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Abstract Genetic trade‐offs for host plant use are hypothesized to facilitate the diversification of insect populations through specialization to their host plants. Previous studies mainly estimated the architecture of genetic variances and covariances in herbivorous species with discrete and limited types of host species. In contrast to herbivores, the relative abundance of resources for predatory species fluctuates in time and space, causing a more unpredictable encounter with prey species. The ecological characteristics of resource use might result in a differential mode of selection for herbivorous and predatory species, which could be reflected in a differential genetic architecture of developmental traits such as the duration of larval stage (henceforth referred to as larval period) and size of pupa (measured as pupal weight). This paper presents results from a study on the genetic architecture of larval period and pupal mass of an aphidophagous ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, in different resource environments. Beetles reared on Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) showed a shorter developmental period and a heavier pupal mass than their siblings on Aphis craccivora Koch or on artificial diet, while the average larval period and pupal mass on A. craccivora and the artificial diet were similar. Further analyses of the genetic architecture suggest that the developmental traits on the two aphid species are genetically correlated, while there are only weak or no genetic correlations between these two traits on the two aphid preys and the artificial diet. Thus, the results suggest that the patterns of genotypic relationships between developmental traits differ from the phenotypic ones. The effects of past selection on the genetic architecture and the possible cause of the genetic correlation are discussed, as well as consequences for mass rearing for biological control.  相似文献   
We used RAPD and allozyme genetic markers to compare the genetic structures of a threatened saproxylic tenebrionid beetle, Oplocephala haemorrhoidalis, and its common relative (different subfamilies), Bolitophagus reticulatus, to evaluate the relative importance of habitat fragmentation on the occurrence of the two species. O. haemorrhoidalis showed significantly higher levels of genetic differentiation between sites than B. reticulatus for both types of genetic marker. Patterns of isolation by distance were consistent with (B. reticulatus) or close to (O. haemorrhoidalis) theoretical expectations for equilibrium between gene flow and genetic drift. For O. haemorrhoidalis, the RAPD-patterns also showed a steeper increase in isolation by distance where geographic distances were small than at larger distances. This suggests that gene flow between the populations of O. haemorrhoidalis has declined as an effect of recent habitat fragmentation and is probably relatively restricted at present. For B. reticulatus, levels of genetic differentiation were low, suggesting that B. reticulatus readily moves over large areas. Genetic variability was not low in either species. Genetic differentiation among and relatedness within fruiting bodies varied substantially within sites for both species. This variation was probably due to founder events: when levels of relatedness were close to zero, genetic differentiation was also low.  相似文献   
Within the goal of defining indicators (species or combinations of life history traits) for habitat quality in an urban environment we investigated effects of urbanization on the community composition and morphological characteristics of carabid beetles. Between May and July 2000 nine woodlots were sampled along three axes representing urban - rural gradients from the centre of the city of Hamburg to its rural borders. Species richness decreased towards the city centre and with increasing isolation of the sites but was uncorrelated with the size of the site. Species assemblages were highly nested making successive loss of species predictable. Responsivness towards urbanization could not be linked to specific life history traits. Body length of one species (Carabus nemoralis) declined towards the city centre. Four species were found at all sites. These four species showed differences in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) at the different sites that could not be interpreted as an indication of responses to habitat suitability. FA of the remaining species (species negatively affected by urbanization) increased towards the city centre and with increasing isolation of a site. This matched the prediction that FA indicates habitat quality. Thus, urban effects lead to changes of communities through a predictable loss of species, to a reduction in body size in one species, and to increased FA in species which are susceptible to urbanization. The results indicate that the different sites were islands in an urban matrix rather than parts of a green network which would allow free exchange of plants and animals within the city of Hamburg.Wir untersuchten den Einfluss von Verstädterung auf Laufkäfergemeinschaften in Hamburg, Deutschland. Zwischen Mai und Juli 2000 wurden neun Fangorte entlang städtischer Gradienten beprobt. die von relativ ländlichen Gebieten an den Stadtgrenzen, bis hin zu Flächen im Stadtzentrum reichten. Die Artenzahl korrelierte negativ mit dem Grad der Isolierung und der Entfernung des Gebietes von der Peripherie, aber nicht mit der Größe eines Gebietes. Die gefundenen Artengemeinschaften wiesen strenge Schachtelung auf. Der Verlust bestimmter Arten war daher vorhersagbar, konnte aber nicht auf bestimmte Charakteristika (“life history traits”) der Arten zurückgeführt werden. Die Körperlänge von Carabus nemoralis nahm entlang des Gradienten ab. Nur vier Arten kamen im gesamten Stadtgebiet vor. Fluktuierende Asymmetrien (FA) dieser Arten konnten nicht sinnvoll mit Habitatqualitäten oder Verstädterung in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Die anderen Arten, die nach den Ergebnissen der Analysen zu geschachtelten Strukturen durch “Verstädterung” negativ beeinflusst waren (d.h. nicht an allen Orten und vor allem nicht im Stadtzentrum gefunden worden waren) zeigten zunehmende FA zum Stadtzentrum. Verstädterung führte demnach zu vorhersagbaren Verlust an Arten, zu Reduktion der Körperlänge einer Art und zu erhöhten Asymmetrien bei Arten, die durch Verstädterung negativ beeinflusst wurden. Nach diesen Befunden kann das Ziel der offiziellen Politik, in Hamburg negative Effekte der Stadtentwicklung auf die Biodiversität durch einen Verbund von Grünflächen und geschützten Gebieten zu reduzieren, mit den heute noch verfügbaren Flächen nicht erreicht werden.  相似文献   
Abstract  1. The literature on ladybirds indicates that males are consistently smaller than females but take the same length of time to complete their development. Rearing Adalia bipunctata at 20 and 25 °C confirmed that protandry cannot account for sexual size dimorphism in this species, nor can a difference in egg size.
2. Female larvae consumed more food and had a higher relative growth rate in the fourth instar than did male larvae.
3. When food is limited, small males appear to be more successful at mating than are large males.
4. To account for these results, it is hypothesised that the gonads of male larvae compete more strongly with the soma for resources and that this reduces the growth potential of the soma of male larvae relative to that of female larvae. The greater mating success of small males when food is limited supports the eat or mate hypothesis, which predicts that when food is limited small males will spend less time feeding and more time mating than will large males.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Regional scarabaeid dung beetle assemblages in southern Africa may contain over 100 species, ranging in live weight from 10 mg to 10 g. These show a wide variety of dung-use and reproductive strategies.
2. To facilitate analysis of these diverse assemblages, a system of classification analogous to guilds is proposed. Scarabaeid dung beetle species are allocated to one of seven functional groups (FGs) according to the way they use and disrupt dung. Each group therefore contains a set of species which are functional analogues of each other. This classification provides a conceptual framework within which to analyse the structure of dung beetle assemblages and the interactions between dung beetles and other dung-breeding species such as coprophagous flies.
3. There is a clear hierarchy of functional groups in their ability to compete for dung. Competitively dominant groups such as the large ball rollers (FG I) and fast-burying tunnellers (FG III) are mostly large, aggressive beetles which rapidly remove dung from the pad. The smaller ball rollers (FG II) are also effective competitors for dung. Subordinate groups are those which bury dung slowly over many days (FG IV and V) and those which breed inside the pad (FG VII, endocoprids). Kleptocoprids (FG VI) breed in dung buried by other beetles and so are not part of the hierarchy.
4. The use of this classification is illustrated by reference to three contrasting assemblages of dung beetles in a summer rainfall region of southern Africa. The potential of these beetles for biological control of dung-breeding flies is discussed.  相似文献   
The mainly aromatic pygidial gland constituents of 45 water beetle species (Hydradephaga; Dytiscidae, Haliplidae) have been investigated. Chemical data were obtained by mass spectrometry, thin layer and gas chromatography and UV-spectrometry. Investigations on Agabus melanarius showed these gland substances were species specific and constant. Seasonal quantitative variations are probably due to variations in population structure and overwintering bionomics. The phylogenetic tree based on the distribution of pygidial gland constituents shows that taxa fall into three chemical groups (sesquiterpenes, aromatic compounds, hydroxycarboxylic acids). This grouping is generally in accordance with other taxonomic conceptions. Other chemical differences correspond to the morphology of the larva and pupa (Copelatus, Hydroporus melanarius). The position of several chemically diverging taxa (Haliplidae, Laccophilinae, Hydaticus) should be clarified by using further techniques such as morphology or considering the biogenesis of the water beetle compounds.  相似文献   
Summary The individual movements of four carabid species were investigated by tracing beetles in the field using a portable radar system (harmonic radar). The field-inhabiting a Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P. niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer were traced in cereal fields. The movements of P. melanarius Mnd P. niger were also tracked in a wood and then compared with the movements of the forest-species Carabus nemoralis Müller. P. melanarius and P. niger displayed directed movements in cereal fields, although P. niger moved faster than P. melanarius. The movement pattern of H. rufipes in the field, and C. nemoralis and P. malanarius in the wood can be described as a c correlated random walk. In cereal fields, P. melanarius burrowed actively into the soil, and P. niger searched out crevices. In contrast, none of these two carabids burrowed in the forest soil, whereas C. nemoralis did. No statistically significant difference was observed between the movements of hungry and satiated beetles, although starved beetles tended to disperse shorter distances per move and turned back more often (especially P. niger). The significance of the various movement patterns exhibited by the species studied for their reproduction and survival on arable land is discussed.  相似文献   
In The Netherlands, the majority of heathlands and dry, unproductive grasslands have been brought into cultivation or afforested since the end of the 19th century. As a result, the original landscape has become highly fragmented. Nowadays, the heath habitat occurs in more or less isolated patches only. Many of these fragments show a small spatial variation in conditions. Ground-dwelling arthropods, with a low dispersal power and a specific preference for poor, sandy, open habitats, could disappear from such small fragments under the influence of temporarally unfavourable conditions. As recolonization from other fragments is often very difficult because of hostile surrounding areas, isolated small fragments that have lost their populations will remain unoccupied. The absence of some carabid species in such small, isolated fragments is thought to be the result of this situation. By introducing heathy corridors between such fragments, animals might be enabled to pass a hostile environment. This study shows that heathy road-side verges can possibly function as such a corridor. On the studied road-side verges, carabid species of poor sandy, open habitats were present, including the more rare species. Some species even found a better habitat at road-side verges than in adjacent poor sandy open areas. For other species the road-side verge seemed to be a more marginal habitat in which they occur only because of the presence of a suitable adjacent area. The distance to such an area, as well as the width of the poor sandy, open strip on the road-side verge seem to be important conditions for the occurrence of the latter species. In order to increase the survival chance in such a corridor, it is suggested that some wider strips or patches be created at the road-side verges, suitable for reproduction. In this way, road-side verges might contribute to a metapopulation structure by which species are better protected against regional extinction.Communication No. 470 of the Biological Station of the Agricultural University Wageningen, Kampsweg 27, 9418 P.D. Wijster, The Netherlands.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. The discovery and utilization of small carcasses by burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus ) was studied by placing dead mice at random points on large grids at two Iocations in Michigan, U.S.A.
2. The majority of mice are found within 24 h by more beetles than ultimately will utilize the carcass. If a carcass is likely to be usurped by a larger species of beetle or by a vertebrate, then intraspecific competition may be postponed until the carcass is concealed and buried.
3. Both males and females practice parental care. Maturing broods are tended by no adults, a single female, a single male, or a male—female pair. No differences in brood success were observed among these categories.
4. The female lays a larger clutch than ultimately will survive. Brood size is regulated after the egg stage, such that offspring number varies, but individual offspring size does not.
5. A large amount of unexplained variation exists in brood size, in both the laboratory and the field. This variation is probably caused by the environment, and not the reproductive physiology of the beetles. Competition with microbes is a likely candidate.
6. Differences exist not only between Nicrophorus species, but also between localities for a single species, suggesting adaptation to local environments.  相似文献   
1 Experiments were conducted to determine whether propagule loads on the twig beetles Pityophthorus setosus and Pityophthorus carmeli (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) influence the pathogen infection of the host tree in the Monterey pine- Fusarium circinatum system.
2 On an average, F. circinatum was isolated from 2.6% and 3.3% of trapped P. setosus and P. carmeli , respectively, although the isolation percentages varied over the season, being highest in the spring and lowest in late summer and fall for both species. Mean pathogen load was 13.4 and 22.6 propagules per beetle, on P. setosus and P. carmeli , respectively, and decreased from May to November for both species. The pathogen was also isolated from approximately 55% of both beetle species that emerged from infected branches. Mean propagule load on emerged P. setosus and P. carmeli was 39 and 66.5, respectively.
3 On the basis of these data, beetle species were treated with one of three propagule loads (low, medium, high) and caged onto live branches to determine whether they could transmit the pathogen. At all propagule loads, both species transmitted the pathogen, and transmission percentage and lesion length, a measure of tree susceptibility, were positively correlated with propagule load.
4 To investigate further whether the previous transmission by beetles could affect response of the same trees to subsequent infection with F. circinatum , different branches were inoculated on the same trees used in the transmission study, and lesion lengths were measured. Lesion lengths were lower on trees that had been previously exposed to beetles treated with high or medium propagule loads than on trees that had previously been exposed to beetles treated with low propagule loads. This suggests that the initial infection by beetles carrying high or medium propagule loads induced resistance to subsequent infections of the host, whereas infections caused by beetles with low propagule loads did not.  相似文献   
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