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Abstract. The ratio of the concentration of honeydew total amino acids to total sugars in the honeydew of eight species of aphids, all feeding on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (L.), was determined and correlated with honeydew production and ant‐attendance. The honeydew of the five ant‐attended aphid species [Metopeurum fuscoviride (Stroyan), Trama troglodytes (v. Hayd), Aphis vandergooti (Börner), Brachycardus cardui (L.), Aphis fabae (Scopoli)] was rich in total amino acids, ranging from 12.9 to 20.8 nmol µL?1 compared with the unattended aphid Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kalt.) with only 3 nmol µL?1. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid and serine (all nonessential amino acids) were the predominant amino acids in the honeydew of all species. The total concentration of amino acids in the phloem sap of tansy was much higher (78.7 nmol µL?1) then in the honeydew samples, and the predominant amino acids were glutamate (34.3%) and threonine (17.7%). A somewhat unexpected result was the finding that those aphid species with the highest total amino acid concentration in the honeydew always had the highest concentration of sugars. The lowest amino acid–sugar combined value was 104–28.8 nmol µL?1 in the non ant‐attended species M. tanacetaria, and the highest value was an average of 270–89.9 nmol µL?1 for the three most intensely attended aphid species M. fuscoviride, A. vandergooti and T. troglodytes. There is no evidence that any single amino acid or group of amino acids in the honeydew acted as an attractant for ant‐attendance in these eight aphid species. The richness of the honeydew (rate of secretion × total concentration of sugars), along with the presence of the attractant sugar melezitose, comprised the critical factors determining the extent of ant‐attendance of the aphids feeding on T. vulgare. The high total amino acid concentration in sugar‐rich honeydews can be explained by the high flow‐through of nutrients in aphids that are particularly well attended by ants.  相似文献   
Summary Estimates of belowground net primary production (BNP) obtained by using traditional soil core harvest data are subject to a variety of potentially serious errors. In a controlled growth chamber experiment, we examined the aboveground-belowground, labile to structural tissue, and plant to soil dynamics of carbon to formulate a14C dilution technique for potential successful application in the field and to quantify sources of error in production estimates.Despite the fact that the majority of net14C movement between above- and belowground plant parts occurred between the initial labeling and day 5, significant quantities of14C were incorporated into cell-wall tissue throughout the growing period. The rate of this increase at late sampling dates was greater for roots than for shoots. Total loss of assimilated14C was 47% in wheat and 28% in blue grama. Exudation and sloughing in wheat and blue grama, respectively, was 15 and 6% of total uptake and 22 and 8% of total plant production.When root production estimates by14C dilution were corrected for the quantities of labile14C incorporated into structural carbon between two sampling dates, good agreement with actual production was found. The error associated with these estimates was ±2% compared with a range of –119 to –57% for the uncorrected estimates. Our results suggest that this technique has potential field application if sampling is performed the year after labelling.Sources of errors in harvest versus14C dilution estimates of BNP are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Hepatocytes were isolated from human fetal liver in order to analyze the direct effects of growth factors and hormones on human hepatocyte proliferation and function. Mechanical fragmentation and then dissociation of fetal liver tissue with a collagenase/dispase mixture resulted in high yield and viability of hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were selected in arginine-free, ornithine-supplemented medium and defined by morphology, albumin production and ornithine uptake into cellular protein. A screen of over twenty growth factors, hormones, mitogenic agents and crude organ and cell extracts for effect on the stimulation of hepatocyte growth revealed that EGF, insulin, dexamethasone, and factors concentrated in bovine neural extract and hepatoma cell-conditioned medium supported attachment, maintenance and growth of hepatocytes on a collagen-coated substratum. The population of cells selected and defined as differentiated hepatocytes had a proliferative potential of about 4 cumulative population doublings. EGF and insulin synergistically stimulated DNA synthesis in the absence of other hormones and growth factors. Although neural extracts enhanced hepatocyte number, no effect on DNA synthesis of neural extracts or purified heparin-binding growth factors from neural extracts could be demonstrated in the absence or presence of defined hormones, hepatoma-conditioned medium or serum. Hepatoma cell-conditioned medium had the largest impact on both hepatocyte cell number and DNA synthesis under all conditions. Dialyzed serum protein (1 mg/ml) at 10 times higher protein concentration had a similar effect to hepatoma cell-conditioned medium (100 μg/ml). The results suggest that hepatoma cell conditioned medium may be a concentrated and less complicated source than serum for purification and characterization of additional normal hepatocyte growth factors. This work was supported by NIH grant DK35310. Editor’s statement Many investigators have struggled with the special problems associated with culture of differentiated hepatocytes. In this paper attention is given to the specific growth factor requirements for fetal human hepatocytes. The observation that factors from hepatoma conditioned medium or neural extracts enhanced the growth of the cells may indicate that additional growth factors are to be identified that are important in the survival and proliferation of hepatocytes, and may also indicate that the malignant transformation of these cells may involve the production of autocrine growth stimulators.  相似文献   
Growth and death rates of aboveground plant parts were measured in a mature forest and four different-aged deciduous broadleaf forests regeneratede after clear-cutting, with special reference to rates for woody parts (stems and branches) of different diameters (ø) in rerms of the pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al., 1964). The total biomass increment of woody parts of trees higher than 1.3 m varied within a range of 2.1-4.6 ton ha?1 yr?1, the increase beingdue largely to the growth of canopy trees exposed to direct sunlight. Biomass increments of small (ø<1 cm) and medium (1≤ø<5 cm) woody parts were negligibly small except in the youngest forest, and changes in aboveground woody biomass with forest age after clear-cutting mainly resulted from accumulation of large (5 cm<ø) woody parts of canopy trees. Biomass loss of trees due to death and grazing increased with forest age from 4.0 to 8.3 ton ha?1 yr?1. Recovery of leaf and small wood falls was observed at the early stage of regeneration, while large wood falls increased during regeneration. Flower and fruit fall was markedly higher in the mature forest than in the other four forest types. Mortality of woody parts became higher with forest age and was 20, 5.0 and 0.46% yr?1 for small, medium and large parts, respectively, at the mature stage. Aboveground net production of the forest was in therange 7.6-13.3 ton ha?1 yr?1 with the undergrowth vegetation lower than 1.3 m being 0.4-1.4 ton ha?1 yr?1. Production recovered rapidly at an early stage of regeneration and was highest in mature forest.  相似文献   
Fine root demography in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In perennial forages like alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), repeated herbage removal may alter root production and mortality which, in turn, could affect deposition of fixed N in soil. Our objective was to determine the extent and patterns of fine-diameter root production and loss during the year of alfalfa stand establishment. The experiment was conducted on a loamy sand soil (Udorthentic Haploboroll) in Minnesota, USA, using horizontally installed minirhizotrons placed directly under the seeded rows at 10, 20, and 40 cm depths in four replicate blocks. We seeded four alfalfa germplasms that differed in N2 fixation capacity and root system architecture: Agate alfalfa, a winter hardy commercially-available cultivar; Ineffective Agate, which is a non-N2-fixing near isoline of Agate; a new germplasm that has few fibrous roots and strong tap-rooted traits; and a new germplasm that has many fibrous roots and a strongly branched root system architecture. Video images collected biweekly throughout the initial growing season were processed using C-MAP-ROOTS software.More than one-half of all fine roots in the upper 20 cm were produced during the first 7 weeks of growth. Root production was similar among germplasms, except that the highly fibrous, branch-rooted germplasm produced 29% more fine roots at 20 cm than other germplasms. In all germplasms, about 7% of the fine roots at each depth developed into secondarily thickened roots. By the end of the first growing season, greatest fine root mortality had occurred in the uppermost depth (48%), and least occurred at 40 cm (36%). Survival of contemporaneous root cohorts was not related to soil depth in a simple fashion, although all survivorship curves could be described using only five rates of exponential decline. There was a significant reduction in fine root mortality before the first herbage harvest, followed by a pronounced loss (average 22%) of fine roots at the 10- and 20-cm depths in the 2-week period following herbage removal. Median life spans of these early-season cohorts ranged from 58 to 131 days, based on fitted exponential equations. At all depths, fine roots produced in the 4 weeks before harvest (early- to mid-August) tended to have shorter median life spans than early-season cohorts. Similar patterns of fine root mortality did not occur at the second harvest. Germplasms differed in the pattern, but not the ultimate extent, of fine root mortality. Fine root turnover during the first year of alfalfa establishment in this experiment released an estimated 830 kg C ha–1 and 60 kg N ha–1, with no differences due to N2 fixation capacity or root system architecture.  相似文献   
Organogenic callus cultures of Solanum paludosum were obtained from root, hypocotyle and cotyledon explants of plantlets cultured in sterile conditions. These callus cultures developed multiple shoots which proliferated in Murashige and Skoog basal liquid medium. These multiple shoots produced solamargine, the main steroidal glycoalkaloid present in the unripe fruits.The optimization of the macronutrient composition of the liquid medium was performed by a method derived from the plant composition. This approach results in the establishment of an appropriate medium (SPOM medium) suitable for the improvement of both growth and solamargine production by multiple shoot cultures of S. paludosum.  相似文献   
Some plants in arctic and alpine habitats have heliotropic flowers that track the sun. This results in a heating of the flower's interior, which may improve the possibilities for insect pollination and seed production. Here, I examine whether flower heliotropism in an alpine population of the self-incompatible Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) enhances pollinator visitation and seed production. Flowers of Ranunculus acris tracked the sun during the day. Tracking accuracy was greatest during the middle of the day. The temperature elevation in flowers was negatively correlated with the flower's angle of deviation from the sun. Despite the increased temperature, insects did not discriminate among flowers on the basis of their angle of deviation from the sun, or tend to stay longer in the flowers aligned closest towards the sun. A tethering experiment was conducted on three groups of plants flowering at different times in the 1993 season and on one group the following season. Manipulation plants were constrained not to track the sun, whereas control plants tracked the sun naturally. Solar tracking had no effect on seed:ovule ratio, seed mass, or abortion rate in any of the groups. There is probably a very narrow range of weather conditions (cold, sunny, and calm) where flower heliotropism may enhance visitation rate to flowers and their seed production.  相似文献   
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in the brown alga, Dictyota dichotoma, was studied with a PAM fluorometer (Walz, Effeltrich, Germany) and a homemade oxygen measuring device. As a measure of fluorescence, Fv/Fm, and for the photosynthetic yield, ΔF/Fm', were used. Oxygen measurements show clearly that the observed degree, as well as the time course, of photoinhibition depends on the fluence rate of the light used to measure changes of the production rate. After photoinhibition of photosynthesis the depression of oxygen production caused by non-saturating fluence rates was generally much more pronounced than that caused by saturating or nearly saturating fluence rates. At minimal photoinhibition the initial slope and the convexity of the fluence rate-response curve of oxygen evolution decrease, whereas the level of light saturation decreases only after strong photoinhibition. Nevertheless, at different degrees of photoinhibition, changes in the degree of the upper bending of the fluence rate-response curve of oxygen production are also linearly correlated to changes in the fluorescence ratios (Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm'). The action spectrum of photoinhibition, calculated on the basis of changes of Fv/Fm, indicates that the reaction center of PS I is not involved in photoinhibition. The lower effectiveness of blue light in comparison to effects of green and red light may be due to chloroplast displacement, as in the so-called strong light position, the light absorbed by the thalli in vivo is decreased.  相似文献   
The profundal zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark has a dense population of Chironomus anthracinus, which survives 2–4 months of oxygen depletion each summer during stratification. The metabolism of 3rd and 4th instar larvae was examined in regard to variation in biomass and temperature. Respiration at air saturation was described by a curvilinear multiple regression relating oxygen consumption to individual AFDW and temperature. At 10 °C and varying oxygen regimes the O2 consumption and CO2 production of 4th instar larvae were almost unaltered from saturation to about 3 mg O2 l–1, but decreased steeply below this level. The respiratory quotient increased from 0.82 at saturation to about 3.4 at oxygen concentrations near 0.5 mg O2 l–1. This implied a shift from aerobic to partially anaerobic metabolism. At 0.5 mg O2 l–1 the total energy production equalled 20% of the rate at saturation of which more than one third was accounted for by anaerobic degradation of glycogen. This corresponded to a daily loss of 12 µg mg AFDW–1 or approximately 5% of the body reserves. At unchanged metabolic rate the glycogen store would last three weeks, but long term oxygen deficiency causes a further suppression of the energy metabolism in C. anthracinus.  相似文献   
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