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The need to integratein situ conservation into the planning process is outlined, and the importance of vegetation survey to determine conservation priorities and to identify areas suitable forin situ conservation is stressed. A case is presented, drawing on experience gained in Zimbabwe, of how a botanical institute can become an integral part of biological conservation. The institute should consist of a herbarium, a botanical garden, a gene bank and a vegetation survey unit. The function of each section, how they interlink, and how they can be integrated are discussed.  相似文献   
P. E. O'Sullivan 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):351-361
In the period since 1945, Slapton Ley, a small, coastal lake in Southwest England, has been eutrophccated by nutrient inputs generated both by the intensification of agriculture, and the discharge of sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads upon the Ley to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage and phosphate detergent inputs need to be prevented, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the zoning of the catchment so that riparian zones are used, not as at present, for the grazing of livestock, but are converted to woodland, and more particularly eg to buffer strips sensu Mander (1985, 1992).This policy, if implemented comprehensively, would reduce external phosphorus loads to within permissible limits. Eventually, however, some kind of internal control, such as manipulation of the fish populations, may also have to be attempted, in order to remove the memory of five decades of eutrophication.  相似文献   
Protection of regional biodiversity requires that priority for protection of individual areas be based on both the contribution the area can make to representing overall biodiversity and the degree to which the area, in the absence of action, is vulnerable to loss of its biodiversity. Attempts to apply these criteria together largely have been ad hoc. A solution to this problem is presented for environmental surrogate data, based on environmental diversity (ED). ED uses a standard ecological continuum model to link environmental pattern to species-level biodiversity, so that a set of areas can be characterized by its relative expected biodiversity. This allows explicit incorporation of estimates of area-vulnerability, interpreted as the relative probability that any member species will not persist, into biodiversity assessments. The contribution of a given area to regional expected biodiversity is influenced not only by its own vulnerability value, but also by the vulnerability of other areas. Increasing the degree of protection of any area (reducing its vulnerability) will increase expected biodiversity: however, expected regional biodiversity sometimes may be maximized when limited resources for protection are directed to an area with lower vulnerability rather than to one with higher vulnerability.The allocation of land uses in a region need not be viewed as an all-or-nothing assignment of protection. The effect of a particular management regime on the biodiversity of a given area can be equated with some consequent degree of vulnerability; viewed positively, a management regime that offers some degree of biodiversity protection can make a measurable contribution to the protection of the biodiversity of a region.  相似文献   
雷超桂  许有鹏  张倩玉  王跃峰  李广 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5017-5026
土地利用变化对流域洪水过程产生显著影响,并导致设计洪水发生变化。为进一步指导流域防洪及水库洪水设计,以浙东沿海奉化江皎口水库流域为例,应用HEC-HMS水文模型模拟分析土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)对不同重现期暴雨洪水事件的影响。结果表明,流域内1985—2003年土地利用变化引起不同重现期洪水过程与洪水量级发生改变,其中,洪量和洪峰均增加,洪量较洪峰变化明显。LUCC对小洪水过程影响更明显,5年一遇以上洪水的洪峰和洪量分别平均增加3%和7.6%,而小于2年一遇洪水的洪峰和洪量分别平均增加5.41%和11.91%。同时,LUCC使100年、50年和25年一遇洪水重现期分别提前了15、6a和2a,即其对量级最高的特大洪水的重现期影响最大。此外,不同的土地利用转变方式对洪水的影响程度不一,其中,林地向裸地转变对洪水影响最大,林地向灌草地转变次之,林地向耕地变化对洪水影响最小,且这种差异性在低重现期洪水表现更明显。  相似文献   
盐池县2000-2012年植被变化及其驱动力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋乃平  杜灵通  王磊 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7377-7386
荒漠草原区的植被对防治荒漠化、维护生态屏障具有决定性作用,宁夏盐池县作为其典型代表,近13年的植被变化深受气候变化和人类活动的综合影响。基于MODIS NDVI等数据,运用趋势分析、经验模态分解和空间叠置分析等方法,对盐池县2000—2012年的植被动态变化进行研究,结果表明:(1)2000—2012年盐池县NDVI在0.2—0.4之间呈波动上升趋势,上升幅度为0.078/10 a,上升趋势显著;总体来说,植被稳定性低,年际间波动或转换频繁、幅度大;(2)NDVI的波动分量与残余分量方差贡献率各占50%,且NDVI波动呈减弱趋势。促使NDVI波动的主控因子是年降水量,但其影响在减弱;(3)推动NDVI趋势性上升的主要因素是土地利用方式改善和类型变化,但土地利用方式改善对NDVI的贡献远远大于土地利用类型变化对NDVI的贡献。因此,荒漠草原区的生态改善应以保护为主,辅之以必要的生态重建,走以适度开发带动整体保护的道路。  相似文献   
Land-use change, a major constituent of global environmental change, potentially has significant consequences for human health in relation to mosquito-borne diseases. Land-use change can influence mosquito habitat, and therefore the distribution and abundance of vectors, and land use mediates human–mosquito interactions, including biting rate. Based on a conceptual model linking the landscape, people, and mosquitoes, this interdisciplinary study focused on the impacts of changes in land use on dengue and malaria vectors and dengue transmission in northern Thailand. Extensive data on mosquito presence and abundance, land-use change, and infection risk determinants were collected over 3 years. The results of the different components of the study were then integrated through a set of equations linking land use to disease via mosquito abundance. The impacts of a number of plausible scenarios for future land-use changes in the region, and of concomitant behavioral change were assessed. Results indicated that land-use changes have a detectable impact on mosquito populations and on infection. This impact varies according to the local environment but can be counteracted by adoption of preventive measures.  相似文献   
Land use has greatly transformed Earth's surface. While spatial reconstructions of how the extent of land cover and land-use types have changed during the last century are available, much less information exists about changes in land-use intensity. In particular, global reconstructions that consistently cover land-use intensity across land-use types and ecosystems are missing. We, therefore, lack understanding of how changes in land-use intensity interfere with the natural processes in land systems. To address this research gap, we map land-cover and land-use intensity changes between 1910 and 2010 for 9 points in time. We rely on the indicator framework of human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) to quantify and map land-use-induced alterations of the carbon flows in ecosystems. We find that, while at the global aggregate level HANPP growth slowed down during the century, the spatial dynamics of changes in HANPP were increasing, with the highest change rates observed in the most recent past. Across all biomes, the importance of changes in land-use areas has declined, with the exception of the tropical biomes. In contrast, increases in land-use intensity became the most important driver of HANPP across all biomes and settings. We conducted uncertainty analyses by modulating input data and assumptions, which indicate that the spatial patterns of land use and potential net primary production are the most critical factors, while spatial allocation rules and uncertainties in overall harvest values play a smaller role. Highlighting the increasing role of land-use intensity compared to changes in the areal extent of land uses, our study supports calls for better integration of the intensity dimension into global analyses and models. On top of that, we provide important empirical input for further analyses of the sustainability of the global land system.  相似文献   
High rates of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon have the potential to alter the storage and cycling of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) across this region. To investigate the impacts of deforestation, we quantified total aboveground biomass (TAGB), aboveground and soil pools of C and N, and soil N availability along a land-use gradient in Rondônia, Brazil, that included standing primary forest, slashed primary and secondary forest, shifting cultivation, and pasture sites. TAGB decreased substantially with increasing land use, ranging from 311 and 399 Mg ha–1 (primary forests) to 63 Mg ha–1 (pasture). Aboveground C and N pools declined in patterns and magnitudes similar to those of TAGB. Unlike aboveground pools, soil C and N concentrations and pools did not show consistent declines in response to land use. Instead, C and N concentrations were strongly related to percent clay content of soils. Concentrations of NO3-N and NH4-N generally increased in soils following slash-and-burn events along the land-use gradient and decreased with increasing land use. Increasing land use resulted in marked declines in NO3-N pools relative to NH4-N pools. Rates of net nitrification and N-mineralization were also generally higher in postfire treatments relative to prefire treatments along the land-use gradient and declined with increasing land use. Results demonstrate the linked responses of aboveground C and N pools and soil N availability to land use in the Brazilian Amazon; steady reductions in aboveground pools along the land-use gradient were accompanied by declines in inorganic soil N pools and transformation rates.  相似文献   
Terrestrial ecosystems with their main elements soil and plants may act, in principle, as both source and sink for atmospheric nitric oxide (NO). The net exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere, however, is globally dominated by biogenic emissions of NO from soils. Consequently the soil–air exchange of NO is the focus of the following overview. Particular emphasis is placed on the major processes that are responsible for NO production in soils (nitrification, denitrification) and their regulation by environmental factors (nitrogen availability, soil water content, soil temperature, ambient NO concentration). It is shown that interactions of these factors are a major reason for the broad range that exists in published data on NO fluxes. This variability makes it difficult to predict the magnitude of NO fluxes on relevant spatial and temporal scales. To overcome the problem various generalization procedures for scaling up in space and time have been developed, and the potential and limitations of the different approaches is discussed.  相似文献   
The long-term effects of intensive forest harvest on sensitive demographic stages of the American black bear (Ursus americanus) have been often overlooked. Much of Maine, USA, is covered in forests that are hospitable to bears and commercial timber harvest. To investigate the potential effects of differing intensities of disturbance on black bears, and on females with cubs particularly, we designed a large-scale natural experiment with 197 motion-sensitive camera sites dispersed over representative forest stands in northern and central Maine. Using multi-state occupancy models, we distinguished the overall trends in space use by females with young versus adult bears without young. Forest disturbance at large spatial scales was positively associated with the probability of use for both demographic groups and the availability of hardwood trees was an additional important factor for habitat use by females with young. Our study illustrates the use of motion-sensitive cameras to monitor and understand habitat use by distinct life-history stages of animals living in human-modified landscapes, and results indicate that managers can maintain black bear habitat in areas of active forest harvest by ensuring the availability of hardwood species.  相似文献   
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