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This paper describes the analysis of cold-resistant revertants of a cold-sensitive mutant. Pm1-1 is a ribosomal mutation screened for its paromomycin resistance. Suppression of its cold sensitivity occurs with two kinds of external mutations localized in two different loci. One of them, PmB, is assumed to be a ribosomal gene. PmB mutations confer hypersensitivity to paromomycin in vivo as well as in vitro in a cell-free protein synthesis system.This work was supported by DGRST Grant MRM/P240 and NATO Grant 1637.  相似文献   
Fundamental genetic studies were initiated for the monoecious red alga Gelidium vagum. Color and sterility mutants were isolated and characterized to provide genetic tools, initially to identify hybrid plants when they occurred in crosses, and secondarily to eliminate self-fertilization altogether. When fertility phenotypes were scored, rapid onset of reproduction in culture was favored by long day-length, moderately high irradiance levels from fluorescent lights, warm temperature and the addition of Tris buffer to the medium. A recessive green mutant (designated grn 1) was characterized and used in subsequent crosses to allow a clear distinction between non-hybrid (green) and hybrid (red) offspring. Additional color mutants and a variety of reproductive mutants were also isolated and characterized. Male-sterile mutants had phenotypes ranging from apparently normal plants to those that produced no spermatia. Female-sterile mutants also included a variety of phenotypes, some plants having post-fertilization malfunctions during the development of the carposporophyte. Only a fraction of the sterility mutations have been phenotypically or genetically characterized, but some are straightforwardly inherited as stable, nuclear, single-gene defects. From the genetic recombination pattern, one female-sterile mutant may be loosely linked (39 cMorgans) to the grn 1 marker gene. Male sterility very effectively eliminated selfing without affecting the production of carpospores in crosses, thereby overcoming one of the most serious genetic difficulties in working with this monoecious species.  相似文献   
Summary Linker-insertion mutagenesis was used to isolate mutations in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RP021, also called RPBI). The mutant rpo21 alleles carried on a plamid were introduced into a haploid yeast strain that conditionally expresses RP021 from the inducible promoter pGAL10. Growth of this strain on medium containing glucose is sustained only if the plasmid-borne rpo21 allele encodes a functional protein. Of nineteen linker-insertion alleles tested, five (rpo21-4 to –8) were found that impose a temperature-sensitive (ts) lethal phenotype on yeast cells. Four of these five is alleles encode mutant proteins in which the site of insertion lies near one of the regions of the largest subunit that have been conserved during evolution. Two of the is mutants (rpo21-4 and rpo21-7) display pleiotropic phenotypes, including an auxotrophy for inositol and a decreased proliferation rate at the permissive temperature. The functional relationship between RP021 and RP026, the gene encoding the 17.9 kDa subunit shared by RNA polymerases 1, 11, and III was investigated by determining the ability of increased dosage of RP026 to suppress the is phenotype imposed by rpo21-4 to –8. Suppression of the is defect was specific for the rpo21-4 allele and was accompanied by co-suppression of the inositol auxotrophy. These results suggest that mutations in the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II can have profound effects on the expression of specific subsets of genes, such as those involved in the metabolism of inositol. In the rpo21-4 mutant, these pleiotropic phenotypes can be attributed to a defective interaction between the largest subunit and the RP026 subunit of RNA polymerase II.  相似文献   
A new system is described to determine the mutational spectra of mutagens and carcinogens in Escherichia coli; data on a limited number (142) of spontaneous mutants is presented. The mutational assay employs a method to select (rather than screen) for mutations in a supF target gene carried on a plasmid. The E. coli host cells (ES87) are lacI (am26), and carry the lacZΔM15 marker for α-complementation in β-galactosidase. When these cells also carry a plasmid, such as pUB3, which contains a wild-type copy of supF and lacZ-α, the lactose operon is repressed (off). Furthermore, supF suppression of laclum26 results in a lactose repressor that has an uninducible, laclS genotype, which makes the cells unable to grow on lactose minimal plates. In contrast, spontaneous or mutagen-induced supF mutations in pUB3 prevent suppresion of laclam26 and result in constitutive expression of the lactose operon, which permits growth on lactose minimal plates. The spontaneous mutation frequency in the supF gene is 0.7 and 1.0 × 10−6 without and with SOS induction, respectively. Spontaneous mutations are dominated by large insertions (67% in SOS-uninduced and 56% in SOS-induced cells), and their frequency of appearance is largely unaffected by SOS induction. These are identified by DNA sequencing to be Insertion Element: IS1 dominates, but IS4, IS5, gamma-delta and IS10 are also obtained. Large deletions also contribute significantly (19% and 15% for - SOS and +SOS, respectively), where a specific deletion between a 10 base pair direct repeat dominates; the frequency of appearance of these mutations also appears to be unaffected by SOS induction. In contrast, SOS induction increases base pairing mutations (13% and 27% for -SOS and +SOS, respectively), The ES87/pUB3 system has many advantages for determining mutational spectra, including the fact that mutant isolation is fast and simple, and the determination of mutational changes is rapid because of the small size of supF.  相似文献   
Summary Cultured cell lines from carrot (Daucus carota L.) with little or no embryogenic potential were examined for the auxin-binding capacity of their membranes. The lines belonged to different classes: (a) wild-type lines kept in culture for different periods (the longer the period, the lower being their embryogenic potential); (b) variants, isolated after mutagenesis, showing normal growth but a lack of embryogenic response; (c) auxin-resistant lines, isolated as colonies on solid media containing 45 M 2,4-d; (d) a previously described tumorous line (E9) isolated because of its resistance to hypomethylating drugs. All of these lines showed alterations in auxin-induced, auxin-binding capacity (modulation), i.e. in the non-embryogenic lines the addition of auxin increased the auxinbinding capacity to a very small degree, or removal of the hormone did not produce the proper decrease in that capacity, or both defects could be simultaneously present. Both types of defects were shown to be correctable: after treatments designed to increase the amplitude of modulation, embryogenic capacity was restored in a number of lines.  相似文献   
Dense-core granules represent an adaptation of specialized secretory cell to facilitate stimulus-regulated release of stored proteins. Such granules are a prominent feature of mammalian neuroendocrine and exocrine cells and are also well developed in the ciliates. In Tet-rahymena thermophila, the ability to generate mutants in dense-core granule biosynthesis and fusion presents a versatile system for dissecting steps in regulated exocytosis. We have previously shown that defective granules in such mutants could be characterized by several biochemical criteria, including buoyant density, which increases during maturation, and the degree of proteolytic processing of the content precursors. We have now used indirect immunofluorescence, taking advantage of a monoclonal antibody directed against a granule protein, to visualize the morphology and distribution of both granules and putative granule intermediates in mutant and wild-type cells. The results are consistent with the biochemical analysis and extend our characterization of the mutants, allowing us to distinguish four classes. In addition, the assay represents a powerful technique for diagnosis of new mutants. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The “bg” series of MHC mutations is the most prevalent type of mutations of Kb in C57BL/6 mice screened by reciprocal tail skin grafting. The basis for identification of this series of mutations is the incompatibility of grafts between the parental B6 and the mutant. This series takes the longest to reciprocally reject the skin grafts. The series can be subdivided into “bg 1” and “bg 2” groups based on Kb-restricted recognition of virus-infected mutant target cells. The biochemical basis for these mutations are amino acid substitutions at residues 116 and 121 of the Kb transplantation antigen. These substitutions do not alter monoclonal antibody binding sites. The structural basis of MAb binding and the genetic basis of the mutation are discussed. This study was supported in part by USPHS Grants AI-07289, AI-10702, NCI P30-CA-13330, American Cancer Society Grant IM-236, and American Cancer Society Fellowship PF-2126. Stanley G. Nathenson is a member of the Irvington House Institute for Medical Research.  相似文献   
We showed that in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, fructose-bisphosphatase is not subject to catabolite inactivation as it was observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, this enzyme activity is sensitive to catabolite repression in both yeasts. Two mutants lacking completely fructose-bisphosphatase activity were found. They were unable to grow on glycerol medium. They were still respiratory competent and exhibited the ability to derepress partially malate dehydrogenase activity. In glucose exponential phase culture, the parental strain lacks completely the fructosebisphosphatase activity due to catabolite repression. In these conditions, the growth is slowed down only in the mutants eventhough both mutants and their parental strain lack this enzyme activity. Normal sporulation and poor spore germination were observed for one mutant whereas, only in the presence of glucose, normal sporulation and normal spore germination were observed for the second mutant. Mendelian segregation of glycerol growth was found for the well germinating mutant. It is of nuclear heredity. The two mutations appeared to be closely linked.Abbreviations FBPase Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - fbp - genetic symbol for FBPase deficiency - glr - symbol for inability to grow on glycerol A. M. Colson is Research Associate au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique  相似文献   
Phage and colicin-resistant mutants were derived from Escherichia coli K-12P678. Two classes of phage T6 and colicin K-resistant mutants (genotype tsx) were isolated. Tsx-2 mutants, which demonstrated mucoid growth and increased sensitivities to many antibiotics, became sensitive to colicin K when pretreated with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), whereas Tsx-1 mutants did not. Reassociation of EDTA-released material partially restored resistance to colicin K for Tsx-2 mutants. When EDTA-released material from strain P678 was associated with either class of K-resistant mutant, an increase in colicin K sensitivity resulted. Observations suggest that colicin K can act on its target site once it penetrates the cell surface. In addition, results suggest that functional colicin K receptors can be transferred from sensitive to resistant strains, thus conferring colicin sensitivity.Non-standard Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
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