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Honeybees show a remarkable behavioral plasticity at the transition from nursing inside the hive to foraging for nectar and/or pollen outside. This plasticity is important for age‐related division of labor in honeybee colonies. The behavioral transition is associated with significant volume and synaptic changes in the mushroom bodies (MBs), brain centers for sensory integration, learning, and memory. We tested whether precocious sensory exposure to light leads to changes in the density of synaptic complexes [microglomeruli (MG)] in the MBs. The results show that exposure to light pulses over 3 days induces a significant decrease in the MG density in visual subregions (collar) of the MB. Earlier studies had shown that foragers have increased levels of juvenile hormone (JH) co‐occurring with a decrease of vitellogenin (Vg). Previous work further established that RNAi‐mediated knockdown of vg and ultraspiracle (usp) induced an upregulation of JH levels, which can lead to precocious foraging. By disturbing both Vg and JH pathways using gene knockdown of vg and usp, we tested whether the changes in the hormonal system directly affect MG densities. Our study shows that MG numbers remained unchanged when Vg and JH pathways were perturbed, suggesting no direct hormonal influences on MG densities. However, mass spectrometry detection of JH revealed that precocious light exposure triggered an increase in JH levels in the hemolymph (HL) of young bees. This suggests a dual effect following light exposure via direct effects on MG reorganization in the MB calyx and a possible positive feedback on HL JH levels. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 1141–1153, 2014  相似文献   
富含脯氨酸小蛋白-2在小鼠子宫中的表达及调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富含脯氨酸小蛋白(Sprrs)参与构建复层扁平上皮的角化细胞壳(CE),它们在子宫单层上皮中的作用还不清楚.采用RNA印迹和半定量RT-PCR方法,研究了Sprr2在小鼠动情周期和妊娠子宫中的表达及其激素调控.实验结果发现:Sprr2在动情前期和动情期表达上调,而动情后期和间情期表达下调.在妊娠初期表达迅速下调,直至临产期表达重新受到诱导并在产后达到高峰.鉴于其在不同生殖阶段子宫中独特的表达模式和在复层上皮中保护性的功能,推测Sprr2与子宫对交配和分娩所产生的应激反应有关.  相似文献   
Social Hymenoptera are characterized by a reproductive division of labor, whereby queens perform most of the reproduction and workers help to raise her offspring. A long‐lasting debate is whether queens maintain this reproductive dominance by manipulating their daughter workers into remaining sterile (queen control), or if instead queens honestly signal their fertility and workers reproduce according to their own evolutionary incentives (queen signaling). Here, we test these competing hypotheses using data from Vespine wasps. We show that in natural colonies of the Saxon wasp, Dolichovespula saxonica, queens emit reliable chemical cues of their true fertility and that these putative queen signals decrease as the colony develops and worker reproduction increases. Moreover, these putative pheromones of D. saxonica show significant conservation with those of Vespula vulgaris and other Vespinae, thereby arguing against fast evolution of signals as a result of a queen–worker arms race ensuing from queen control. Lastly, levels of worker reproduction in these species correspond well with their average colony kin structures, as predicted by the queen signaling hypothesis but not the queen control hypothesis. Altogether, this correlative yet comprehensive analysis provides compelling evidence that honest signaling explains levels of reproductive division of labor in social wasps.  相似文献   
This article measures the impact of fostering on children’s outcomes in Niger. We estimate a simultaneous equations model with three outcomes for children (school attendance, hours of market work and hours of domestic work) and a treatment variable (fostering). Nonlinearity provides identification by functional form of the causal effect of fostering. We further use information on the historical level of community integration of the child’s ethnicity and the relative importance of the ethnicity in the neighborhood to build a plausibly exogenous exclusion restriction in order to correct for the potential endogeneity of fostering. Our results sustain the overall conclusion that fostering has a positive impact on children’s school attendance and hours of domestic work. However, while foster boys and girls are both engaged in longer hours of domestic labor, only foster boys are advantaged in terms of schooling.  相似文献   
There are a number of seemingly "usual" thermal episodes during pregnancy for which it is relatively easy to determine a rudimentary aspect of thermal dose; these episodes include fever, labor, labor plus epidural, and the normally-occurring 0.5 degrees C temperature elevation above maternal core temperature of the fetus during the entirety of the third trimester. Complications can involve, for instance, fever during the third trimester. We consider the thermal doses of five different but "usual" or "normal" hyperthermic episodes during human pregnancy and compare those doses with the thermal doses involved with both single and cohort exposures of pregnant guinea pigs throughout their gestational period. The end-point studied in the guinea pigs was microencephaly. In nine of the 10 comparisons (human fetal thermal dose vs. guinea pig fetal thermal dose) the human dose is substantially larger than that of the guinea pig thermal dose, which was substantially teratogenic. This situation is essentially the inverse of the type of information contained in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) on drugs, in which it is not unusual to discern that at high drug levels there may be teratogenic effects in laboratory animals, but such effects were not observed at "clinical" drug levels in animals or subsequent clinical trials. With hyperthermic events, however, it appears that the teratogenically-effective thermal dose levels associated with animal testing are quite low relative to those thermal doses associated with relatively "normal" obstetric observations during a pregnancy.  相似文献   
Members of social insect colonies employ a large variety of chemical signals during their life. Of these, cuticular hydrocarbons are of primary importance for social insects since they allow for the recognition of conspecifics, nestmates and even members of different castes. The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the variation of the chemical profiles among workers of the stingless bee Melipona marginata, and (2) to investigate the dependence of the chemical profiles on the age and on the behavior of the studied individuals. The results showed that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of workers were composed of alkanes, alkenes and alkadienes that varied quantitatively and qualitatively according to function of workers in the colony.  相似文献   
Abstract Due to a trade-off between reproduction and life span, highly fertile individuals often live shorter lives than nonreproductive conspecifics. Perennial eusocial insects are exceptional in that reproductive queens live considerably longer than the nonreproductive workers. The two female castes may differ strongly in morphology, ontogeny, physiology, diet, behavior, and mating, and all these differences could be responsible for life span differences. In the ponerine ant Platythyrea punctata , morphological and ontogenetic caste differences do not exist. Instead, all workers are capable of producing diploid offspring through thelytokous parthenogenesis, and colonies are essentially clones. Here, we show that reproductives live significantly longer than nonreproductive workers. Reproductives stay in the nest during their whole life, whereas nonreproductives switch from intranidal tasks to foraging when they get older. Different work load and different hormone titers might proximately underlie the different life span of reproductives and nonreproductives in this ant.  相似文献   
This study examines the social stimuli that regulate brood-care behavior in the two physical castes of the ant Pheidole morrisi. By increasing the proportion of major workers in a colony, brood-care behavior could be induced in individuals of this caste, which do not normally care for brood. Minor and major worker brood-care rates increased with the proportion of majors in the colony or as the need for brood care increased. Changes in colony size did not significantly affect the rate of either minor or major brood care. Major workers began to care for brood when the caste ratio reached a critical threshold but did not appear to be as efficient at rearing larvae as minor workers, which normally perform this task. After a perturbation that skewed the caste ratio toward majors, minor workers increased their rate of brood care, apparently to compensate for the inefficiency of brood care provided by majors. These results suggest that caste plasticity involves a social mechanism of ldquo;coupled compensation that maintains the efficiency of labor by ensuring that tasks are completed.  相似文献   
Some social insects produce workers of variable size and/or shape. One hypothesis to explain such variation is that it increases colony efficiency in performing diverse tasks, with greater efficiency leading to greater colony-level fitness. Using the granivorous ant Messor pergandei, which produces a unimodal distribution of worker sizes, I explored two corollaries of this ergonomic hypothesis: that there should be detectable task-matching and that the mean size should shift predictably with a change in task. In five experiments conducted in different years and sites in California deserts, colonies were baited with fragments of wheat or millet ground and sieved to different sizes. In six of eight colonies so baited the minimum linear dimension or mass of seeds carried by foragers was significantly related to forager size, with r2 values ranging from 3 to 30%. In four of the five experiments, colonies were subsequently baited with either large seed fragments alone or small fragments alone. In three of these four experiments I detected a rapid response, over a few hours or days, in which foragers deployed by colonies shifted to larger or smaller mean size in directions predicted by size of the bait. These results suggest that an ergonomic function is one contributor to worker size polymorphism in M. pergandei. Although task-matching did not explain a substantial amount of the variance in forager size in all experiments, the rapid size shifts provide behavioral evidence that task-matching is important to colonies.  相似文献   
Hormone analyses and exocrine gland measurements were made to probe for physiological correlates of division of labor among similarly aged adult worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Middle-age bees (ca. 2 weeks old) performing different tasks showed significant differences in both juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis rates and hemolymph titers; guards and undertakers had high JH, and wax producers and food storers, low JH. Guards and undertakers had similar hormone levels to foragers, even though they were 10 days younger than foragers. No differences in JH were detected among young bees (1-week-old queen attendants and nurses) or older bees (3–4 week-old pollen foragers, non-pollen foragers, and soldiers). Hypopharyngeal gland size was inversely correlated with worker age and rate of JH biosynthesis, but soldiers had significantly larger hypopharyngeal glands than did foragers, despite their similar age and JH level. Results from soldiers indicate that exocrine gland development is not always linked with age-related behavior and endocrine development; they also support the recent claim that soldiers constitute a group of older bees that are distinct from foragers. Hormonal analyses indicate that the current model of JH's role in honey bee division of labor needs to be expanded because high levels of JH are associated with several other tasks besides foraging. JH may be involved in the regulation of division of labor among similarly aged workers in addition to its role in age-related division of labor.Abbreviations JH Juvenile hormone - RIA radioimmunoassay - CA corpora allata - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   
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