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The western distinct population segment of yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus; western cuckoo) has been extirpated from most of its former breeding range in the United States because of widespread loss and degradation of riparian cottonwood (Populus spp.)-willow (Salix spp.) forests. Restoration and management of breeding habitat is important to the recovery of this federally threatened species, and identification of high-quality breeding habitat can help improve the success of recovery. In 2005, the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program, a long-term, multi-agency effort, was initiated to maintain and create wildlife habitat within the historical floodplain of the lower Colorado River (LCR) for federally endangered and threatened species, including western cuckoos. We conducted an empirical, multi-scale field investigation from 2008–2012 to identify habitat characteristics selected by nesting western cuckoos along the LCR. Multiple logistic regression models revealed that western cuckoos selected nest sites characterized by increased densities of small, native, early successional trees measuring 8–23 cm diameter at breast height, and lower diurnal temperature compared to available habitat in restoration and natural forests. Nesting cuckoos selected sites with increased percent canopy closure, which was also important for nest success in restoration sites along the LCR. Our results show habitat components selected by nesting western cuckoos in restoration and natural riparian forests and can help guide the creation, enhancement, and management of riparian forests with habitat conditions necessary to promote nesting of western cuckoos. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Nutritional advice has mainly focused on population-level recommendations. Recent developments in nutrition, communication, and marketing sciences have enabled potential deviations from this dominant business model in the direction of personalisation of nutrition advice. Such personalisation efforts can take on many forms, but these have in common that they can only be effective if they are supported by a viable business model. The present paper takes an inventory of approaches to personalised nutrition currently available in the market place as its starting point to arrive at an identification of their underlying business models. This analysis is presented as a unifying framework against which the potential of nutrigenomics-based personalised advice can be assessed. It has uncovered nine archetypical approaches to personalised nutrition advice in terms of their dominant underlying business models. Differentiating features among such business models are the type of information that is used as a basis for personalisation, the definition of the target group, the communication channels that are being adopted, and the partnerships that are built as a part of the business model. Future research should explore the consumer responses to the diversity of “archetypical” business models for personalised nutrition advice as a source of market information on which the delivery of nutrigenomics-based personalised nutrition advice may further build.  相似文献   
以考证清冷枚《避暑山庄图》创作年代为目的,旨在深入研究借鉴康乾时期避暑山庄皇家园林风格特色。通过比对康熙朝沈嵛《避暑山庄三十六景图》和乾隆朝《钦定热河志·避暑山庄总图》等清代宫廷绘画史料,对以往冷枚《避暑山庄图》创作年代的“定论”提出异议。分析冷枚采用夸大主体、舍弃客体的画法,推断其《避暑山庄图》是以表现乾隆纪念其祖康熙对他眷顾提携之恩的“万壑松风”之“纪恩堂”为创作对象。查阅翻译“内务府造办处”等清史汉、满2种语言文献,进而证明冷枚《避暑山庄图》与沈嵛《避暑山庄三十六景图》分别创作于不同年代。  相似文献   
工业生物技术是利用生化反应和生物体机能进行物质合成加工与能量转化利用的集成技术,正在支撑建立以可发酵糖、秸秆、二氧化碳等可再生资源为原料的化学品绿色高效制造新路线,有望实现工业制造方式的根本转变,是支撑经济社会可持续发展的重大战略技术,已成为世界各国科技和产业竞争的焦点。本文从工业生物技术深度融入和支撑生物经济发展的态势出发,系统分析了我国工业生物技术和生物产业发展的现状、短板问题,提出了未来建议重点发展的主要方向。  相似文献   
Abstract. The lowland calcareous grasslands of northwestern Europe are highly prized by ecologists and conservationists as a result of the diversity of their plant and invertebrate communities. Large areas of such grasslands have been lost this century as a result of changes in agricultural land use. Recent changes in agricultural policies, in particular the introduction of agri-environmental incentive schemes, have resulted in an increasing area being managed for the restoration of these communities. This paper reviews the management techniques employed in the restoration of lowland calcareous grasslands and the factors that govern their success. Constraints on the enhancement of the plant diversity of restoration sites include high soil fertility and the presence of undesirable species in the soil seed bank. However, it is thought that the primary constraint is the availability of propagules from which new populations can be established. Similarly, the dispersal mode and ability of insect species is likely to be the major factor limiting the enhancement of insect diversity. Evaluation of the success of restoration management usually involves monitoring changes in the plant community. However, as a result of their short life-cycles and sensitivity to small-scale environmental conditions, insects may respond more rapidly to changes resulting from restoration management and therefore provide better indicators of success. With the exception of a few high-profile butterfly species, the use of insects as indicator taxa has largely been neglected in terrestrial systems. This paper illustrates their potential use with reference to lowland calcareous grasslands in southern Britain.  相似文献   
数字化博物馆是博物馆现代化的一个重要标志。国外博物馆从20世纪90年代就开始进行数字化建设,国内的博物馆数字化建设起步较晚,同国外的先进技术相比还有一定的差距,但发展较快。目前,国内外已有的昆虫数字化博物馆各具特色,有以展示昆虫图片为主的,有以介绍昆虫知识为主的,也有以营利为目的的,但仍有不少需要改进的地方。为了满足中小学生的求知欲和探索欲,适应他们喜欢自己动手操作和活泼好动的性格,昆虫数字化博物馆网站建设在技术上应采用J2EE三层体系结构,采用动态网站内容管理与发布系统构建的后台管理系统,将昆虫数字化博物馆分成后台管理和前台展示与交互两部分,从而实现网站内容与表现形式的分离,加快网页更新的速度。在数据库建设上,应采用功能强大的数据库软件,以满足大量图片、声音、动画、视频等多种类型的数据库的有效存储和高效的检索功能。在网站的内容上应有实体展厅的数字化、昆虫学术交流与知识集锦、中小学生互动教育等板块。在网站的后期维护上应做到由全社会的昆虫爱好者共同维护和管理。  相似文献   
Soil organic matter (SOM) content is a key indicator of soil quality and is correlated to a number of important soil processes that occur in wetlands such as respiration, denitrification, and phosphorus sorption. To better understand the differences in the SOM content of created (CW), restored (RW), and paired natural wetlands (NWs), 11 CW/RW-NW pairs were sampled in North Carolina. The site pairs spanned a range of hydrogeomorphic (HGM) subclasses common in the Coastal Plain. The following null hypotheses were tested: (1) SOM content of paired CW/RWs and NWs are similar; (2) SOM content of wetlands across different HGM subclasses is similar; and (3) interactions between wetland status (CW/RW vs. NW) and hydrogeomorphic subclass are similar. The first null hypothesis was rejected as CW/RWs had significantly lower mean SOM (11.8 ± 3.9%) than their paired NWs (28.98 ± 8.0%) on average and at 10 out of the 11 individual sites. The second and third null hypotheses were also rejected as CW/RWs and NWs in the non-riverine organic soil flat subclass had significantly higher mean SOM content (31.08 ± 14.2%) than the other three subclasses (8.18 ± 2.5, 11.18 ± 8.2, and 10.38 ± 4.2%). Individual sites within this fourth subclass also had significantly different SOM content. This indicated that it would be inappropriate to include the organic soil flat subclass with either the riverine or non-riverine mineral soil flat subclasses when considering restoration guidelines. These results also suggested that if there is a choice in mitigation options between restoration or creation, wetlands should be restored rather than created, especially those in the non-riverine organic soil flat subclass.  相似文献   
Salt marshes restored through managed coastal realignment (MR) often develop slowly and show persistent differences in vegetation from natural marshes. Development might be constrained by the availability of propagules or poor suitability of the abiotic environment for their establishment. To distinguish between these factors, we compared vegetation colonization and environmental conditions at a salt marsh created by MR at Brancaster, Norfolk, UK, with five reference marshes, varying in age from 30 to circa 6,000 years. After 5 years, plant communities of the MR site remained different from those in mature reference marshes. In contrast, the communities of the youngest reference marsh were not significantly different from mature reference marshes. At the MR site, abundance of perennial and later‐successional species was low and large areas remained unvegetated. These differences are unlikely to be due to dispersal limitation, because 76% of the species from the local species pool colonized the site within 5 years. Although the annuals Salicornia europaea and Suaeda maritima were abundant by year 2, they were not ubiquitous until the end of the study. Tidal elevations of the MR site were suitable for vegetation development, but soil redox potentials were lower than that at the reference sites. Reducing conditions in the MR site appear to be the major cause of vegetation differences from the reference marshes, as they are associated with an abundance of bare ground and a small range of vegetation clusters. Measures to avoid low sediment redox potentials may have a great benefit in some salt marsh restoration projects.  相似文献   
Restoration is important in urban areas where habitat destruction is greatest. It incorporates many levels of intervention, with creation of new habitat the most extreme form. Most research on habitat creation has been terrestrial, or in marine habitats dominated by large structuring biota, such as mangroves. Intertidal boulder‐fields in urban areas are vulnerable to disturbances and habitat loss, which adversely affect numerous habitat specialists. This study describes experiments in which quarried stones were used to create new habitat outside natural boulder‐fields as a practical approach to restoring habitat. Colonization by specialist fauna and by common algae and invertebrates was measured for a year after deployment. Despite sessile assemblages on new boulders differing from those on natural boulders, common and rare animals rapidly colonized the new habitat. There was no clear succession, but colonization was variable and patchy at all scales examined, although diversities and abundances of some species in this novel habitat matched those of natural boulders within a few months. Rare and common animals generally colonized the new habitat as adults moving in from surrounding areas. Creating new boulder‐fields using quarried rocks is a successful approach to restoration and conservation of fauna where natural boulder‐fields are threatened.  相似文献   
Significance and Progress of Bionics   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
1 IntroductionTheappetencyofhumanforthecreationisthees sentialmotivityoftheinnovationinscienceandtech nology .Natureandsocietyaretheobjectsforustocog nizeandserve ,meanwhile ,thebestteachersforustolearnfromthem .Theaimofthescienceisfindingknowledgeandtruth .Thedriveandthesourceofresearchbyhumancomefromtheappetiteandcuriosityforthephenomenaandregulationofnatureandsociety ,fromtheresearchoftheinconsistencyanddifferencebetweentheob tainedinformationsystemandthenewlyfoundphe nomenaandregulation ,…  相似文献   
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