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We used the cytokinin-responsive Arabidopsis response regulator (ARR)5 gene promoter fused to a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene, and cytokinin oxidase (CKX) genes from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtCKX3) and maize (ZmCKX1) to investigate the roles of cytokinins in lateral root formation and symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. ARR5 expression was undetectable in the dividing initial cells at early stages of lateral root formation, but later we observed high expression in the base of the lateral root primordium. The root tip continues to express ARR5 during subsequent development of the lateral root. These results suggest a dynamic role for cytokinin in lateral root development. We observed ARR5 expression in curled/deformed root hairs, and also in nodule primordia in response to Rhizobial inoculation. This expression declined once the nodule emerged from the parent root. Root penetration and migration of root-knot nematode (RKN) second-stage larvae (L2) did not elevate ARR5 expression, but a high level of expression was induced when L2 reached the differentiating vascular bundle and during early stages of the nematode-plant interaction. ARR5 expression was specifically absent in mature giant cells (GCs), although dividing cells around the GCs continued to express this reporter. The same pattern was observed using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter driven by the ARR5 promoter in tomato. Overexpression of CKX genes rendered the transgenic hairy roots resistant to exogenous application of the cytokinin [N6-(Delta2 isopentenyl) adenine riboside] (iPR). CKX roots have significantly more lateral roots, but fewer nodules and nematode-induced root galls per plant, than control hairy roots.  相似文献   
Brain-machine interfaces are being developed to assist paralyzed patients by enabling them to operate machines with recordings of their own neural activity. Recent studies show that motor parameters, such as hand trajectory, and cognitive parameters, such as the goal and predicted value of an action, can be decoded from the recorded activity to provide control signals. Neural prosthetics that use simultaneously a variety of cognitive and motor signals can maximize the ability of patients to communicate and interact with the outside world. Although most studies have recorded electroencephalograms or spike activity, recent research shows that local field potentials (LFPs) offer a promising additional signal. The decode performances of LFPs and spike signals are comparable and, because LFP recordings are more long lasting, they might help to increase the lifetime of the prosthetics.  相似文献   
The potential for cadmium to produce sensory deficits in the mechanosensory lateral line and olfactory systems was examined in migratory Galaxias fasciatus juveniles or whitebait. Using a two-choice chamber apparatus, three groups of whitebait were tested for a known attraction to adult pheromones and then exposed to either 0.1, 0.5 or 1g Cd+2 l-1 for 48h and retested. The attraction to adult pheromones had been eliminated after exposure to concentrations of 0.5 and 1g Cd+2 l-1, indicating these levels of cadmium exposure had impaired olfactory function. Rheotaxis trials were conducted to determine the level of cadmium exposure which would inhibit lateral line function. The lateral line system was not blocked until a concentration of 2g Cd+2 l-1. The blocking of the lateral line and olfactory sensory systems was reversible. After 14 days recovery in clean freshwater both rheotaxis and the attraction to adult pheromones had returned. Whitebait were also tested for a preference/avoidance response at 2g Cd+2 l-1. Fish showed neither a preference for, or an avoidance of, a concentration which would disable both the lateral line and olfactory sensory systems. The disabling of these sensory systems may render migratory cues undetectable, affecting habitat selection by whitebait, which may ultimately affect the distribution of banded kokopu populations.  相似文献   
Zhdanov VP  Höök F  Kasemo B 《Proteins》2001,43(4):489-498
We present lattice Monte Carlo simulations of the growth of streptavidin islands at a biotinylated lipid layer. The model employed takes into account attractive anisotropic lateral interactions between streptavidin tetramers. With a minimal set of interactions, we reproduce the formation of rectangular islands experimentally observed at pH > or = 9.0. Specifically, we analyze two scenarios of the island growth. First, if streptavidin is rapidly adsorbed at t = 0 (stepwise coverage change without ongoing adsorption), the average linear island size is found to grow according to the Lifshitz-Slyozov law, R proportional to t(1/3). Second, if the island growth occurs in parallel with streptavidin adsorption limited by diffusion in the solution, the Lifshitz-Slyozov law is also applicable, but only at the late stage, when the streptavidin coverage is appreciable.  相似文献   
Site-specific recombination systems have been shown to excise transgene DNA sequences positioned between their cognate target sites, and thus be used to generate clonal sectors in transgenic plants. Here we characterized clonal sectors derived from genetic reversion of rolC (A. rhizogenes) – induced vegetative and reproductive phenotypes, mediated by FLP recombinase from S. cerevisiae, in tobacco. The constitutive expression of rolC induces pleiotropic effects including reduced apical dominance and plant height, lanceolate and pale green leaves and small, male-sterile flowers. Two transgenic male-sterile tobacco lines (N. tabacum, Samsun NN) expressing a 35sP-rolC gene construct flanked by two FRT (FLP recombinase target) sites, were cross-pollinated with pollen from a constitutive 35sP-FLP expressing line. Three main phenotypes were generated in result of recombinase-mediated excision of the 35sP-rolC locus in the F1 (FLP×FRT-35sP-rolC-FRT) hybrid progenies: (a) restoration of male fertility, associated with reversion to normal leaf phenotypes prior to flower bud formation, (b) development of normal and fertile lateral shoot sectors on the background of rolC-type plants, (c) restoration of partially fertile flowers, associated with display of peripheral normal leaf sectors surrounding rolC-type inner-leaf tissues, consistent with periclinal chimeras. These results, supported by DNA molecular analysis, indicate that site-specific recombination might be used as a relatively efficient tool for generation of transgenic periclinal chimeric plants.  相似文献   
Excessive activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors leads to cell death in human embryonic kidney-293 (HEK) cells which have been transfected with recombinant NMDA receptors. To evaluate the role of protein kinase C (PKC) activation in NMDA-mediated toxicity, we have analyzed the survival of transfected HEK cells using trypan blue exclusion. We found that NMDA-mediated death of HEK cells transfected with NR1/NR2A subunits was increased by exposure to phorbol esters and reduced by inhibitors of PKC activation, or PKC down-regulation. The region of NR2A that provides the PKC-induced enhancement of cell death was localized to a discrete segment of the C-terminus. Use of isoform-specific PKC inhibitors showed that Ca(2+)- and lipid-dependent PKC isoforms (cPKCs), specifically PKCbeta1, was responsible for the increase in cell death when phorbol esters were applied prior to NMDA in these cells. PKC activity measured by an in vitro kinase assay was also increased in NR1A/NR2A-transfected HEK cells following NMDA stimulation. These results suggest that PKC acts on the C-terminus of NR2A to accentuate cell death in NR1/NR2A-transfected cells and demonstrate that this effect is mediated by cPKC isoforms. These data indicate that elevation of cellular PKC activity can increase neurotoxicity mediated by NMDA receptor activation.  相似文献   
In the subzero shelf waters of Antarctica, fishes of the perciform suborder Notothenioidei dominate the fish fauna and constitute an adaptive radiation and a species flock. The 16 species of dragonfishes of the family Bathydraconidae live from surface waters to nearly 3,000 m and have the greatest overall depth range among notothenioid families. We examined the anatomy and histology of the brain, retina, and cephalic lateral line system of nine bathydraconid species representing 8 of the 11 known genera. We evaluate these data against a cladogram identifying three clades in the family. We provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves of Gymnodraco acuticeps and Akarotaxis nudiceps. Bathydraconid brain morphology falls into two categories. Brains of most species are similar to those of generalized perciforms and some basal notothenioids (Class I). However, brains of deep-living bathydraconids (members of the tribe Bathydraconini minus Prionodraco) have a reduced telencephalon and tectum that renders the neural axis visible - the stalked brain morphology (Class II). All bathydraconids have duplex (rod and cone) retinae but there is considerable interspecific variation in the ratio of cones:rods and in the number of cells in the internal nuclear layer. Retinal histology reflects habitat depth but is not tightly coupled to phylogeny. Although the deep-living species of Bathydraconini have rod-dominated retinae, the retinae of some sister species are photopic. An expanded cephalic lateral line system is also characteristic of all members of the Bathydraconini as exemplified by Akarotaxis. This morphology includes large lateral line pores, wide membranous canals, hypertrophied canal neuromasts, and large anterodorsal lateral line nerves, eminentia granulares, and crista cerebellares. The saccular otoliths are also enlarged in members of this tribe. Neural diversification among bathydraconids on the Antarctic shelf has not involved the evolution of sensory specialists. Brain and sense organ morphologies do not approach the specialized condition seen in primary deep-sea fishes or even that of some secondary deep-sea fishes including sympatric non-notothenioids such as liparids (snailfishes) and muraenolepidids (eel cods). The brains and sense organs of bathydraconids, including the deep-living species, reflect their heritage as perciform shorefishes.  相似文献   
Han D  Zang Y  Yang YH  Liu ML  Wang WT  Zou ZY 《生理学报》2003,55(3):296-302
侵性强直电刺激(60Hz,2s)大鼠右侧背海马(hippocampus,DHPC)CAl基树突区,1次/d,连续刺激10d。分别在施加强直电刺激的第2、4、6、8或10d时进行核磁共振成像检测(T2 weighted magnetic resonamce image T2-WI),并对鼠脑进行组织学切片鉴定。结果表明,早期慢性癫痫源性脑损伤的病理性形态特征主要包括:(1)T2-WI检测侧脑室(lateral ventricle,LV)区域信号增强、组织学检测LV扩大和双侧对称性脉络膜丛病理性增生,后两者并非完全平行呈现。(2)组织学切片显示双侧LV扩大面积与T2-WI信号增强区域面积的脑区分布近似。与空白对照组大鼠相比,电刺激2、4、6、8和10d后,T2-WI信号增强区域面积显著增大(P=0.0259;P=0.0184;P=0.0184;P=0.0404;P=0.0259)以及组织学鉴定LV面积增大(P=0.0210;P=0.01;P=0.0100;P=0.0152).(3)定侧分析显示,T2-WI信号增强以及T2-WI信号增强区域面积和组织学鉴定LV面积扩大,在慢性刺激6d时均以植入电极的对侧为主;第10d时均以同侧为主。三项观察结果的一致性证实了癫痫源性早期脑损伤的跨半球动态扩布特征。  相似文献   
This review provides a brief historical account of how microscopical studies of chloroplasts have contributed to our current knowledge of the structural and functional organization of thylakoid membranes. It starts by tracing the origins of the terms plastid, grana, stroma and chloroplasts to light microscopic studies of 19th century German botanists, and then describes how different types of electron microscopical techniques have added to this field. The most notable contributions of thin section electron microscopy include the elucidation of the 3-D organization of thylakoid membranes, the discovery of prolamellar bodies in etioplasts, and the structural changes in thylakoid architecture that accompany the light-dependent transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts. Attention is then focused on the roles that freeze-fracture and freeze-etch electron microscopy and immuno electron microscopy have played in defining the extent to which the functional complexes of thylakoids are non-randomly distributed between appressed, grana and non-appressed stroma thylakoids. Studies reporting on how this lateral differentiation can be altered experimentally, and how the spatial organization of functional complexes is affected by alterations in the light environment of plants are also included in this discussion. Finally, the review points to the possible uses of electron microscope tomography techniques in future structural studies of thylakoid membranes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Transdifferentiation--fact or artifact   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Normal development appears to involve a progressive restriction in developmental potential. However, recent evidence suggests that this progressive restriction is not irreversible and can be altered to reveal novel phenotypic potentials of stem, progenitor, and even differentiated cells. While some of these results can be explained by the presence of contaminating cell populations, persistence of pluripotent stem cells, cell fusion, etc., several examples exist that are difficult to explain as anything other than "true transdifferentiation" and/or dedifferentiation. These examples of transdifferentiation are best explained by understanding how the normal process of progressive cell fate restriction occurs during development. We suggest that subversion of epigenetic controls regulating cell type specific gene expression likely underlies the process of transdifferentiation and it may be possible to identify specific factors to control the transdifferentiation process. We predict, however, that transdifferentiation will not be reliable or reproducible and will probably require complex manipulations.  相似文献   
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