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The Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) is a poorly known species endemic of the Austral Temperate Forests of South America, where it is a potential keystone habitat modifier. Here, I summarize data on the social and breeding biology of this woodpecker, based on 22 active nests located from 1998–2002 in forests from northwestern Argentine Patagonia. Woodpeckers normally traveled in pairs or family parties. In late Austral winter, one to three cavities were selected for completion at each territory. Breeding occurred between mid- to late spring and early to mid-summer, and took about 65 days. Monogamous parents shared duties in nest excavation, incubation and young rearing. Egg length (±SD) measured 34.13±0.79 mm and egg breadth 23.91±0.67 mm, and incubation took roughly 20 days. Nestlings were altricial and remained at the nest for about 45 days. Clutch size was one, occasionally two eggs, and one nestling was produced at all successful nests. Young remained with their family group for up to 2 years or more, and were fed by adults, who normally bred every second year. Nest re-use, nest predation and helpers at the nest were not recorded. Holes were placed (±SD) 8.84±3.71 m high and were 32.3±5.32 cm deep. Entrances (±SD) were 8.92±0.46 cm wide and 15.59±2.54 cm high and mostly oval in shape. Peculiarities of the breeding biology and social behaviour of this species are discussed in the light of patterns common to picids, especially Campephilus spp.  相似文献   
1 The oviposition behaviour and response of Monochamus alternatus females to oviposition scars were investigated in the laboratory. 2 Prior to oviposition, females gnawed at the bark surface of Pinus densiflora bolts to make a wound. Then females turned their bodies 180° to position their ovipositors over the wounds and inserted them under the bark through the wounds. After an oviposition, a jelly was deposited while the ovipositor was still inserted. The females then withdrew their ovipositors and rubbed the oviposition scars with the tips of their abdomens. 3 When searching females encountered oviposition scars, they stopped walking and drummed the surface and inside of the oviposition scars with their maxillary and labial palpi. 4 Eighty-six percent of females left oviposition scars containing single eggs after the palpation. By contrast, when females encountered oviposition scars containing no eggs, 76% of them began to gnaw at the scars and 64% deposited single eggs. The response to artificial oviposition scars was similar to that to vacant oviposition scars made by the females. 5 The results of various observations and experiments showed that the females could recognize oviposition scars and discriminate the scars occupied by single eggs from vacant ones, and suggested that the palpation of oviposition scars was the critical discrimination behaviour, indicating mediation by chemical cues.  相似文献   
In a series of laboratory and climate chamber tests we compared the growth and behaviour of Aphis craccivora on one susceptible (ICV-1) and two aphid-resistant (ICV-11 and ICV-12) cowpea lines. The aphids' growth rates were much lower on the resistant cowpea lines than on the susceptible one, indicating strong antibiosis. In addition, the aphids invariably settled in higher numbers on the susceptible line than on either of the resistant. Compared to ICV-1, damaged leaves of the resistant line ICV-12 were settled upon to a higher degree than undamaged leaves, and leaf discs from the same line were even less resistant.On resistant lines individual aphids waited a significantly longer time before making their first test probe. Total probing time as well as the time preceding a decision to stay or leave was also longer.These results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanisms involved, and we also consider the effects of previous leaf feeding on the expression of resistance in the field.
Résumé Au cours d'expériences au laboratoire et en chambres climatisées nous avons comparé la croissance et le comportement de A. craccivora sur une lignée sensible (ICV-1) et deux lignées résistantes (ICV-11 et ICV-12) de V. unguiculata. Les vitesses de croissance des pucerons ont été beaucoup plus lentes sur les lignées résistantes que sur la lignée sensible, ce qui révèle une forte antibiose. De plus, les pucerons atterrissent invariablement en plus grand nombre sur la variété sensible. Par comparaison avec ICV-1, les atterrissages sur lignée résistante ICV-12 étaient plus nombreux sur les feuilles endommagées que sur les feuilles intactes; les disques de feuilles de cette même lignée étaient encore moins résistants.Les pucerons ont séjourné individuellement un temps plus long sur les lignées résistantes avant de faire leur premier sondage. Le temps consacré aux sondages ainsi que le temps précédant de choix entre départ ou maintien sur la feuille étaient plus longs avec les lignées résistantes.Ces résultats ont été discutés en fonction des mécanismes impliqués. Nous avons aussi examiné les effets de la consommation antérieure sur les manifestations de la résistance dans la nature.
Arrenurus larvae, ectoparasitic on zygopteran imagoes, attach to the host's cuticle and tear it to obtain the host's tissue fluids. Within the host's epidermis, each larval mite produces a feeding device, the stylostome, a narrow gelatinous resilient blind sac. Heavy mite infestation brings about several wounds in close proximity, accompanied by loss of more or less extensive areas of the epidermis. Despite wound repair by congregating hemocytes, local lack of epidermis seems to enfeeble the host, presumably owing to desiccation. Heavily mite-loaded zygopterans have lost the typical agility and are easily caught. A mite-induced mortality seems to exist in zygopteran populations; the infestation contributes to reduced longevity. The study of formation and decline of the arrenurid stylostome in zygopterans renders it possible to trace cellular defence reactions under natural conditions. Most stylostomes seem to thwart the ability of the host to recognize them as foreign bodies. The host's defence appears as a two-step reaction: (1) initial hemolymph clotting and deposition of melanin associated with aggregating hemocytes at the penetration site, (2) occasional subsequent melanization and cellular encapsulation of the stylostome.  相似文献   
The swimming performance of longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae, the most widely distributed minnow (Cyprinidae) in North America, was assessed in relation to potential passage barriers. The study estimated passage success, maximum ascent distances and maximum sprint speed in an open‐channel flume over a range of water velocities and temperatures (10·7, 15·3 and 19·3° C). Rhinichthys cataractae had high passage success (95%) in a 9·2 m flume section at mean test velocities of 39 and 64 cm s–1, but success rate dropped to 66% at 78 cm s–1. Only 20% of fish were able to ascend a 2·7 m section with a mean velocity of 122 cm s–1. Rhinichthys cataractae actively selected low‐velocity pathways located along the bottom and corners of the flume at all test velocities and adopted position‐holding behaviour at higher water velocities. Mean volitional sprint speed was 174 cm s–1 when fish volitionally sprinted in areas of high water velocities. Swimming performance generally increased with water temperature and fish length. Based on these results, fishways with mean velocities <64 cm s–1 should allow passage of most R. cataractae. Water velocities >100 cm s–1 within structures should be limited to short distance (<1 m) and structures with velocities ≥158 cm s–1 would probably represent movement barriers. Study results highlighted the advantages of evaluating a multitude of swimming performance metrics in an open‐channel flume, which can simulate the hydraulic features of fishways and allow for behavioural observations that can facilitate the design of effective passage structures.  相似文献   
The present study shows that the olfactory potency of intestinal and bile fluids taken from dominant male chameleon cichlids Australoheros facetus is greater than those from subordinate males. Thus, dominant status may be communicated by odorants released in the intestinal fluid and bile acids may contribute towards this.  相似文献   
Jumping performance is relevant for lizards in many ecological contexts and might be favoured during the colonization of structurally complex habitats. Although ground-dwelling lizards use jumps to overcome small obstacles in their natural environments, jumping capacity has been mostly studied in arboreal species. Here, we analysed the evolution of jumping behaviour and performance in lizards from eight ground-dwelling species of Tropidurinae attempting to cross obstacles of different heights in a jumping track, both when undisturbed and under continuous stimulation. To establish ecological correlates with habitat complexity, individuals from two contrasting Brazilian habitats, the arid Caatingas (sand species) and the savannah-like Cerrados (rock species), were compared. Rock species jumped more often and crossed higher obstacles than sand ones in both tests, and performed more vertical than horizontal jumps. Although sand species performed less jumps, they were more successful at crossing the obstacles presented in comparison with rock species. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed these findings and demonstrated a large divergence in jumping capacity between sister-species from different habitats. Therefore, the differences in propensity and endurance for jumping activity appear to be independent of phylogenetic relationships in Tropidurinae and likely reflect an adaptation to the contrasting environments inhabited. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 393–402.  相似文献   
Identifying tradeoffs between hunting and scavenging in an ecological context is important for understanding predatory guilds. In the past century, the feeding strategy of one of the largest and best-known terrestrial carnivores, Tyrannosaurus rex, has been the subject of much debate: was it an active predator or an obligate scavenger? Here we look at the feasibility of an adult T. rex being an obligate scavenger in the environmental conditions of Late Cretaceous North America, given the size distributions of sympatric herbivorous dinosaurs and likely competition with more abundant small-bodied theropods. We predict that nearly 50 per cent of herbivores would have been within a 55–85 kg range, and calculate based on expected encounter rates that carcasses from these individuals would have been quickly consumed by smaller theropods. Larger carcasses would have been very rare and heavily competed for, making them an unreliable food source. The potential carcass search rates of smaller theropods are predicted to be 14–60 times that of an adult T. rex. Our results suggest that T. rex and other extremely large carnivorous dinosaurs would have been unable to compete as obligate scavengers and would have primarily hunted large vertebrate prey, similar to many large mammalian carnivores in modern-day ecosystems.  相似文献   
In shallow temperate lakes, zooplankton populations may exhibit diel horizontal migration (DHM) and move towards macrophytes during the day to avoid fish. Using a natural Daphnia magna population, we undertook an experimental investigation aimed to describe the genetic variation for DHM and to study whether an adaptive micro-evolutionary response occurred to changes in macrophyte coverage and fish predation pressure through time. Twenty-seven D. magna clones were hatched from ephippia in the sediment of shallow Lake Ring, Denmark. This lake was eutrophied during the 20th century and was subject to restoration measures in the 1970s. The DHM behaviour of the clones was observed both in the presence and absence of fish kairomone. Significant interclonal variation in DHM behaviour occurred in both treatments. To study the micro-evolutionary response of the Lake Ring D. magna population, two approaches were used. First, we compared the DHM behaviour of clones derived from ephippia collected at different depths. A comparison was conducted between clones resurrected from the period of eutrophication (1960–1980) and from the period of recovery (1986–2000). A significant treatment (presence and absence of fish kairomone) × period interaction effect was identified, suggesting a significant micro-evolutionary response for DHM behaviour. The D. magna clones exhibited a significantly stronger horizontal migration response during the period of eutrophication than in the recovery phase. Second, clonal means, representing the influence of the genotype on the trait, were correlated with environmental conditions (macrophyte cover, fish predation pressure and Secchi depth). The results of this analysis also suggest that a micro-evolutionary response by Daphnia has occurred in reaction to changes in fish predation pressure. In periods with high fish predation pressure, Daphnia migrated more strongly towards the plants. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   
Human genetic studies have shown that neuregulin 1 (NRG1) is a potential susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. Nrg1 influences various neurodevelopmental processes, which are potentially related to schizophrenia. The neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia suggests that interactions between genetic and environmental factors are responsible for biochemical alterations leading to schizophrenia. To investigate these interactions and to match experimental design with the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, we applied a comprehensive behavioural phenotyping strategy for motor activity, exploration and anxiety in a heterozygous Nrg1 transmembrane domain mutant mouse model (Nrg1 HET) using different housing conditions and age groups. We observed a locomotion- and exploration-related hyperactive phenotype in Nrg1 HETs. Increased age had a locomotion- and exploration-inhibiting effect, which was significantly attenuated in mutant mice. Environmental enrichment (EE) had a stimulating influence on locomotion and exploration. The impact of EE was more pronounced in Nrg1 hypomorphs. Our study also showed a moderate task-specific anxiolytic-like phenotype for Nrg1 HETs, which was influenced by external factors. The behavioural phenotype detected in heterozygous Nrg1 mutant mice is not specific to schizophrenia per se, but the increased sensitivity of mutant mice to exogenous factors is consistent with the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and the neurodevelopmental theory. Our findings reinforce the importance of carefully controlling experimental designs for external factors and of comprehensive, integrative phenotyping strategies. Thus, Nrg1 HETs may, in combination with other genetic and drug models, help to clarify pathophysiological mechanisms behind schizophrenia.  相似文献   
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