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Synopsis The behaviour of three piranha species,Serrasalmus marginatus, S. spilopleura, andPygocentrus nattereri, and their prey fishes was studied underwater in the Pantanal region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. General habits, predatory tactics, feeding behaviour, and social interactions while foraging, as well as defensive tactics of prey fishes were observed.S. marginatus is solitary whereas the other two species live in shoals; their agonistic behaviour varies accordingly, the simplest being displayed by the solitary species. Predatory tactics and feeding behaviour also vary:S. spilopleura shows the most varied diet and highly opportunistic feeding strategy, which includes aggressive mimicry. The solitaryS. marginatus, besides fin and scale-eating, occasionally cleans larger individuals ofP. nattereri. Several cichlid species display defensive tactics clearly related to piranha attacks: tail protecting, watching, and confronting the predator are the most commonly observed behaviours. Piranhas seem to strongly influence use of habitat, social structure, and foraging mode of the fish communities.  相似文献   
四川宝兴雉类生态和垂直分布的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宝兴位于四川盆地西缘山地,境内纵贯世界闻名的大雪山——即夹金山。 自19世纪30年代至20世纪30年代,先后有Verreaux(1838—1871),Geoffroy(1866),David(1871),Seinhoe(1871),Sharpe(1875),David et Oustalet(1877),Oustaler (1891—92),Styan(1899),Laubmann(1920),La Touch(1925—30),Smith(1931—34),Bangs(1932),Seys(1934)等对宝兴进行过调查和采集,而我  相似文献   
The behaviour of queen honeybees and their attendants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The behaviour of queen and worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was observed using small colonies in observation hives. Workers paid more attention to queens which had been mated for 2 months or more than to those which were newly mated; virgin queens received least attention. Queens received most attention when they were stationary and least when they were walking over the comb; virgin queens were most active. Queen cells had as many attendants as virgin queens and queen larvae were inspected almost continuously. The queen pheromone component 9–oxo-trans-2–decenoic acid stimulated 'court' behaviour when presented on small polyethylene blocks, but workers responded aggressively to complete extracts of queens' heads. Both the heads and abdomens of mated queens received much attention from court workers but the abdomens were palpated by more workers for longer and were licked much more. The queens' thoraces were least attended. Abdominal tergites posterior to tergite glands were licked for longer than those anterior to the glands. Only worker bees very near to the queen reacted to her and joined her 'court'.
No evidence was found of a diel periodicity in the behaviour of a queen or her 'court'. During the winter the queen's court was smaller than in summer and she walked less and laid fewer eggs. When colonies were fed with sucrose syrup in winter, their queens laid more eggs and workers reared more brood but there was no change in the attention received by the queens.
The implications of these findings for the secretion and distribution of queen pheromones are discussed.  相似文献   
  • 1 Foraging patterns of specialist (Junonia coenia Hubner: Nymphalidae) and generalist (Spilosoma congrua Wlk.: Arctiidae) caterpillars on five genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.: Plantaginaceae) were examined in an experimental garden.
  • 2 Movement by the specialists reflected declining availability of new leaves. When direct sunlight was available, these caterpillars were usually exposed to it.
  • 3 Although the generalists also preferred new leaves, they spent less than 50% of their time on the plantain and changed location more frequently than the specialists. They often hid at the base of plants or under leaves.
  • 4 Plant genotype influenced the apparency of the specialists and damage by the herbivores.
Synopsis Bagrids in Bahr Shebeen Nilotic canal depend mainly on fish, insects and shrimp as well as fish embryos for food and their stomachs included runoff materials (e.g. plant foliage, glass, black crystals, coloured gravel). B. bayad maximised its efficiency of catching prey catfish by face to face attack to avoid damage by the prey's pectoral and dorsal spines. In the size classes of 10 to 30 cm standard length, B. bayad and B. docmac show diet overlap and interact with each other especially with respect to tilapias as prey. After this length, B. docmac, aided by its relatively larger mouth, shifted to larger size of tilapias to coexist with B. bayad.  相似文献   
Synopsis Swimming speed and swimming path of goldfish and tetra larvae were studied in aquaria containing food patches composed of decapsulated cysts and immobilized nauplii of Artemia salina or sparsely distributed prey. The mean swimming speed of starved larvae in the medium without food was about four times higher than the speed of larvae feeding in a patch. Satiated larvae swam about 1.5 times slower than hungry fish. Consumption of single prey items by starved larvae caused the following sequence of swimming responses: handling pause (cessation of swimming), slow swimming in a restricted area, and fast swimming (approximately twice as fast as hungry larvae before encountering food) accompanied by a widening of the area searched (area increased searching). Mean swimming speed was constant over a broad range (101–103 ind·1–1 of food density, although at extreme (high or low) values of food density it depended on swimming responses of the predator. Frequency of visits to the different parts of the aquarium strongly depended on encounters of hungry fish with food particles or patches.  相似文献   
Homosexual mounting in apes and prosimians is rare. Male-male mounting was observed between an adult male white-handed gibbon and an adolescent male in the same group. The behaviour is discussed in terms of the gibbon group's social structure and the development of the adolescent. It is suggested that this behaviour provides reassurance for the adolescent gibbon.  相似文献   
  • 1 The oviposition behaviour of Simulium reptans L. is described from two sites on the River Spey, Scotland. Female aggregations were observed immediately downstream of oviposition sites and were composed mainly of gravid flies (range 60–80%0) together with smaller numbers that were either freshly bloodfed (range 2–17%) or infected with mermithid nematodes (range 0–30%).
  • 2 The time from landing on the oviposition sites to the onset of oviposition was recorded. The time in the presence of greater than 1-day-old eggs did not significantly differ from sites with no eggs present. However, the presence of freshly laid or I-day-old eggs significantly shortened the time to onset of oviposition. The cues that elicit oviposition are unknown but it is speculated that they may involve a pheromone.
Synopsis In 1987 and 1989 coelacanths were observed for the first time in their natural habitat with the help of submersibles. Coelacanths were found between 150–253 m depth, their preferential depth seems to be around 200 m; the water temperature ranged between 16.5–22.8° C. During the day coelacanths aggregate in small non-aggressive groups in sheltered lava-caves. Caves might be a limiting factor for distribution. At night they leave the caves for hunting by drifting singly along the steep lava slopes. They migrate between different caves located within a large home range covering more than 8 km coastline. Coelacanths are site-attached, some for a period of at least 2 years. Our own observations and earlier catch records show that only the west coast of Grand Comoro is a suitable coelacanth habitat with more structural complexity and prey fish abundance than other coastlines of the island. From our survey we estimated a total coelacanth population off Grand Comoro to be 150–210 individuals; a saturated population would be 370–510 individuals. This small relict population seems to be stable. International protection of coelacanths against commercial interests is needed  相似文献   
Maximum consumption rates were determined for two carabids, Bembidion lampros Herbst. and Pterostichus cupreus L., feeding on the cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L. at different temperatures in the laboratory. Mean daily consumption increased with increasing temperature for both species, B. lampros consuming a maximum of 16 1–3 instar nymphs and 9 apterous adult aphids at 25°C. P. cupreus was particularly voracious and consumed 125 apterous adult R. padi per day at 20°C. The behaviour of both species was analysed by video filming starved beetles, maintained at different constant temperatures, in arenas sown with spring barley. The behavioural components (1) still; (2) run/walk; (3) search and (4) confrontation were identified and were common to both species. P. cupreus was more active over the temperature range tested; B. lampros was inactive under 10°C. The proportion of time spent searching, number of plants searched, and velocity increased with increasing temperature for both species. When observed in similar arenas seeded with R. padi colonies, individuals of P. cupreus significantly increased their time spent searching in arenas with increasing aphid density. Following discovery of an aphid colony, individuals climbed and searched the host plant and its nearest neighbours. Plants in aphid free arenas were rarely climbed. B. lampros was not observed climbing in either aphid free arenas or in arenas with increasing aphid densities, and did not significantly increase its time spent searching in response to increased prey density. The few B. lampros that found aphids caught them walking on the soil surface. The relative efficiences of these two carabids as predators of R. padi are discussed, and the results are compared with similar studies elsewhere with predators of Sitobion avenae on winter wheat.
Résumé Les taux maximum de consommation de R. padi L. à différentes températures ont été déterminés au laboratoire chez deux carabes, B. lampros Herbstet P. cupreus L. La consommation moyenne a augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces, B. lampros consommant un maximum de 15,9 larves des stades 1 à 3 et 9,1 pucerons adultes aptères, à 25°C. P. cupreus a été particulièrement vorace et a consommé 125,3 adultes aptères par jour à 20°C. Le comportement des deux espèces a été observé en filmant en vidéo des carabes à jeun, maintenus à différentes températures constantes, dans des enceintes semées en orge de printemps. Des éléments du comportement, communs aux deux espèces, ont été définis: 1) immabilité, 2) marche et course, 3) recherche, 4) affrontement. P. cupreus a été plus actif à toutes les températures, B. lamprosa été inactif au-dessous de 10°C. La part de temps consacrée à la recherche, le nombre de plantes prospectées, et la vitesse ont augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces. Dans des enceintes similaires colonisées par R. padi, P. cupreus a significativement augmenté le temps consacré à la recherche dans les enceintes, parallèlement à l'augmentation de la densité des pucerons. Après la découverte d'une colonie de pucerons, P. cupreus escalade et prospecte la plante et ses voisines immédiates; tandis que les plantes des enceintes sans pucerons sont rarement escaladées. B. lampros n'a pas été observé escaladant des plantes d'enceintes avec ou sans pucerons, et il n'a pas accru son temps de prospection en fonction de la densité de pucerons. Les quelques B. lampros qui ont capturé des pucerons l'ont fait lorsque ceux-ci marchaient sur la surface du sol. La discussion a porté sur l'efficacité relative des deux carabes comme prédateurs de R. padi, et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'études du même type, menées ailleurs, avec des prédateurs de Sitobion avenae sur blé d'hiver.
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