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Skin-mounted marker based motion capture systems are widely used in measuring the movement of human joints. Kinematic measurements associated with skin-mounted markers are subject to soft tissue artifacts (STA), since the markers follow skin movement, thus generating errors when used to represent motions of underlying bone segments. We present a novel ultrasound tracking system that is capable of directly measuring tibial and femoral bone surfaces during dynamic motions, and subsequently measuring six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) tibiofemoral kinematics. The aim of this study is to quantitatively compare the accuracy of tibiofemoral kinematics estimated by the ultrasound tracking system and by a conventional skin-mounted marker based motion capture system in a cadaveric experimental scenario. Two typical tibiofemoral joint models (spherical and hinge models) were used to derive relevant kinematic outcomes. Intra-cortical bone pins equipped with optical markers were inserted in the tibial and femoral bones to serve as a reference to provide ground truth kinematics. The ultrasound tracking system resulted in lower kinematic errors than the skin-mounted markers (the ultrasound tracking system: maximum root-mean-square (RMS) error 3.44° for rotations and 4.88 mm for translations, skin-mounted markers with the spherical joint model: 6.32° and 6.26 mm, the hinge model: 6.38° and 6.52 mm). Our proposed ultrasound tracking system has the potential of measuring direct bone kinematics, thereby mitigating the influence and propagation of STA. Consequently, this technique could be considered as an alternative method for measuring 6-DOF tibiofemoral kinematics, which may be adopted in gait analysis and clinical practice.  相似文献   
In the human hand, independent movement control of individual fingers is limited. One potential cause for this is mechanical connections between the tendons and muscle bellies corresponding to the different fingers. The aim of this study was to determine the tendon displacement of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) of both the instructed and the neighboring, non-instructed fingers during single finger flexion movements. In nine healthy subjects (age 22–29 years), instructed and non-instructed FDS finger tendon displacement of the index, middle and ring finger was measured using 2D ultrasound analyzed with speckle tracking software in two conditions: active flexion of all finger joints with all fingers free to move and active flexion while the non-instructed fingers were restricted. Our results of the free movement protocol showed an average tendon displacement of 27 mm for index finger flexion, 21 mm for middle finger flexion and 17 mm for ring finger flexion. Displacements of the non-instructed finger tendons (≈12 mm) were higher than expected based of the amount of non-instructed finger movement. In the restricted protocol, we found that, despite minimal joint movements, substantial non-instructed finger tendon displacement (≈9 mm) was still observed, which was interpreted as a result of tendon strain. When this strain component was subtracted from the tendon displacement of the non-instructed fingers during the free movement condition, the relationship between finger movement and tendon displacement of the instructed and non-instructed finger became comparable. Thus, when studying non-instructed finger tendon displacement it is important to take tendon strain into consideration.  相似文献   
Modeling tools related to the musculoskeletal system have been previously developed. However, the integration of the real underlying functional joint behavior is lacking and therefore available kinematic models do not reasonably replicate individual human motion. In order to improve our understanding of the relationships between muscle behavior, i.e. excursion and motion data, modeling tools must guarantee that the model of joint kinematics is correctly validated to ensure meaningful muscle behavior interpretation. This paper presents a model-based method that allows fusing accurate joint kinematic information with motion analysis data collected using either marker-based stereophotogrammetry (MBS) (i.e. bone displacement collected from reflective markers fixed on the subject's skin) or markerless single-camera (MLS) hardware. This paper describes a model-based approach (MBA) for human motion data reconstruction by a scalable registration method for combining joint physiological kinematics with limb segment poses. The presented results and kinematics analysis show that model-based MBS and MLS methods lead to physiologically-acceptable human kinematics. The proposed method is therefore available for further exploitation of the underlying model that can then be used for further modeling, the quality of which will depend on the underlying kinematic model.  相似文献   
Designing motor vehicle safety systems requires knowledge of whole body kinematics during dynamic loading for occupants of varying size and age, often obtained from sled tests with postmortem human subjects and human volunteers. Recently, we reported pediatric and adult responses in low-speed (<4 g) automotive-like impacts, noting reductions in maximum excursion with increasing age. Since the time-based trajectory shape is also relevant for restraint design, this study quantified the time-series trajectories using basis splines and developed a statistical model for predicting trajectories as a function of body dimension or age. Previously collected trajectories of the head, spine, and pelvis were modeled using cubic basis splines with eight control points. A principal component analysis was conducted on the control points and related to erect seated height using a linear regression model. The resulting statistical model quantified how trajectories became shorter and flatter with increasing body size, corresponding to the validation data-set. Trajectories were then predicted for erect seated heights corresponding to pediatric and adult anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs), thus generating performance criteria for the ATDs based on human response. This statistical model can be used to predict trajectories for a subject of specified anthropometry and utilized in subject-specific computational models of occupant response.  相似文献   
We developed a Kalman smoothing algorithm to improve estimates of joint kinematics from measured marker trajectories during motion analysis. Kalman smoothing estimates are based on complete marker trajectories. This is an improvement over other techniques, such as the global optimisation method (GOM), Kalman filtering, and local marker estimation (LME), where the estimate at each time instant is only based on part of the marker trajectories. We applied GOM, Kalman filtering, LME, and Kalman smoothing to marker trajectories from both simulated and experimental gait motion, to estimate the joint kinematics of a ten segment biomechanical model, with 21 degrees of freedom. Three simulated marker trajectories were studied: without errors, with instrumental errors, and with soft tissue artefacts (STA). Two modelling errors were studied: increased thigh length and hip centre dislocation. We calculated estimation errors from the known joint kinematics in the simulation study. Compared with other techniques, Kalman smoothing reduced the estimation errors for the joint positions, by more than 50% for the simulated marker trajectories without errors and with instrumental errors. Compared with GOM, Kalman smoothing reduced the estimation errors for the joint moments by more than 35%. Compared with Kalman filtering and LME, Kalman smoothing reduced the estimation errors for the joint accelerations by at least 50%. Our simulation results show that the use of Kalman smoothing substantially improves the estimates of joint kinematics and kinetics compared with previously proposed techniques (GOM, Kalman filtering, and LME) for both simulated, with and without modelling errors, and experimentally measured gait motion.  相似文献   
The accuracy and reliability of a sonomicrometry system (Sonometrics Corporation, Ontario, Canada) was evaluated for its potential use in measuring 3-D in vivo joint kinematics. Distances between different sets of piezoelectric crystals were measured through a salt solution using ultrasound technology. We evaluated crystal-to-crystal distance under simulated in vivo conditions of changing crystal orientation and displacement magnitude. Crystal-to-crystal distance was also evaluated under changing solution temperature, since the crystals may be used at different temperatures. The 2 mm round and peg crystals were accurate to within 0.5mm for 0 through 180 degrees rotations, but the 2mm round suture loop crystals were only reliable at 0 degrees rotation. The speed of sound through a salt solution (and hence the distance between crystals) versus temperature was fit using a second order polynomial, C=1421.1+3.9808T-3.09x10(-2)T2, with an R2 value of 0.9998. The translational error was less than 0.072 mm for crystal displacements of 0.012, 0.2, 1.0, and 5.0 mm. The system was also accurate under dynamic conditions with translational errors that were less than 0.045 mm under 0.65 Hz motion. These results suggest that the Sonometrics crystals possess attributes (translational accuracy and rotational independence) that could provide the basis for a system capable of measuring joint kinematics.  相似文献   
Abstract. The growth response of etiolated cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) hypocotyls to gravitropic stimulation was examined by means of time-lapse photography and high-resolution analysis of surface expansion and curvature. In comparison with video analysis, the technique described here has five- to 20-fold better resolution; moreover, the mathematical fitting method (cubic splines) allows direct estimation of local and integrated curvature. After switching seedlings from a vertical to horizontal position, both upper and lower surfaces of the stem reacted after a lag of about 11 min with a two- to three-fold increase in surface expansion rate on the lower side and a cessation of expansion, or slight compression, on the upper surface. This growth asymmetry was initiated simultancously along the length of the hypocotyl, on both upper and lower surfaces, and did not migrate basipetally from the apex. Later stages in the gravitropic response involved a complex reversal of the growth asymmetry, with the net result being a basipetal migration of the curved region. This secondary growth reversal may reflect oscillatory and or self-regulatory behaviour of growing cells. With some qualifications, the kinetics and pattern of growth response are consistent with a mechanism involving hormone redistribution, although they do not prove such a mechanism. The growth kinetics require a growth mechanism which can be stimulated by two-to three-fold or completely inhibited within a few minutes.  相似文献   
The introduction of animal‐borne, multisensor tags has opened up many opportunities for ecological research, making previously inaccessible species and behaviors observable. The advancement of tag technology and the increasingly widespread use of bio‐logging tags are leading to large volumes of sometimes extremely detailed data. With the increasing quantity and duration of tag deployments, a set of tools needs to be developed to aid in facilitating and standardizing the analysis of movement sensor data. Here, we developed an observation‐based decision tree method to detect feeding events in data from multisensor movement tags attached to fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus). Fin whales exhibit an energetically costly and kinematically complex foraging behavior called lunge feeding, an intermittent ram filtration mechanism. Using this automated system, we identified feeding lunges in 19 fin whales tagged with multisensor tags, during a total of over 100 h of continuously sampled data. Using movement sensor and hydrophone data, the automated lunge detector correctly identified an average of 92.8% of all lunges, with a false‐positive rate of 9.5%. The strong performance of our automated feeding detector demonstrates an effective, straightforward method of activity identification in animal‐borne movement tag data. Our method employs a detection algorithm that utilizes a hierarchy of simple thresholds based on knowledge of observed features of feeding behavior, a technique that is readily modifiable to fit a variety of species and behaviors. Using automated methods to detect behavioral events in tag records will significantly decrease data analysis time and aid in standardizing analysis methods, crucial objectives with the rapidly increasing quantity and variety of on‐animal tag data. Furthermore, our results have implications for next‐generation tag design, especially long‐term tags that can be outfitted with on‐board processing algorithms that automatically detect kinematic events and transmit ethograms via acoustic or satellite telemetry.  相似文献   
Muscle activity is for decades considered to provide health benefits irrespectively of the muscle activity pattern performed and whether it is during e.g. sports, transportation, or occupational work tasks. Accordingly, the international recommendations for public health-promoting physical activity do not distinguish between occupational and leisure time physical activity. However, in this body of literature, attention has not been paid to the extensive documentation on occupational physical activity imposing a risk of impairment of health – in particular musculoskeletal health in terms of muscle pain. Focusing on muscle activity patterns and musculoskeletal health it is pertinent to elucidate the more specific aspects regarding exposure profiles and body regional pain. Static sustained muscle contraction for prolonged periods often occurs in the neck/shoulder area during occupational tasks and may underlie muscle pain development in spite of rather low relative muscle load. Causal mechanisms include a stereotype recruitment of low threshold motor units (activating type 1 muscle fibers) characterized by a lack of temporal as well as spatial variation in recruitment. In contrast during physical activities at leisure and sport the motor recruitment patterns are more dynamic including regularly relatively high muscle forces – also activating type 2 muscles fibers – as well as periods of full relaxation even of the type 1 muscle fibers. Such activity is unrelated to muscle pain development if adequate recovery is granted. However, delayed muscle soreness may develop following intensive eccentric muscle activity (e.g. down-hill skiing) with peak pain levels in thigh muscles 1–2 days after the exercise bout and a total recovery within 1 week. This acute pain profile is in contrast to the chronic muscle pain profile related to repetitive monotonous work tasks. The painful muscles show adverse functional, morphological, hormonal, as well as metabolic characteristics. Of note is that intensive muscle strength training actually may rehabilitate painful muscles, which has recently been repeatedly proven in randomized controlled trials. With training the maximal muscle activation and strength can be shown to recover, and consequently allow for decreased relative muscle load during occupational repetitive work tasks. Exercise training induces adaptation of metabolic and stress-related mRNA and protein responses in the painful muscles, which is in contrast to the responses evoked during repetitive work tasks per se.  相似文献   
The dynamic function of the rabbit temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was analyzed through non-invasive, three-dimensional skeletal kinematics, providing essential knowledge for understanding normal joint motion. The objective of this study was to evaluate and determine repeatable measurements of rabbit TMJ kinematics. Maximal distances, as well as paths were traced and analyzed for the incisors and for the condyle–fossa relationship. From one rabbit to another, the rotations and translations of both the incisors and the condyle relative to the fossa contained multiple clear, repeatable patterns. The slope of the superior/inferior incisor distance with respect to the rotation about the transverse axis was repeatable to 0.14 mm/deg and the right/left incisor distance with respect to the rotation about the vertical axis was repeatable to 0.03 mm/deg. The slope of the superior/inferior condylar translation with respect to the rotational movement about the transverse axis showed a consistent relationship to within 0.05 mm/deg. The maximal translations of the incisors and condyles were also consistent within and between rabbits. With an understanding of the normal mechanics of the TMJ, kinematics can be used to compare and understand TMJ injury and degeneration models.  相似文献   
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