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Host range is a critical life history trait of parasites, influencing prevalence, virulence and ultimately determining their distributional extent. Current approaches to measure host range are sensitive to sampling effort, the number of known hosts increasing with more records. Here, we develop a novel application of results-based stopping rules to determine how many hosts should be sampled to yield stable estimates of the number of primary hosts within regions, then use species richness estimation to predict host ranges of parasites across their distributional ranges. We selected three mistletoe species (hemiparasitic plants in the Loranthaceae) to evaluate our approach: a strict host specialist (Amyema lucasii, dependent on a single host species), an intermediate species (Amyema quandang, dependent on hosts in one genus) and a generalist (Lysiana exocarpi, dependent on many genera across multiple families), comparing results from geographically-stratified surveys against known host lists derived from herbarium specimens. The results-based stopping rule (stop sampling bioregion once observed host richness exceeds 80% of the host richness predicted using the Abundance-based Coverage Estimator) worked well for most bioregions studied, being satisfied after three to six sampling plots (each representing 25 host trees) but was unreliable in those bioregions with high host richness or high proportions of rare hosts. Although generating stable predictions of host range with minimal variation among six estimators trialled, distribution-wide estimates fell well short of the number of hosts known from herbarium records. This mismatch, coupled with the discovery of nine previously unrecorded mistletoe-host combinations, further demonstrates the limited ecological relevance of simple host-parasite lists. By collecting estimates of host range of constrained completeness, our approach maximises sampling efficiency while generating comparable estimates of the number of primary hosts, with broad applicability to many host-parasite systems.  相似文献   
Evolutionary history of Muscicapidae flycatchers is inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence comparisons and population genetic analysis of nuclear and mtDNA markers. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on sequences from the two genomes yielded similar trees with respect to the order at which the species split off. However, the genetic distances fitted a nonlinear, polynomial model reflecting diminishing divergence rate of the mtDNA sequences compared to the nuclear DNA sequences. This could be explained by Haldane's rule because genetic isolation might evolve more rapidly on the mitochondrial rather than the nuclear genome in birds. This is because hybrid sterility of the heterogametic sex (females) would predate that of the homogametic sex (males), leading to sex biased introgression of nuclear genes. Analyses of present hybrid zones of pied (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) may indicate a slight sexual bias in rate of introgression, but the introgression rates were too low to allow proper statistical analyses. It is suggested, however, that the observed deviation from linearity can be explained by a more rapid mutational saturation of the mtDNA sequences than of the nuclear DNA sequences, as supported by analyses of third codon position transversions at two protein coding mtDNA genes. A phylogeographic scenario for the black and white flycatcher species is suggested based on interpretation of the genetic data obtained. Four species appear to have diverged from a common ancestor relatively simultaneously during the Pleistocene. After the last glaciation period, pied and collared flycatchers expanded their breeding ranges and eventually came into secondary contact in Central and Eastern Europe and on the Baltic Isles.  相似文献   
All evidence currently available indicates that obligatory sterile eusocial castes only arose via the association of lifetime monogamous parents and offspring. This is consistent with Hamilton''s rule (brs > roc), but implies that relatedness cancels out of the equation because average relatedness to siblings (rs) and offspring (ro) are both predictably 0.5. This equality implies that any infinitesimally small benefit of helping at the maternal nest (b), relative to the cost in personal reproduction (c) that persists throughout the lifespan of entire cohorts of helpers suffices to establish permanent eusociality, so that group benefits can increase gradually during, but mostly after the transition. The monogamy window can be conceptualized as a singularity comparable with the single zygote commitment of gametes in eukaryotes. The increase of colony size in ants, bees, wasps and termites is thus analogous to the evolution of multicellularity. Focusing on lifetime monogamy as a universal precondition for the evolution of obligate eusociality simplifies the theory and may help to resolve controversies about levels of selection and targets of adaptation. The monogamy window underlines that cooperative breeding and eusociality are different domains of social evolution, characterized by different sectors of parameter space for Hamilton''s rule.  相似文献   
The range size distributions of 6643 species in ten different fish and invertebrate taxa dwelling in pelagic (latitudinal range sizes) and benthic (latitudinal and depth range sizes) habitats on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (80°N−70°S) were studied. The objectives were to analyse: (1) the range size distribution patterns for the various taxa and whether they have right/left skewed or lognormal distributions; (2) the geographical species distributions, to ascertain whether the distribution ranges change with latitude (Rapoport's rule); and (3) the relationship between the depth ranges of benthic species and their maximum depth of occurrence and how depth range size distributions change with latitude. The pelagic taxa exhibited larger range sizes than did the benthic taxa, continental slope/rise species excepted. On the other hand, the boundaries between geographical provinces for both benthic taxa and pelagic taxa tended to occur in association with major oceanographic processes. The shape of the latitudinal range frequency distributions (LRFDs) of the pelagic organisms were distinctly left‐skewed, and the LRFDs for most taxa were significantly different from lognormal. There was no common pattern for the distributions of the benthic organisms, which were lognormal in Cephalopoda, Stomatopoda, and Crustacea Decapoda and tended to be left‐skewed and significantly different from lognormal in Pisces. The applicability of Rapoport's rule was not clearly inferable from the results, and the rule appears to be conditioned by the location of biogeographical boundaries and the endemism rate in the different biogeographical provinces. A clear increase in depth range size with maximum depth range was observable for benthic species, confirming previous studies. Species’ depth range distributions displayed a discernible latitudinal pattern, right‐skewed at high latitudes and left‐skewed at low latitudes. The location of biogeographical boundaries, and endemism rate by biogeographical province were considered to be the factors most useful in explaining species’ distribution patterns and their conformity or nonconformity to Rapoport's rule. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80 , 437–455.  相似文献   
As temperatures increase, there is growing evidence that species across much of the tree of life are getting smaller. These climate change-driven size reductions are often interpreted as a temporal analogue of the observation that individuals within a species tend to be smaller in the warmer parts of the species'' range. For ectotherms, there has been a broad effort to understand the role of developmental plasticity in temperature–size relationships, but in endotherms, this mechanism has received relatively little attention in favour of selection-based explanations. We review the evidence for a role of developmental plasticity in warming-driven size reductions in birds and highlight insulin-like growth factors as a potential mechanism underlying plastic responses to temperature in endotherms. We find that, as with ectotherms, changes in temperature during development can result in shifts in body size in birds, with size reductions associated with warmer temperatures being the most frequent association. This suggests developmental plasticity may be an important, but largely overlooked, mechanism underlying warming-driven size reductions in endotherms. Plasticity and natural selection have very different constraining forces, thus understanding the mechanism linking temperature and body size in endotherms has broad implications for predicting future impacts of climate change on biodiversity.  相似文献   
尺度变换的正确率分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用优势规则和随机规则为基础的尺度分析方法.对分类的TM数据(景观类型图,包含8类型)进行了尺度变换分析。随着尺度的增加。优势规则分析方法使景观中优势景观类型的面积增加,相反.面积较小的非优势景观类型的面积减少。随机规则使各景观类型的面积基本上保持不变。随着尺度的增加.随机Kappa指数、位置Kappa指数和标准Kappa指数减少。在优势规则分析法中数量Kappa指数减少,但在随机规则为基础的处理中它保持100%。优势规则处理中的正确率大于随机规则处理的。由景观类型的面积百分比引起的数量正确率在优势规则处理中增加.但在随机规则处理中保持9.64%不变;相反数量错误在优势规则处理中明显增加。但在随机规则处理中少量增加。偶然正确率保持12.50%不变。位置正确率减少,相反位置错误明显增加。层和亚层水平上的位置正确率和错误的变化不明显.而网格水平上的位置正确率和错误大幅度减少。网格水平上的位置正确率和错误率决定了整个位置正确率和错误率.同时位置正确率和错误率基本上决定了整个正确率和错误率。标准Kappa指数大于等于70%作为选择依据.认为210m是优势规则处理法的尺度阈值,150m是随机规则处理法的尺度阈值。欲提高尺度阈值,必须改变研究范围或分类系统。  相似文献   
神农架海拔梯度上的植物种域分布特征及Rapoport法则检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据Rapoport法则, 动物、植物物种的纬度或海拔分布宽度存在着从高纬度或高海拔地区向低纬度或低海拔地区逐渐变窄的现象。本文基于物种的海拔分布数据, 分析了神农架维管束植物及不同种域宽度组的物种丰富度海拔格局; 采用已有的4种方法和本文改进的种域分组中点法, 分析了海拔梯度上种域宽度与种域中点的关系, 并检验其是否符合Rapoport法则。结果表明, 神农架地区维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度分布格局呈单峰型, 峰值在1,000–1,500 m; 不同种域组的物种丰富度分布具有类似的单峰格局, 但随着种域宽度减小, 其物种丰富度的峰值逐渐偏向低海拔。对于神农架的物种海拔分布数据, Stevens方法、Pagel方法和逐种方法的结果都支持Rapoport法则, 而中点法的结果主要反映中域效应的影响, 种域分组中点法可有效控制中域效应的影响, 但不支持Rapoport法则。上述结果表明, 对于Rapoport法则的检验亟待研究方法的改进; 而种域的海拔格局及其形成机制, 还需要更多案例的比较研究, 才能形成普遍性的认识。  相似文献   
On the origins of triterpenoid skeletal diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu R  Fazio GC  Matsuda SP 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(3):261-291
The triterpenoids are a large group of natural products derived from C(30) precursors. Nearly 200 different triterpene skeletons are known from natural sources or enzymatic reactions that are structurally consistent with being cyclization products of squalene, oxidosqualene, or bis-oxidosqualene. This review categorizes each of these structures and provides mechanisms for their formation.  相似文献   
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread and variable in nature. Although female‐biased SSD predominates among insects, the proximate ecological and evolutionary factors promoting this phenomenon remain largely unstudied. Here, we employ modern phylogenetic comparative methods on eight subfamilies of Iberian grasshoppers (85 species) to examine the validity of different models of evolution of body size and SSD and explore how they are shaped by a suite of ecological variables (habitat specialization, substrate use, altitude) and/or constrained by different evolutionary pressures (female fecundity, strength of sexual selection, length of the breeding season). Body size disparity primarily accumulated late in the history of the group and did not follow a Brownian motion pattern, indicating the existence of directional evolution for this trait. We found support for the converse of Rensch's rule (i.e. females are proportionally bigger than males in large species) across all taxa but not within the two most speciose subfamilies (Gomphocerinae and Oedipodinae), which showed an isometric pattern. Our results do not provide support for the fecundity or sexual selection hypotheses, and we did not find evidence for significant effects of habitat use. Contrary to that expected, we found that species with narrower reproductive window are less dimorphic in size than those that exhibit a longer breeding cycle, suggesting that male protandry cannot solely account for the evolution of female‐biased SSD in Orthoptera. Our study highlights the need to consider alternatives to the classical evolutionary hypotheses when trying to explain why in certain insect groups males remain small.  相似文献   
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