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Heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs) at noncoding genetic markers are commonly assumed to reflect fitness effects of heterozygosity at genomewide distributed genes in partially inbred populations. However, in populations with much linkage disequilibrium (LD), HFCs may arise also as a consequence of selection on fitness loci in the local chromosomal vicinity of the markers. Recent data suggest that relatively high levels of LD may prevail in many ecological situations. Consequently, LD may be an important factor, together with partial inbreeding, in causing HFCs in natural populations. In the present study, we evaluate whether LD can generate HFCs in a small and newly founded population of great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). For this purpose dyads of full siblings of which only one individual survived to adult age (i.e., returned to breed at the study area) were scored at 19 microsatellite loci, and at a gene region of hypothesized importance for survival, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). By examining siblings, we controlled for variation in the inbreeding coefficient and thus excluded genome-wide fitness effects in our analyses. We found that recruited individuals had significantly higher multilocus heterozygosity (MLH), and mean d2 (a microsatellite-specific variable), than their nonrecruited siblings. There was a tendency for the survivors to have a more diverse MHC than the nonsurvivors. Single-locus analyses showed that the strength of the genotype-survival association was especially pronounced at four microsatellite loci. By using genotype data from the entire breeding population, we detected significant LD between five of 162 pairs of microsatellite loci after accounting for multiple tests. Our present finding of a significant within-family multilocus heterozygosity-survival association in a nonequilibrium population supports the view that LD generates HFCs in natural populations.  相似文献   
Pollen limitation affects plants with diverse reproductive systems and ecologies. In self-incompatible (SI) species, pollen limitation may preclude full reproductive compensation for prezygotic rejection of pollen. We present a model designed to explore the effects of incomplete reproductive compensation on evolutionary changes at a modifier locus that regulates the level of SI expression. Our results indicate that incomplete reproductive compensation greatly increases the evolutionary costs of SI, particularly in populations with low S-allele diversity. The evolutionary fate of modifiers of SI expression depends on the rate at which they are transmitted to future generations as well as the effects of SI on offspring number and quality. Partial SI expression can represent a stable condition rather than an evolutionarily transient state between full expression and full suppression. This unanticipated result provides the first theoretical support for the evolutionary stability of such mixed mating systems, the existence of which has recently been documented.  相似文献   
Studies of natural hybridization have suggested that it may be a creative stimulus for adaptive evolution and speciation. An important step in this process is the establishment of fit recombinant genotypes that are buffered from subsequent recombination with unlike genotypes. We used molecular markers and a two-generation sampling strategy to infer the extent of recombination in a Louisiana iris hybrid zone consisting predominantly of Iris fulva-type floral phenotypes. Genotypic diversity was fairly high, indicating that sexual reproduction is frequent relative to clonal reproduction. However, we observed strong spatial genetic structure even after controlling for clonality, which implies a low level of pollen and seed dispersal. We therefore used cluster analysis to explore the hypothesis that the fulva-type hybrids are an admixture of groups between which there has been limited recombination. Our results indicate that several such groups are present in the population and are strongly localized spatially. This spatial pattern is not attributable strictly to a lack of mating opportunities between dissimilar genotypes for two reasons: (1) relatedness of flowering pairs was uncorrelated with the degree of overlap in flowering, and (2) paternity analysis shows that pollen movement among the outcross fraction occurred over large distances, with roughly half of all paternity attributed to pollen flow from outside the population. We also found evidence of strong inbreeding depression, indicated by contrasting estimates of the rate of self-fertilization and the average inbreeding coefficient of fulva-type hybrids. We conclude that groups of similar hybrid genotypes can be buffered from recombination at small spatial scales relative to pollen flow, and selection against certain recombinant genotypes may be as important as or more important than clonal reproduction and inbreeding.  相似文献   
Recent work has demonstrated that brief application of insulin to hippocampal slices can induce a novel form of long-term depression (insulin-LTD) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus; however, the molecular details of how insulin triggers LTD remain unclear. Using electrophysiological and biochemical approaches in the hippocampal slices, we show here that insulin-LTD (i) is specific to 3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor- but not NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission; (ii) is induced and expressed postsynaptically but does not require the activation of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors; (iii) requires a concomitant Ca(2+) influx through l-type voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels (VACCs) and the release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores; (iv) requires the series of protein kinases, including protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), and protein kinase C (PKC); (v) is mechanistically distinct from low-frequency stimulation-induced LTD (LFS-LTD) and independent on protein phosphatase 1/2 A (PP1/2 A) and PP2B activation; (vi) is dependent on a rapamycin-sensitive local translation of dendritic mRNA, and (vii) is associated with a persistent decrease in the surface expression of GluR2 subunit. These results suggest that a PI3K/PKC-dependent insulin signaling, which controls postsynaptic surface AMPA receptor numbers through PP-independent endocytosis, may be a major expression mechanism of insulin-LTD in hippocampal CA1 neurons.  相似文献   
The maintenance of females in gender dimorphic populations requires that they have a fitness advantage to compensate for their loss of male reproductive function. We assess whether inbreeding avoidance provides this advantage in two subdioecious Wurmbea dioica populations by estimating seed production, outcrossing rates and inbreeding depression. Fruiting males produced less than half as many seeds as females, owing to low outcrossing rates and early acting inbreeding depression. Inbreeding coefficients of fruiting males demonstrated that progeny were more inbred than their parents, implying that few selfed progeny reach maturity, as confirmed by inbreeding depression estimates that exceeded 0.85. In a glasshouse experiment, open-pollinated females exhibited a fitness advantage of 3.7 relative to fruiting males, but when we increased fruiting male outcrossing rate, female advantage was only 1.4. This reduced advantage is insufficient to maintain females if nuclear genes control sex. Thus, inbreeding avoidance could maintain females at high frequencies, although this is contingent upon high frequencies of fruiting males, which can be altered by environmentally determined gender plasticity.  相似文献   
An important issue in conservation biology and the study of evolution is the extent to which inbreeding depression can be reduced or reversed by natural selection. If the deleterious recessive alleles causing inbreeding depression can be 'purged' by natural selection, outbred populations that have a history of inbreeding are expected to be less susceptible to inbreeding depression. This expectation, however, has not been realized in previous laboratory experiments. In the present study, we used Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to test for an association between inbreeding history and inbreeding depression. We created six 'purged' populations from experimental lineages that had been maintained at a population size of 10 male-female pairs for 19 generations. We then measured the inbreeding depression that resulted from one generation of full-sib mating in the purged populations and in the original base population. The magnitude of inbreeding depression in the purged populations was approximately one-third of that observed in the original base population. In contrast to previous laboratory experiments, therefore, we found that inbreeding depression was reduced in populations that have a history of inbreeding. The large purging effects observed in this study may be attributable to the rate of historical inbreeding examined, which was slower than that considered in previous experiments.  相似文献   
Objective: Previous research has addressed the relationship between BMI and chronic disease in primary care; however, little has been done with regard to the association between obesity and depression in primary care. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between obesity and chronic conditions including depression. Research Methods and Procedures : Data from primary care patients seen at a university‐based family medicine clinic in the southeastern United States were extracted for the time between January 1, 1999 and January 1, 2002. Data extracted included most recent height and weight, age, ethnicity, pregnancy status, number of office visits, blood pressure, cholesterol, hemoglobin A1C, current diagnoses, and medications. Results : A total of 8197 patients were included in the analysis. Sixty‐nine percent of patients seen in a 3‐year period were either overweight or obese. Comparing blood pressure, cholesterol, diagnoses, and medications between BMI groups found differences in virtually all categories. Diagnoses of high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and depression significantly increased for obese patients. Discussion : Obese patients are over‐represented in primary care, and this over‐representation of obesity correlates with several diagnoses, including depression. Depression is a chronic disease that may interfere with health‐related behaviors and must be addressed within the health care system.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Human-mediated environmental change is increasing selection pressure for the capacity in plants to colonize new areas. Habitat fragmentation combined with climate change, in general, forces species to colonize areas over longer distances. Mating systems and genetic load are important determinants of the establishment and long-term survival of new populations. Here, the mating system of Asplenium scolopendrium, a diploid homosporous fern species, is examined in relation to colonization processes.


A common environment experiment was conducted with 13 pairs of sporophytes, each from a different site. Together they constitute at least nine distinct genotypes, representing an estimated approx. 95 % of the non-private intraspecific genetic variation in Europe. Sporophyte production was recorded for gametophytes derived from each parent sporophyte. Gametophytes were grown in vitro in three different ways: (I) in isolation, (II) with a gametophyte from a different sporophyte within the same site or (III) with a partner from a different site.

Key Results

Sporophyte production was highest in among-site crosses (III), intermediate in within-site crosses (II) and was lowest in isolated gametophytes (I), strongly indicating inbreeding depression. However, intragametophytic selfing was observed in most of the genotypes tested (eight out of nine).


The results imply a mixed mating system in A. scolopendrium, with outcrossing when possible and occasional selfing when needed. Occasional intragametophytic selfing facilitates the successful colonization of new sites from a single spore. The resulting sporophyte, which will be completely homozygous, will shed large amounts of spores over time. Each year this creates a bed of gametophytes in the vicinity of the parent. Any unrelated spore which arrives is then selectively favoured to reproduce and contribute its genes to the new population. Thus, while selfing facilitates initial colonization success, inbreeding depression promotes genetically diverse populations through outcrossing. The results provide further evidence against the overly simple dichotomous distinction of fern species as either selfing or outcrossing.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

A reduction in offspring fitness resulting from mating between neighbours is interpreted as biparental inbreeding depression. However, little is known about the relationship between the parents'' genetic relatedness and biparental inbreeding depression in their progeny in natural populations. This study assesses the effect of kinship between parents on the fitness of their progeny and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a natural population of Rhododendron brachycarpum.


Kinship coefficients between 11 858 pairs of plants among a natural population of 154 R. brachycarpum plants were estimated a priori using six microsatellite markers. Plants were genotyped, and pairs were selected from among 60 plants to vary the kinship from full-sib to unrelated. After a hand-pollination experiment among the 60 plants, offspring fitness was measured at the stages of seed maturation (i.e. ripening) under natural conditions, and seed germination and seedling survival under greenhouse conditions. In addition, spatial autocorrelation was used to assess the population''s genetic structure.

Key Results

Offspring fitness decreased significantly with increasing kinship between parents. However, the magnitude and timing of this effect differed among the life-cycle stages. Measures of inbreeding depression were 0·891 at seed maturation, 0·122 (but not significant) at seed germination and 0·506 at seedling survival. The local population spatial structure was significant, and the physical distance between parents mediated the level of inbreeding between them.


The level of inbreeding between individuals determines offspring fitness in R. brachycarpum, especially during seed maturation. Genetic relatedness between parents caused inbreeding depression in their progeny. Therefore, biparental inbreeding contributes little to reproduction and instead acts as a selection force that promotes outcrossing, as offspring of more distant (less related) parents survive better.  相似文献   
Human populations are arranged in social networks that determine interactions and influence the spread of diseases, behaviours and ideas. We evaluate the spread of long-term emotional states across a social network. We introduce a novel form of the classical susceptible–infected–susceptible disease model which includes the possibility for ‘spontaneous’ (or ‘automatic’) infection, in addition to disease transmission (the SISa model). Using this framework and data from the Framingham Heart Study, we provide formal evidence that positive and negative emotional states behave like infectious diseases spreading across social networks over long periods of time. The probability of becoming content is increased by 0.02 per year for each content contact, and the probability of becoming discontent is increased by 0.04 per year per discontent contact. Our mathematical formalism allows us to derive various quantities from the data, such as the average lifetime of a contentment ‘infection’ (10 years) or discontentment ‘infection’ (5 years). Our results give insight into the transmissive nature of positive and negative emotional states. Determining to what extent particular emotions or behaviours are infectious is a promising direction for further research with important implications for social science, epidemiology and health policy. Our model provides a theoretical framework for studying the interpersonal spread of any state that may also arise spontaneously, such as emotions, behaviours, health states, ideas or diseases with reservoirs.  相似文献   
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