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Comparative studies on the limnology, species diversity and standing stock biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in five freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Oloidien, Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, were undertaken. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and temperature were also measured. Thermocyclops oblongatus (Copepoda) was dominant in all the lakes. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma excisum (Cladocera) dominated in lakes Naivasha and Oloiden, whereas in Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, Brachionus angularis and Hexarthra mira (Rotifera) were the dominant zooplankters. Phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll a was lowest in Ruiru dam 5.64 ± 4.0 µg l-1 and highest in the eutrophic Nairobi dam 71.5 ± 12.02 µg l-1. The endorheic lakes Naivasha and Oloidien showed medium values of 24.5 ± 4.0 µg l-1.  相似文献   
Examination of 111 peacock wrasse [Symphodus tinea (L.)] and 97 brown wrasse ( Labrus merula L.) from the Valencian coast (Spain) yielded 24 metazoan parasite species (11 Digenea, three Cestoda, four Nematoda. one Acanlhocephala, five Crustacea). Eighteen species were from 5. tinea and 17 from L. merula; 11 of the 24 species were common to both hosts. Brillouin's diversity index, was applied to fully censused parasite infracommunities. This is the first time that all the metazoan parasites (internal and external) in any position in the host have been analysed for diversity. High values of prevalence, intensity, and diversity parameters indicate that these labrid fishes support diverse parasite communities. This may be due to their diverse diet, mainly marine invertebrates which are possible intermediate hosts; they also support certain netnatodes and crustaceans which have direct life-cycle.  相似文献   
This study concerns the knowledge and selection of biological diversity of maize (Zea mays) within its center of domestication in Mesoamerica. Maize farmers in central Chiapas of Southern México keep local varieties (landraces) belonging to six races and four race mixtures. Fifteen local varieties are recognized. In spite of widespread adoption of a modern, high yielding variety, maize farmers continue to select local varieties for specific soils and because of agronomic and use criteria. Farmers maintain maize varieties primarily through seed selection. Spatial and temporal separation do not seem sufficient to maintain varieties. The management of improved varieties can lead from a uniform population to a heterogeneous one as hybridization with local maize populations occurs.  相似文献   
Isogenic diploid and tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied with molecular markers to help understand why diploid performance and breeding behavior does not always predict that of tetraploids. In a previous study of partially heterozygous alfalfa genotypes, we detected a low correlation between yields of isogenic diploid (2x) and tetraploid (4x) single-cross progenies, and genetic distances were more highly correlated with yields of tetraploids than diploids. These differences may be related to the level of RFLP heterozygosity expected among progenies derived from heterozygous parents at the two ploidy levels. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships among genetic distance, forage yield and heterozygosity in isogenic 2 x and 4 x alfalfa populations. Four diploid genotypes were chromosome doubled to produce corresponding isogenic autotetraploids, and these genotypes were mated in 4 × 4 diallels to produce 6 single-cross families at each ploidy level for field evaluation. Allele compositions of parents were determined at 33 RFLP loci by monitoring segregation of homologous restriction fragments among individuals within progenies, and these were used to estimate RFLP heterozygosity levels for all single-cross progenies at both ploidy levels. RFLP heterozygosity rankings were identical between progenies of isogenic diploid and tetraploid parents; but significant associations (P < 0.05) between estimated heterozygosity levels and forage yield were detected only at the tetraploid level. Since tetraploid families were nearly 25% more heterozygous than the corresponding diploid families, inconsistencies in the association between molecular marker diversity and forage yields of isogenic 2 x and 4 x single crosses may be due to recessive alleles that are expressed in diploids but masked in tetraploids. The gene action involved in heterosis may be the same at both ploidy levels; however, tetraploids benefit from greater complementary gene interactions than are possible for equivalent diploids. Present address: AgResearch Grasslands, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand  相似文献   
The genetic differentiation within a subdivided population can be partitioned into two proportions, one due to differentiation within sub-populations and the other due to differentiation among subpopulations. A simple mathematical derivation of this procedure, known as Nei's G ST -statistics, is presented. The significance of considering the differing relative sizes of subpopulations is stressed. Possible fields of applications for breeders and conservationists who are concerned with the establishment of genetically diverse populations are mentioned.  相似文献   
DNA sequencing with arbitrary primer pairs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Forces affecting the rate of spread and increase of hybrids between genetically modified crop plants and their related species remain qualitatively similar, irrespective of whether genetic modification was achieved using traditional methods, those of biotechnology or as a result of the natural evolutionary process. However, the precise magnitude of the forces and, consequently, the likely environmental impact of such hybrids, may depend strongly on the nature of the gene or genes introduced into the native species. While many classes of transgenes are similar to those manipulated by conventional breeding techniques or evolution, biotechnology offers the potential to introduce genes into crops which are novel both from the point of view of function and origin. The qualitative similarity between transgenes and the products of conventional or evolutionary modification suggests that a historical view of the environmental impact of hybrids between traditionally produced crops or exotic species and their relatives would be of use in estimating the probable fate of hybrids containing transgenes in the environment. However, with certain classes of transgenes for which there are no existing analogues, there will need to be greater care in assessing the possible risks associated with release into the environment.  相似文献   
Transgenes introduced into crops can escape in time, as well as space, via the seed bank. For annual plants, especially ruderals, seed bank behaviour may be the most important factor determining population persistence. Crop seeds may exhibit some dormancy and germination cueing in the soil but are expected to be less able to persist than their wild relatives, which often have considerable dormancy and longevity, as well as effective germination cueing responses. Crop-wild hybrids may have seed bank characteristics more suited to persistence, and maternal effects may favour persistence of hybrids having wild plants for their female parent. Escape of transgenes via crop-wild hybrids presents unique concerns not present for crops. Hybrids can undergo natural selection and may back-cross with wild plants. We suggest methods that can be used in conjunction with evaluation of the relative fitness of crop-wild hybrids that will determine the likelihood of back-crossing. Accurate assessment of escape in time and transgene persistence via crop-wild hybrids requires proper plant materials. We emphasize the use of null segregants as controls for transgenic crops and for generating crop-wild hybrid controls for transgenic hybrids. Since good empirical and theoretical understanding of how individual genes influence the fate of plants in different environments is lacking, evaluation of escape in time and the persistence of transgenes via crop-wild hybrids should be on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   
Before novel transgenic plant genotypes are grown outside containment facilities and evaluated under field conditions, it is necessary to complete a risk assessment to consider the possible consequences of that release. An important aspect of risk assessment is to consider the likelihood and consequences of the transgene being transferred by cross-pollination to related species, including other crops, weeds and ruderal populations. The purpose of this report is to review the literature to assess the ease with whichBrassica napus can hybridize with related species. The evidence for hybridization is considered at three levels: a) by open pollination, b) by hand pollination and c) by the use ofin vitro ovule and embryo rescue techniques; and also examines the fertility and vigour of the F1, F2 and backcross generations. Four species are reported to hybridize withB. napus by open pollination:B. rapa andB. juncea using fully fertile parents; andB. adpressa andR. raphanistrum using a male-sterileB. napus parent. Seventeen species are reported to form hybrids (including the four species above) withB. napus when pollination is carried out manually. At least 12 of these species were unable to form F2 progeny, and eight were unable to produce progeny when the F1 was backcrossed to one of the parental species. Many factors will influence the success of hybridization under field conditions, including: distance between the parents, synchrony of flowering, method of pollen spread, specific parental genotypes used, direction of the cross and the environmental conditions. Even where there is a possibility of hybridization betweenB. napus and a related species growing in the vicinity of a release, poor vigour and high sterility in the hybrids will generally mean that hybrids and their progeny will not survive in either an agricultural or natural habitat.  相似文献   
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