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Anja Geitmann  Yi-Qin Li  M. Cresti 《Protoplasma》1995,187(1-4):168-171
Summary The monoclonal antibody (MAb) JIM5, marking acidic pectins, was used to localize ultrastructurally pectin molecules in the pollen tube wall ofNicotiana tabacum. Longitudinal sections of LR-White embedded pollen tubes were exposed to antibody treatment; accumulations of pectins were identified by counting the density of the gold particles representing the pectin epitopes along the pollen tube wall. Significant accumulations of gold grains were marked and the distances between them were measured. In many pollen tubes a more or less regular distribution of the accumulations was observed along the tube indicating a periodical deposition of pectin. The distances between the accumulations were 4–6 m. Most of the label was found in the inner part of the outer layer of the bilayered cell wall. These findings correspond to and confirm the earlier observation by our group reporting ring-shaped periodical deposits in pollen tubes after immunofluorescence labelling with the MAb JIM5 under the confocal laser scanning microscope.Abbreviations Ab antibody - MAb monoclonal antibody  相似文献   
A cDNA clone (6PExt 1.2) encoding a novel extensin was isolated from a cDNA library made from 6 h old mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris. The screening was performed with a heterologous probe from carrot. The encoded polypeptide showed features characteristic of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins such as Ser-(Pro)4 repeats and a high content in Tyr and Lys residues. The presence of four Tyr-X-Tyr-Lys motifs suggests the possibility for intramolecular isodityrosine cross-links whereas three Val-Tyr-Lys motifs may participate in intermolecular cross-links. The analysis of genomic DNA gel blots using both the N. sylvestris and the carrot clones as probes showed that the 6PExt 1.2 gene belongs to a complex multigene family encoding extensin and extensin-related polypeptides in N. sylvestris as well as in related Nicotianeae including a laboratory hybrid. This was confirmed by the analysis of RNA gel blots: a set of mRNAs ranging in size from 0.3 kb to 3.5 kb was found by the carrot extensin probe. The 6PExt 1.2 probe found a 1.2 kb mRNA in protoplasts and in wounded tissues as well as a 0.9 kb mRNA which seemed to be stem-specific. The gene encoding 6PExt 1.2 was induced by wounding in protoplasts, in leaf strips and after Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of stems.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study attempts to determine if projections ascending from the guinea pig cochlear nucleus (CN) could be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. Multiple radio frequency lesions were made to ablate the right CN. The ablation was verified histologically. To identify the principal targets of CN efferents, silver impregnation methods were used to localize the preterminal degeneration of fibers in transverse sections of the brainstem 5 and 7 days after CN ablation. CN efferents projected heavily to the lateral superior olive (LSO) ipsilaterally, the medial superior olive (MSO) bilaterally, and contralaterally to the medial (MNTB) and ventral (VNTB) nuclei of the trapezoid body, the ventral (VNLL) and intermediate nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc). There were smaller projections to the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body ipsilaterally, the dorsal and dorsomedial periolivary nuclei bilaterally, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus contralaterally. There were sparse projections to the VNLL and ICc ipsilaterally and the CN contralaterally, and a very sparse projection to the contralateral LSO. To determine if CN efferents were glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic, the fresh brainstem was sectioned transversely and samples of the LSO, MSO, MNTB, VNLL, and ICc were taken to measure the electrically evoked release and the uptake of d -[3H]Asp and [14C]Gly or [14C]GABA 3–5 days after the CN ablation. The release studies suggest that only certain of the histologically identified projections ascending from the CN may be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. CN ablation depressed d -[3H]Asp release in the MSO bilaterally and in the contralateral MNTB and VNLL, suggesting that the CN efferents to these nuclei may use glutamate or aspartate as a transmitter. It was unclear whether a marginal depression of d -[3H]Asp release in the ipsilateral LSO reflected the presence of glutamatergic CN projections to this nucleus. d -[3H]Asp release in the ICc was unaffected, suggesting that CN efferents to this nucleus may not be glutamatergic. There were no deficits in d -[3H]Asp uptake. [14C]Gly release from the LSO and MSO was unchanged. [14C]Gly uptake was unchanged in the MSO and depressed only in the contralateral LSO, possibly reflecting subnormal uptake activity in endings contributed by contralateral MNTB cells that had lost their CN efferents. [14C]GABA uptake in the MNTB, VNLL, and ICc was unchanged. [14C]GABA release was unchanged in the VNLL and ICc. [14C]GABA release was depressed only in the contralateral MNTB, possibly reflecting the loss of a small complement of GABAergic CN efferents and the reaction of GABAergic projections from the contralateral VNTB to their loss of CN efferents.  相似文献   
We have previously described a monoclonal antibody, MAb DC3:H10, which recognized an epitope preferentially expressed on the surface ofCandida albicans germ tubes. In the present study we examined the MAb-reactive material further. Immunoblot analysis of the material purified partially by Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-Sephacel chromatography reacted with antibodies to theC. albicans C3d receptor (CR2). In an ELISA, MAb DC3:H10 captured antigen that was recognized by both anti-CR2 and anti-mp58 fibrinogen binding mannoprotein polyclonal antibodies. The MAb DC3:H10 failed to compete with either of these antisera in an ELISA. Indirect immunofluo-rescence (IIF) analysis showed differences in surface distribution for the MAb DC3:H10, the CR2, and the mp 58 epitopes. Dual labeling IIF experiments showed MAb DC3:H10 binding to be unaffected by binding of fibrinogen or anti-mp58 antibody. However, the binding patterns of MAb DC3:H10 were modified in the presence of anti-CR2 antibody, suggesting a complex interaction between these cell wall components.  相似文献   
Protein L is a multi domain cell wall constituent of certain strains of Peptostreptococcus magnus which binds to the variable domain of immunoglobulin κ-light chains. A single immunoglobulin-binding domain of Mr = 9000 from this protein has been isolated and crystallized. The crystals are of space group P42212, with cell dimensions a = b = 66.9 Å, c = 68.3 Å, and diffract to at least 2.2 Å resolution. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains two molecules of the protein L domain, related by a noncrystallographic 2-fold axis, as revealed by a self-rotation function calculated with native diffraction data. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural and histochemical studies on guard cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Serial thick sections of guard cells from Vicia faba L., Nicotiana tabacum L., Allium cepa L., Zea mays L. and Beta vulgaris L. were obtained systematically (600–800 nm) and viewed with the transmission electron microscope in an effort to demonstrate the presence or absence of a symplastic transport pathway within the stomatal complex. Eight to ten stomata from each species were examined, and no continuous plasmodesmata were found connecting guard cells to sister guard cells or to adjacent epidermal or subsidiary cells. Continuous plasmodesmata were observed in immature guard cells, but were sealed (truncated) during the development of the mature cell wall. Histochemical stains, phosphotungstic acid and silver methenamine, were used to demonstrate differentiation within the mature guard-cell wall. The structural differentiation of the stomatal apoplastic region is discussed in relation to fanctional specialization. Plasma-membrane elaborations or plasmalemmasomes were identified in the guard cells of Zea, and it is suggested that these structures may function in ion transport.Abbreviations PTA-HCl phosphotungstic acid and hydrochloric acid - SM silver methenamine - UA-LC uranyl acetate and lead citrate  相似文献   
[14C]Cinnamate was taken up very rapidly by cultured spinach cells and completely incorporated into low-MW conjugates within 20 min. The 14C-labelled products were similar whether the [14C]cinnamate was supplied continuously over a period of hours via a peristaltic pump or instantaneously. Radioactivity was slowly recruited from the low-MW pool into aromatic components of the cell-wall fraction. Saponification of the radioactive wall fraction yielded, in addition to radioactive ferulate and p-coumarate, large amounts of ethyl acetate-soluble radioactive material with the properties of oxidatively coupled phenols. The coupled material was associated with the most highly ‘Driselase’-resistant fractions of the cell wall. In contrast, ‘Driselase’ released most of the wall's ferulate and p-coumarate on disaccharide fragments. It is suggested that the oxidatively coupled phenols are formed from simpler phenols by peroxidase and that they cross-link the polysaccharides to which they are attached, making these polysaccharides relatively ‘Driselase’-resistant.  相似文献   
Virtually all of the polyphosphate (PP) present in yeast protoplasts can be recovered in a crude particulate fraction if polybase-induced lysis is used for disrupting the protoplasts. This fraction contains most of the vacuoles, mitochondria and nuclei. Upon the purification of vacuoles the PP is enriched to the same extent as are the vacuolar markers. The amount of PP per vacuole is comparable to the amount of PP per protoplast.The possibility that PP is located in the cell wall is also considered. In the course of the incubation necessary for preparing protoplasts, 20% of the cellular PP is broken down. As this loss of PP occurs to the same extent in the absence of cell wall degrading enzymes, it is inferred that internal PP is metabolically degraded, no PP being located in the cell walls.It is concluded that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae most if not all of the PP is located in the vacuoles, at least under the growth conditions used.Non-Standard Abbreviations PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis-2-ethanolsulfonic acid - DEAE-dextran diethylaminoethyl-dextran  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of 4 species of the calcareous, siphonaceous alga Halimeda (H. cylindracea Decaisne, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. macroloba Decaisne and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamour) has been studied, and the observed changes during growth and development are related to changes in the degree of calcification. A distinct gradient in the types and quantities of cell organelles exists in a growing apical filament. As these filaments grow, branch, and eventually develop into a mature segment, changes in the organization of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts are observed. Calcification begins when the chloroplasts reach structural maturity and when the peripheral utricles adhere (fuse). This adhesion of the peripheral utricles isolates the intercellular space (ICS) in which calcification occurs from the external seawater. Calcification begins in the outermost (pilose) cell wall layer of the walls facing into the ICS. The cell walls at the thallus exterior undergo extensive changes after utricular fusion; the pilose layer is lost, the cuticles of adjacent utricles fuse forming a ridge at their junction, and multiple cuticles are formed. The aragonite (CaCO3) crystals which are initially precipitated within the pilose wall layer, rapidly increase in size and number, eventually filling much of the ICS. Only the initial nucleation of aragonite is associated with the pilose wall layer, the later precipitation of aragonite is totally independent of the pilose layer. In older segments secondary deposition of CaCO3 also occurs around existing aragonite needles.  相似文献   
We surveyed a French male population for the incidence of missing or reduced upper lateral incisors (ULI). In 5,738 subjects, we observed an incidence of 1.59% with one or two reduced ULI (the other normal) and 1.90% with one or two missing ULI (the other normal or reduced), altogether, 3.49% affected subjects. Furthermore, 250 random controls were observed. Agenesis of other teeth is more frequent in propositi. Missing third molars were 12.4% in controls, 24.0% in propositi with reduced ULI and 39.6% in propositi with two missing ULI. Furthermore, agenesis of incisors, canines and premolars ranges from 0.4% in controls to 1.3% in propositi having reduced ULI and 5.0% in propositi with two missing ULI. So, propositi with reduced ULI are intermediate between the controls and the propositi with missing ULI with respect to the frequency of agenesis of other teeth. On the other hand, a different ranking is observed with respect to the teeth measurements: reduction of tooth size is more marked in propositi with reduced ULI than in propositi with missing ULI. The reduction mainly affects canines, incisors and to a lesser degree, premolars. Arch length and interpremolar diameters are smaller in propositi with missing ULI, compared with controls.  相似文献   
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