00 ± 1.00) and the paired T-test was used to analyze the differences between the measured data before and after treatment. The maximum flow velocity decreased from 8.42 ± 0.16 m/s to 6.98 ± 0.36 m/s (p < 0.05), and the maximum shear force decreased from 3.72 ± 1.48 Pa to 2.13 ± 0.18 Pa. The maximum negative pressure decreased from −101.78 ± 33.60 Pa to 58.15 ± 9.16 Pa, only the changes of velopharynx and glossopharynx were statistically significant; while the maximum resistance decreased from 140.88 ± 68.68 Pa/mL/s to 45.95 ± 22.96 Pa/mL/s. PE can effectively reduce the airflow resistance of the upper airway and the probability of airway collapse, thus improving the patient’s ventilation function.  相似文献   
Thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) is a ~19 kDa, hemolytic pore-forming toxin from the gram-negative marine bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus, one of the causative agents of seafood-borne acute gastroenteritis and septicemia. Previous studies have established that TDH exists as a tetrameric assembly in physiological state; however, there is limited knowledge regarding the molecular arrangement of its disordered N-terminal region (NTR)—the absence of which has been shown to compromise TDH's hemolytic and cytotoxic abilities. In our current study, we have employed single-particle cryo-electron microscopy to resolve the solution-state structures of wild-type TDH and a TDH construct with deletion of the NTR (NTD), in order to investigate structural aspects of NTR on the overall tetrameric architecture. We observed that both TDH and NTD electron density maps, resolved at global resolutions of 4.5 and 4.2 Å, respectively, showed good correlation in their respective oligomeric architecture. Additionally, we were able to locate extra densities near the pore opening of TDH which might correspond to the disordered NTR. Surprisingly, under cryogenic conditions, we were also able to observe novel supramolecular assemblies of TDH tetramers, which we were able to resolve to 4.3 Å. We further investigated the tetrameric and inter-tetrameric interaction interfaces to elaborate upon the key residues involved in both TDH tetramers and TDH super assemblies. Our current structural study will aid in understanding the mechanistic aspects of this pore-forming toxin and the role of its disordered NTR in membrane interaction.  相似文献   
Oxalate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis is a binuclear Mn-dependent acid stress response enzyme that converts the mono-anion of oxalic acid into formate and carbon dioxide in a redox neutral unimolecular disproportionation reaction. A π-stacked tryptophan dimer, W96 and W274, at the interface between two monomer subunits facilitates long-range electron transfer between the two Mn ions and plays an important role in the catalytic mechanism. Substitution of W96 with the unnatural amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan leads to a persistent EPR signal which can be traced back to the neutral radical of 5-hydroxytryptophan with its hydroxyl proton removed. 5-Hydroxytryptophan acts as a hole sink preventing the formation of Mn(III) at the N-terminal active site and strongly suppresses enzymatic activity. The lower boundary of the standard reduction potential for the active site Mn(II)/Mn(III) couple can therefore be estimated as 740 mV against the normal hydrogen electrode at pH 4, the pH of maximum catalytic efficiency. Our results support the catalytic importance of long-range electron transfer in oxalate decarboxylase while at the same time highlighting the utility of unnatural amino acid incorporation and specifically the use of 5-hydroxytryptophan as an energetic sink for hole hopping to probe electron transfer in redox proteins.  相似文献   
Fibronectin (FN) turnover and turnover changes induced by the anticancer drug Adriamycin (ADR) were measured in human mesangial cells (HMC) in vitro. HMC cultures synthesize cellular FN (2.2+-0.3% of totalprotein synthesis; n = 12) which is secreted and incorporated into a fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM). A 24 hr incubation of HMC with ADR (0.5–5 g/ml) resulted in an accumulation of FN in the culture medium, with a maximum increase following 5 pglml(7.3+-2.3pg/cell vs. controls: 4.4+-1.9pg/cell; n= 10). Correspondingly, radioactively labeled immunoprecipitable FN was increased in a dosage-dependent manner in the culture medium up to 50% vs. controls. The incorporation of radioactively labeled FN into ECM was significantly increased following 2 g ADR/ml. In accordance, immunofZuorescence staining revealed an expansion ofpericellular FNfibers in cultures exposed to 2 g ADR/ml. Concomitant with the accumulation of extracelhlar FN, radioactively labeled FN in the cells was reduced by 22%. Qualitative characterization of FN patterns revealed a diminished number of degradation products in the culture medium ofADR-treated HMC. These data suggest thatADR interferes with the turnover of FN secreted by HMC in vitro in such a way that FN accumulates extracellularly. This in turn leads to a reduced FN synthesis. These findings are compatible with a loss of urinary FN degradation products accompanying the onset ofproteinuria in ADR-treated rats.Abbreviations ADR adriamycin - BSA bovine serum albumin - DTT dithiothreitol - ECM extracellular matrix - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - FN fibronectin - HMC human mesangial cell - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
In the X-ray structure of the staphylococcal nuclease–Ca2+ ?3′,5′-pdTp complex, the conformation of the inhibitor 3′,5′-pdTp is distroteed Lys-70* and Lys-71* from an adjacent molecule of staphylococcal nuclease (Loll, P.J., Lattman, E.E. Proteins 5 : 183-201, 1989). In order to correct this crystal packing problem, the solution conformation of enzyme-bound 3′,5′-pdTp in the staphylococcal nuclease–metal–pdTp Complex determined by NMR methods was docked into the X-ray structure of the enzyme [Weber, D. J., Serpersu, E. H., Gittis, A. G., Lattman, E. E., Mildvan, A. S. (preceding paper)]. In the NMR-docked structure, the 5′-phophate of 3′,5′-pdTp overlaps with that in the X-ray Structure. However the 3′-phosphate accepts a hydrogen bond from Lys-49 (2.89Å) rather than from Lys-84 (8.63 Å), and N3 of thymine donates a hydrogen bond to the OH of Tyr-115 (3.16 Å) which does not occur in the X-ray structure (5.28 Å). These interactions have been tested by binding studies of 3′,5′-pdTp, Ca2+, and Mn2+ to the K49A, K84A, and Y115A mutants of staphylococcal nuclease using water proton relaxation rate and EPR methods. Each mutant was fully active and structurally intact, as found by CD and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, but bound Ca2+ 9.1- to 9.9-fold more weakly than the wild-type enzyme. While thye K84A mutation did not significantly weaken 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme (1.5 ± 0.7 fold), the K49A mutation weakened 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme by the factor of 4.4 ± 1.8-fold. Similarly, the Y115A mutation weakened 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme 3.6 ± 1.6-fold. Comparable weakening effects of these mutations were found on the binding of Ca2+-3′,5′-pdTp. These results are more readily explained by the NMR-docked structure of staphylococcal nuclease-metal-3′,5′-pdTp than by the X-ray structure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Analyses of spatial patterns and population processes of clonal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nonrandom spatial structure of terrestrial plants is formed by ecological interactions and reproduction with a limited dispersal range, and in turn this may strongly affect population dynamics and population genetics. The traditional method of modelling in population ecology is either to neglect spatial pattern (e.g. in transition matrix models) or to do straightforward computer simulation. We review here three analytical mothods to deal with plant populations in a lattice-structured habitat, which propagate both by seeds that scatter over the whole habitat and by vegetative reproduction (producing runners, rhizomes, etc.) to neighboring vacant sites. [1]Dynamics of global and local densities: Dynamical equations of population density considering nearest-neighbor correlation (spatial clumping) are developed as the joint dynamics of global average density and local density (comparable to mean crowding) based onpair approximation. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximized by engaging both means of reproduction. This result is accurately predicted by the pair approximation method, but not by mean-field approximation (neglect of spatial structure). [2]Cluster size distributions: Using global and local densities obtained by pair approximation, we predicted cluster size distribution, i.e. the number of clusters of occupied sites of various sizes. [3]Clonal identity probability decreasing with distance: Multi-locus measurement of allozymes or other neutral molecular markers tells us whether or not a given pair of individuals belong to the same clone. From the pattern of clonal identity probability decreasing with the distance between ramets, we can estimate the relative importance of two modes of reproduction: vegetative propagation and sexual seed production.  相似文献   
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