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Approximately 320,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the United States each year are non-contact injuries, with many occurring during a single-leg jump landing. To reduce ACL injury risk, one option is to improve muscle strength and/or the activation of muscles crossing the knee under elevated external loading. This study?s purpose was to characterize the relative force production of the muscles supporting the knee during the weight-acceptance (WA) phase of single-leg jump landing and investigate the gastrocnemii forces compared to the hamstrings forces. Amateur male Western Australian Rules Football players completed a single-leg jump landing protocol and six participants were randomly chosen for further modeling and simulation. A three-dimensional, 14-segment, 37 degree-of-freedom, 92 muscle-tendon actuated model was created for each participant in OpenSim. Computed muscle control was used to generate 12 muscle-driven simulations, 2 trials per participant, of the WA phase of single-leg jump landing. A one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc analysis showed both the quadriceps and gastrocnemii muscle force estimates were significantly greater than the hamstrings (p<0.001). Elevated gastrocnemii forces corresponded with increased joint compression and lower ACL forces. The elevated quadriceps and gastrocnemii forces during landing may represent a generalized muscle strategy to increase knee joint stiffness, protecting the knee and ACL from external knee loading and injury risk. These results contribute to our understanding of how muscle?s function during single-leg jump landing and should serve as the foundation for novel muscle-targeted training intervention programs aimed to reduce ACL injuries in sport.  相似文献   
Range-wide declines in northern bobwhite populations (Colinus virginianus) have been attributed to concomitant loss of breeding habitat. Bobwhite management efforts to restore this habitat resource can be informed by empirical studies of associations between breeding success and multi-scale habitat attributes. We compared bobwhite nest success in 2 southern Iowa landscapes as a function of microhabitat and landscape composition. Lake Sugema Fish and Wildlife Area (LSWA) was managed to promote bobwhite recruitment, and Harrisburg Township (HT) was an adjacent landscape dominated by private agricultural production. Survival rate modeling based on telemetry data provided evidence for age-specific daily nest survival rate. Daily survival rates decreased as nest age increased, but the decline was more severe at HT. Nest survival at LSWA (S = 0.495, SE = 0.103) was nearly twice that on HT (S = 0.277, SE = 0.072). We found no evidence that habitat composition or spatial attributes within 210 m of a nest site significantly influenced nest success. Forb canopy at the nest site had a positive influence on nest success at HT but not at LSWA. We suggest nesting habitat with greater forb canopy cover will increase the opportunity for nesting success in landscapes with limited nesting habitat. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Ecological, environmental, and geographic factors all influence genetic structure. Species with broad distributions are ideal systems because they cover a range of ecological and environmental conditions allowing us to test which components predict genetic structure. This study presents a novel, broad geographic approach using molecular markers, morphology, and habitat modeling to investigate rangewide and local barriers causing contemporary genetic differentiation within the geographical range of three white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies: Z. l. gambelii, Z. l. oriantha, and Z. l. pugetensis. Three types of genetic markers showed geographic distance between sampling sites, elevation, and ecosystem type are key factors contributing to population genetic structure. Microsatellite markers revealed white‐crowned sparrows do not group by subspecies, but instead indicated four groupings at a rangewide scale and two groupings based on coniferous and deciduous ecosystems at a local scale. Our analyses of morphological variation also revealed habitat differences; sparrows from deciduous ecosystems are larger than individuals from coniferous ecosystems based on principal component analyses. Habitat modeling showed isolation by distance was prevalent in describing genetic structure, but isolation by resistance also had a small but significant influence. Not only do these findings have implications concerning the accuracy of subspecies delineations, they also highlight the critical role of local factors such as habitat in shaping contemporary population genetic structure of species with high dispersal ability.  相似文献   
As recombinant viruses expressing scorpion toxins are moving closer toward the market, it is important to obtain large amounts of pure toxin for biochemical characterization and the evaluation of biological activity in nontarget organisms. In the past, we purified a large amount of Androctonus australis anti-insect toxin (AaIT) present in the venom of A. australis with an analytical reversed-phase column by repeated runs of crude sample. We now report 20 times improved efficiency and speed of the purification by employing a preparative reversed-phase column. In just two consecutive HPLC steps, almost 1 mg of AaIT was obtained from 70 mg crude venom. Furthermore, additional AaIT was obtained from side fractions in a second HPLC run. Recently discovered insect selective toxin, AaIT5, was isolated simultaneously from the same venom batch. It shows different biological toxicity symptoms than the known excitatory and depressant insect toxins. AaIT5 gave 100% mortality with a dose of less than 1.3 μg against fourth-instar tobacco budworms Heliothis virescens 24 h after injection. During the purification process, we implemented mass spectrometry in addition to bioassays to monitor the presence of AaIT and AaIT5 in the HPLC fractions. Mass spectrometric screening can unambiguously follow the purification process and can greatly facilitate and expedite the downstream purification of AaIT and AaIT5 eliminating the number of bioassays required. Further, electrospray ionization was compared with matrix-assisted desorption/ionization and evaluated as a method of choice for mass spectrometric characterization of fractions from the venom purification for it provided higher mass accuracy and relative quantitation capability. Molecular models were built for AaIT5, excitatory toxin AaIT4, and depressant toxin LqhIT2. Three-dimensional structure of AaIT5 was compared with structures of the other two toxins, suggesting that AaIT5 is similar to depressant toxins. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:53–65, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Many passerine bird populations, particularly those that have open‐cup nests, are in decline in agricultural landscapes. Current theory suggests that an increase in habitat generalist predators in response to landscape change is partially responsible for these declines. However, empirical tests have failed to reach a consensus on how and through what mechanisms landscape change affects nest predation. We tested one hypothesis, the Additive Predation Model, with an artificial nest experiment in fragmented landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia. We employed structural equation modelling of the influence of the relative density of woodland and habitat generalist predators and landscape features at the nest, site, patch and landscape scales on the probability of nest predation. We found little support for the Additive Predation Model, with no significant influence of the density of woodland predators on the probability of nest predation, although landscape features at different spatial scales were important. Within woodlands fragmented by agriculture in eastern Australia, the presence of noisy miner colonies appears to influence ecological processes important for nest predation such that the Additive Predation Model does not hold. In the absence of colonies of the aggressive native bird, the noisy miner, the influence of woodland predators on the risk of artificial nest predation was low compared with that of habitat generalist predators. Outside noisy miner colonies, we found significant edge effects with greater predation rates for artificial nests within woodland patches located closer to the agricultural matrix. Furthermore, the density of habitat generalist predators increased with the extent of irrigated land‐use, suggesting that in the absence of noisy miner colonies, nest predation increases with land‐use intensity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
城市群新冠疫情时空分布格局与分异机制的地理探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王琳  赵俊三 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6788-6800
自从2019年12月湖北武汉爆发新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)以来,疫情在全国范围内迅速传播并蔓延。城市群既是我国新型城镇化主体特定的空间组织形态,也是相互连接的城市网,集合了相当数量不同性质、类型和等级规模的城市,城市群经济发展程度较高、人口密度大,交通发达,是疫情传染扩散-关联的重点区域,因而跨区域感染风险高,联防联控难度大。以疫情集中地区城市群为研究对象,通过核密度分析聚焦重点研究的城市群,从多层空间尺度对疫情在数量、人口迁移和空间分布上进行测度,利用空间自相关分析疫情分布特征,运用地理探测器方法客观地测度城市群疫情发展的差异性主导因素,从景观格局中挖掘相关主导因子,为生态、安全的空间规划和治理提供科学依据和思路。结果显示:①全国范围感染人数核密度高值区的空间分布与长江中游城市群和三大沿海城市群范围耦合,首位核心城市确诊感染数在城市群中占比均较高,城市群疫情扩散分布呈现典型的由核心城市向外辐射的特征,湖北地区迁出的人数对迁往地区的疫情形势构成一定程度的影响;②全国范围的COVID-19感染人数和感染增长率分布存在显著空间集聚特征,城市群范围感染人数的空间聚集性从长江中游城市群向其他城市群依次减弱;③地理探测器识别出人口密度、城乡建设、交通、卫生、科技、生态绿地为疫情的主导因素,并且交互后所产生的共同作用增加了对疫情的解释力;④生态与建设用地景观格局对疫情的解释能力较强,其中建设用地的聚集性和生态用地的蔓延性为主要因子。  相似文献   
Solvated electrons () are produced during water radiolysis and can interact with biological substrates, including DNA. To augment DNA damage, radiosensitizers such as bromo-deoxyuridine (BUdR), often referred to as an “electron affinic radiosensitizer”, are incorporated in place of isosteric thymidine. However, little is known about the primary interactions of with DNA. In the present study we addressed this problem by applying molecular modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to a system of normal (BUdR·A)-DNA and a hydrated electron, where the excess electron was modeled as a localized (H2O)6 anionic cluster. Our goals were to evaluate the suitability of the MD simulations for this application; to characterize the motion of around DNA (e.g., diffusion coefficients); to identify and describe configurational states of close localization to DNA; and to evaluate the structural dynamics of DNA in the presence of . The results indicate that has distinct space-preferences for forming close contacts with DNA and is more likely to interact directly with nucleotides other than BUdR. Several classes of DNA - contact sites, all within the major groove, were distinguished depending on the structure of the intermediate water layer H-bonding pattern (or its absence, i.e., a direct H-bonding of with DNA bases). Large-scale structural perturbations were identified during and after the approached the DNA from the major groove side, coupled with deeper penetration of sodium counterions in the minor groove. Figure A rare configuration showing direct interaction between the solvated electron and DNA, where (yellow) and N7(A16) are H-bonded. The close approach from the major groove side invokes deep Na+ (magenta) penetration into the minor DNA groove (Fig. 7a).  相似文献   
The impact of temporal changes in habitat availability and land use on the present genetic diversity of the grassland katydid species Metrioptera roeselii was investigated in an extensively used agricultural landscape (Lahn-Dill-Bergland, Germany) based on six microsatellite loci. By integrating spatial and temporal dimensions, this study contrasts to conventional approaches that usually record landscape changes at discrete points in time. Molecular data suggest little geographical substructuring of the species. Nevertheless, time-dependent effects on genetic diversity in terms of observed heterozygosity and allelic richness within subpopulations were detected by general linear models (GLM), explaining up to 82 and 13%, respectively. The results indicated that allelic richness was significantly reduced with higher rates of land-use change. Contrastingly, the level of heterozygosity even increased with increasing land-use change, if this rate increase was accompanied by a reduction in grassland amount, while with an increase of grassland amount the level of heterozygosity remained similar. Furthermore, depending on the study site, heterozygosity was differently affected by grassland age of sampled patches and of the surrounding. This is presumably induced by contrasting levels of heterozygosity in combination with differing modes of dispersal due to habitat availability and site-specific matrix effects. The loss of genetic diversity due to frequent land-use change might result in a reduced ability to adapt to landscape change, which is even more relevant in intensively used agricultural landscapes and in the course of climate change.  相似文献   


Little is known about patients who frequently visit the emergency department (ED) for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD). We aimed to quantify the proportion and characteristics of patients with frequent ED visits for AECOPD and associated healthcare utilization.


We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adults aged ≥40 years with at least one ED visit for AECOPD between 2010 and 2011, derived from population-based all-payer data of State ED and Inpatient Databases for two large and diverse states: California and Florida. Outcome measures were frequency of ED visits for AECOPD, 30-day ED revisits, subsequent hospitalizations, near-fatal events (AECOPD involving mechanical ventilation), and charges for both ED and inpatient services (available only for Florida) during the year after the first ED visit.


The analytic cohort comprised 98,280 unique patients with 154,736 ED visits for AECOPD. During the 1-year period, 29.4% (95% CI, 29.1%-29.7%) of the patients had two or more (frequent) visits, accounting for 55.2% (95% CI, 54.9%-55.4%) of all ED visits for AECOPD. In the multivariable model, significant predictors of frequent ED visits were age 55–74 years (vs. 40–54 years), male sex, non-Hispanic white or black race, Medicaid insurance (vs. private), and lower median household income (all P < 0.001). At the visit-level, 12.3% of ED visits for AECOPD were 30-day revisit events (95% CI, 12.1%-12.4%). Additionally, 62.8% of ED visits for AECOPD (95% CI, 62.6%-63.0%) resulted in a hospitalization; patients with frequent ED visits comprised 55.5% (95% CI, 55.2%-55.8%) of all hospitalizations. Furthermore, 7.3% (95% CI, 7.3%-7.5%) of ED visits for AECOPD led to a near-fatal event; patients with frequent ED visits accounted for 64.4% (95% CI, 63.5%-65.3%) of all near-fatal events. Total charges for AECOPD were $1.94 billion (95% CI, $1.90-1.97 billion) in Florida; patients with frequent ED visits accounted for $1.07 billion (95% CI, $1.04-1.09 billion).


In this large cohort study, we found that 29% had frequent ED visits for AECOPD and that lower socioeconomic status was significantly associated with a higher frequency of ED visits. Individuals with frequent ED visits for AECOPD accounted for a substantial amount of healthcare utilization and financial burden.  相似文献   
中水浇灌对3种绿地植物若干生理指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中水灌溉是缓解城市供水紧张和减少污水排放量的有效措施。通过短期盆栽试验和长期大田调查相结合的方法,以清水灌溉为对照;选用绿地植物台湾草、金叶假连翘和黄金榕为研究对象;以植物叶片中超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶活性、丙二醛、脯氨酸含量、总叶绿素含量和叶片细胞膜透性6个生理指标作为评价。结果表明,在短期盆栽试验中,中水灌溉的三种植物叶片中总绿素含量显著高于对照,中水灌溉的台湾草叶片中的超氧化物歧化酶活性显著高于对照,其余指标差异不显著;长期大田调查的三种植物的6种指标在中水灌溉下与对照之间差异均不显著。  相似文献   
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