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A basic but rarely tested assumption in optimal foraging theoryis that positive relationships exist between the foraging patternof an animal, its short-term benefits in feeding, and its long-termfitness. We present evidence for these relationships for a centralplace foraging situation. We studied the foraging behavior ofadult water pipits (Anthus sp. spinoletta) feeding nestlingsin an Alpine habitat near Davos, Switzerland, with the followingresults: (1) searching effort decreases with increasing distancefrom the nest, (2) the amount of prey and the proportion oflarge items brought to the nest increases with increasing foragingdistance, (3) water pipits do not forage according to habitatavailability, but prefer vegetation types with the highest fooddensity (mainly grass and herbs) and avoid those with the lowest,and (4) this selectivity is only expressed when the birds foragemore than 50 m from the nest, i.e., usually outside the territory.Among the several potential interpretations of these results,the most parsimonious is that foraging decisions are based onprofitability, i.e., on the net energy gain per time unit. Additionally,we found that food conditions translate into fitness: the numberof fledglings per nest is related positively to the averageprey biomass at the foraging place and negatively to the averagedistance between the foraging place and the nest. Maximum economicdistances, which were predicted from this food-fitness relationship,agreed well with the actual foraging distances observed. Thissuggests a dose connection between foraging decisions and fitness.In addition to the theoretical issues, some conservation issuesare also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
P. R. Burbridge 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):311-322
Freshwater habitats play a very important role in sustaining human activities. Natural functions of wetlands, and other freshwater habitats, generate a wide array of resources that directly or indirectly support the economic and social welfare of diverse groups of people. This role is being seriously weakened as a result of inappropriate planning and management approaches which fail to maintain the functional integrity of the freshwater ecosystems with the result that the flow and quality of resources is degraded. This paper illustrates some of the major functions of wetlands and presents a case for developing integrated planning and management practices that protect the health and productivity of freshwater wetlands and seek to optimise the sustainable use of the flows of resources they generate.  相似文献   
The stable isotopes 2H and 18O were used to determine the water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis at three sites with varying exposure to stream water, all underlain by moderately saline groundwater. Water uptake patterns were a function of the long-term availability of surface water. Trees with permanent access to a stream used some stream water at all times. However, water from soils or the water table commonly made up 50% of these trees' water. Trees beside an ephemeral stream had access to the stream 40–50% of the time (depending on the level of the stream). No more than 30% of the water they used was stream water when it was available. However, stream water use did not vary greatly whether the trees had access to the stream for 2 weeks or 10 months prior to sampling. Trees at the third site only had access to surface water during a flood. These trees did not change their uptake patterns during 2 months inundation compared with dry times, so were not utilising the low-salinity flood water. Pre-dawn leaf water potentials and leaf 13C measurements showed that the trees with permanent access to the stream experienced lower water stress and had lower water use efficiencies than trees at the least frequently flooded site. The trees beside the ephemeral stream appeared to change their water use efficiency in response to the availability of surface water; it was similar to the perennial-stream trees when stream water was available and higher at other times. Despite causing water stress, uptake of soil water and groundwater would be advantageous to E. camaldulensis in this semi-arid area, as it would provide the trees with a supply of nutrients and a reliable source of water. E. camaldulensis at the study site may not be as vulnerable to changes in stream flow and water quality as previously thought.  相似文献   
Since the late eighties a handy and user-friendly sap flow meter (Dynagage®) is on the market which can quantify 0205 the sap flow through intact plant stems, based on the stem heat balance method. The documentation about its accuracy and reliability, however, is still too limited to use it as a standard method in field experiments with apple trees. We therefore tested this commercial system on potted apple trees (Malus domestica L.; cv. Red Elstar and Jonagold; on rootstock M9 vf) with stem diameters of 1.8 to 4 cm. The measured sap flow was compared with mass loss measured by an automated balance, supposing the total mass loss of the trees was equal to the water loss by transpiration. The results revealed three major problems:
1.  When there was no optimum contact of the elements of the gauge with the stem, which is typically very irregular on young apple trees, the calculated sap flow rates (accumulated through 24 h) showed errors >20%.
2.  On 4 year-old trees the calculated sap flow rate showed considerable time lags in periods with abruptly changing transpiration rates, mainly because this sap flow method does not account for energy which is stored in the heated stem section.
3.  The constant power input to the stem given with this sap flow meter caused heat damages to the bark tissue after >6 days of continuous measurements.
In order to avoid these problems we constructed a sap flow meter which guarantees an optimum contact with the stem and works with continuously controlled power supply. Both aspects, response time and effect on the bark tissue, could be improved: in all measurement series the average sap flow (during light period) deviated <4% and=" often="><1% from=" mass=" loss.=" the=" differences=" were=" usually="><15% for=" the=" short-term=" averages=" through=" 15–30=" min.=" the=" modified=" sap=" flow=" meter=" also=" proved=" reliable=" during=" 10-day=" measurements=" in=" the=" field.=" however,=" for=" time-accurate=" measurements=" on=" apple=" trees=" with=" a=" stem=" diameter=">3–4 cm accounting for the energy stored in the heated stem section became indispensable.  相似文献   
W. E. Robe  H. Griffiths 《Oecologia》1994,100(4):368-378
The decline and disappearance of Littorella uniflora from oligotrophic waters which have become eutrophic has been associated with shading or reduced CO2 supply. However NO inf3 sup– concentrations can reach very high levels (100–2000 mmol m–3 compared with <1–3 in oligotrophic habitats). To investigate the impact of NO inf3 sup– loading alone, plants were grown under three NO inf3 sup– regimes (very low, near-natural and high). The interactive effects of NO inf3 sup– and photon flux density (low and high regimes) on N assimilation and accumulation, CO2 concentrating mechanisms, C3 photosynthesis and growth were also examined. The results were unexpected. Increased NO inf3 sup– supply had very little effect on photosynthetic capacity, crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) or lacunal CO2 concentrations ([CO2]i), although there was considerable plasticity with respect to light regime. In contrast, increased NO inf3 sup– supply resulted in a marked accumulation of NO inf3 sup– , free amino acids and soluble protein in shoots and roots (up to 25 mol m–3, 30 mol m–3 and 9 mg g–1 fresh weight respectively in roots), while fresh weight and relative growth rate were reduced. Total N content even under the very low NO inf3 sup– regime (1.6–2.3%) was mid-range for aquatic and terrestrial species (and 3.1–4.3% under the high NO inf3 sup– regime). These findings, together with field data, suggest that L. uniflora is not growth limited by low NO inf3 sup– supply in natural oligotophic habitats, due not to an efficient photosynthetic nitrogen use but to a slow growth rate, a low N requirement and to the use of storage to avoid N stress. However the increased NO inf3 sup– concentrations in eutrophic environments seem likely have detrimental effects on the long-term survival of L. uniflora, possibly as a consequence of N accumulation.  相似文献   
The methodology and conclusions of this workshop arc reported here because the problems requiring solution are not unique to Israel. They will increasingly have wide geographical and political application. The population of Israel since its establishment in 1948 has increased about sixfold. The numbers of the elderly (65+) have increased about tenfold. The current situation must be examined and estimates obtained for the next ten years. Only thus can the system be enabled to cope with the problem as it develops. The chosen method was a carefully preplanned, multisectorial workshop. Recommendations were discussed, amended and finalised. The recommendations of the workshop included: Baseline national data is urgently required. Guidelines are required for selecting specific target populations to which priority should be given. The current favourable situation of adequate oral health manpower in Israel makes it possible to encourage providers of oral health care towards treatment for the elderly. It is essential that the appropriate health authorities allocate sufficient funds for the following urgent purposes: the conduct of a national survey of the elderly population; the establishment of oral health units on a trial basis in some selected hospitals; support institutions of higher education to facilitate training in geriatric dentistry. Conclusions. The workshop was multidisciplinary because it was necessary to include all the expertise and experience available as vital elements of the policy making process. This type of workshop was found to be an effective tool for planning oral health services.  相似文献   
When compared to virgin land (forest and grassland), croplands store significantly lower amounts of organic carbon (OC), mainly as a result of soil tillage, and decreased plant inputs to the soil over the whole year. Doubts have been expressed over how much reduced and zero tillage agriculture can increase OC in soils when the whole soil profile is considered. Consequently, cover-crops that are grown in-between crops instead of leaving soils bare appear as the “last man standing” in our quest to enhance cropland OC stocks. Despite the claim by numerous meta-analyses of a mean carbon sequestration rate by cover crops to be as high as 0.32 ± 0.08 ton C ha−1 year−1, the present analysis showed that all of the 37 existing field studies worldwide only sampled to a depth of 30 cm or less and did not compare treatments on the basis of equivalent soil mass. Thirteen studies presented information on OC content only and not on OC stocks, had inappropriate controls (n = 14), had durations of 3 years or lower (n = 5), considered only one to two data points per treatment (n = 4), or used cover crops as cash crops (i.e., grown longer that in-between two crops) instead of catch crops (n = 2), which in all cases constitutes shortcomings. Of the remaining six trials, four showed non-significant trends, one study displayed a negative impact of cover crops, and one study displayed a positive impact, resulting in a mean OC storage of 0.03 ton ha−1 year−1. Models and policies should urgently adapt to such new figure. Finally, more is to be done not only to improve the design of cover-crop studies for reaching sound conclusions but also to understand the underlying reasons of the low efficiency of cover crops for improved carbon sequestration into soils, with possible strategies being suggested.  相似文献   


Home range is a common measure of use of space by animals because it provides ecological information that is useful for conservation applications. In macroecological studies, values are typically aggregated to species means to examine general patterns of use of space by animals. However, this ignores the environmental context in which the home range was estimated and does not account for intraspecific variation in home range size. In addition, the focus of macroecological studies on home ranges has historically been biased towards terrestrial mammals. The use of aggregated numbers and the terrestrial focus limit our ability to examine home-range patterns across different environments, their variation in time and variation between different levels of organization. Here, we introduce HomeRange, a global database with 75,611 home-range values across 960 different species of mammals, including terrestrial, aquatic and aerial species.

Main types of variables contained

The dataset contains estimates of home ranges of mammals, species names, methodological information on data collection, method of home-range estimation, period of data collection, study coordinates and name of location, in addition to species traits derived from the studies, such as body mass, life stage, reproductive status and locomotor habit.

Spatial location and grain

The collected data are distributed globally. Across studies, the spatial accuracy varies, with the coarsest resolution being 1°.

Time period and grain

The data represent information published between 1939 and 2022. Across studies, the temporal accuracy varies; some studies report start and end dates specific to the day, whereas for other studies only the month or year is reported.

Major taxa and level of measurement

Mammalian species from 24 of the 27 different taxonomic orders. Home-range estimates range from individual-level values to population-level averages.

Software format

Data are supplied as a comma-delimited text file (.csv) and can be loaded directly into R using the “HomeRange” R package ( https://github.com/SHoeks/HomeRange ).  相似文献   
Bioenergy could play a major role in decarbonizing energy systems in the context of the Paris Agreement. Large-scale bioenergy deployment could be related to sustainability issues and requires major infrastructure investments. It, therefore, needs to be studied carefully. The Bioenergy and Land Optimization Spatially Explicit Model (BLOEM) presented here allows for assessing different bioenergy pathways while encompassing various dimensions that influence their optimal deployment. In this study, BLOEM was applied to the Brazilian context by coupling it with the Brazilian Land Use and Energy Systems (BLUES) model. This allowed investigating the most cost-effective ways of attending future bioenergy supply projections and studying the role of recovered degraded pasture lands in improving land availability in a sustainable and competitive manner. The results show optimizing for limiting deforestation and minimizing logistics costs results in different outcomes. It also indicates that recovering degraded pasture lands is attractive from both logistics and climate perspectives. The systemic approach of BLOEM provides spatial results, highlighting the trade-offs between crop allocation, land use and the logistics dynamics between production, conversion, and demand, providing valuable insights for regional and national climate policy design. This makes it a useful tool for mapping sustainable bioenergy value chain pathways.  相似文献   
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are highly prevalent and exact a large toll on individuals’ health, well-being, and social functioning. Long-lasting changes in brain networks involved in reward, executive function, stress reactivity, mood, and self-awareness underlie the intense drive to consume substances and the inability to control this urge in a person who suffers from addiction (moderate or severe SUD). Biological (including genetics and developmental life stages) and social (including adverse childhood experiences) determinants of health are recognized factors that contribute to vulnerability for or resilience against developing a SUD. Consequently, prevention strategies that target social risk factors can improve outcomes and, when deployed in childhood and adolescence, can decrease the risk for these disorders. SUDs are treatable, and evidence of clinically significant benefit exists for medications (in opioid, nicotine and alcohol use disorders), behavioral therapies (in all SUDs), and neuromodulation (in nicotine use disorder). Treatment of SUDs should be considered within the context of a Chronic Care Model, with the intensity of intervention adjusted to the severity of the disorder and with the concomitant treatment of comorbid psychiatric and physical conditions. Involvement of health care providers in detection and management of SUDs, including referral of severe cases to specialized care, offers sustainable models of care that can be further expanded with the use of telehealth. Despite advances in our understanding and management of SUDs, individuals with these conditions continue to be stigmatized and, in some countries, incarcerated, highlighting the need to dismantle policies that perpetuate their criminalization and instead develop policies to ensure support and access to prevention and treatment.  相似文献   
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