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吐鲁番-哈密盆地早二叠世晚期植物群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
首次记述了吐鲁番-哈密盆地的早二叠世晚期植物11属13种(包括4新种和4未定种),这是一个以科达类及其相关属为主的安加拉植物群。典型的安加拉植物Vojnovskya属的发现,不但在时代的判定上,而且在植物地理区划上都具重要意义。文中还对这一植物群的特征和时代问题作了简要讨论。  相似文献   
为了明确泰和县近年来晚稻田褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)连年暴发的规律。通过分析泰和县2008—2013年褐飞虱的田间调查及灯诱数据,并结合气象条件,研究了泰和县晚稻田褐飞虱暴发的主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)危害早稻田的褐飞虱以2、3代为主,其田间种群数量的多少主要受春季迁入虫量的限制,本地早稻收割后的滞留虫源对晚稻种群数量的影响很小。(2)危害晚稻田的褐飞虱以5、6代为主,后期迁入虫量、秋季温度以及晚稻田初期外来迁入虫量是影响晚稻田后期暴发的关键因子。(3)不同年份间晚稻田褐飞虱暴发类型不同。2008和2009年属后期迁入虫量与"暖秋"共同影响类型;2010年是"暖秋"影响类型;2011和2012年是后期迁入虫量影响类型;2013年是晚稻田早期迁入虫量积累影响类型。后期迁入虫量、秋季温度以及晚稻田早期迁入虫量是导致泰和县晚稻田褐飞虱连年暴发的主要原因。这些结果为褐飞虱暴发规律的阐明及可持续治理提供了理论依据和参考价值。  相似文献   
We studied the phylogeography of the strict savannah pygmy mice Mus (Nannomys) minutoides in West Central Africa. A total of 846 base pairs of the cytochrome b sequence were obtained for 66 individuals collected in Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. These sequences were compared to those of M. minutoides from other African countries and to eight other species of the genus Mus. We performed maximum likelihood, Bayesian and nested clade analyses, as well as neutrality tests and time estimates. We show that M. minutoides is a well‐differentiated monophyletic species that separated from other pygmy mice 1.17 Myr ago. A distinct West Central African M. minutoides clade diverged early from the other African populations of the species, with a more recent common ancestor dating 0.14 Myr. West Central African populations are globally homogeneous, despite the present fragmentation of savannahs by the rain forest. However, our analyses show an unexpected vicariance between geographically close savannahs, embedded in the rain forest in Central Gabon. One of these populations is genetically more similar to very distant peripheral populations than to three closely neighbouring populations situated on both sides of the Ogooué River. A non‐river geographical barrier probably persisted in this area, durably isolating these local populations. This hypothesis about the history of the savannah landscape should be testable through the biogeographical analysis of other strict savannah small mammal species.  相似文献   
<正>始鼠科(Eomyidae)是一类已绝灭的小型的鼠类,在古近纪和新近纪时广布全北区,以北美(中始新世—晚中新世)和欧洲(早渐新世—晚上新世)发现的化石较丰富。过去在亚洲发现的始鼠化石极少。亚洲的第一个始鼠化石是1982年才发现的(郑绍华等,1982)。20世纪90年代以来,在亚洲陆续发现了一些始鼠化石,表明从中始新世到上新世时在亚洲已有始鼠生存过(Wang and Emry,1990;Qiu,1994,1996;Tomidaand Setoguchi,1994;Emry et  相似文献   
描述了安徽繁昌癞痢山塘口晚新生代裂隙堆积物中发现的松鼠类材料。化石代表松鼠亚科的4个族,共有5属6种,其中包括一个新属和两个新种,即树松鼠族的Sciurus sp.,花鼠族的Tamias sp.和Plesiosciurus zhengi sp.nov.,旱獭族的Sciurotamias wangi Qiu,2002和S.teilhardi Zheng,1993,以及巨松鼠族的Pseudoratufa wanensis gen.et sp.nov.。所研究的材料系混合地采自同一裂隙堆积的4个不同层位,化石的组分可能代表从早中新世至更新世的不同时段。繁昌的这一松鼠组合具有中国中南部晚新生代松鼠动物群的特色,并含有稀奇的Pseudoratufa属。该新属的牙齿形态显示了其树栖松鼠的特征,而且可以归入甚为稀有的巨松鼠族。其遗骸具有与该地点发现的古猿、硅藻鼠和河狸类化石相似的石化和堆积过程,似乎表明这些动物属于时代相同或较接近的群体,它们的共存也说明了繁昌地区在中新世时有过相对湿润的森林生境。  相似文献   
Late season drought coinciding with the rice booting to heading stage affects the development of plant height,panicle exsertion,and flag leaf size,and causes significant yield loss.In this study,a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between paddy and upland cultivars was used for data collection of the morphologic traits under well water and drought stress conditions.bought stress was applied at the stage of panicle initiation in the field in 2002 and at the booting stage in PVC pipes in 2003.The data from stress con ditions and their ratios(tait measured under stress condition/trait measured under well water condition)or differences(trait measured under stress condition minus trait measured under well water condition)were used for OTL analysis.Totally,17 and 36 QTLs for these traits were identified in 2002 and 2003,respectively,which explained a range of 2.58%-29.82%Of the phenotypic variation.Among them,six QTLs were commonly identified in the two years,suggesting that the drought stress in the two years was different.The genetic basis of these traits will provide useful information for improving rice late season drought resistance,and their application as indirect indices in rice late season drought resistance screening was also discussed.  相似文献   
本研究分析了人乳头瘤病毒-6型L1外壳蛋白之B-细胞优势表位,并拟以此为基础制作表位多肽疫苗。研究中采用Goldkey和PC/Gene软件系统综合分析HPV6之L1蛋白B-细胞优势表位后,Fmoc固相合成表位多肽,通过HPLC纯化和毛细管电泳分析其纯度。与佐剂完全乳化后,免疫小鼠,进行动物水平的免疫效果评价。取免疫小鼠血清,与HPV-6 DNA阳性的尖锐湿疣患者疣体组织上清液结合,以鉴定免疫小鼠所产生抗体的特异性。发现L1蛋白第425-439位和第486-500位具有较高的免疫原性,可明显诱导小鼠血清抗体滴度升高,且该抗体与人尖锐湿疣疣体组织上清液呈阳性反应。说明所选这两个肽段为HPV6之L1蛋白的B-细胞优势表位,但诱导产生的抗体是否具有功能特异性,正在做进一步研究。  相似文献   
F/F牙形刺灭绝事件以后,牙形刺很快进入复苏期(王成源、Ziegler,2004)。有关法门期牙形刺的辐射,在国内外的文献中还没有详细的论述或论证。本文基于以前对广西桂林垌村和龙门剖面的牙形刺集群灭绝与复苏的研究,2003年又在垌村剖面加密采样,重点是研究F/F事件后,牙形刺由复苏到辐射阶段的特征,探索牙形刺何时和如何由复苏期进化到辐射期。本文的材料主要是依据华南的资料,特别是本文作者研究多年的垌村剖面的资料。牙形刺的灭绝与复苏是以法门期最主要的属Palmatolepis为主线,在种一级的水平上确定的。法门期牙形刺的辐射同样是以Palmatolepis属内种一级的水平上讨论的。同时也涉及到其它属。本文首次明确提出:牙形刺在晚triangularis带就进入辐射期,因为正是从晚triangularis带,Palmatolepis的minuta,werneri,sandbergi,perlobata,cf.regularis,subperlobata,tenupunctata7个重要种群开始出现,并在法门期中期达到辐射期的高峰。  相似文献   
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