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Totals of 2.67 x 105 and 7.56 x 105 juvenile red sea bream of three size groups (10, 20 and 40 mm t.l.) marked with a fluorescent substance in the otolith were released in News Bay, Oita Prefecture, Japan, in July 1987 and June 1988, respectively; the aim was to estimate growth and mortality of different developmental stages.
Of fish released in 1987 and 1988, 10 618 and 4413, respectively were recaptured during those two years. Released fish remained in the bay until the end of summer, and afterwards migrated out towards open waters. Fish of the 40-mm group released in 1987 grew to over 200 mm t.l. in one year. Mean growth rate for 19 days after release was higher in the 40-mm group (0.87 mm day−1) than in the 20-mm group (0.74mm day−1). Survival rates over 19 days were 59.0 and 10.1 % for 40-mm and 20-mm fish, respectively, in 1987, and those over 30 days were 69.2, 3.3 and 0.0% for 40-mm, 20-mm and 10-mm fish, respectively, in 1988.
Cannibalism was indicated by the presence of marked otoliths for 20-mm fish in the stomachs of a few 40-mm individuals recaptured 2 days after release. Size-dependent growth and size-selective mortality were both noted in juvenile red sea bream, i.e. the relative size differential between larger and smaller individuals was maintained in the period between marking and recapture, and mortality was inversely proportional to size.  相似文献   
A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the Aspidosperma alkaloid vindoline has been developed. Antibody production was achieved by injection of vindoline-bovine serum albumin conjugate into rabbits. The RIA method is specific and sensitive with detection limits of 5 ng of alkaloid.  相似文献   
A soybean cytosolic glutamine synthetase gene (GS15) was fused with the constitutive 35S cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter in order to direct overexpression in Lotus corniculatus L. plants. Following transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, eight independent Lotus transformants were obtained which synthesized additional cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS) in the shoots. To eliminate any interference caused by the T-DNA from the Ri plasmid, three primary transformants were crossed with untransformed plants and progeny devoid of TL- and TR-DNA sequences were chosen for further analyses. These plants had a 50–80% increase in total leaf GS activity. Plants were grown under different nitrogen regimes (4 or 12 mM NH4 +) and aspects of carbon and nitrogen metabolism were examined. In roots, an increase in free amino acids and ammonium was accompanied by a decrease in soluble carbohydrates in the transgenic plants cultivated with 12 mM NH4 + in comparison to the wild type grown under the same conditions. Labelling experiments using 15NH4 + were carried out in order to monitor the influx of ammonium and its subsequent incorporation into amino acids. This experiment showed that both ammonium uptake in the roots and the subsequent translocation of amino acids to the shoots was lower in plants overexpressing GS. It was concluded that the build up of ammonium and the increase in amino acid concentration in the roots was the result of shoot protein degradation. Moreover, following three weeks of hydroponic culture early floral development was observed in the transformed plants. As all these properties are characteristic of senescent plants, these findings suggest that expression of cytosolic GS in the shoots may accelerate plant development, leading to early senescence and premature flowering when plants are grown on an ammonium-rich medium. Received: 17 July 1996 / Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   
Using the Phalloidin-Rhodamine flourescence-labelling technique for F-actin, we have studied the development of the body wall musculature in Macrostomum hystricinum marinum and in thepolyclad Hoploplana inquilina. The structure of the muscle grid in the freshly hatched Macrostomum (see also Rieger & Salvenmoser, 1991) and the young larva of Holplana served as reference systems for the embryonic development of the body wall musculature. In Macrostomum muscle fiber differentiation starts around 60% of developmental time between egg-laying and hatching, and in Hoploplana around 80% of embryonic development.In Macrostomum, early stages show TV-antenna-like arrangements of one longitudinal and several circular fibers. In Hoploplana our preliminary results show a particularly large, longitudinal fiber on either side of the body. These primary longitudinal fibers may serve as a founder cell for other longitudinal fibers and as spatial guides for the circular muscles. Similar founder cells have been reported during early muscle differentiation in leeches (Jellies & Kristan, 1988; Jellies, 1990). In Hoploplana, a special muscle system is present at the outset under the apical organ. It consists of what seems to be a spirally toranged fiber — when seen in head-on view — and of two additional fibers crossing this spiral, from the later developing posterior to the anterior lobe.TEM-studies of embryos of Macrostomum suggest that the longitudinal nerve cords represent an important guide during early differentiation of the pattern within the body wall musculature. Young stages of myoblasts can be identified along the main lateral nerve cord. Commonly, the myoblasts are seen to alternate with young neurons in their position along the nerve cord. Embryonic stages of Macrostomum hystricinum marinum were obtained from our cultures (Rieger et al., 1988). Immediately prior to fixation (Paraformaldehyde, Stephanini's fixative) the eggshells were punctured with tungsten needles. We noted some variability of developmental time for certain embryonic stages, which we cannot explain. Developmental stages of Hoploplana inquilina were collected at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA according to the procedure outlined in Boyer (1987) and Boyer (1989). They have been timed in relation to normal developmental time to an early Müller's larva at about 100 hours.  相似文献   
Partial degradations of (+)-isothujone biosynthesised in Tanacetum vulgare after feeding IPP-[4-14C], DMAPP-[4-14C] or 3,3-dimethylacrylate-[Me-14C], and of geraniol and (+)-pulegone formed in Pelargonium graveolens and Mentha pulegium respectively after uptake of 3,3-dimethylacrylate-[Me-14C], indicated that none of these metabolites was a direct source of the part of the monoterpene skeleton derived hypothetically from DMAPP. Uptake of glucose-[U14C] into P. graveolens led, in contrast, to both IPP and DMAPP-derived moieties of geraniol being extensively labelled. Feeding of l-valine-[U-14C] and l-leucine-[U-14C] to all three plants resulted in negligible incorporation of tracer into monoterpenes. A soluble enzyme system prepared from foliage of T. vulgare that had been exposed to CO2-[14C] for 20 days converted isotopically-normal IPP into GPP with the DMAPP-derived portion containing essentially all (>98%) of the radioactivity present. These observations and those previously obtained from feeding experiments with other [14C]-labelled precursors on the same plant species are consistent with the occurrence of two metabolic pools of intermediates for monoterpene biosynthesis, one of which is probably protein-bonded.  相似文献   
Parasitic wasps are prominent natural enemies of crop pests. They usually feed on floral resources during the adult stage (nectar, pollen, or honeydew). Extrafloral nectar is an alternative source of sugar easily accessible to adult parasitoids. We developed an original method of nectar labelling based on the injection of labelled sugar solution into the plant stem in order to analyse the nectar uptake by parasitoids (cotton wick method). This method was used to artificially enrich extrafloral cornflower, Centaurea cyanus L. (Asteraceae), nectar with the stable isotope 13C. We analysed (1) the transfer of 13C from the sugar solution into extrafloral nectaries, (2) the uptake of labelled nectar by parasitoids under laboratory conditions, and (3) the ability of the method to discriminate, in an oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., Brassicaceae) field, between labelled parasitoids (i.e., those who have fed on labelled cornflowers located adjacent to the field) and unlabelled parasitoids to track parasitoid movements from the margin into the field. The extrafloral nectar of all test plants was 13C‐labelled. Most (66%) of the parasitoids were identified as marked after 96 h of exposure to labelled plants in the laboratory. We could also detect labelled parasitoids inside the field, but the detection rate was only 1%. The experiments clearly demonstrate that the cotton wick method is appropriate to label extrafloral nectar and parasitoids feeding on this labelled nectar. Further research is needed on the amount of labelled extrafloral nectar required to obtain a sufficient marker level to track parasitoid movements in the field.  相似文献   
Detailed studies comparing solid‐supported l ‐ or d ‐amino acid adhesion peptides based on the sequence KLHRIRA were performed. Stability towards proteases and levels of cellular adhesion to the otherwise inert surface of PEGA resin were compared by using fluorescently labelled peptides. A clear difference in the peptide stability towards cleavage by subtilisin, trypsin, or papain was observed. However, all of the on‐bead peptides provided an optimal surface for cell adhesion and proliferation. In long‐term experiments, these properties were still found to be similar on the resins modified either with l ‐ or with d‐ amino acids and unaffected by the nature of their fluorescence labelling at either terminus. These results support that the more accessible l ‐amino acids can be utilized for cell adhesion experiments and confirm the nonspecific interaction mechanism of cell binding to these peptides on the bead surface. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Temperate forest 15N isotope trace experiments find nitrogen (N) addition‐driven carbon (C) uptake is modest as little additional N is acquired by trees; however, several correlations of ambient N deposition against forest productivity imply a greater effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition than these studies. We asked whether N deposition experiments adequately represent all processes found in ambient conditions. In particular, experiments typically apply 15N to directly to forest floors, assuming uptake of nitrogen intercepted by canopies (CNU) is minimal. Additionally, conventional 15N additions typically trace mineral 15N additions rather than litter N recycling and may increase total N inputs above ambient levels. To test the importance of CNU and recycled N to tree nutrition, we conducted a mesocosm experiment, applying 54 g N/15N ha?1 yr?1 to Sitka spruce saplings. We compared tree and soil 15N recovery among treatments where enrichment was due to either (1) a 15N‐enriched litter layer, or mineral 15N additions to (2) the soil or (3) the canopy. We found that 60% of 15N applied to the canopy was recovered above ground (in needles, stem and branches) while only 21% of 15N applied to the soil was found in these pools. 15N recovery from litter was low and highly variable. 15N partitioning among biomass pools and age classes also differed among treatments, with twice as much 15N found in woody biomass when deposited on the canopy than soil. Stoichiometrically calculated N effect on C uptake from 15N applied to the soil, scaled to real‐world conditions, was 43 kg C kg N?1, similar to manipulation studies. The effect from the canopy treatment was 114 kg C kg N?1. Canopy treatments may be critical to accurately represent N deposition in the field and may address the discrepancy between manipulative and correlative studies.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the preparation of a series of new phosphorescent labelling reagents, based on monosubstituted palladium(II) coproporphyrin‐I and the isothiocyanato reactive group. The labelling reagents differ with respect to the chemical composition of the linker unit that combines the reactive group and the porphyrin chromophore. Altogether, seven different labelling reagents are prepared. The new labelling reagents are conjugated with monoclonal mouse IgG to yield label conjugates with variable degrees of conjugation. The effect is studied of linker unit on: (a) the conjugation reaction kinetics; (b) the biological activity of the resulting IgG conjugates; and (c) the efficiency of phosphorescence emission. The results show that an increase in the length of the linker unit has a positive effect on both the reactivity of the label and the biological activity of the resulting conjugates. In addition, the results indicate that the labels with the most hydrophilic linker units exhibit the highest phosphorescence emission efficiencies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Methylotrophic yeast has previously been shown to be an excellent system for the cost-effective production of perdeuterated biomass and for the heterologous expression of membrane receptors. A protocol for the expression of 85% deuterated, functional human -opiate receptor was established. For partially deuterated biomass, deuteration level and distribution were determined for fatty acids, amino acids and carbohydrates. It was shown that prior to biosynthesis of lipids and amino acids (and of carbohydrates, to a lower extent), exchange occurs between water and methanol hydrogen atoms, so that 80%–90% randomly deuterated biomass and over-expressed proteins may be obtained using only deuterated water.  相似文献   
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